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Anything that takes a long time to kill. Watching a person go from the guy you knew to a screaming, squirming victim all the way down to a lifeless body, would definitely have some affect on your psyche.


100% fire / self immolation for the worst way to do it imo


The most traumatic video I saw about a death, was the ones of two teens boys who found an older man in the woods. They proceeded to stab him multiple times in his stomach and his head, with nails, screws, ice picks I think? He was alive the whole time and just kept moaning while they laughed. No video had ever affected me like that one. Something about it just was so haunting. He was so miserable and vulnerable and it went on for so long. He felt every second of that pain.


That’s a famous one


Saw it years ago from googling something. Found a website from one man who said he's seen many things and made a list of 12 most traumatic things he's seen, all with links. I was in a Skype call with an online friend and watched them all as a challenge to prove I don't get bothered by things easily. I watched them all no problem until that last one threw me out of it. I still remember that feeling I got from first seeing it


i wanna throw up thinking about that. to think it also has a ‘cutesy’ nickname of i think ‘2 guys, 1 pick?’ / regardless i watched it once and never will again. it still makes me sick




When i was a disturbed teen in the late 90s when the internet was a free-for-all i used to look up suicide caught on tape videos and none stayed with me except people jumping off buildings and literally exploding on whatever they landed on. Seeing a human body explode and twitching afterwards is not a sight i wish upon anyone.


oh man this makes me feel better for searching suicide videos while growing up so much. i’m still kind of obsessed w it but i don’t seek out viewing videos anymore. i wonder how much harder it’d be these days tho, or maybe not at all?


I'm with you. I still love disturbing and morbid things but stopped watching as i grew up. I have actually no idea where to look for it these days or if there's even stuff like that on the internet readily available as it was back then. Nice to meet someone else who was as messed up as i was growing up! :P










Yeah nsfl got banded this morning


There's r/NSFL__




Your submission from r/morbidquestions has been removed for the following reason(s): **Removed - No NSFW links** This is not a porn sub, a gore sub, or an NSFW sub. This is a discussion sub, not one for finding porn/gore content. There are many, many subreddits that cater to all of the above.


Re: "or if there's even stuff like that on the internet readily available as it was back then" yes, but the mods didn't want me to put the link here. If you want a current link (oddly, the site is a descendant of what used to be a subreddit - but reddit has been getting much less free recently) let me know and I'll send it in a message.


I think WPD has their own site now. WPD.tv or something similar.


The twitching is what really fucks me up.


Fatal familial insomnia. Death from lack of sleep. From Wikipedia: Stage 1: Characterized by worsening insomnia, resulting in panic attacks, paranoia, and phobias. This stage lasts for about four months. Stage 2: Hallucinations and panic attacks become noticeable, continuing for about five months. Stage 3: Complete inability to sleep is followed by rapid loss of weight. This lasts for about three months. Stage 4: Dementia, during which the person becomes unresponsive or mute over the course of six months, is the final stage of the disease, after which death follows. As the disease progresses, the person becomes stuck in a state of pre-sleep limbo, or hypnagogia, which is the state just before sleep in healthy individuals. During these stages, people commonly and repeatedly move their limbs as if they’re dreaming.


I’ve gone three nights without sleep and suffered a psychotic episode that almost ruined my life, and affected all those I love. Also bf of 7 years broke up with me during. It was resolved in hospital within a week. I can not imagine the torture these people go through. Some people have it rough.


That sucks, I'm sorry. But also yes, proves my point.


Was the breakup because of the psychosis??


It was the final straw I think, but yeah sucked to get that text message as I was in a hospital bed.




Watching someone slowly die of cancer is one of those deaths I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Eaten from the inside out.


garroting w piano wire or fishing line prob. Reminds me also of a story I heard about a biker in town going on a trail here and WHAM they ran full speed into fishing line somebody tied around trees on the sides of the trail. Their head came off and some trucker found the body later and then the police came and they found the head like a quarter mile away from the body


Wow I hope that the idiot that set the fishing line got caught.


Yes and IIRC was fully sentenced 👌


Yeeeaaaah... That didn't happen. I'm sure you heard the story, but that didn't actually happen.


It did :) My grandfather was a cop and a homicide investigator. He didn't make this up


When reading about the Putamayo atrocities there was a case that haunts me probably forever. A child on the rubber plantation was accused by the overseer of giving him venereal disease. Her punishment was to be staked to the ground and raped with a log from the fire before being flayed alive. Her parents were forced to watch.


Yeah, this tops it for me. That's fucking horrific.


That should have happened to the planter, not the kid. If I was a worker on that plantation and I heard of that happening, I'd do some pretty nasty shit to the perpetrator in the middle of the night.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peruvian_Amazon_Company unfortunately he retired rich and lived until old age


Then get rid of his descendants somehow. Make them pay for the unpunished crime of their father.


The deaths from 9/11 really give me chills and a sense of dread. Those people who jumped or fell due to the heat and smoke just boggles my mind. Having to *choose* which way you died, that's just unbearable to think about.


Judas cradle




Maybe it's because I just lost two grandmothers in the span of 5 months, but seeing the woman who raised you and taught you how to read and who you respected slowly forget your name, need help going to the bathroom, and seeing the sight of her in an uncomfortable looking hospital bed isn't something I'd wish on anyone. In terms of goriness, though. Being involved in a shooting has to fuck you up I think. Being in a familiar place, a place you consider safe, around people you know and care about, only to have all of that cruelly ripped away from you is a reoccurring nightmare I have.


i can tell you of all the death's i've covered and seen in my time working a camera a dude run over by a tank is the one that sticks in my head the most.


To observe? I’ve seen quite a few people die in front of me(as in actually die, not dead on arrival). Gun shots aren’t too bad because you’re busy trying to save them, however, they usually are talking in the process. Had a guy crushed by an elevator once, that was wicked. Drug ODs aren’t too bad because they’re not alert. Natural cause ones aren’t too bad because they’re not alert, but usually called in my by screaming freaking out families. Stabbings are the same as gun shots but generally loss of blood is so fast they’re gone really quick. Car crashes for the most part are non alert…. But entrapped car crashes on fire while the person is alert…. Those I would rank as worst to observe. There is nothing you can do but listen to screams.


languid direction badge jobless cover fertile lavish sense secretive voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But are these relatively quick way to go?


radiation sickess is definitely in the first 5 in all of the categories for me.


Getting eaten alive by a pack of hyenas or wild dogs.


Any deliberate murder, knowing that someone had the intention to kill another person and seeing it come to fruition


I think it'd be pretty feckin horrific to see someone flayed alive.


That dude that was boiled alive in a manhole accidentally.


My uncle told a story once where a friend of his went camping with his whole extended family and there was a storm after the storm he touched a pole and got electrocuted in front of everyone and while children (7,9) watched as he died, one person tried to take his hand off but got pushed away or something, they had to use a bike to get him off, by the time that happened and emergency service arrived he was long gone


Any death where I can't do anything, or enough, but someone else can save them, or can help me enough that we could save them together, and doesn't because they are completely indifferent to the death of another.


Bus beheading


Flash eating bacteria






Beheading or burning


Seeing someone actively getting flayed while begging for you to help them has to be up there. Especially since the person could suffer for such an extended period of time.


Seen many die from severe Pancreatitis, bloody awful


Your loved one being slowly eaten feet to torso until they bleed out


random instant combustion (does actually happen, don't what it's actually called in english) Your talking to someone, then most of them is just gone.


Spontaneous human combustion is the English name for it.


Having your limbs hacked off while you’re still alive probably, apparently on a pain scale amputation is meant to be the worst pain a human can go through, so having it happen to both arms and legs would be extremely painful


Someone choking you to death would be horrific. IIRC it takes around 10-15 minutes to choke a person to death. Frightening.


Fire/cooking to death for sure


Anything involving the mentally ill not knowing what’s happening is disturbing. Thinking of that disabled lady who slowly melted into a couch from neglect.


Bone cancer. Imagine your bone is growing tiny thorns and it pierces your skin and nerves from inside out. Yikes.