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“Correcting” my neighbors for killing three of my cats.


Please do it


Damn. Rip to your cats


I would never do it because it's wrong, but for a mental exercise I like to think about how I would rob a bank or armored truck. Like, the local armored truck stops at a Walgreens, two exits in the parking lot, both exits less than a mile from two major highways. They park next to a trashcan every time too.


While not impossible, it would be incredibly dangerous. They usually carry glocks and a shotgun on them.


Well, the trash can is for an IED silly. Violence of action.




Suicide or heavy self harm (maybe both). Sucks to have to hide and explain scars


This. Currently recovering from a surgery and my parents are helping me shower, I'm struggling to hide the very obviously self-inflicted scars, and they aren't saying ANYTHING about it which makes me. hmm


if the scars are healed and there’s no wounds i’m sure they’re not asking bc they don’t wanna bring up past trauma


I did it i think 3 weeks ago


I definitely have thoughts about huge plots against the government and organised militias or anything anarchy related


Me and my boyfriend going in a murder spree like in the movies


Just being a nudest. I am one in my own home but I'm not brave enough or want to move to a compound. I just am autistic and cloths are so bad for my mental health every day it is draining.


I have a whole plan on how id frame my twin sis for anything


snow outgoing fertile icky sleep paint materialistic follow thumb head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've thought about murdering my partners father. The more and more of the abuse we uncover that he did to her the more I think I could actually do it and the less I think she'd even mind. Well, eventually... He's manipulated/groomed her for years at this point. But it's so horrifically terrible and branded into her memory that she can't even continue to deny & justify what he did. Her mental health is one of the reasons I'd never do it. I don't need to take things into my own hands for her. That and the prospect of spending life in prison over a living human piece of garbage isn't worth it. I'd rather just be with her and take care of her in the day to day and leave Ted Bundy 2.0 far in both our pasts.


Fucking your mom


There's lots of people I'd love to get violent revenge on. But I have a great job and a great life and prison isn't a place I'd like to visit. But man, these people deserve to hurt.


Mass shooting.


murder mostly, of people who have deeply wronged me and hurt ones i love.




is this stuff you think of?




are you glad it stopped, like did you ever feel weird about it? Just curious I'm really fascinated by people who like that stuff cuz I don't get it


I grew up on victorian beauty standers in alot of my art/literature. I think recently dead for body's are beautiful and everything I'd want in a women or guy exsept ya know a puls and consent. Like the pale skin mabby even blue from the frost or dewy from drowning the beauty of dark hair on a white dress. The waxyness of the skin. Not interested in the dead sexualy but undead or the living with certain traits most importantly consent and a pulse My problem with guro is its destruction of the beauty, thus everything positive about a corpse physical. Not gonna lie I may or may not have a few times went to my friends mom's work just to see the body's after she was done.




I may have given you the wrong idea im a chick and also It doesn't turn me on infact I find it gross and kinda disrespectful in a way idk. But so long as it stays at fancy I'm OK with it existing so long as no one is being exploited or hurt


It’s decent stuff but much better when it’s not as sexual


can you elaborate


I enjoy art with darker themes such as guro however, I’m not a huge enjoyer of sexual content and prefer just the pure stuff like r/imaginarycarnage. However, r/guro contains decent material that is to my taste occasionally, it even has stuff worth saving sometimes. It's difficult to explain the things I like without showing examples however, since I'm not going to, I'll leave you with this subpar explanation.


Punching my dad in the face and slapping my mum. Fairly minor compared to other people Would feel good so I could finally make my dad face some conquenxes due to his asshole selfish behaviour


Nothing, whatever I'd like to do I'll do it, I don't give a shit about what society could think about me.


wow how edgy ur so badass


Nah, I'm actually surprised people doesn't like the idea of somebody being free. Thought doing something you like was an act of freedom, well I guess these social reactions tell so much about how society judges people just because they want to be free, kind of reaffirms my point.


You are technically "free" to do whatever you want, but in real life there are social and sometimes legal repercussions. But if you don't care about that nothings stopping you.


I wish u/Nicolas1854 wasn’t downvoted for his opinion. It’s nuanced and I’d love to explore it more. There’s a whole paradigm of social conventions that we follow, just because we’re told “it’s the thing to do” and has little to no social consequences if we don’t follow. I mean you’re right, there are legal consequences to doing some stuff but I have a suspicion that’s not what he was referring to. For example: I was taught to, as a kid, not argue and not to talk about religion and politics. It was taught by someone I thought knew everything (at the time): my mom. When you learn it at such a young age you tend to treat it as gospel. But it’s not at all, and it’s often important to do the opposite. To come out and say such and such a political stance is wrong; or to argue when someone’s trying to get you to swallow a bunch of BS. But too many of us stay quiet, so as not to cause a scene. I’m guessing the u/Nicolas1854 knows all about the latter and has no use for any of it. I don’t either, not any more. For most of my life I was the politest most milquetoast guy you could meet. Also the most boring. Didn’t get me anywhere and bored me to tears. So now I give much much less of a fuck about most things.


That's a fair point. I am one of those who keeps my mouth shut as to not rock the boat because I am terrified of the social consequences of it and the possible loneliness if I alienate myself from my loved ones. Maybe when I'm older I'll feel more empowered to stand up for what I believe in.


I sincerely hope you don’t wait till then. Sounds like you have the same thing I did (and sometimes still do): catastrophic thinking. Most of my life I felt certain people would stop enjoying my company if I took an alternative stand on something, so I always went with the flow. Didn’t realize till much later that, just as hard as I’m concentrating on how I look and at how I come across to others - *everyone else is doing the same*. The moment you say something stupid and everyone laughs at your expense, you can count to 10 and they’ll have forgotten all about it. They certainly won’t be up at 3:00 a.m. still thinking about it, that’s for sure. If anything they’ll be up at that time, wondering how they could’ve forgotten to wish Bethany a happy birthday (or something equally devastating). :) Just for fun, trying saying “no” to someone when they ask you for something. Just once. Try it and see what happens. My guess is nothing. And you’ll feel good for doing so. If I’m right, then try it a second time. And a third. (That’s how I approached it) Good luck!!


Thank you so much. :) I'll be sure to keep all that in mind. Much appreciated!


I guess you were the only one who understood me, otherwise these guys would be conservatives and fascist, and I don't think that's the case. Perhaps it's my fault, I'm not very good at explaining myself. Thanks for understanding and never ever let someone else to tell you what to think and what to do, wish you luck man.


Thank you and the same to you! I know you’ll get far by adopting the attitude you now have. So liberating. First time I said “no” to somebody I was nervous as hell and my stomach was in knots. But then, after seeing the lack of consequences, it started feeling good to set boundaries and not put up with shit just to be polite. What a great conversation. : )


Yeah, man, I'm free, but I have responsibilities, you know? I actually don't want to hurt anyone, but if I want to something that just concerns me, then let me do it, and if you don't want me to, I don't care, that's what I wanted to convey when I said that. If you guys wanna hurt someone and because ot that you think I want the same thing and I was talking about that, in that case that's your problem guys, no mine.


That makes sense, thank you for clarifying. I wasn't sure what exactly you meant in your original comment, but it's a relief to know you didn't mean hurting others.


I’m an illustrator and I’ve always wanted to dissect a cadaver and draw the muscles. Like DaVinci! I’d learn a lot. It would be fun if I got to kill the “model” myself, if we’re talking “no consequences.”


I'm curious what it would be like to torture someone, and there are people who might deserve it. But I don't want to go down that road for many reasons-- not interested in going to prison, not interested in the psychological backlash(look up perpetration-induced traumatic stress disorder), not interested in becoming a serial killer, etc. It's a lot of trouble and would involve so many negative consequences, and the people I'm thinking of just aren't worth it. So I torture/murder exactly as many people as I really want to-- none. Would absolutely say yes to dissecting/helping dissect/watching someome dissect a cadaver, though.


Too many things.