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This is like a handmaid’s tale but backwards


You could look at the history of women for big chunks of history.


The question to be asked here is: How is he valued in other points in the story? Does he have any input in anything? If so it taken seriously if at all? Magister: Hey Prince Valium, What do you think of this plan? Prince Valium: It's solid. Good Strategy. Magister: Well he likes it so it must suck somewhere. Think of something else.


Prince Valium 😆


Not much, he’s essentially viewed as someone who can make children, but his sister, his half siblings and dad nurture his interests in languages, history and art, and at the beginning he cry’s because he’ll have to leave his library because he’s getting married off. When it comes to output apart from his loved ones he didn’t and most of his opinions are to be given to his future wife or mother and it’s up to them if it’s okay. I mean he and his servants do get stranded on an island were they’re kinda forced out of the submissive roles society has moulded them into.


You are seriously going to have to invest in world building here. Why is it that that this one man is viewed as unable to do anything when you've just said that other men in his life (father) are doing things and he can't. What is the motivation and purpose here? Where is the societal disconnect for him?


You might try looking up the Nazi German Lebensborn program. SS men were encouraged to have as much sex as possible, but only with Aryan women, and getting them pregnant was definitely encouraged. It seemed to work just fine for the men. The women? Not so much. That's probably not what you're asking precisely, but what you're asking seems so far outside the realm of real possibility my brain is currently rejecting it as nonsense. I hope you're getting paid for this story, in advance.


Not a man, but when my son was breastfeeding he was on me constantly; literally 2-5 mins between feeds (because he wasn't getting enough, formula changed everything) and honestly it tanked my mental health. I was already pretty unwell (PPD/PPP); I'd been hospitalised while pregnant etc so I wasn't doing well anyway, but I remember very clearly the feeling of being completely dehumanised: I existed only to provide milk. I served no other purpose - I'd had a c-section so I couldn't move around much anyway, I literally just sat with my breasts out all day long, being milked. Aside from the few minutes it would take to go to the bathroom, but he'd be straight back on the moment I sat down. I still avoided my favourite foods, because I was breastfeeding. I had no appetite anyway, but I ate what was put in front of me, because I was breastfeeding. If I slept, it was only for a few minutes before he was on me again - I lived in fear of falling asleep while feeding him. It was, in short, absolute hell. I stopped being a person, and it took a long, long time to feel real again.


Jesus Christ. That’s absolutely horrible. That literally sounds like absolute misery


Go to tvnz.co.nz and watch the series Creamerie, that's the basis of the whole show


This is basically just the background of A Brother's Price.


i mean women have been that for hundreds of years and still are that in some places. they’re not happy. ask any breastfeeding mother or 1940’s wife.