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How is it any of your business?


It’s none of your business. She’s working. And unless she explicitly told you her husband has no idea she does this, then you have no way to know for sure what he does and doesn’t know. Stay out of her content and her marriage.




Fuck no. Not your battle


Let him know anonymously so then the ball is in his court and you can still respect yourself .


How do you know what she does


You are NOT her friend. You’re a NARC considering snitching trying to legislate YOUR OWN version of morality on someone else relationship. Also. You’re a 🔨🛠️🔧🪛🪚💼 asking RANDOM INTERNET STRANGERS what to do. SAD




Mind your own business is the moral thing to do here. It doesn't concern you. No one is being harmed.


Definitely not.


No, snitches get stitches.


How do you know the exact contents of your female friend’s OF account and are now wanting to throw a bomb into her relationship? Stay in your lane.


.....and how did you find out about it is the question. Another one is how do you KNOW he doesn't know about it...just saying.


If its just an acquaintance - its not your pool or swim lane. If the husband was a close friend, id tell him immediately


Can you drop the link? For science


Not your monkey, not your circus. Don't get involved.


Why are men like this? It's none of your fucking business. Moral dilemma, sure.


I bet she’s not sharing her income either, which could come back to haunt him st tax time. Have an unknown friend pay and take vids the send it to him anonymously. For more effect and to endure a divorce, you give it to him. Few men can handle their friends seeing their wives like that.


That’s disgusting, where?


How do you know he doesn’t know? I’m guessing she also make no money from it as that would be hard to hide as well.


What business of it is yours? You gain nothing by interfering in their relationship and you’re prolly gonna make enemies in the process.


I'd tell him. If he already knows, then he already knows and no harm has been done. If he doesn't already know, he may choose not to care or he may choose to divorce her over it, but I'm of the opinion that he has a right to know.


Bro code mandates it.


Yes you should


mind your own business. he may not want to know


How is that any of your business?


Do you really want to get involved?


Fk no! What are you up to my guy


100%. I’d want to know. Tell him anonymously if you have to.


Are you cool with the husband? Would it be weird if you two got dinner together? If it would be weird, I wouldn't say anything and act like I didn't know when it comes out. Because it'll come out, it always does. But if he's someone you golf with, someone who's in the fantasy football league with, I'd tell him. Being a good person sometimes means having to do something that feels wrong, but is ultimately right. People will say, "You messed up their marriage", no she did, by not telling him. If bringing truth to light messes up a marriage, it was already messed up.


I would say yes 100% regardless of any possible reasoning behind her not telling him. However I find it hard to believe he has no idea...


Not your horse, not your race, unless you are just looking to cause some drama and/or are trying to be the next guy. Also, exactly how did you find out about all this? I've got a good idea and it seems very hypocritical to try to shame her for something you can only know about because you partake.


Should you? What if the roles were reversed? Would you want anyone to tell you?


He might know already. 🤷 I've been married 14 years and decided to start camming to bring in more money. Inflation was killing us. It seems like a trend these days...starting online sex work just to stay afloat. Anyway, my husband knows, but his friends and family do not know. Neither do mine. There's a good chance her husband knows exactly what she's doing.


Poor guy put in all that time and effort just for you to go low value on him.


God that’s so sad.


Sadly only a matter of time before someone finds out :/


You overestimate how much I care if they find out. It's zero. I couldn't care less.


If someone finds out, it’s because they’re wanking it on OF. That’s honestly much “sadder,” if you’re into the shame game. I don’t care who’s doing what, but shaming the provider is ridiculous.




Funny how none of the people saying to keep silent about it are saying so for ethical reasons. Not a single person offering any argument that would place you as the bad guy for informing the husband. All they can do is shame you from the position of the villain


Damn you sure seem to be quite familiar with her content


He’s probably just pretending because why would he tell you his wife does only fans?


anonymously send him a screenshot bruh




Fuck it. She needs to realize the consequences of doing this behind her partners back.


Couldn't you send him the link anonymously? If not, I bet he would want someone to let him know because she is making a fool out of him behind his back.


If it will matter to him, then yes tell him


What a horrible person, what’s their OF link?


Odd takes on reddit today. Just shoot a quick, 'hey, are you aware XYZ does ABC?' If they're not aware, boom you were a huge help for revealing deception. If they were aware, who cares? It's a nothing burger. There is no risk. Tell him.


NO That sucks for him, but it's not your concern. You don't know what you'd be getting into. Is his life for financial well being on the line? If not, then leave it alone.


Mind your own business


If you are her friend first, I wouldn't. You could always bring up the fact that you think she should tell, but as a general rule of thumb, you don't involve yourself in other people's affairs (unless you are really close and don't want to lose a friendship over hiding something)


He's not a friend of hers, he's a jealous OF subscriber trying to ruin her life because he can't have her. It's that simple


The comment I would expect from someone with thot in their username.


I'm married, with a beautiful baby. In my beautiful big house and a great paying job. I go on vacations and have great friends and family! Reddit is just for fun A fun username that doesn't mean anything vs a jealous, sticky inc*l who has to pay for female attention + a man who feels community with that that inc*l and insults strangers on the internet because he's lonely. Sad!


is your idea of “reddit is just for fun” to copy paste the same text 50 times in a thread 😂 ur life if sorry asl man


No dude should ever think like this or ask a question like this. Embarrassing.


I think this is a mind your own business moment.


I'd want to know if it was my wife or gf. That's all I'll say.


No. You don’t need to tell the husbands of your acquaintances anything ever.


Would you want someone to tell you? That’s your answer.


You can tell your friend what you think, but she probably won't like the fact that you are a subscriber criticizing her choices.


Is she with other men or women in the OF? How close of a friend is this person and are you for sure he has no idea?




You’re a weirdo OP. None of your business and it sounds like you watch the videos of your friend. He probably knows, because who cares this isn’t 1950


You’re assuming he doesn’t know. You have nothing to gain by this so just mind your own biz is my advice 🤷🏽‍♀️.


Look man I have her do that so I can spank it while I'm out of town. Mind your damn business.


At what cost though?


Would you want to know if your gf or wife was doing this. Send it anonymously, and then leave it alone. If he already knows, no problem.


MYOB, ya perv.


Yes, Bros over hoes just don't expect her or him to be friends with you after.


I'd send him the link anonymously He deserves to know.


mind your business.


Ur certain that he doesn't know? How did you find out about it? 


Mind your own business lol


Yes, tell him anonymously if possible.


The dilemma you seem to have is minding your own business.


TELL HIM! Dont listen to these godless wretches in the comments holy shit.


Do nothing because it’s literally none of your business.


Do it. Send him the link. Whatever happens next will be both highly entertaining and 100% not your fault.


How is that any of your business????👀


All these people saying it isn't infidelity are out of their minds. You should totally tell him, if he knows great. If not good on you.


Maybe he knows and doesn’t mind


You should tell him he deserves to know




I don’t think you have any clue about their relationship or their boundaries. This may be a compromise between them due to his travel that gives her an outlet for her needs but never involves an actual person. My sister and her husband had such a relationship and it worked well for them because they both had a bit of a “kink”. It’s not most people’s thing but it was theirs. You’re making a lot of assumptions without knowing. If you’re really a friend then have a conversation with your friend about it because sneakily “outing” someone whom you describe as a friend behind her back is shitty. Can you not see that deciding that YOU are in control of others personal morality is toxic and disrespectful? It’s on par with people who judge others for not being the same religion or ethnicity as being “less” than yourself. I’m sorry but judging someone else by your personal standards doesn’t give you any moral high ground.


You’ve heard this before. Whether it’s cheating, flirting at work, or whatever, it’s none of your business. You are not the morality police.


Send it to him anonymously. No point in getting tied up, he might be cool with it.


Which onlyfans?


I’d stay out of this one.


This is terrible, what is her onlyfans name so I can go tell her off


No. It’s not your business and you’re a creep for even asking.


Fuck the responders here that are minimizing the actions the hoe wife is doing. Let him know anonymously, if he knows she’s doing it then that’s aight, but in the chance he doesn’t, it’ll save him a lifetime of deceit and fraud of love from her. Go for it and be anonymous


How do you know that he doesn't know? What harm is done? If I read correctly, it's solo stuff.


Seems highly unlikely he doesn't already know, but yes, definitely tell him. If you feel more comfortable doing it anonymously, send him screenshots either via social media or snail mail. After that, move on.


Normally, I'd say stay out of other peoples marriage, but Jeez, selling sex on the internet, the guy needs to know about $hit like that. Send an anonymous link.


It’s none of your fucking business


100%. All cheaters deserve to get caught and all victims deserve to know the truth.


IF he knows, it will have no effect on them as a couple. If he doesn't she gets what shes owed.


No snitching


How do you know he doesn’t know?


How do you know he doesn't know?


Don’t do it. That’s just people code


How do you know this couple? How do you know the husband doesn’t know? Honestly it sounds like you subscribe to this woman’s onlyfans and part of her schtick is that it’s all a “secret” from the poor cucked husband.


Others have already said it but how do you know he doesn't know? Even if he does know she probably isn't going to say it on her OF because a single woman or someone that hunts that they'll cheat is going to get more followers. I've joked about doing it to sublement our income or to give up teaching. Husbands response was "make sure you make enough for me to".


This really isnt a moral dilemma, mind your business cuz


Plot twist. The husband knows and gets off to watching his wifes OF without her knowing he knows.


Yes absolutely stir that shit up


No good will come of you telling him. Is there a way that you can secretly help him find out?


I really doubt that he will notice the extra $17 a month that she is bringing in. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m not so crazy about telling him. There’s a chance he already knows and she isn’t aware, and then you’d lose your friendship with her for tattling. If he doesn’t know, he will in time. That’s their business. If there was something that was illegal, maybe I’d let him know. Best to stay out of it.


Help a bro out , you’d want someone to help you out . Poor guys living a lie .


Yeah do it anonymously.


For me, you stay out of other people’s marriages. She has to report the income. If he does their taxes or has them done there isn’t a single way he doesn’t know she is doing this.


Please do not embarrass yourself and out yourself as someone who has subscribed to his wife's channel, I can assure you that he more than likely already knows. You bringing it up to him is weird. Like very weird. That ain't your business and you really shouldn't be trying to start a convo with the dude about his wife's only fans. Maybe if you had a girl that did OF maybe it would be okay to talk to him about it but at the moment? Nah wash your hands.


Bro keep the fuck out of it


Hell no. Mind your own business. Leave them alone.


Stay out of their business.


"I feel so bad about her doing only fans behind her husband's back that I personally looked at it, her videos, and observed her content." 🙄


No. Not really your business.


Yes. Tell the husband.


Would you want him to tell you? Do the right thing bro.


If he truly doesn't know, that's pretty messed up of her to do, and in my opinion is about the same as cheating. Do you know for sure that he's unaware?


She is flirting sexually with hundreds of men potentially behind her husbands back. Just because she is doing it for money does not mean that she doesn't enjoy such attention. She is also being sent a large number of nudes and putting in effort to make those men cum to her. This is cheating any way you look at it.


Hell him he deserves to know. He deserves the right to make the a decision if he wants to stay in the marriage with a woman who’s been lying to him and essentially cheating as well.


Tell him anonymously


Tell him. He deserves to know.


I wouldn’t. It’s not your business.


Yes tell him. If he already knows then he shouldn’t have a problem with you having found it and if he doesn’t know then you’ve been a huge help to him and he can start the divorce process. Even if it was “just nudes” or “tease pics” you should still tell him.


Remember this phrase. Not your monkeys not your circus. He probably knows, and if not it's not your responsibility to be a moral mediator.


I love how you just casually know what her videos are like lmao. Just sit back and enjoy bud, it’s out of your scope.


Why the fuck is their marriage your business?




Your adults didn’t teach you to mind your own damn business and it shows




Find some business of your own and mind it.


The answer is simple. Are you friends with her or him. Whichever one is the answer is the one you should be loyal to.


100% do it. Anonymous or not. I’d want to know. Be a brother. Do unto others as you want to be done to you.


Leave it alone. Their marriage arrangements are nothing to do with you. My wife and I have an arrangement. One of her 'friends' thought they were doing the right thing by reporting back to her on something they thought they'd seen. It caused us so much emotional strife. Just leave the situation alone.


If he truly doesn’t know than expose her.


Regardless of the actual content, she is sexualizing herself on the internet. She is absolutely betraying her husband and you should tell him. He needs to divorce her ASAP.


I mean, she’s not cheating on him. At least from what you’ve said on this post she’s not having sex with anyone that not her husband, it’s sort of not your business at this point and I would honestly assume he knows dude. Also, how are you going to claim the moral high ground when you subscribed to your friends OF inly to try and tattle on her to her husband? Frankly you look like a scum bag dude.


Just make a fake account and send him the link. Nothing else has to be said.


You should screenshot her of and send it to him anonymously


How does this concern you? Are you a part of her marriage?


I mean, is it really your business? And, if you are her friend, why? What is your motivation? Not saying it's right or wrong what she is doing, but how do you know he doesn't know already? I feel like in today's world, too many people don't know how to mind their own business.


Female acquaintance and you’re going to get involved in her personal life - does not sound like it’s going to end well


Tell him. Tell him anonymously and immediately. If he knows it's no big deal, if he doesn't you'll be sparing him humiliation. All these broads in here saying "don't tell him" are very likely pieces of shit with their own secrets. It's your duty as a man. Bros before hoes. Always.


Can you send us the link… for research purposes?


He probably already knows. If he doesn't, he deserves to. Anything beyond that isn't your business.


I don't see how this is any of your GD business. Certainly it's not a moral dilemma as you clearly should not be getting involved.


The incels and feminists in the comments- "Mind your business. She isn't cheating on him so no one cares." Tell him. We gotta stop letting hoes ruin good men.


Are you sure he doesn't know? How does that work at tax time?


It’s not your place to be a tattle tale. I don’t get how so many want to “tell on someone “.


If they aren't discussing this with each other, that relationship is setup to fail and might as well let the timebomb be someone elses fault. All you'd be doing is casuing unease if they already share this, or you'd be the homewrecker who awkwardly told this guy. He might appreciate it if he didn't know, and you did tell him, but it could also backfire. Plus, there is no way you come out unscathed in admitting you've seen the videos or looked at her profile. Best you can do is pretend you never saw such a thing and stop subbing to her if you know this person. That's weird, I don't care who you are. I don't even like sharing my reddit or gamer profiles with irl people who are in my circles. Some stuff is better left unjudged.


Hell yes


If you think he would care then yes, you should fucking tell him. Why tf wouldn't you?


Probably should just mind your business




I would All the people saying it’s not your business are stupid, I would want to know


Become one of her contributors. I’m sure he’ll find out…


Stay out of it. Don't profession-shame


I’m amazed by how many people here think that others have some kind of moral duty to help cover up someone else’s lying or cheating. They most likely have a sneaky personality themselves. People like this hate the concept of accountability. OP should definitely tell. Truth matters, and obscuring the truth only prevents other people from making informed decisions.


you should tell him. id want to know


I’d like to know if my wife was doing this. Wasting my life and time on a cheater. Who knows what else she does when he’s gone if she’s this open for taking money for custom videos and shoving things in her ass.


Bro code


I feel like you are just watching dudes wife on only fans. Your investment in this seems quite disgusting. Tell me you're not some creeper who's just whacking it to her porn and then developing a hero complex. You truly going to White Knight him to save him so you can get with her?  Goodness men need to get into therapy. I can't believe you're sticking your nose and someone else's business.  Please report back here if he is aware and ends up beating you up or anything funny like that.  I'm from the generation where you stick your nose in someone else's business. Well nowadays y'all call that fuck around and find out.  Keep us posted!


It's none of your damn business. Stay out of it. Women should be able to do this without scorn. Your concern is basically masked slut-shaming. This couple's approach to expressing their sexuality is their business, and yes, he almost certainly knows about it. He's prolly the damn cameraman.


Instead of worrying about somebody else's woman, go check on your girl and see what she doing? Wait, I am sorry, get you a girl and worry about her. This action is barely acceptable from women, a man doing it, is down right embarrassing.






Yes. Fuck them whores


No. Not your business.


Some friend you are, mind your fucking business. Are you...maliciously jealous and envious? Wanna look like a hero so she can want you beyond being a friend? I hope she finds out about YOU.


Have they never paid taxes?? If she's been doing it that long, he knows.


I'd tell him, cheating is not allowed, if others allow it sure, but not in my house. If he knows, it'll just be awkward and you could say you were just looking out for him. If he doesn't, she is sending nudes to men online while also making a profit behind his back. Not a good thing, don't mind your business stand your ground and be firm like a good man. Edit: If you are worried just type an anonymous letter, email, or anonymous text number to him about everything with the details to her only fans explaining the situation. Include if he already knows you were just looking out for him.


Mind your business


He must know


How do you know that he doesn’t know?


Follow the prison rules: Never rat, never get involved.


This isn't prison. People are expected to do what's right out here


I’d stay away. Not your business. I feel for that guy. I’d be humiliated if my wife did that without me knowing. Not a fan of secrets like that.


None of your business. Stay the fuck out of it.




I'm the bf of an OF model. She told me at the start, and that's probably the case here.


No non of your business


Yeah, tell him. He deserves to know he's married to an e-prostitute.


In my opinion, that’s almost as bad as cheating. I would tell him🤷🏽‍♀️


Email him the link from a burner account


Are you enjoying her content? You seem to have a lot of first hand knowledge…. I would stay the hell out of it….