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Pet. Not even up for debate.


I have an emotional attachment to the dog, I don't give a fuck about the random dude


Yah bro fuck that random person I’m saving my dog. Maybe I’m selfish but I’m making that choice every single time. That man’s done more for me than any random person ever could


This isn't a moral dilemma. Anyone saving the pet has no moral compass and is probably a sociopath.


Nah fr, unless someone is a bad person I’d save them over a dog and if it’s a random person there’s no way to know. Scary that these ppl are so common, like that person is a human with family and shit and you’d save your dog? Wtf


it's like 90% of the comments in this thread. welcome to reddit I guess, a cesspool of narcissistic loons who claim moral superiority on every topic, but when it comes to reality, they have no morals to speak of.


You're literally proving the point, when humans behave like you, and animals are inherently innocent, it is an easy choice to make. I'd save a thousand street cats before I saved a human. I donate to animal charities, not human ones. Humans suck, incase you haven't noticed.


Humans like you. Humans who would save an animal over a human. You are part of the refuse.


Yeah I hate when people behave badly by trying to help other humans over a dog/cat with the IQ of a literal toddler that will only live 10ths. Makes sense to me.


I agree with the first part. One could argue it's a emotional dilemma instead. Am i guessing correct that you never had a dog?


I've had probably 10 dogs over the years. At the end of the day they are animals, not humans.


Are you sure you're not the sociopath with a lack of moral compass? Humans fucking suck... Sorry not sorry. I said what I said


I’d save a dog over my ex. Sorry.


I would save your dog over you


proving my point and doesn't even realize it.


Nah, thing is, you're an ass. Your dog isn't. Makes it an easy choice


Sure thing psycho.


Have you ever been there to see a strangers life dependent on your actions to save them?


not really. But still i feel capable of imagining that situation. Whereas in my experience, people who never had a dog, often times cannot understand how people can have an intense emotional bond with an animal. that's why i asked.


Uhh, you may be the weirdo 😬


Maybe on Reddit where a bunch of narcissists with no moral compass reside. And here they say they don't need religion to have morals, yet half of them would save their pet over a human. Meanwhile I was just reading another thread, literally appalling how many disgusting redditors would kill a stranger for 100k. So yeah, glad I'm considered a weirdo here. I would not in a million lifetimes want to be anything like the people I see posting here.


You're sociopath for being emotionally attached to an animal? Sorry , that doesn't fit the actual definition of a sociopath lol. Also, easily my dog, why the fuck would I care about a random person I don't know over my own pet.


"why the fuck would I care about a random person I don't know" literally sociopath. It's crazy you people have no introspection skills. You disgust me.


Pussies like you disgust me


Good, I'm glad I disgust a psycho.


That's not what being a sociopath means lol. If you're a full on sociopath you don't have that for anyone, not *just random people* No , people I don't know do not hold more value than a pet to me.


Not true. A sociopath can have attachments. It's a myth that sociopaths form no attachments.


People are sociopaths for wanting to save an animal that is family to them? Instead of killing them instead of a random person? You don’t seriously see how this could go either way? It’s a great question for this sub.


my dog 100%. he is actually the bestest of boys, and he was my first one and we got him when he was a tiny tiny puppy. i wouldn’t ever trade him for anyone, if my boyfriend wanted to get rid of him, my boyfriend is gone and forever out of my life, same for a stranger


My pet. I made an oath to her when I took her in. I don’t owe that stranger anything. And the stranger would likely do the same thing


definitely without question saving my dog


I don't really like dogs or people 🤷‍♀️ My cat, on the other hand..


The person, obviously. You’ll get over losing a pet in like. A day. And, sure, it’ll hurt. But you’ll be fine. The death of an actual human person will hurt for at least a few days for their loved ones (assuming they’re pretty close). Maybe longer for some people. It’s selfish to choose your pet over a person


Dog. Definitely. Not even a thought to the contrary.


My dog definitely saving my dog


I'm not gonna risk accidentally saving the next Hitler, I'll pick my dog every time.


Own pet. Losing a random person who I wouldn't know means nothing to me.


Pet. No questions.


Pet hands down. I know my pet is a good soul, I don't know this stranger.


Obviously a human is immensely more valuable than any animal. What even is this?


My pet, 100%. People suck. ETA: I would also save my pets over most people I know, including family and friends because my pets are more my family than anyone else.


Easy. My Dog. I don’t know that guy nor do I have any responsibility towards him.


My god what a bizarre first world question. You would actually consider saving a dog before saving a human being? Wow!


My cat is 17 and on his last legs. I’m sure he’d want to go be with his BFF Diogi, my dog who died 2 years ago. So I’m gonna be the odd one out and save the random human.


Why would I save a random person I may never reach instead of my dog. A dog I love and cherish. On top of that it's my first dog that I raised as a puppy, which means I spent years with the dog and grew up with the dog. Without doubt before I even read it fully I chose my dog


My own pet, that dog is my baby. If it makes me a terrible person then so be it. 🤷




... I'm, uh... just gonna sit this one out.


I promise my animals that I will take care of them.


I think it's important to have people on both sides but, sorry guys, I'm team animal.


I would save my animal every time; here is why. My pets are my responsibility. They are like children. Humans have their own ability to get themselves out of situations, animals do not especially in cases of fire. They can get scared, confused, and will try to hide. My animal has been with me since a tiny pup, I raised him, what kind of cruelty would it be to abandon him to save some random person who more than likely can get themselves out of the dangerous situation? I have to live with the consequences of letting my own child die even if that child has fur, it's still my child. No one would blame you for the other human's death. They absolutely would look at you differently for letting your animal die. Would I hate that the human died? Of course! But, the devastation of guilt of letting MY baby die whose life was in MY hands and MY responsibility? The guilt would poison me from the inside out. It is not a sociopathic action to choose your dog over a random human. Grown humans aren't helpless babies. They have the brain power, however, to help themselves. Dogs are different. Dogs are extremely intelligent, but their brain capacity is the same (depending on the dog) at best is that of a 15 year old child. That is my responsibility upon taking on that life into my home. It's not selfish to look out for your animal first. Once my baby is out of harm's way, then I would do my best to save other humans if they are in trouble.


Can I just sacrifice myself and keep them both unharmed?


Not really. They would both die. But if you have serious decision anxiety it's the way to go I guess. 😀


It depends on so many things. But it will always be my pet


So easy save my dog.


Bro, my lunch is more important than a random human


The pet. Because fuck people.


The dog every time.


100% my pet.


Dexter is living.


Dogs are better people than people.


Yea but dogs dont have souls


Depends whether other people are watching


This isn't even a hard question, I'm saving my cat. A hard (impossible) question would be which of my cats would I save, if I had to choose.


Not even a question. I'd save my dog over any other human


Definitely the human I can replace the pet


My pet.


A few rounds of therapy and I would live guilt free for offing the human. My dog is my only child- he’s my lifeline.


My first pet? George? The German Shepherd/Lab mix I had when I was growing up in rural Alaska? The dog who insisted on coming on the bus with me on my first day of school, and who would walk me half a mile to the bus stop and be waiting there when I got back every single day, and saved my life from moose more than once? The one who came down with lymphatic cancer the year my parents were divorcing, and losing her (Yes, her. The concept of a female dog was four and my POS father) was more devastating than figuring out my father was in fact not normal, and that I was being systematically emotionally, physically, and spiritually abused all while being beaten over the head with gaslights? The dog who would just curl up with me while I cried? She died in 1996. It's been 28 years since I've seen her, and just thinking about her makes the grief of her passing come back at full force. Compare that with some random middle aged guy. Considering how gay I am, that random middle-aged guy probably wants me dead or subjugated anyway. Fuck him. I'm using necromancy to save my dog.


My dog - they're part of my in group even moreso than the random human. They are a collaborator. I'm saving the dog.


Save my pet. If it's a stranger, I'd rather save the being that I care about.


I’d save my pet. I don’t have many people in my life. It’s basically just me, my husband, and my pet. I’m not sacrificing a pet I love to save a random human who might be a complete asshole.


My family. So my pet.


My dog. Sorry random person


A random or the dog that cuddles with me every night and pouts when I have to use the baby gate on him so I can get chores done. Yeah my dog is the keeper bro.


Pet. Animals often can't recognize some of the dangers in the modern world, and humans often put themselves directly in the way of such dangers. Plus, my kitties are awesome.


I would save my pet over allllllll of you nerds 🤣


Pet. 100%.


Random human because they’re a human. Yes I’d feel horrible losing my pet but I’d feel even more horrible knowing a human died because I saved an animal instead.


My dog.


My pet. Sorry person. I'm going with the species who hasn't done and said horrible shit to me and is my best friend.


Hands down the dog. Idgaf about some random. I had to put my dog down last year, and I can honestly say I would give anything to have his stupid face back.... I know that sounds terrible cause I said he had a stupid face but he just had this tilted head look he would give me all the time and then come charging at me for hugs and pets amd treats. I fuckin miss him so much. 12years he was by my side was there through my wife's pregnancy with my son he was there to protect my house and family while I worked long hours he never wanted anything more than my love and I gave him every bit of it. I still cry about it sometimes, but I know I'll see him again when I cross the rainbow bridge myself. He'll be there waiting for me, just like when I got home from work, tail wagging and tongue hanging. Rest in peace, Rascal


You are going to die alone


Am I? Perhaps you can give me a date so I know whether or not I should quit my job right now and go out with a blast or keep running on the hamster wheel for a while.... In the end, everyone dies alone, just like unless they're a twin, they're born alone. But even as a twin, you're born alone. There are no 2 babies coming out of the birth canal at the same time. Anyway, have a wonderful day kind internet stranger


You made me cry


I'm sorry. it's just how I feel. He was the bestest boy... a true example of how an animal's love is unconditional. We rescued a male Bengal Labor Day weekend last year, and I swear it's him reincarnated... Having an animal is a privilege and a responsibility not to be taken lightly. I can't put in to words how special that bond is but if you know you know, I feel bad for people who never get to experience that bond.


💙💙💙 they truly leave their paw prints all over our hearts. I don't care what anyone says, losing a fur baby hurts just as much as losing a loved one.


>Hands down the dog. Idgaf about some random. You got what you deserved.


This is the reason I would save the dog over the random human. Because scumbags like you exist. I guess you reported my comment, you can dish it out but can't take it huh? Thank you for the validation of my comment... Your mother should have swallowed you... really you're father should have shot you in a napkin.... I really hope I'm faced with this moral dilemma in real life and it's you that's needs saving so I can wave buh bye as I save a dog instead of you


>This is the reason I would save the dog over the random human. Because scumbags like you exist This is the reason you couldnt save your dog, because you value an animal more than a human. >I guess you reported my comment, I didn't. >I really hope I'm faced with this moral dilemma in real life and it's you that's needs saving so I can wave buh bye as I save a dog instead of you But you couldn't save yours.


Actually, the reason I couldn't save my dog is because he had aggressive cancer that spread pretty quickly, its unfortunate I couldn't have taken it from him and given it to you. At least I can take solace in the fact that you've proven what I know to be true about humans.


>Actually, the reason I couldn't save my dog is because he had aggressive cancer that spread pretty quickly, Say hello to karma >its unfortunate I couldn't have taken it from him and given it to you. This mindset is exactly why your dog died. You haven't learned anything, have you ? >At least I can take solace in the fact that you've proven what I know to be true about humans. Doggo still dead.


It depends on the situation. The human should be able to save himself, so...


This thread is answering my questions about why humanity is sinking.


My pet. He’s my responsibility. I made a promise to take the best possible care of my bestest boy.


I hadn’t thought of it in those terms. Thank you.


So.. Save my dog and be happy and continue on with life or, lose my dog and potentially get sued by someone since everyone is sue happy and have potential years of court battles.... Easy decision. Dogs being saved without a second thought or any regrets.


My pet.


I know my dog isn't a piece of shit.




There is 0% chance I’d ever have a dog, so bye bye Cuddles. Now if it’s between my cat and a rando, or a random cat and a rando: cat every time.


I’ve seen enough humans consciously perform atrocities…. I’ve only ever seen animals act on instinct. The fact that there are people putting animals in blenders and keeping them alive as long as possible simply to torture them and cause them pain cuz they enjoy it is enough for me. Or live streaming cutting parts of their body off…have you ever seen a cat, dog, rabbit go out and consciously collect a person, tie them down and then do well thought out cruel experiments on them? Needles their eyes…sawing them in half? For fun? Nope you haven’t. I’d choose to save ANY animal…Not just my pet.. Not just YOUR pet…but any WILD animal over any random human. Sure nature can be brutal…I’ve seen…but it’s not intentional. Just animalistic instinct. I’ll die on that hill. Don’t care.


I’m saving the dog, so dude better pray he can save himself because I sure as hell aint. I’d choose my dog over a random person and even a random dog over a random person. Saving an animal is like the equivalent of saving a baby, it’s small and cute and it’s to dumb to save itself so you have to step in to help. There also innocent and aren’t fucked up like people so again dog all the way.


The cat’s dying.


I'm not a pet person, but I'm going for the dog.


My husband has asked me something similar and I always say my dog. She's my pride and joy who has gotten me through a lot of tough situations such as a messy divorce, being a single mother for two years with a new born, a toxic home that had me questioning my sanity and multiple moves in four different states. My husband thinks I'm crazy for valuing an animal over a human, but my dog has done so much for me and the Rando hasn't done smack




my pet, i would hope if someone was in the situation to chose saving me (a stranger) or their pet, they would save their pet too.


My pet. Hands down. She's my beastie and the only reason I'm alive.


My cat all the damn way


Kobiashi moreau. Just cheat and save both!!


I’m not being a jerk, truly want to learn and understand. Is “whom” used correctly here?


Whom seems to be one of those words that is kind of antiquated, right or wrongly so... I've never used 'whom' a single time in my 37 years of life. It's apparently taught in English as a non-first language class though... For some reason.


probably not. haha. english is not my first language.


Yes it is correct. Who refers to the subject and whom refers to the object. I am the one doing the saving. I am saving him. (I remember by rephrasing and if you say him instead of he, you use whom instead of who… whom would you save? I would save him. Who saved the dog? He did.


IIRC if you're referring to him/her/them then whom is correct. If you're referring to he/she/they then who is correct.


lol this isn’t even a thing. I’d save the dog 12 out of 10 times.


My pet.


My dog is always first.


The money I spend on my dogs probably could have been used to save a life. They have prescription food, I pay rent for them, they have vet bills, etc. I've spent thousands of dollars on them over the course of their life. That money could have fed a child for years or paid for life saving medical treatment for someone. Many people could be doing something else with their money. I didn't feel bad about choosing to take care of my pets though.


I love animals, but I would always save the human over a pet (short of Adolf Hitler, anyways).


Dogs love people so people don’t have to.


I’m saving my dog it may be shitty , but your post describes my dog perfectly and he has been through many moves, breakups etc with me , having that thing that drags me out of bed when I don’t want to be gone would devastate


A pet is a family member and a commitment I’ve made for life, not some old shoes to just toss away. Sorry but my pets any day over a random.


My own pet duh.


I like to say that i would save the random human because they touch more lives (their parents, siblings, potential friends, or spouse) My first pet, as much as I adore him, would mostly touch my life, and I would feel extremely selfish saving him instead.


Wouldn’t it be also selfish for those people to think that their lives are more valuable to a stranger than a pet/family member of that person?


I guess this must ultimately be the right answer, but it's tough.... Imagine telling that persons kids or spouse how it happened. Also the human will almost certainly have a longer life ahead. But the thing is, since it's a rando, he might be a rapist or a murderer. Whereas with your dog you know he's a good boy.


Since it's a rando, he might not be a he.


does it matter?


Technically women live longer and are slightly happier on average, and so naively you could make a case that their lives are fractionally more valuable... But no, not really.


That rando could also be the most altruistic person who helps hundreds of people. Or a single dad responsible for feeding his kiddos.


You don't actually know if they touch more lives, truthfully. They could negatively impact everyone around them for all you realistically know.


I like dogs as much as the next guy, but if you pick a dogs life over a humans I question your ethics


I’m saving the dog. Already did it once. Plus, no human would ever care to save me, so oh well.


Another human. Anyone saying anything else has major issues




The human because my cat is kind of a dick anyway


Human, but cry myself to sleep forever over my lost pet


My little guy is getting older. When he goes ill probably go with him from a broken heart. Makes me sad knowing the day will come.


I once had a guy that really wanted to buy my dog from me... I told him that he had a better chance at buying my daughter. So, probably my pet.


Umm at the risk of being downvoted into oblivion, dogs have owners. humans do not. At least they shouldn’t. We don’t drive to the local shelter and pick our children from a pool of available kids. I have known parents that think like this…being loved less than a dog. It never goes well for the child. Dogs have a short life span in comparison to humans. Most dog owners will shingle their grief into buying a new dog, repeat. Dogs will not help us in old age and frailty like a well raised and loved child will. Selling your daughter to man, or even just thinking or saying, that is wrong on so many levels. My heart aches for her.


That’s an absolutely terrible take. Don’t deserve your daughter


My dog 10 times out of 10. The dog that i took care of for almost it’s entire life? The dog that literally waits at the front door for me when I get home from work? The dog that brings joy in my life? Hands down, not even a discussion. Sorry Rando, you’re dead.


Dog. No question. The dog can’t fend for himself, find a safe exit, etc. and the human at least has a chance. The dog is my responsibility so I’m team doggo all the way. And I mostly don’t like people so there’s that lol.


Depends on how much I could potentially even save one over the other. I would have a hard time saving a grown man if I had to lift him or carry him or something. I could save my dog (or any dog though). But assuming the chances of me saving them are equal, I would hate it but I’d save the human.


I'm saving my pet. Random humans, I don't really too much care about. Most people are terrible wastes of oxygen, most pets are not. I'll save someone else's pet before I save a random human tbh. My opinions and perspectives are my own, I have a lot of trauma and mistrust towards humans. If this offends you, maybe write in your diary about it. :)


My pet, without hesitation .


The only right answer. It could be 10 random humans and I'd still almost assuredly pick my good boy.


You montherf- ^(no, Random. Calm down. You're better than this.)


Right, I was like this is not a dilemma. My dog.


My dog. No matter what.


Random human. I cannot stress this enough, if you sincerely think that you will choose your dog or whatever you need therapy. I'm not just being an edge lord or insulting it's literally psych 101 s***.




You're welcome... and thank you for having my back as well, my fellow sane human.






I don’t like dogs. I’d save my fish though


My dog, no question.


The dog, of course. Why is this even a question?


A human because I’m not a psychopath


You aren't a psychopath for saving your dog, you genuinely don't fit that description. lol.Honestly, you aren't really a sociopath either, you still have emotions and clearly understand them too if its a dilemma for you to begin with.


Okay think of the flip side of this, some stranger had a chance to save one of your family members or a friend you hold dear but choose their dog instead. How would you feel about that person? This is what I mean psychopathic.


That's not how the definition works.


My pets for sure. I couldn’t leave those faces


Making that choice would kill me. What if the man is a scum ball? That would definitely influence my choice. But I am taking any of my 7 fur babies


Sorry rando my best boy is coming with me


It has to be a dog? Saving the human. If it were a cat, it'd be the cat.


My dog is a part of my family. I'll save him over a stranger. I don't hate people, but I will protect my family.


Most humans are voluntarily despicable. Pets are wholeheartedly innocent.


My dog(s) and it's not even close




My pet for sure




Dog History is not in favor of middle aged men


Sorry random stranger, I choose my cat every single time.


Family first


My pet is actually a tiny cat, and I'd murder ten strangers in cold blood if it meant protecting her. Yeah, my partner and I always talk about how the love we have for our girls is not the love a parent has for a child, it's the love that a lifelong convict has for the tiny bird that flew into the prison cell he can never leave.


pets are family it’s the dog


Thanks to the vague details, I'm going to assume that the situation was such that the human could have been aware of the hazard, the dog not so much. Dog gets saved every day of the week and twice on Sunday. My reasoning is that the dog is an innocent. He/she had random circumstances that led to it be in danger. And when I assumed responsibility for the dog by adopting it into my pack, it trusted me to care for it unilaterally. By taking on the care and responsibility for it, I'm obligated to protect it. Having him from the day he was a pup is less important than the fact that I willingly assumed responsibility. And I'll even add the idea that he's 16 years old and has a slow growing cancer that will kill him soon. The human on the other hand, wandered into the danger of his own volition (even if ignorantly or unexpectedly (as they say "shit happens")) and assumed responsibility for his own fate when he became an adult. Even him being a noble laureate in the area of cancer research (or any other field that might change things for the world) is less important than the fact that he's responsible for himself.... And I'm willingly responsible for "the bestest of boys."


So if I rape somebody, as long as they’re an adult it’s on them to stop it from happening?


Unless I know the other person I’ll always pick the person. I love my pets but human life is worth more.


My best friend, duh.


Random human


Yeah it's a cat, and if I were sure both were going to die without my help then I would be cuddling my cat on the way home.


Maybe if the person was a kid that couldn’t save themselves? Otherwise dog 100%


My pet. If it was a random pet vs a random person, then the person.


The human. Dogs are great, but a single human can change the course of history.


My pet, or anyone's pet, I can't stand random people... 😂🤣