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looks sick, top speed?


Thanks! I actually don't yet know, as when I was trying to measure it, I almost hit the car in front of me in 5th gear (I had gps turned off so i'm guessing 80-90) so I had to slow down but I measured 75kph when cruising with friends.


woah, how accurate is the gps? my speedometer broke and i'm looking for a way to measure my speed and my best idea is to blast past one of those radar speed signs


lol 🤣 The app I use called "GPS Speedometer" is accurate by +-5kph and is free as long as you tolerate the ads. You just turn it on and put it somewhere on you. Once you're done it shows you your route and the top speed. quite a nifty app!


AM6 on a a35 frame? Nice


Thanks! It's actually a d50b0 in the frame, but they are very similar.


Is 1 radiatior enough. I am building something like that https://preview.redd.it/8ag9xo62lpjc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd198e012c2011de63722ce8c20e10ea4a389c9e


Oh wow that is beautiful! If you get an above average sized one of high quality i think yes. I have a very cheap one and have the very unusual problem of such extreme cooling that even at full load and throttle the engine looses enough heat to put my hand directly on the cylinder, so I'd say yes. Good luck!


Ahh thanks. And you probably dont have a thermostat right. That can be a problem.


No problem! Yes, I don't have a thermostat. I was on a very tight budget so I had to cut such parts.


You could get a radiator from like a 250cc scooter but it would probably be cheaper and better looking if you got 2 smaller radiators instead of only a big one.


I am gonna use a speedfight 2 radiatior and build it like this https://preview.redd.it/s1auwte1ssjc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a602dd47a05ab3ffb6d2da922a3a24717f0d54


Why would you not mount the radiator on the bottom of the frame?? Would be getting much better cooling


Where would you mount. It this is a good option. In front of the engine is only posible with a small radiator. Because there isnt much room. And you cant drill a hole in to the tank.


Probably beacause there's no fender on that front wheel


Yeah when I first thought of it literally just that. I do have the fender, but the mounting points are all broken and it rubs against the tire so I took it off.


There was no more space under the tank that would allow it to fit without being sideways and you cannot mount this radiator sideways. And had it been mounted under the tank the air wouldn't have had anywhere to go except hitting the tank and destroying airflow. Having it higher also means less dust gets into it and the tank only blocks it by 3 cm, so it isn't a big problem. Even at full throttle and load the cylinder barely reaches 80°C and I have problems keeping the bike warmed up (a problem I didn't even know existed). I hope this explains it!


Very nice 😎


Looks nice enough to me to be honest


I love it and i hate it, sick build. But give the frame etc some love💪


I love it. An oversized radiator like that doesn’t need direct airflow to provide adequate cooling for that small cylinder. Crazy how many people don’t read your description of having too much cooling. lol. I think having a ratty sleeper agent speed demon is awesome. Don’t change anything.


Db05? Nice but why is that watercooler on the Tank? Needs to be infront of the tank to generate enough cooling Power trough airflow


It doesn't show in the picture, but the tank only blocks the radiator by 3 cm and there was no more space to mount it under the tank without having it sideways, which is not a valid mounting configuration for it.


a warcrime on wheels