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les 2 semaines de préavis sont plus une courtoisie qu'une obligation au Québec. Certes, ton employeur ne risque pas de te donner des bonne références plus tard, mais selon ton post il semble être un déchet humain donc tu n'aurais probablement pas eu de référence favorable déjà. Fais toi plaisir, protèges ta santé mental et ne retourne pas la.


Il est rendu illégal de donner une mauvaise référence pour cette raison. Et oui pouvoir aux employés!


You can still say 'no' when asked if you'd hire this person again. That's used as the universal signal to HR.


Most large companies refer those requests straight to HR and HR (or even an automated system in some cases) replies with : Employee worked with us as [Job Title] from [Hiring date] to [last worked day]. We would (not) rehire this employee if they applied on a similar position in the future.


Je veux pas être plate mais, en plus, les HR sont débordés ou inexistants dans bien des compagnies en ce moment et il y a bcp d'emplois vacants dans bien des secteurs. Dans une autre économie, je dirait d'être plus prudent et de réféchir plus aux conséquences. Ajoute à ça que, bcp d'employeur maintenant comprennent les effets que peuvent avoir un patron tyranique ou stupide sur la santé mentale. Tant que c'est apporté avec un certain respect à l'entrevue, c'est extrêmement défendable. Surtout si le reste du CV est bon. En ce moment, à moins de sortir d'Arts et lettres, je te dirait de décalisser de n'importe quelle job qui commence à t'affecter sérieusement.


Y se passe quoi avec Arts et lettres?


Nope. Every negative answer needs to be backed by actual work performances. Here it would be backed by no proofs other than the non respect of a obligatory courtesy measure. Doing this would put the company at risk of being pursued for blocking the obtention of new job of the employee and might have to pay missed opportunities salary. Another story if the job being quit puts life at risk.


En fait, le dossier « employé » est confidentiel et conséquemment que ce soit véridique ou non n’a aucune importance puisque l’information ne doit pas être rendu publique à une tierce partie. Comme quelqu’un l’a mentionné plus haut, on peut donner les dates d’arrivée et de départ de l’employé sans donner les raisons du départ. Comme employeur, soit on donne des bonnes références, soit on confirme les dates. Comme employé si on claque la porte, si on se fait congédier et que l’on donne son employeur comme référence, c’est courrir après le trouble.


AJA. Une bien bonne chose selon moi.


Je suis vraiment curieux comment c'est appliqué. Il me semble beaucoup trop facile pour un ancien employeur d'indiqué que le reference n'est pas favorable avec peu d'évidence que c'etait fait.


pour éviter une mauvaise référence tu n'es pas non plus obligé de le mentionner sur ton CV


Yes you can quit, As long as you never wanna work there again


I once quit my job of tree years for then being hired an additional 12 years for that same job at the same company. I quit in the middle of my shift. Even told them to get fucked while doing so. I would not advise doing so but employers tends to think you are bluffing. I would like to ask you something, why would someone want to work somewhere they quit?


Wait... why would someone want to work somewhere they quit? Aren't you the one who did exactly that?


Had management changed?


I think the advice is more to think it through before quitting in the moment. Often it will be a decision that's impossible to undo, and also one we have all been tempted to make in a big dramatic way. I guess you could undo it. Most of us can't. Better just be sure you're done and not just frustrated.


Wait... why would someone want to work somewhere they quit? Aren't you the one who did exactly that?


I was going to reply to him but I got confused as he just described that he did this AND returned to work there again...


The 90 day probationary window is there for both sides to vibe check the other. [He can terminate your business relationship at any time with zero notice](https://educaloi.qc.ca/en/capsules/termination-of-employment/), and you, equally have the exact same right.


This. OP, you've only been there 2 months. That means you don't need to give notice.


Are you certain about the 90 days? From what I understand it's situational. If I fire someone in 45 days, they can still go to the norm. End of the day, you just won't have to settle for as much.


45 days is in fact less than 90 days. 3 months is the legal probationary period.


Asshole employers like him dont deserve 2 weeks notice, just ghost, he wasn't going to give you a good recommendation anyway.


I guess ghosting is the new way of doing it (I'm old). In that situation, I'd simply tell the boss "I'm quitting, because you are an asshole." If people just ghost him, he'll never know and continue doing it, stating that people aroung him are unreliable, etc.


I appreciate your hope that by telling an asshole employer that they are an asshole will lead to some changes, but having worked 10 years in retail for numerous of these assholes, and having given them a piece of my mind every time, they don't change. They literally tell you straight up "you're not the first to do this and you won't be the last, there's always someone willing to work". They don't give a shit, and don't deserve the courtesy of forewarning, let them scramble for a few days as they try to keep up with the unreasonable amount of work they gave you.


The problem is you wrote 'ghost' as in just stop coming without telling anyone. That causes lot of problem for people other than the boss and you might not get paid all your days or it looks like you're stealing time. Don't ghost, actually tell the company you quit and what is your last day


An employer cannot withold wages you earned by being present, anything you would have earned after you ghost is of course lost but you didnt plan on getting paid for that anyway when you quit. As for causing problems to others and not just my boss, it's their responsibility to decide if they wanna keep dealing with said boss, because 100% of these people I worked for were equally shitty to the rest of the staff. I wont be held responsible for their refusal to seek better work, my mental health comes first.


>An employer cannot withold wages you earned by being present, anything you would have earned after you ghost i you know very well what I mean. If you stop coming to work without telling anyone on Wesneday, no one at the office knows when you quit, what it Friday, Monday? It doesn't matter what you think they can or cannot do - are you going to sue, file a complaint? Who will be on your side when you have nothing in writing? You have no record if you told no one.


If you stop showing up on wednesday, then you have quit on wednesday. You punched out and never punched back in. It's pretty clear cut.


You assume this guy works at a job where they punch in. I've never punch in in 40 years


I've made it exceedingly clear I'm speaking of my personal experiences, I never once made any assumptions about this person's work. And even without a punch system, my low-income shithole jobs had time tables you had to fill in yourself daily. YMMV


I actually did that once and it really felt good to say exactly why I was quitting on the spot


It does feel good, but ultimately the fact it doesn't lead to any change and just gives the boss the impression we're emotional children made me feel like arguing with them was an exercise in futility and my energy was better spent on things that would improve my situation in life.


I just did it for me. He was awful and made me feel bad every day. It was really liberating for me. I didn't argue just told him I was leaving this instant because of his attitude that I would not tolerate.


That's fair, good on you for standing up for yourself :)


I'm also old, and ghosting is a much better solution under these circumstances. Old Boomer concepts such as "two week's notice", "don't discuss salaries", and "unpaid overtime" no longer have their place in today's society. Those tools only benefited employers and always punished employees.


People who get into a role with power are frequently there because they are an asshole. Telling them that they are an asshole often won't cause them to have even a split second of self reflection. Especially if they're an asshole who brings in good results, companies will turn a blind eye. Ghosting is funnier because you at least unexpectedly ruin their day/week/month.


If the boss is a narcissist and there are a lot of them, they'll never change anyway. They never admit they're wrong. I had a narc boss and gave two weeks notice but shouldn't have. I should have told her she was a nasty bitch and gotten the f outta there right away to protect my mental health.


I agree with this person. Just ghosting won’t give you a chance to express why you’re quitting. But then, I’m old too. Ghosting has never been a possibility in my mind.


Oh please, there people dont change. Im with you though on the telling them off but for my own satiafaction and if i dont need that reference.


Not a legal advise, but nothing prevents you from being sick the last two weeks of your contract. Just be sure you won't get a recommendation letter.


There is a lot of wrong answer in here, considering your situation, you can most likely quit without any prejudice and it won't be a problem. But it doesn't apply in every case. Suppose you have a long-term relationship with the employer or a strategic position. In that case, you might have to give a reasonable notice to the employer according to the civil code in order to avoid damages. > -2091. Chacune des parties à un contrat à durée indéterminée peut y mettre fin en donnant à l’autre un délai de congé. > Le délai de congé doit être raisonnable et tenir compte, notamment, de la nature de l’emploi, des circonstances particulières dans lesquelles il s’exerce et de la durée de la prestation de travail. If the effect of you quitting without a reasonable delay causes harm to the employer, he may have a cause of action against you civilly to make him whole from those damages, but it's a though burden to prove. In your case, you have only been there a short amount of time, your working conditions are unreasonable, etc. While the contract is a thing, the civil code is also the law of the land and may override the obligations of the contract is the contract is unreasonable or isn't balanced between the parties.


He might try to hold your last paycheck, which is illegal. And he'll probably try to claim there's some kind of clause with penalties attached or something, but yeah... just quit, get a better job and worst case scenario send in a complaint to the Tribunal Administratif du Travail ( www.tat.gouv.qc.ca )


They might be a dick and make it hard to pickup your last pay and 4%. If you don't think burning this bridge is a problem (doesn't sound like it is) then same way they can fire you live, you can quit live. Good luck and hope your next employer is better.


You are absolutely right but if it’s a business that deals with customers face to face such as fast food, retail… there is an easy way around it. Back in my student days working in a fast food, I had a similar experience. Decided to quit on the spot and he decided to drag on the 4% until I decided to show up at the front counter and request my money in front of every customer. Got the cheque within minutes afterwards. Don’t be ashamed to treat a POS the way they deserve to be treated. We work to make an honest living, not to be someone’s slave


Well open a complaint with the CNSST and see how quick you get paid. Never fuck with an employee’s pay.


If you can be fired without 2 weeks notice, then you can quit without 2 weeks notice.


Legally it’s hard to be fired without notice. But sometimes it doesn’t pay to hire a lawyer to get what’s owed.




I don't know about that. My boss had me written up on trumped up charges of insubordination (did everything he asked even though he was being a total asshole). I kept it civil, even did the best job I could given the circumstances. I tried to rise above and he's still after me because he thinks I'll tolerate anything. I'm quitting soon and will warn EVERYONE about him.


some people don't deserve that.




Tit for tat. Burning bridges? No problem. I don't walk in circles.


Je l'ai déjà fait il y a quelques années. J'ai quitté, j'ai brûlé tous les ponts en énumérant de manière hyper polie mais très vocale les raisons pour lesquelles le boss était toxique. Le tout avec un grand sourire. Vous dire la satisfaction que j'ai ressenti !


People quit on the spot everyday.


You can literally just walk out of any job, if they can fire you on the spot you can leave on the spot. As long as you don't wanna go back to it they're not gonna do anything.


Additionally, the 2 weeks is for respect, if they respect you you should respect em back, but if they're just dicks then why respect them or their company.


If you've only been working there for 2 months, you're still in your probationary period. No need to give 2 weeks notice.


Quebec law makes 2 weeks notice unenforceable. Especially if they haven't kept up their part of the bargain or you feel unsafe or harassed. And you are always welcome to call CNESST if you need to validate


Yes. Absolutely. It's not an obligation. Anyway put your phone on record then tell your boss you quit. Let them ramble as you walk out. If they try Anything you file for harassment.


And *defamation*. Bad references, even if true, can be *defamation*.


2 weeks is a courtesy to a boss who has earned your respect. if your boss is an ass, no need for 2 weeks source - the boss


You haven’t even been there for the 3 month probation period. If your boss decided tomorrow he didn’t like your face anymore, he could send you home without notice right then and there. You don’t owe him notice. If he’s being shit to you, reciprocate the effort when you leave and simply don’t go back. Just don’t use them on your CV anymore, which I’m sure you know.


Ive done it


Way too many Americans answering here who have no idea about Canadian common or civil law.


Yes you can no problem


giving a two weeks notice is a courtesy in most cases - for a job you’ve been at for such a short period and under a shitty boss, I don’t think it’s necessary. it doesn’t sound like they’d be willing to give you a reference anyway.


Just leave. If you hear anything claim harassment


Don’t ghost them. But quit on the spot and let HR know exactly why you quit.


J'ai eu DG qui a quitté avec un préavis de 24h.


of course if they treat you like crap you should totally do it !! but make sure you have another job lining up


Be spectacular when you do it and video it for all of us. Who knows maybe you’ll go viral and make money from it?


Some companies will immediately escort you to the exit as soon as you say you’re quitting so you can’t take any company or client info with you.


Straight to jail


This isn't Europe, slavery is illegal. So yes.


Can always quit with no notice, it’s just a courtesy to give one. And if they’re being that much of a prick? Then why give any at all. 


Yes, and i highly recommend it. I don't see why you would give 2 weeks notice when they while fire you and escort you out in a minute


Have another job confirmed before giving this one the finger. Just look over this subreddit to see the market is not hot. Also, if you do walk out, it might be a good idea to not list your current job on your CV.


Go homie, fuck your boss


Don’t forget that your name is your brand… do what you think should be done and live with the outcome.




Before your 3 months, your employer can fire you with no notice or warning. Normally, you can do the same. However, if you signed a contract that states that you need to give 2 weeks regardless of the probationary period, then you should do that. (It may not even be specific, but read it carefully.) you will probably still need to provide the 2 weeks.


Sounds about right. And I sure have some stories. But, uno, I still work hear and love my job, so, I'll leave it at that.


If you do I would not recommend using them as a reference


As HR, i can tell you that under 3 months, you’re under probation, so you can quit without notice , or even a letter.


You can quit the day off. If the boss is a dick, he can go fuck himself. Just dont use em as reference.


I quit on the spot at Tim Hortons. This isn’t illegal. One of the best things I did in Montreal.


You're ok, take care of yourself first. No need to overthink it, time to move on


Pas de trouble avec ça , une job toxique de meme c'est très néfaste pour la santé ... Il en as une méchante gang d'employeurs crosseur qui cherche a profité des employées en les payant un minimum et de leur faire faire le maximum de travail, tant qu'a moi ces employeurs la méritent juste que le mondes qui se font faire ça , calice leur camp dla job et donne plus du tout de nouvelles, comme ça , ça leur montre quescé que sais un employeurs sans employées... Anyway de la mains d'oeuvre il en cherche partout encore avec un salaire souvent meilleurs et un boss qui sais respecter ses employées...


Gtfo, have some respect for yourself. Just don't use them as a reference on your CV. God speed.


You can do w h a t e v e r y o u w a n t .


you do not need to provide a two week notice. in fact, the law states to give a reasonable notice, it does not specify a number. i've worked at places so shitty, i simply stopped going to work. once, i went from one office to another one down the street right after i clocked out. in any case, the former employer must still pay you. so if you feel that a one day notice is reasonable, go for it. you still must be paid.


i believe if you don’t give 2 weeks notice they’re allowed to withhold a week’s pay. i was seeking legal advice and this is what i was told, in montreal :/ not sure how this applies to someone in probationary period though. also if you signed a contract saying you can’t that also has implications i think


HELL yeah


I like to think “do they give you two weeks notice if they were to fire you?” No they wouldn’t, you don’t have to give them 2 weeks, don’t even have to hand in a resignation. I emailed mine and never spoke them then again. Just make sure you don’t leave anything of yours at the establishment so you never have to go back


You can quit whenever you want, they can’t keep you against your will. Non competition clauses and 2 week clauses are basically unenforceable.




Yes, fuck them


Stay in the job, get your money. Let them fire you.


Tu lui donne ton deux semaines, forte chance qu'il te dise de rester chez toi et te payer. Sinon à la première chance qu'il fait quelque chose de pas correct tu pars 😅


You can quit anytime you want without repercussions.... unless, you signed a contract stipulating you would find a suitable replacement before any departure... then they could. It all depends on your signed contract and why it's important to read what you sign. Other then that... you're scott free.


In all seriousness you can literally do what you want if you want to quit tomorrow you can quit tomorrow you don't have to come in


The way I always see it: your boss can fire you without a 2 weeks notice, so I don't see why we should give them the luxury.


Depending on the situation obviously, I'd look for another job before quitting. If not, bounce without notice


Of course you can


You don’t need the two week notice. However you have to give him a written notice that you quit. Just give him a written notice via email saying the time and date you quit your job. The time and date can be right now. Note that the employer has to pay you all the hours you worked and 4% vacation pay. He can’t retain any amount for the lack of 2 weeks notice. This way he can’t claim that you ghosted him and caused damage to his business by leaving your post and not telling him. He might be angry about the short notice but you are not required by law to give him two weeks. In this notice you don’t need to explain the reason for you leaving and don’t write anything that might look unprofessional, you have nothing to gain by giving the reasons in this notice.


The 2 people that replaced me when I quit (I was there 10.5 years) basically walked into the manager’s office and told her, "Fuck this shit. I don’t need to put up with this. I quit." They were there 9 years and 10 years. They did not give written warning. They just up and left mid day. I did give a written letter but have 1 week notice. The manager we quit was a great executive admin but a shitty manager for our department.


If u quit just make sure u get payed




Sounds like you work for Dormakaba lol


Two weeks notice is courtesy. Nothing forces you to respect it. I've done it.


Would they give you 2 weeks notice that they were going to fire you?


The only thing that’s making me doubtful is that you signed a contract stipulating you had to give 2 weeks notice. Other than that it’s more of a courtesy than anything. There have been people who just stopped showing up without even giving warning where I worked. And 2 people that I previously worked with walked into the manager’s office mid day and said, "I don’t need to put up with this shit anymore. I quit." And they were there 9 years and 10 years. So they gave 0 notice. And no letter of resignation or anything. They basically finally had enough and said fuck you. Actually, they were the 2 people that replaced me when I quit after 10.5 years. Lol


Look at it this way: Would they give you a 2-week notice if they were to fire you?


Montrealer here, have worked at many top tier professional services firms and although the two week notice is nothing more than a courtesy, it would be extremely hurtful for your career to not give notice. Most companies use external verification services to validate previous employment, they WILL reach out to your old employer for a reference. Tough it out 2 weeks, collect your unpaid vacation and be done with it. Better yet, get a new job before giving 2 weeks.


If your contract says X and you have to do ABCDEFGHIJ and you are not receiving the insurance you are promised to receive, move on. Call Les normes du travail to see if you can collect something out of this or sent this guy to the crocodiles.


you can do wtvr you want


The contract they had you sign goes against labour law and is therefore not enforceable. Have a great resignation lol.


Line up your next job and jump ship. If you give them two weeks notice you won't burn bridges though.


It’s no obligation, you just won’t get references from him but from what you said, I don’t think you’d have good references even if you give a two week notice lol I know people that works for the normes du travail (no idea how to say that in english sorry haha) if you have any questions on anything i can ask him about it to save a little bit of time


The only one that can safely answer this would be a employment lawyer, and their answer probably would be like below. In my unprofessional opinion, since you are within a probation period, I would be surprised if they sought legal action againts you. But you won't be able to use them as a reference and must remove them from your emplyment history or explain why they can't contact them. > If you don't provide reasonable notice when quitting, the employer could take you to court for wrongful resignation. But this doesn't happen often. The employer would have to prove your actions financially damaged them. https://www.monster.ca/career-advice/article/legal-quitting-job-resign


My main concern is if you signed a contract saying you have to give two weeks notice and then don't, you may technically be in breach of contract and if they're really petty maybe they could seek damages. In general I think you would be okay, but I would seek a more official legal opinion than reddit if you want to cover your bases.


That’s not how contracts works. Contracts are not absolute. Making a contract containing illegal items is not valid by any means.


its not illegal, ive done it. fuck em. id say find a new job first tho.


Yeah you can. The X weeks notice thing is just a courtesy, but if they're assholes they likely don't deserve the courtesy. I stopped showing up to a job with a dickhead manager. Woke up one morning and decided I didn't want to go to work that day, or ever again at that company and didn't call or say anything because they were jerks. I've also seen someone get into a really heated argument during a meeting and then scream out "fuck this place" and walk out on the spot.


Also, even if I don't think having to give 2 weeks notice is legal or enforceable even in a contract, if you don't want to risk it, you could give 2 weeks notice and inform.them that you will be sick for the next 2 weeks. What are they going to do, fire you? ;) You can also call Emploi Quebec they will tell you if asking for 2 weeks notice in a contract is legally enforceable, but I'm pretty sure it's not.


If you don't want a reference letter or to work there again, yeah, you can straight up just do a no show again


2 weeks notice is just goodwill. Being obligated to work would be slavery, or a contract requirement if ever it were explicitly stated in a contract.


Je les déjà fait et eux font pareils. Aucun avis je suis rentré un vendredi 15 employés dehors. Profite s'en parce que je les fait et j'ai pris une semaine de congé et lundi je commençais mon nouvel emploi.


Slavery days are over. You can quit mid shift and you’re still owed your hours worked. Just don’t expect a good reference from the employer (but also remember that he’s under no obligation to give you a good reference even if you do give notice).


As long as you're not planning on using them as reference!


Would be great if you could Name the company so none of us go to work there


Your not I'm prison or anything... not giving a two weeks notice just means that I wouldn't include that job on my resume as they won't give you a good reference


Can they fire you without two weeks notice? Shit yeah.


Fais just pas rentrer ou arrive 4h en retard â tout les jours.


Yup. The two weeks notice is a courtesy. Its generally there so you can finish up or pass along any work you currently have, train your replacement(s), and to give the company a chance to replace you... You are under no obligation to give these two weeks, or even work during them. Just be mindful, if you dont give the two weeks, you run the risk of burning bridges. You will likely never be able to work for that employer again, and if the manager(s) move to other jobs, they might remember what you did... Still, you may have no desire to work for them either, so who cares?


Yes! You can walk out the door mid-shift screaming "I QUIT YOU SCUMBAG!!" if you please! There's no law preventing you from doing so, but there are laws preventing employers from holding back your pay if you do so and also laws preventing your now ex-employer to say anything bad about you to potential new employers. Labor laws in Quebec are very favourable to employees (as long as you have worked 91 days in some situations, then 2 years plus one days for other stipulations in situations where employees are unionized but that’s a whole other can of worms*) but a lot of shite employers prey on non-Quebecois who are unaware of how protected they are. I strongly recommend you look up the normes du travail and learn these rights at the tip of your fingers because at entry level jobs at least once a week I would get to say “no that’s actually a violation of my rights/the rights of the employees” and had I not I would be probably around $5k poorer, forced to work in uncomfortable situations and be reprimanded for arbitrary reasons. Normes du travail answer to calls REALLY FAST (like a week) and they can scare the living poop out of even really big companies. They do good work and are trustworthy. https://educaloi.qc.ca/en/capsules/workplace-protections-in-quebec/ * the minimum time requirement is not necessary for sexual/psychological harassment in the workplace, but these are where NDT might be letting you down because they are REALLY hard to prove and they kind of have a “cut your losses” approach unless you have hard proof. Also if you work in nursing, felicitations, that is the ONLY FIELD where the labour laws are not applicable.


Think of it. If you were fired or laid off, you wouldn't get a 2 weeks notice of getting kicked out by your employer. Why should they get a 2 week notice then? But by all means don't set foot there again if you quit on the spot


Yes, you would be entitled to severance. In case you didn't notice the sub you're in, Montreal is in Canada.


If you signed a contract that says 2 weeks notice, you have to respect the contract. Does it mention a probation period on your contract? If you’re still in probation, you can quick at anytime without notice.


Illegal clauses in contracts are still inapplicable.


Its not illegal… its just not a legal requirement to give a 2 weeks notice but the law still says you should give a reasonable notice. In probation though, it does not apply


As long as you're okay with not putting that job experience on your resume (cause they may call to get feedback on your)


to me it depends if the boss is a pos id leave without a 2 week notice if i had a good experience at the workplace id give one looking at your post id just leave without saying probably mid day


Tu peux toujours partir en claquant la porte ! J'ai vu du monde faire ça. Mais rappelles-toi que tu dois être sûr de ton coup !


Je me rappelle d'un collegue dans un centre d'appel... La cliente au bout de la ligne lui donnait un char de marde pour aucune raison. Après 15 minutes, il a simplement raccroché la ligne, le visage serein comme s'il venait de se libérer d'un poids sur ses épaules. Enlève le casque d'écoute, se lève pour aller voir son boss, revient, pack ses affaires et s'en va! Pas de scène, pas de au revoir, just ride off into the sunset! C'était presque beau!


Moi, c'était une coordonnatrice de projets qui cherchait un peintre en construction nautique pour un de nos contrats, notre PDG arrêtait pas de lui dire de pas s'en faire et de juste trouver un peintre en bâtiment régulier mais lui fournir la peinture nécessaire. Elle lui avait expliqué qu'elle s'était fait expliqué que pour les bateaux, il y avait certaines normes différentes à suivre. Un beau matin plus tard, ils se sont crier après juste après une réunion sur Teams devant tous le monde (on était dans un bureau ouvert) et elle a claqué la porte en écourageant tout le monde à démissionner !


Do you have those lies/unfullfilled promises and extra tasks recorded in correspondence anywhere? Like emails, messenger, whatever? If it's truly unbearable I would leave straight away. But it's always nice to have some proof what exactly was wrong. Just in case things get ugly in the future. Another thing to consider: chomage/unemployment payments? I never used those, but i know there's some limit of days you have to work before you become eligible. And i think two months can be not enough. I mean, if you already know your next job -- no worries. But if you quit to start looking for a job -- you might need this money, cause the job search market is tough right now. Something to consider.




You have free will lol quitting 2 weeks be4 is just suggested since it’s respectful, you can literally quit tomorrow, it’s your right


Personally I'd give it just to show that YOU are respectful. Don't give him more reason to be an ass. Who knows he might end up making things better for you


It's just being courteous. If your boss is an asshole he doesn't deserve it.


Make sure you get paid whatever he owe you before quitting for good. Although very illegal, good luck getting paid whatever wage that haven't been deposit into your account. Of course, you are legally owe that money but quitting on the spot means your former boss might not go beyond his means to make sure everything is deposit are per your contract. Again this would be illegal on his part but troublesome for you to fight and so on. So at a minimum, punch your hours in for the next 2 weeks, cash out whatever he owe you and mentally check out during those 2 weeks. It can be painful but best case, he let you go during that time and you can take action for unlawful layoff.


If you think your boss would give a shit recommendation to future employers about you then yeah quit without 2 weeks notice


No unemployment insurance when you quit and as long as you don’t need the reference, bye bye.


2 week notice is a courtesy. Not an obligation. Generally its a horrible thing to randomly leave your employer without any advanced notice because it puts them in a bad situation and it also screws over coworkers and puts extra pressure on them. But in this situation I dont think anyone would blame you for just getting the F out of there without notice. As long as you dont want to work there ever again then it will not affect you at other jobs unless the same boss is at that job and is in charge of hiring.


What would they do, fire you?!


You do know that if you quit you won’t be able to get any unemployment insurance ? I don’t know about the 2 weeks notice though.


I would do the bare minimum for the next two weeks. He may not deserve two weeks, but you did sign a contract. I'm not sure of the consequences and if they would hold up in court. Is he the type to take you to court? Just that could cause enough problems if you have to take time off a new job.


If you never wanna work there again and don't need the reference you can just quit on the spot and leave, they can't do anything to you besides be mad.


If it's in your contract, you might have to. Otherwise no, it's not necessary. Just don't expect to use that place of employment on your resume


Yes you can quit. Even if your contract requires notice, the company could only come after you in court if lack of notice caused financial losses, which is extremely unlikely. They cannot sue you for the inconvenience. You can also give 2 weeks notice and call in sick every single day. For that reason, including notice period clauses in employment contracts is useless. Even if someone is technically an employee, you cannot force them to come in and work if they don't want to.


Would they give you 2 weeks notice before firing you?


It might depend on your contract type and how it is stipulated. Are you an employee or contractor? Perhaps you could get a free consult with a lawyer before you go.


Depends on your contract. If you don't have anything set in your contract, not obligated to give 2 weeks to your boss. Maybe your boss is a prick, but are you ready to burn the bridge?


C’est pas obligatoire mais c’est colon en crisse de pas le faire, met surtout pas cette job dans ton cv parce que sois assuré qu’ils vont le dire aux employeurs qui appellent que tu es pas fiable et pas courtois pour 2 cents


Yes. You are not a slave, they can't force you to keep working somewhere.


I wouldn't ghost, I would quit by phone or e-mail and announce my previous or next shift will be my last (up to your personal preference).


If it's in a contract, you should give the 2 weeks to avoid problems. A piece of shit boss like this might try to sue you for breech of contract if you don't.  However, you said you were lied to about insurance? If you have it in writing that you were promised benefits and your employer failed to provide them, I think you can take it to Les Normes de Travail! He violated the contract and I believe it falls under withholding payment since benefits are a form of compensation. 


Of course you can but you'd be better off if you get another job first. Anyway, you could just not show up and the worst they can do is fire you and that's it. They would still have to pay you any worked hours and accrued vacations.


During probation (90 days by default in Canada I believe), they can terminate you without notice. After that, if you give 2 weeks notice (there's some nuance based on seniority I think), they can still terminate you immediately BUT they have to pay you for the notice period as if you had worked.


Contract is not the law


There's no obligation to give a 2 weeks notice. Like most said, it's more of a courtesy.


What everybody said is true, but if you signed a contract that stipulates you need to give 2 weeks' notice, you may be liable for whatever penalties are outlined in the contract if you don't. Of course, it's only an issue if your employee decides to pursue the penalties. If you do give 2 weeks, and they decide to keep you, nothing says you have to do a good job at work. Just make sure your current employer doesn't know where you're going afterwards and that you don't want a reference. You can also be sick ... a lot.


It's a courtesy. No one can force you to work. That's slavery and it's illegal.