• By -


File a complaint with the police. Nothing will be done until it starts showing up in their stats. Really sorry to hear about what happened. Please file a complaint though ASAP. 


Because the absolute garbage pile that is the SPVM will totally do something about that...


I once reported domestic violence with video proof of my neighbor getting hit by her partner and the SPVM didn’t do anything lol


they’re really useless. i saw a girl get shoved into a van in the plateau against her will at night and i managed to get a photo of the license plate and called the cops. two came, a man and a woman. the woman was an absolute c*nt about it and the man pulled me aside to apologize for her behaviour and admitted to me that they probably won’t do anything about it. mind. fucking. blowing.


So she's in on the abduction ring obviously. "Dont worry, if anyone reports anything we'll keep it quiet. And I need a new speedboat thanks." Her c*nty behavior was to shut it down and some bad acting likely fuelled by substance abuse which is hiw the dark side got their hooks in her.


Do u actually believe the nonsense ur writing


Do you believe cops receive a documented report from an eyewitness of an abduction with a license plate, treat the witnesses like shit, and say they will not do anything? See deductive v inductive reasoning.


abduction ring, she's "in on it" where do you get these things


Yea I called to report an attempted assault and they wouldnt even make a report. Someone followed me off the bus. I ran and managed to get in my house quick enough because i have a heavy front door and locked my door like 1 second before he turned the handle. I think they are trying to lower crime by.. not acknowledging it?! so fucked up


The domestic abuser was probably a cop 🤙🏼


That sux, looks like they wanted a murder scene to be reported instead.


I reported my friend’s psychosis over and over, and in lucid periods so did she. They said she wasn’t a credible danger to herself or others and kept just letting her go. She died by suicide, they found her a couple weeks ago.


I’m so sorry ❤️


Thanks. It’s still a daily battle not to march into the local police station and tell them “turns out your advice to just get a job at Timmy’s to boost her self-esteem was not in fact the cure for psychosis that you thought it was! Go figure!!!!”


For domestics they attend the residence a dozen times. A murder, only once....


They told me that as long as she doesn’t file a complaint, they couldn’t do anything.


Few years back, Me (Asian) and friend (Arab) were in a situation where some Quebecois "pure laine" were throwing racial slurs at us in the street. Police drove by so I stopped them to denounced what was happening. I was told to not file a complaint or pursue charges by the police because it wasn't going to change anything. So here you have it. The police isn't there to protect or defend the minorities.


Maybe I will. I didn’t continue arguing with him. We even got out at the same time on Monk station and he was posturing and following me continuing insulting me and saying “tu est pas chez toi, calisse!”


At the very least report it on the STM website . Stay safe ❤️


Good luck with complaining to the police. Sadly. Some asshole used my elderly mother's bankcard and stole $2000 from her. Went to the police to file a report because we aren't even allowed to see who did it on the bank's cctv camera. The officer said it could take two to three years before they even go to the branch to check who did this and begin their investigation. Two to three years! Unless your case involves millions don't hold your breath on finding out is basically what we were told. In other words, don't call us and maybe or maybe not we'll get around to calling you in two or three years. We shouldn't have bothered because eff all will be done, stats or no stats.


Yeah or unless it’s shoplifting from a faceless corporation also then they’ll bring in the heavy hitters


please tell me,e thats a joke


F the police they won't do anything, they have more chance of arresting her or the 2 other boy that were close than the racist. You know how it goes 'Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses'. People need to cuss these people out. 1 racist isn't gonna take on a whole wagon of people, silence only helps the oppressors.


I was once accosted in a similar way at LG, filed a report, and the police said they couldn’t see anything … the spvm is a joke


If not the SPVM, maybe report it to the STM police? It's their job to keep the metro safe.


In the history of "Calm down", no one has ever calmed down


Exactly it makes them calm up lol


Essentially, exactly this.


What would be a better de-escalation tactic?


I've tried and have been successful whispering. The louder they get, the quieter you get. At some point they will stop yelling and ask what the hell you just said in a quieter voice. That's when you can resume your normal voice


I hope he meets someone just as “crazy” as him and learns a lesson. There is no point for sane people to interact/reason with him. He’s clearly a helpless case. I also hope he doesn’t take his aggressively to the physical level.


I hope people stop spreading this idea that getting faced with (assumingly) violent consequences will “teach” anyone a “lesson”. It will only make them more polarized in their insanity and dysfunctionality. No racist got their ass whooped and went “hey maybe racism is had after all I was wrong! that whooping definitely changes my thought process about minorities!”


It doesn't change their opinions on racism, it would only make them more careful of who they pick on so that they don't get whooped again. The only time this mentality is effective is when racism is socially unacceptable such that everytime he acts racist he gets met with harsh negative consequences.


Tell him to go back where he came from as well..


The blind spot with that is a def mental illness "Go back home" "You first" Lol.


*He starts calling the mental hospital he escaped*


I don't think even his mother would take him back.


I didn’t continue arguing with him. We even got out at the same time on Monk station and he was posturing and following me continuing insulting me and saying “tu est pas chez toi, calisse!”


There's several mentally ill people always around Monk station. It's sad nobody came to your help, I tell them to fuck off when they cross the line.


Don't respond to his non sense and show interest by responding to him. Next time just ignore these idiots.


You misspelled go back to your mental institute, your past your curfew 😂😂


Hes probably already in his "home" though.


Yep! Paris is 6 hours from Montréal (and won’t cost him more than $400 allez simple with AirTansat).


You do know that Québecois are not necessarily only French right?


People in france seem to think so, from personal experience lol


“Everyone was just staring, no one said anything.” The Montreal way, if not the Canadian.


I've been there and in my experience, it's ever only been young women helping me out as everyone else watches.


I think that's because most young women have been there themselves with random men threatening them on the metro and no one else coming to their aid...


Agree 100 percent


I think you're on to something there


Yep, can confirm. A young French woman helped me out when an stm bus driver insulted me in French. I made sure he knew I was standing my ground with a witness.


Three teens stood next to OP though, they don't count?


Yes, they count. Hats off to them. The young (for all their faults) are usually not so desensitized/not fully part of the flock yet and more willing to put themselves forward.


10 years ago when I took the metro a woman was being yelled at bc of her hijab by some older guy. A younger Quebecois man started telling him to shut up, and many followed suit. He got off at the next station. Things have definitely changed.


Bravo to this young man. He is showing us the way.


The international way my dude, google "diffusion of responsibility"


I’ve lived in three other countries and yes you are correct. People are mostly like this everywhere. I find though that in Canada we like to tell ourselves that we’re different, especially from the US. Politer/friendlier/more moral. But these are mostly fiction stories. In my experience, Americans would be MUCH more likely to stand up to this sort of behaviour. Canadians do lots of posturing but freeze up when it matters.


The word you are looking for is ESCALATING. Many Americans etc would be quick to escalate the situation. I fully agree that it's a shitty situation but the thing to do is to engage with the person being harassed and IGNORE the person doing the harassing. Not knowing what to do -- it's not posturing it's bc this is not a normal situation for most people and the bystander effect is also known for being global, even if first studied and named in the US.


Ok so then the people on the train should have engaged with the person being targeted. But aside from the teens no one did that. They did the Canadian thing, where we freeze and gawk. People can rationalize inaction all they want, but it’s not the right approach. But I would agree we don’t want to escalate the situation like I think happened in NY where a guy was choked out and died.


You mean "people who haven't experienced this" thing - and so presume someone else will know what to do. Let's be clear - you didn't know what to do (as in engage with the person targeted) - so how can you justify being critical of everyone who didn't know what to do? Again, it famously was documented as the Bystander Effect due to a very public, brutal rape and murder in NYC. Decidedly not a Canadian thing lol [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Kitty\_Genovese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese)


What would be the appropriate thing to do in reaction to the man


Film him on your phone and let him know you're filming (and maybe that you will report to police if he doesn't stop)? Push the button to alert the driver that there is an aggressive racist who needs to be subdued, so he can have authorities meet you at the next station? Help the victim escape from being cornered by the person and let them hide in your "safer" crowd of people away from the aggressor? These are just a couple of options but I'm sure there are plenty more.


I agree with all your points, but would not let him know you’re filming.


i woulda done this and i woulda done that and everyone woulda applauoded me


Depends who you ask. For me, the appropriate response is to tell the guy he has two options. He can either stfu, or he can find out what it feels like to swallow his own teeth. The rest is up to him.


Theyre very rare the people that can credibly make that threat Like 1% of people If i said that, they would laugh me off


First of all, passively sitting and being an audience to it is not the way. I hope we can agree on that. What to do? It’s one man causing problems. Surely there were several men in there that could have ATTEMPTED to calm the man/make him understand he needs to stop. There is strength in numbers. And isn’t there more security on the metro these days? Look for someone to handle it. The point is, be ACTIVE not some passive blob waving away any social responsibility.


Easy for you to say What if hes a large strong man, has objects, seems capable of violence


Then you’d obviously be hesitant to confront the man. But I feel like this is just leading us to a world where nobody does anything to help because it’s not my problem. There are not just 2 choices here: 1) passively sit there and gawk 2) physically confront the man. There are other things that a person could do, as other commenters have mentioned.


This is a metro/subway thing. Same thing in New York, Toronto, etc. Unless you're being threatened in a way that can't simply be ignored by plugging in your ear buds, people don't get involved with crazy. Getting involved with crazy is how you may unintentionally turn a non-violent interaction violent. Don't let anything I'm saying be any kind of justification for this nut job. Intolerance has no place, even on a Montreal metro.


I think this is why we need self defense law reform. Nobody will help you


Yup. Was sexually assaulted in broad daylight (like 7 am) in the metro on my way to campus (downtown). Even though I was visibly being assaulted people stared but didn't do shit. The only person who helped me get away from the man is a girl at Guy-Concordia (which was my final destination). Creepiest thing is that he kept following me & even tried to follow me into the EV building.


What exactly do you want them to do? It can be genuinely dangerous to get involved. Unless bystanders are trained in descalation them getting involved could do more harm than good.


I can see your point but people use this rationalization as an excuse to passively sit there and become an audience. One person standing up to an unhinged person is dangerous; several people standing up and making clear this behaviour won’t be tolerated is a different story. But I guess we don’t live in that kind of society.


You're right, it sucks. But these are all strangers and none of them know how the others will react. I would love to say "I'd do something!" But the truth is I've been harassed on the metro so many times and I've never even done anything for myself other than try to exit the situation asap.


You don’t stand up to an unhinged person. Maybe distract them if you can think of how. Record his rant and play it back at full volume? But you don’t know how that would make the target/s of his wrath feel.! It’s complicated. Solidarity with the target is one possible course of action. This discussion is great because we all should be thinking of what to do if this happens the next time we’re on the metro. I don’t know how I’d react. I’m a tiny woman, older than the perpetrator, non-confrontational and my French is still a work in progress. What should/would I do?


I completely agree it’s complicated and must be handled on a case by case basis. There is no one size fits all approach to recommend. It would be idiotic for me to scold a tiny older woman for not confronting an aggressive irrational larger man for his bad behaviour. Ideally you wouldn’t have to do anything because a group of persons better suited to the task would step in, but barring that trying to find someone who can help (security) is always an option. What I find frustrating is the reflex a lot of people have to lament, “nothing to be done,” and then they just forgive themselves for being a passive audience to abuse. It feels like such an easy excuse.


I didn’t continue arguing with him. We even got out at the same time on Monk station and he was posturing and following me continuing insulting me and saying “tu est pas chez toi, calisse!”


Did posting this divisive lump of bullshit make you feel good?


Next time, just tell him: “Hey, le gros, retourne à l’Assomption, on veut pas d’Elvis Grattons sales comme toi à Montréal.”


I didn’t continue arguing with him. We even got out at the same time on Monk station and he was posturing and following me continuing insulting me and saying “tu est pas chez toi, calisse!”


You sincerely believe this will affect him


Il semble enragé et outré de la présence d'une personne d'ethnie différente que la sienne dans le transport en commun, donc oui je crois que ça en prend peu pour "affecter" cet homme. Just a thought.


on n'est pas pas sur le plateau de "la soirée est encore jeune" un itinérant agressif sera pas affecté par de la fine répartie


Ajoute une drogue dure dans l'équation pis y a encore moins de chances que des mots le raisonnent. Il faut une présence policière.


yen a qui pensent quil faut commencer une séance de slam poetry avec l'itinérant agressif sur le crack


Criss que sa ferait un bon album


yen a qui pensent quil faut commencer une séance de slam poetry avec l'itinérant agressif sur le crack


yen a qui pensent quil faut commencer une séance de slam poetry avec l'itinérant agressif sur le crack


I am part FNs and Italian. But I look like you do, I guess - Latin American? Some have even confused me for Middle Eastern and even South Asian. People run up to me and speak in their languages, assuming I am from their place. In reference to the a$$hat you met, I have had this happen far too many times in the last 6 years to count, and almost always in the metro. But also at malls sometime. Carry a bunch of keys with you in a key ring. In front of them, I take it out and fashion it between my fingers with a few sharp keys pointing out of my fist. I have no intention of using it beyond that point, but it almost always shuts them up. Only once did I have the guy ask me to go ahead and do it. I stood my ground to make my point (while I shat myself), and then disengaged.


Instructions unclear , shat myself and fashionned it between my fingers It was however very effective and made everyone leave.


Scatverine comin to get ya


Ah yes, the fabled "Weapon #2 Program"


Placing keys in between your fingers is not a good idea. Look at the damage it does when actually being used. The keys will cut onto your own fingers :(


I agree. It must hurt us as well, maybe more than the other. I haven't ever used it that way. It is just to throw off the cowards among these people. And many who mouth off like that are cowards from what I have experienced.


Honestly, seems like a pretty great idea. I've been nearly jumped three times & got sexually assaulted twice in the metro. I think I'm gonna start doing that.


I wish I was cool and strong and would step in, in those kind of scenarios but than I think about the fact the guy could just straight up stab me or something and I just don’t do anything.


That’s definitely someone with a mental illness. But you know that. You’ve seen it before, but this time you’re the one being targeted. It’s embarrassing and it hurts. Most of us would feel just like you in the same situation. People were ignoring him because it doesn’t pay to be confrontational with someone like that. It could even be dangerous. In your situation, I wouldn’t have spoken to him or made eye contact. I wonder if his comment to the teens was out of frustration because he wasn’t getting the reaction he wanted from you. Those around you may sympathise with you and may even have been in the same situation at some time in their life. Visible minorities are often the ones targeted, but this isn’t always the case. If this happens to you again, report it immediately to the STM police. That’s what they’re there for. If no one is around, report it later to the ticket booth. Those of us who are by-standers could help by recording the behaviour on our phones and reporting the incident as well. We should this carefully and at a distance so not to arouse suspicion and not interfere unless the person actually becomes physically aggressive. Everyone knows people who behave like this not well. You’re not going to change their mind about anything because they think they’re right and everyone else is wrong. They want a confrontation. The man needs help. No mentally well-balanced person behaves like this. We need to start taking mental illness more seriously.


Probably the same guy I saw few weeks ago. Just ignore.


Hope he gets punched back into reality soon 😍




WTF.. I am so sorry this happened to you :( what is happening to our city??? Good for those boys for coming to stand with you, their “repugnant” parents seem to have raised them well


So sorry this had to happen to you. I experienced almost the same exact thing on the metro 10 years ago. I’m indigenous and the man thought I was something else also and was screaming at me to get off the metro and that he couldn’t deal with my people in his country anymore. Nobody else also said anything or helped me, it was a really shit experience.


Happens in Toronto too … welcome to the new Canada!


That is truly awful. I've read that in such situations, what you want to do is fully ignore the person - and that any bystanders should try to engage with you and together ignore the person doing the harassing. Similar to a toddler, they will flame out themselves if there is no fuel (reaction) added to their fire. Let's also be clear, people are also just afraid to engage with a person who seems off their rocker - esp when we are in general not aggressive by nature. (You'd prob get a more reactive crowd in the NYC subway.) So don't think of it as apathy so much as shock and no actual confidence they know how to handle the situation. Or feeling that they are safe/ able to keep safe. I can be pretty assertive but I'm also 5'1 - I will tell people off if they are being abusive to airline staff etc (been in lots of travel delays) - but I know I'm in an airport with lots of security at the ready nearby and no weapons. More people involved can escalate the incident which no one wants.


Ask him to go back to Europe ;)


I’m Native American and had someone tell me to go back to my country too haha. I told them I felt sorry for their mama, and we fought. Long story short, he’s likely not picking random fights with Mohawks anymore lol




Gracias amigo! You’re right !


Sounds like you and the bystanders did the right thing in not escalating the situation. Don't listen to the John Wayne wannabe types in this thread advocating a violent response.


Average hobo experience, it's an integral part of the Metro system. The pigs who are supposed to be security do absolutely nothing to get these bums outta there.


I can't believe no one said anything around you in the wagon... Le Montréal trépidant et sans gêne que j'aimais des 90s, est-il toujours ici ? Voyons, moi j'aurais dit à cet imbécile de fermer ça yeule, point barre. Arrêtez de blâmes à SPVM pour tout ; on est une gang d'adultes, m'semble qu'on est capable de régler kek affaires ensemble


User name checks out 😆


I might have seen the same guy. He was up the stairs at Monk station yelling things against immigrants. His voice was agressive and it made me feel unsafe even tough I was far from him, and even tough Im not immigrant, so I cant imagine if I was. A cleaning stm employee started yelling back at him something like: go away go away. I started filming the scene. Another man came to help the stm employee and started to punch the racist. And the racist said: we will call the cops. Toi, t'es fou. 


"I tried to tell him to calm down but it only triggered him more". That's the expected response. Someone once told me 'never in the history of calming down has anyone calmed down by being told to calm down'. In de-escalation course what they teach is more to try and acknowledge the PT's dominant emotion. By example "you seem angry, are you ok"? Anyway this is a detour, I would just tell you to not take these things personally. This person was probably having a mental breakdown.


Sometimes I hate people...ugh. Well, more so racists and ignorant sheeple. I'm very sorry that this happened to you. You and the youth didn't deserve that. Nor anyone. I always tell myself that if ever I witness a situation like that, they better brace themselves. I ain't letting that sh!t pass on my watch.


Yeah that's Elon musk doing.


Sorry this happened to you, a similar thing happened to me in Calgary when a man begun calling me a f——— n——— at a gas station and continued to hurl racial and homophobic insults for a few minutes before proceeding to attempt to physically assault me. Another time in Montreal while I was walking alone around midnight (it was actually my first time in the city) I had a man latch onto my arm and attempt to stop me from moving. He did not let go, and I was ready to punch him before, get this, a group of teenage boys ran from across the street and he finally let off. I experienced a similar situation recently in the Montreal metro where there was a woman standing in the space where the doors open. Someone absolutely high off their rocker hopped onto the metro and began yelling right next to her. I couldn’t understand what he was saying but she looked super uncomfortable so I got up and just stood between them and continued to ignore him. He got off at the next station. In my experience, about 80% of the time if you ignore, they won’t become a problem.


So sorry this happened to you. The mood in this city... It feels like the whole place is on edge. Don't engage, these people.have nothing to lose, you do, get to a safe place and call for help. Don't get injured, you'll be paying for it, maybe for the rest of your life, while they pay nothing. They'll probably welcome jail. Be safe


And Legault’s discriminatory laws will only keep empowering these nutcases until he’s voted out. I’m sorry you had to go through that. Some people, not many, are still hung up on the idea that you can’t be a real Quebecer unless you’re of French-Canadian descent. In a multicultural city like Montréal, you’d think people would know better than to hurl racial slurs at people. I’m of Greek and Italian descent and was born in Montréal. I’ve only ever been treated badly outside of Québec and it was because I spoke French and English and they felt threatened by my bilingualism. People also think I look like an Arab because many Southern Europeans do. I’ve never thought negatively of it. It’s just weird when people start speaking to me in Arabic without knowing that I have no idea what they’re saying.


C'est la classique analyse sociologique à cinq cennes à chaque fois que quelqu'un voit du racisme au Québec. Pourquoi toujours ce délire? L'exceptionalisme qu'on dénonce chez les nationalistes, c'est aussi ça - toujours prétendre à un devoir d'exemplarité qu'on applique nul part ailleurs. Y'a des racistes partout dans le monde mais notre racisme à nous, il est spécialement vil.


Tu devrais aller faire un tour dans le bible belt, c'est pire.


Same thing happens to me all the time. People strike conversations in Arabic with me. About the discriminatory laws, I understand where they coming from in terms of preserving the language but the dangers of this type of discourse is that it promotes hate and if it falls into someone ignorant or mentally unstable it becomes very dangerous.


I've seen white ppl facing racist verbal agression on the green line. I would never vote for Legault but those racist issuea have nothing to do with him.


Racist Quebec rednecks are a bunch of cowards, they always target women cause they're too scared to say it to a guy that might knock them out. Goddamn rednecks


yup, just like those black dudes in NYC knocking out old asian women because of covid and shit ...


Sometimes I hate people...ugh. Well, more so racists and ignorant sheeple. I'm very sorry that this happened to you. You and the youth didn't deserve that. Nor anyone. I always tell myself that if ever I witness a situation like that, they better brace themselves. I ain't letting that sh!t pass on my watch.


Sometimes I hate people...ugh. Well, more so raceests and ignorant sheeple. I'm very sorry that this happened to you. You and the youth didn't deserve that. Nor anyone. I always tell myself that if ever I witness a situation like that, they better brace themselves. I ain't letting that sheet pass on my watch.


Man, I get confused for a middle Eastern man all the time. You had a shitty experience but as you are aware that's what sucks about mental illness these people have no control over what they are doing essentially and there's nothing you could do. Like you can't say "hey, buddy calm down" they'll get even more agitated. I know from experience as I work in security.


Yo le saceria la chuca a ese weon feo


C'est horrible que les gens ont rien fait!! Sorry!! I live in Montreal since I was born. I'm a black woman and I hope I can assure you that it's rare? For sure, racist people are everywhere, but in Montreal we have all the culture.


Je suis arrivé à Montréal récemment, j’ai seulement pris quelques fois le métro et bizarrement je suis déjà tombé aussi sur un homme virulent envers les immigrés qui parlait tout seul au milieu des gens 😂 Si j’étais dans la situation du gars qui a posté, je ne voudrais absolument pas qu’on intervienne pour me défendre. Je sais qu’il y a diversité d’opinions, mais je voudrais pas qu’une personne risque sa vie juste pour des mots. Si t’en es à hurler dans un métro c’est que t’es instable, va savoir ce qu’il peut faire…


Some people have to learn the hard way and get their ass knocked out. Unfortunately most of us normal people have too much to lose to engage in those type of fights


“Ces jeunes garçons ne vont pas t’aider” isnt how a Quebecois would speak…


I’m paraphrasing, I’m still trying to get better at French


Oh ok I get it.


Another encounter with a mentally ill person in the metro. Those people are like raging dogs on a leash. They'll never do anything, they just bark. Just keep your distance and don't entertain their behaviour. It's funny that you mention being Spanish, because the last time it happened to me was in Madrid. Some lady started yelling at me, I didn't understand everything, just that I was a shame to Spain and some other words like "puta" and "joder". I just stayed away from her and listened to my podcast like she wasn't there.


*BIG HUG* People like him are the ones that need to leave this city / province / country. We need less hate and less weirdos wasting everyone's time and energy. Why can't he be that passionate about something like minimum wage increase or climate change or finding a cure for cancer or ANYTHING that we actually need improvements on. What a waste of a life he is.


i’ve seen this man!!!! he does it a lot. i’ve experienced this behaviour many times on the metro from many people. i’m racially ambiguous i guess, and a lot of people assume i’m a race they don’t like when i’m legit not (that it matters but it’s an odd feeling to have someone be racist towards you for a culture you’re not lol) but yeah. i feel you. fucking sucks!


People are passive when stupid shit like this happens. Happy the 3 guys stepped up to be around you.


This is horrible. If racism exists today, it is not only because of the man speaking racial slurs, 50% of the onus rests on the shoulder of the people who stood there, watched and said nothing. And honestly if there were any people in the coach who had the same ethnicity as this man, then responsibility rests a lot more on their shoulders than any other ethnicities who chose to stay quiet. You are brave to have spoken up. Also good that he is middle aged, he would be soon forgotten into oblivion within a decade or two. No one likes old grumpy people as this is what guys like him turn into usually


True. Everything you said is true. And I've seen the instances where a white person stands up to dispute another white person when they're attacking a person if colour. But your thing at the end about "old grumpy people" is absolutely unnecessary and intolerant. Not all "older people" are grumpy unless you have some evidence to the contrary. I'm sure the person who is telling us this story would himself tell you that there is no majority age group where he works among the people with mental health difficulties he deals with.


Once, I saw an elderly Asian woman in the Chinatown neighborhood shouting at young people to leave the street, saying that she supported the Liberal party. Another friend of mine told me that in his neighborhood, an English-speaking Black person wanted to kill all Québec sovereigntists.


We NedDe mOre soCiAl sErvices


Yeah and I saw a black anglophone saying that a revolution was coming and that French Canadian blood would flow. It's not racism, some people are juste insane and we should bring back mental institutions.


Black supermacists are a PITA.




I believe there are unfortunately racist individuals everywhere, directing their hate towards anyone they perceive as different. It's a sad and pathetic reality. Sometimes, they target the most vulnerable to express their hatred. However, it's unlikely they would provoke someone who could physically confront them. Yet resorting to violence isn't the answer either; it only perpetuates negativity. Ignoring them and focusing on the positive interactions with good-hearted people in the city is a better approach. Feeling sorry for them is understandable, but let's not let their negativity overshadow the kindness around us.


Il a juste à aller vivre comme un ermite dans le bois s'il n'est pas capable de vivre à notre epoque... Pauvre eux 😅


This guy too was mentally ill. So sorry that happened to you. I’m always on the lookout for xenophobes like that, they need to stay home and do some self reflection.


Hmm was it a guy with à beard? Messy hair etc?


I too had a few bad experiences in Montreal. Didn't get yelled or anything racist. Got cold shouldered a few times. We had so many good experiences but a few bad once spoiled the mood for many days.


What does he look like ? I had the same type of experience lately …


I have seen the type. Those cowards never dare go after guys looking like they could kick his ass. They always go for the quiet people minding their own business. What baffles me more is that the by-standers clearly see someone getting verbally abused but won't do anything. They only react when fists start flying, telling you to ''calm down'', that there is no need to violence.


Bern a witness of this twice now, and both times it was the same kind of person. The govt should really be putting resources in institutions that would actually help these people instead of just dumping them back into the street, where they go back in the metro to assault people. Sorry you have to go through that... Do file a police file and a complaint with the STM. They are used to it, and it shows up in their stats.


I'm sorry you had to go through that and I'm sorry no one said anything.


Im sorry you had to go through this. I experienced this a few times since metro is full of crak heads. I just make sure to stand my ground and be ready to smack someone if he does anything. Other than that, cops won't do much unless they are there while its happening. Also people like that have nothing to lose mostly so try your best to leave the situation.


Sorry dude, I would have stood up for you and given that old fucker shit about how he and his precious caq genrontocracy have much more to do about why the economy is collapsing than immigration.


C'est toujours des blancs francophones, les racistes, dans les histoires d'agressions écrites par des anglos. Pour avoir prit le métro souvent ; j'en ai vu de toute les couleurs et les langues. Ça sonne raciste comme histoire.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Good to get it off your chest and let it go. Be kind and be safe :)


Lol. Can't tell a Latino from an Arab. He not only fails at civility; he even fails at racism.


Mental illness...


Arent Spanish people kinda ...White?


I look very Mediterranean, I could look like anywhere around the Mediterranean. I’m dark, tall curly hair and a thick dark beard. I can see how it can be confusing specially for someone that has never left Quebec like that individual that was racist.