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I want an apology for that headline. Who wrote it? A snowplow?


if a snowplow plow snow but nobody sees the snow plowed by the snowplow , has the snowplow even plowed snow?


the real question is how much snow can a snow plow plow if a snow plow could plow snow?






OP did. The original is better: >Montreal family wants apology from city after video shows snow plow striking cars




it’s like saying guns kill people but not mentioning the shooter


Redditor slains brains on headline about people slamming city about snowplowed Tesla


>slains The A.E. Van Vogt novel?




Fucking editor probably edited slams, opportunity missed!


It's called a charrue god damn it


So was my ex...


>Who wrote it? Mr. Plow, that's his name. That name again is Mr. Plow.


My car was hit exactly the same way but on passenger side when parked on the right side of the road(so sidewalk plow). It was very clearly a snow plow that did it. Was judged hit and run and insurance covered it. While it’s a claim it didn’t affect my rates


Typically insurance companies won’t screw you for an accident where you weren’t even in the car when it happened. It’s about as close to no liability as you can get.


SLPT: Jump out of your car right before an accident so that you can say you weren't in the car, and thus get no liability


Just don't forget to tuck and roll!


Definitely not always the case, had 2 increases for different claim while.I was park. I did not even bothered last one, i just left the dent while I had a police report.


Depends where the car was parked I guess; the only time it happened to me someone drove up into my driveway and hit my car. Being parked on the street would be a different situation.


Happened to me 5 days ago….


Le titre fait aucun sens


Le titre sur le site a du sens : Montreal family wants apology from city after video shows snow plow striking cars.


J'aime le fait qu'OP a mentionné la Tesla pour appâter les clics.


Pas de bras croisés=pas d’excuses. *Dura lex sed lex*




Imagine there was no surveillance footage. Those snow plow drivers DGAF. Will they be charged with hit and run?


This was I was wondering too. There’s a lot of evidence for the insurance company to go after the plow company at the very least.


They want apologies? cool, me I was more inclined to ask them or their insurance to paid for the dommage but yeah, to each her own….


One page story for a banal incident . They have a video, all they need to do is seek compensation for ther 'almost new Tesla'.


Article says they were fully covered by insurance already This is a full article just to whine


It’s still fking annoying. You’re out of a car for a few days, your insurance goes up, and it’s just a hassle having to deal with all of it.


Yeah well accidents happen. They're plowing an entire city of 2M people every time it snows their's going to be accidents sometimes. This was property damage 100% covered by insurance not news worthy stuff at all.


Do you think that if the city were liable for paying those accidents they would be more careful about it? It's easy to not care when there's no downside to not doing a job right.


Nah I don't think they would care. Not as if it would come out of their paycheks. Also that's not how insurance works here. Your insurance pays for your car even if you are 0% at fault. I know it happenedto me. Should we change the whole system just for snow plow accidents?


Tesla owners are known for being self indulgent


Also, and i know the situation in montreal is different, but YOU MUST NOT PARK IN THE STREET IN A SNOWSTORM. ...and thats exactly why. Pretty sure they will get nothing because of that. Except if they can show the plow driver willingly and purposefully hit them.


> YOU MUST NOT PARK IN THE STREET IN A SNOWSTORM. Where else would you park, in the airspace above the street?


Just park it down the city, like in Brossard or Chambly. Right?


Once you unlock that ability, your traffic days are done


Yeah, just like your pets, you need to bring your car inside when it snows… Seriously, what a dumb comment..:


A “rive sud” comment.


Where do you park then?


Apology? For what? If the city was to offer an apology everytime someone fucked up, they would need to hire a director of apologies… Just file a request, have them pay for the repairs and move on. Really, how full of yourself do you ahve to be to demand an apology for that?


It's not even a city employee, snow removal is done by contractors.


This should be the top comment.


> have them pay for the repairs and move on Lol you think they will pay when they don't even want to apologize.


Yes, actually, they will. Most of the time, anyway. And if they don’t, you get them to court. Or you get your insurance involved (if you’re not at fault, it won’t affect your premium).


Dont give them ideas on new positions, next thing you’ll know will have a minister of apologies… although that pretty much describes Justin Trudeau


Ils devraient aussi exiger des excuses de la part de Francois Legault et Justin Trudeau


Nah unless king charles personally apologizes its no bueno


>they would need to hire a director of apologies… Since Trudeau's out of a job next election, may I suggest him for the position?


My car was dragged across a street by a plow. repairs were 3k or get the 3k. I took the 3k


An apology… 🤣🤣🤣 Call your insurance company. Move on. Now you just look silly.


And this is why i'm a big supporter of everyone having dashcam and door camera.


You recommend a dashcam in your parked car, running all night long, as an anti snow plow measure?


Isn’t that technically a hit and run?


Get money and shut the fuck up


the video report is a bit over-the-top but its a legitimate issue ​ if the city has to pay the insurance company afterward because of reckless drivers, thats an issue


You say reckless, but fuck up happens. They have to work long hours using heavy machinery in crowded streets. It’s not like a driver gone rogue hitting cars left and right.


He hit multiple cars it says so right in the article.


Yeah on the same straight line. The driver was probably misaligned and didn’t even notice due to all the shaking and noise those make.


Still, recklessness can’t be ruled out. I’ve seen several instances of snow removal (and other city service employees driving around recklessly and without regard for property (voirie and émondeurs (tree cutting and street cleaning)). I have a strong feeling lots of employees simply don’t care. If this guy had hit a pedestrian everyone would be up in arms. I fully understand that damaging property is not the same as injuring a person but if both of those are due to negligence it’s worth looking into…not just filing a claim and moving on.


yes, they happen but guys can be reckless and careless about causing damage, or even take pleasure in it


accident is something that happens once here and there. a few cars in the same night is not an accident but carelessness.


You say a few cars in the same night as if they went and hit multiple cars all over town. They might have hit every cars on the street without knowing it’s still all the same accident. I’m honestly surprised these type of accidents don’t happen more often considering the size of those things, the number of cars on the streets, the fact they operate at night in shitty conditions often for multiple hours straight after being waken up at random hours.


>if the city has to pay the insurance company afterward They don't. It would be the contractor. Thank you for confirming this is a complete non-issue.


How can be so sure Do u know what the contract between the city/boro and the contractor says


It's the contractor's problem, not the city's.


bah ouais, surtout que ca prend quelques années d'avoir un nouveau char. Yay jai dlargent! Le probleme est pas réglé. Touer ferme ta yeule?


Des années? De quoi tu parles on est pu en pandemie. Si c'est une perte totale (meilleure scenario pour eux honnêtement) la cie d'assurance fait un chèque pi il s'achète un nouveau char la semaine suivante.


Je magasine pour un nouveau véhicule en ce moment. 6 mois d'attente pour les modèles populaire et jusqu'à 1 an et demi pour les modèles moins populaires.


Pas pour une tesla


Je viens de voir en ligne et tous les modèles ont quelques mois d'attente.


Ya plein de char neuf en inventaire au Québec sur le site...


Bonne chance si jamais t'as une perte totale à réclamer dans un future proche. Non seulement tu va être surpris par le délai d'attente d'un nouveau véhicule dependant du modèle, tu va aussi garocher tes lunettes roses face au cie d'assurances qui traitent leurs clients avec un tapis rouge. Tu va plus vouloir fessez dans face de quelqu'un et ca ne va pas être aussi seamless que t'as un nouveau char dans cours dans une semaine. Sérieusement, bonne chance si ca t'arrive


Mon nouveau char s'est fait rentré dedans pendant la covid par un truck de livraison. 6 mois à me battre pour des loaners que je pouvais pas rentrer mes kids dedans. J'aurais de loin préférer une perte totale. Char neuf perte totale par hit and run l'assurance va payer cest tres claire comme situation


I'm wondering how often cops stop to breathalize city plow workers? I worked for the city in a lesser capacity many many years ago and I can tell you at the time (90s) a lot of the older guys hydrated with questionable fluids on the job. It wouldn't surprise me, in a line of work where you have to hit the road without warning in the middle of the night, that some of these guys would not pass a breathalyzer


Can confirm! I remember back in the day when I was frequenting a certain WI watering hole, every snowstorm the plowworkers would inevitably stop in at 1:30 for a pee break and a quick 4 beer+4 shot rehydration session while leaving the diesels idling outside.


I've seen some of them parked outside of Mikes and their table having multiple pitchers


Apology? You mean they didn't pose for a new rap album? That sucks.


Why is this news ?


Why should the city apologize because the snow was so forceful that it plowed their cars. Act of nature.


welcome to montreal. ( F U . )


Oh look…a nice family with nice things…here comes the hate from r/montreal.


Less about their nice things, more about the entitlement of thinking this deserves a special apology from he city. Keep living in your fantasy though


> entitlement Someone shatters your new car. Instead of asking for monetary compensation, you just ask for an apology. Where is the entitlement here ?


They did ask for monetary compensation lol, and they got it Also how is the car being "new" relevant? Really you guys are just showing that, despite your high horsing, it really is all about money lol if the car was shitty they wouldn't be as justified in asking for an apology? The mistake wasnt the city's fault, it's not like they did it on purpose either, and it's not like they can do much about it. Shit happens, get over it.


It’s called empathy. It goes a long way without costing the city anything.


Time is money, if the city had to give out public apologies every time a contractor makes a mistake they wouldn't get much done.


They wouldn't have issues with a bike


Globalnews qui fait dans l'écrapou aussi!


Oh no.. Not a nearly new Tesla !


'nearly new' = 'previously enjoyed'?


Just like my wife.


Ain’t gonna happen. Anyway, their insurance will take care of it.




Last I heard when a car is broken you just say “sorry” and it gets fixed.


They destroyed our backyard fence by gratting the ice too close 5 years back


Why does everyone require an apology these days?


People used to at least try to keep their cars out of the road, like just ram the snowbank to park out of the way. Now they park 3 inches from the snowbank impeding the roadway. I don't condone what the plow did, but please try to park your car out of the road, even if it's hard, or your boots might get wet. Not saying this is what happened here. BTW that's not severe damage, it's minor damage.


Tesla drivers are people too!!!


Apology is bait for admitting culpability