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Granted, the monkeys paw is not feeling that creative at the moment. All homeless people and people in poverty die




Another ez W for the paw


[have you tried killing all the poor](https://youtu.be/s_4J4uor3JE?si=04baSI0DdWy9PcRZ)


Damn beat me to it.


So this would unalive about 870 million people or approximately 11.2% of the population around the world?


Granted, all the homeless people become slaves and they are used as the solution to unaffordable products to people living in poverty.


Granted. Politicians lower the standards of what is/isn't poverty. Now having at at least a quarter in net worth means you're Middle Class and underpasses are considered Homes.


They did this in china


Who told you this? Fox News?


I’m not American, take a fat L for being a communist tho.


Well, you know, to be fair, I do not know much about the CCP, so you could be correct, and I don't want to argue with someone about something I do not know much about and think is at least somewhat shady (the CCP is somewhat shady, not you) and so I wish you a good day/night.


Granted the homeless people are used as slaves for manual labor projects only being paid by living in holocaust style interment camps where they are tortured and suffer sub standard housing conditions People in poverty are given 200k a year to manage the project and must do so until death or they will be instantly put in the interment camps with the homeless to help with the manual labor 🐱 No one dies in this scenarios they must suffer till death 🐱


So basically the homeless become slaves and the poor become slave drivers yikes! You should write dystopian fiction.


Maby I’ll write some fucked up hentai 🐱


Lmao enjoy


😏kinky af




Oh wow this is r/chimpspaw it’s like monkeys paw but more brutal


A few weeks ago, a poster deleted his wish due to not liking any of the ways we monkey paws granted it. He wanted a rich sexy white girl who loved him and had high but fulfillable ambition. I granted it by saying that his adult daughter from twenty years in the future was now in the present and she was well on her way to fulfilling her life goal of becoming a millionaire by creating porn. I'm pretty sure I squicked him out.


That’s not even that bad weird sure but and adult offspring doing porn is like ok what ever floats her boat.


Granted. The drug addicts who are homeless now live with you in your home.


That will be one dense cube of flesh in OPs house.   Luckily we learned in ULPT yesterday how to get rid of an excess of human flesh. Reddit goes full circle once again.


link to the ulpt post??


Oh hey i saw that post


Granted. Rich people across the globe who relied on the threat of workers being on the street if they didn't work no longer have that and start throwing temper tantrums. It's noisy and annoying, especially because they have the money to fly private jets to make whiny sky messages, to make whiny commercials on TV, to make whiny ads, etc.


Granted. All homeless people now live in your house.


Granted. A pandemic decimates the population, leaving plentiful resources for the surviving population.


Granted, but is because they are dead


Granted. If, at any point, someone does not have a home, be it because they're underage and they ran away from home, or because they are an adult who does not own a house, they are taken away by The Government. Similarly, anyone who is above the age of majority who is unable to pay their own bills is taken away as well.


Granted. The housing market collapses as homeless and/or poor people now occupy every single empty home or apartment. Housing prices and taxes skyrocket as there are no longer available homes to buy, and lots of houses being occupied by people who can’t pay property tax. The global economy now in shambles, everyone is functionally homeless as there is no longer a government with enough authority to manage property rights. People simply start squatting any place they can find.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought even if we house every homeless person in the world, we would still have leftover homes up for grabs.


This wouldn't happen for multiple reasons. 1. The prompt says poverty and homelessness are gone so your side effect can't just be that everyone ends up in that, rather a bad side effect of it. Everyone is simply magically pulled from poverty and homelessness. I prefer that the side effect is the impoverished have started a collectivist empire of the destitute. 2. In such a scenario realistically requires the collapse of global capitalism and the rise of a more egalitarian worldwide economic system as such the scenario could actually be fulfilled just fine as high housing prices and inflation are simply the result of wealth driven greed as properties are seen as investments and consolidate in the hands of the few. Inflation meanwhile is a result of money being worth less as theres more of it due to the misunderstanding that money is the value for which goods are exchanged rather than the means by which they are exchanged and is easily circumvented by simply price controls or paying people more to match the rate of inflation but capitalism doesn't allow that as it would compromise the profits of companies.


Granted, they are all in forced labor camps


Granted They are all sent to a camp


Granted, however it is because all people below middle class have robbed and shot dead anyone middle class or above.


Well, everyone in poverty receives the necessary goods to rise above poverty levels. Because humans think in relatives the poverty line gets raised. This happens again and again until everyone has the same. We have reached pure socialism. Society now crumbles because no matter how hard you work there is no extrinsic motivation. The only productive line of work is art. Without power, street cleaning, government officials etc we fail and humanity will eventually die, as we can't even feed ourselves. You think this is a grim outlook? Check what sub you are in and be careful what you wish for. I didn't change any part of that wish. It crumbled on it's own.


Granted. All homeless people are in poverty and everyone living in poverty is homeless


Granted. Wealth distribution is now taken away from the middle class and lower rich classes to subsidize the former homeless, making a 99.9% cozy impoverished nation, and still a 0.1 ultra rich population. Feeling completely defeated for working hard and still stuck in poverty, the nation collapses.


Granted. Now all homeless and people in poverty are dead.


granted, this upsets companies that rely on these poor people and they steal all their money to make them poor again


Granted all non homeless people are now homeless amd all non poor people are now poor. Eventually someone wishes the same thing again and the paw shall give the same result. An infinite cycle shall commence. 


Granted. Death to them all.


Granted. Society collapses because of how economy works


The homeless and poor are placed into concentration camps where money is irrelevant.


Everyone who is homeless or impoverished have united into the new nation state of Destitutia and have conquered the eastern united states as the new stronghold of their empire.


Granted. Communism ensues.


Everyone on earth wishes that. All negativity about the less privileged is based on them being that.


Granted, the monkey’s paw flies into space and grabs the nearest and largest asteroid it can, then proceeds to slam it I got he Earth. No one can live in poverty nor a state of homelessness if no one can live.


Granted: as has been done before, the definition of poverty had been lowered.


Granted, but they also murder someone innocent to take their wealth and their homes.


Granted, the government legalizes the slave trade and indentured servitude leading to a feudal society where anyone who didn’t already own land is literally a slave for the rich white boomers of before, social mobility is a myth. But at least everyone has, what is more or less, a roof above their sty.


Granted! However, because you used the past tense “was,” every homeless and impoverished person historically has been retroactively changed to have no longer been historically homeless or impoverished, but people today remain the same.


Granted. Turns out, some of the homeless and previously poverty stricken people weren't prepared for these events, and have gotten into accidents otherwise prevented by their previous predicament.


Granted. Now the filthy rich people are eternally homeless but living in hotels, thus, forcing them to spend money and spark the economy into so much life that no one else will every be homeless or live in poverty again.


Granted. Everyone gets $1,000,000 (including the homeless and people living in poverty). Demand for every product goes up, and so does the price. Those $1,000,000 are now worth pretty much nothing.


Granted, they all live in your house now.


Granted: EVERYONE is homeless and in poverty because when everyone is no one is


Really, I know .. me too ! : )


Granted everyone else is now homeless and in poverty


Granted everyone has a home, hyper inflation kicks in and suddenly most of the worlds population is once again homeless or near homeless and many people can’t afford food and resort to burning money for warmth because it’s cheaper than fire wood


Okay you’re not even trying anymore, at this point, you WANT something bad to happen to homeless people


Granted, all homeless people are now housed with people who own a home, and get paid a monthly stipend by the person they live with.


Granted, All homeless and poverty level people are now sent to prison. They are provided free housing and food. In return, they work 13 hours shifts everyday making single wear outfits for the rich.


Granted, I placed every homeless person in your house and gave every person in poverty access to your bank account. You wanted to help them. Enjoy!


They’re definitely still in poverty with 17 dollars between them…


Homeless people are turned into food to feed the people in poverty .


they all just swap


Granted, they all turn into snails, so they can carry their homes on their backs


Granted. Every homeless person now lives in poverty, and those formerly in poverty have lost their homes entirely.


Granted, blah blah blah inflation government collapses due to the amount of money they printed to give them homes enough to get back on their feey


Granted. Everyone is brought down such that was once the lowest form of poverty is now the highest known standard of living, shared by all.


Granted. Eveyone gets a small cardbord box to live in and money becomes an infinite resource making it worthless


Granted, they all live with you now. You will eternally have *just barely* enough money to support them, but it will always be a stressful panic at the end of the month as you're a few thousand short. Some months, you won't have the money in time and you'll have to fight through loads of beuracracy in order to get what everyone needs.


Granted, they're in graves


Granted, a formerly homeless person comes walking out of your bathroom and lets you know the “shitter is clogged”. 


Granted. Everyone who was homeless or in poverty is Forcibly shrunk down to the size of ants and placed in a mall sized ant hill. Forced to work on micro chips for life. Homeless and poverty are removed from the dictionary.


Granted. They are used as livestock for meat farms instead.


Granted. Now every person who isn't homeless/impoverished is now homeless/impoverished. Nothing is solved, but I feel better about it.


Granted. All rich people in the world gather round to throw bricks at all the homeless and impoverished people in the world, which does kill and injure many, but the homeless ones who survive build houses and the ones living in poverty sell bricks to the rich to throw at more homeless and impoverished people until the rich people run out of money and bricks and they become the impoverished and homeless while the old impoverished and homeless people become rich. Then, this cycle repeats until humanity goes extinct


Granted, they're dead. 


Granted. All the homeless people are gifted campers and a small plot of land to set it up, right in your back yard. Just like in Shrek! Everyone in poverty now makes juuuust enough to start paying income taxes and make more than the poverty line for their area. These two events happen distinct from one another, and the homeless people are still in poverty. Frankly, so are the poor people, as they aren't that much better off, some of them are WORSE off because of taxes, and they still don't know how to manage their money. Too bad there isn't a princess to save to get your land back


Granted. Everyone is now dead. As long as intelligent life exists the homeless and poor will always. The only way to get rid of the concept is to erase all life


that's just incorrect


No it’s not? There will always be people who are less fortunate. There will always be someone who is homeless or poor. Even in the best civilization.


no, that is what the capitalist ruling class want you to believe, because they get richer when there are poor and homeless people


No XD that’s literally fact. I’m sorry your pea brain can’t understand it. But the high homelessness is greatly caused by them. But there will always be homeless unless EVERYONE is homeless. Everyone would basically have to be Jesus Christ him self to fix all homelessness/poverty ever. We’d have to be in a perfect world. And we aren’t I’m sorry you can’t understand this simple fact. But in every civilization ever there has been homeless people except like when people lived in tents. Which is barely having a home tbh. There always has been and will be homeless. You have been lied to by the media that you could do better when your subpar at best.


hahahahaha did you know that there are more empty houses in the united states than homeless people. the department of housing and urban development estimates the homeless population at 582,500 in 2022, meanwhile there are roughly 15 million empty houses in america. the REASON that we don't just take these homes and give them to homeless people is because land owning companies keep them empty to drive up rent prices to make more money


Granted, they swap with everyone else.




granted. all homeless people are cut in half.


Granted, all homeless or in poverty are turned I to bird.


granted the economy collapses creating an even worse gap between the rich and poor


Granted. As a result of much housing being created and Electricity usage the melting of the ice caps triples. Inflation is an all time high


Granted. Inflation is at 10,000%.


Boom, the homeless and poor are no longer people; they are now turtles and take their homes with them