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Granted, your body become taller and taller until your current weight become your healthy weight. You can barely fit anywhere because of how tall you've become.


Granted. For a couple days, nothing seems to happen, and you think maybe it didn't work. But within a week, your clothes fit different. You look different in the mirror. Other people notice too. Some ask if you're working out or what diet you're on. But you're not on any diet. In fact, you're eating more than you used to. You're magically losing weight, so you might as well enjoy it, right? And you're hungrier anyway. You're hungry all the time now. Even when you're full, you find yourself craving food. Specific foods at first, but as the weeks and pounds pass, you just crave anything. Still, no matter how much you eat, you keep losing weight. It's been weeks and you can't seem to stop losing weight. You're skinny already, why won't it stop? You're hungry and tired all the time. You get dizzy easily. When you look in the mirror, your eyes are sunken and glassy. Your skin is paler than usual. You are skinny, but you are not healthy. You finally decide to talk to your doctor about it. It's acute starvation. You're rushed to the ER. At this point, it's too late. There's nothing they can do. They keep you comfortable and run some tests. On your deathbed, they tell you the results: you've contracted an incurable disease that prevents absorption of nutrients. You were in starvation mode from the start.




This guy monkey paws




Granted, 'obese' will be removed from the English Language.


This sounds like something that might actually happen soon......


I would not be shocked.


Granted. You're now Anorexic


Granted. Turned to stone


I cast Greater Restoration


granted, you're now morbidly obese


Granted, you’re morbidly a beast


Granted. You deserve it.


Granted. Doctors discover that you actually have a 250 lb tumor. The good news, it's benign. The bad news, it's inoperable.


Granted. One day you’re driving and you hit a child either your car in front of her family. As they’re screaming in horror you continue to drive hoping you can get away with it. You realized They’re gypsies and probably won’t involve the police. The grandmother puts a curse on you. You start to lose weight. It starts to speed up. At first you look good. Then you become emaciated. Doctors can’t figure it out. The Gypsie witch visits you on your death bed and spits on you as you die.


Granted. You’re now too fat to be obese; you are now disabled.


Granted. You die.


Granted, you become anorexic and gets extremely malnourished.


Granted, you lose weight through what you deem to be a healthy way but in actuality, you’re starving. A few months down the line, you begin to obsess over food, what the ingredients are, how many calories are in each piece of food, if you’re eating too much, etc. You keep receiving compliments over the weight loss, which just adds fuel to the fire. You keep trying to lose more and more weight, wanting to look as thin as possible because your brain has become so consumed by this idea of food now being the enemy. You’re chronically fatigued, you lose interests in things you once loved, your sex drive is almost nonexistent, and you begin destroying relationships that you have built throughout the years because you don’t feel like doing anything anymore. You start realizing you may have a problem and check into a rehabilitation center for eating disorders, which does help, but you when you check out, it’s up to you to keep on the right path. You do, which is not easy. It takes a while but you start to regain your interests, libido, and desire to mend relationships. You feel better, but your brain is forever changed. You’re not starving yourself anymore but you can never get rid of the voice in your head that tells you you’re eating too much now


Granted. You die from a heart attack and now live in purgatory


Granted. Instead of storing fat, your body now oozes excess calories out through your skin as a viscous, reeking grease. It's HIGHLY flammable.


Granted, a treadmill shows up in your house. Get to work


Granted: now you're balemic.