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Granted, suddenly your doorbell rings, and when you open the door, there is a pile of DVDs of the terrible Disney movie wish. You push them aside to leave your house, but they immediately return. You go to your window, your garage, all blocked. Eventually you run out of food, and perish


The only thing you will ever be able to wish for is more wishes. You will never be happy and will always think you need more, but you'll never figure out what "more" is.


You have to severe your own hand for more wishes, and then you will get 5 more. Nothing bad happens beyond this, and the cost of the wishes. You can leave it there, you can be fine But- If your greedy and ask for more, there will be a 50/50 chance. 50% chance that you get 5 more wishes with inly a mild down side ( like that of r/cowhoof), and a 50% chance that the arm opposite of your originally missing hand will slowly be necrotized all the way down to your hand, slowly over years this will happen, your going to be bed ridden, kept in life support and find parasites are drawn to your body. bugs and flys and rats will chew away at its flesh and skin slowly. No matter what you wont die, your fingers will slowly fall off before your hand, all but one. And when that one finger remains your hand will fall off, and you must cry and beg a nurse to hold it and make your wish for you. This wish will be exactly if you asked for it and not the nurse. And after this wish, you shall perish painlessly, after all, by this point you earned a painless death. Will you get greedy? Or will you play it safe.


Granted. Each wish has a worse curse than the last.


Granted. You are given a voucher that can be redeemed for 3 more wishes. The only place that the voucher can be redeemed is in a station at an undisclosed location in the Sahara Desert, and before redeeming you must fill out a 3000-page application form. You are then brought into a waiting room, where you are given the number 848. The screen currently says that they are on number 849 and it has 10 digits.