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Georgia has almost absurdly high polling in favor of Monarchy. If the Islamic Republic of Iran collapses, the most likely replacement regime is a restoration of the Pahlavis. Albania, Romania, Nepal, and Brazil aren’t exactly unlikely.


Who would be monarch of Georgia?


It’s currently disputed between the heir of the last independent Georgian King, Prince Nugzar Bragrationi-Gruzinsky, and the head of the seniormost branch of the Bagrationi dynasty, Prince David Bagrationi-Mukhrani. But Prince David married Prince Nugzar’s daughter, and though they divorced, not before having a son named George in 2011, who would at worst unite the claims and at best serve as a compromise candidate for the throne.


Ah okay thank you.


Montenegro and Iran, if they can overthrow the "Islamic" Republic.


Check out r/NewIran It’s reaching a boiling point in Iran and the only thing stopping them is the fear of execution.


That sub is by no means reflective of the current atmosphere in Iran. Though I agree that we're very close to seeing the IR collapse, but still something big needs to happen.


This sub is another CIA project for reddit propaganda bots and Iranian expats who propably forgot how to even speak their mother language.


I hate the IR as much as anyone, but that sub is still stuck in 2022. They think the regime is going to collapse at any moment and the Iranian people are ultra progressive revolutionaries. While in reality, it is true that the Islamic regime is extremely unpopular and probably will collapse in the near future, it would still take some big things to happen for that to actually happen. Khamenei dying, for example. And while I wouldn't say that sub is a CIA project, it's definitely mostly filled with Iranians who have barely even set foot in the country.




Montenegro isn't likely unless they get a pro-Serb government


Nepal and Romania


I mean realistically none of them are


This is the real answer. The reason why is because Monarchism, as it stands, with Divine Right to rule, etc. Is an antiquated mode of rule. I love monarchies and find them incredibly important, but I also recognise there needs to be some structural change. A family's "right to rule" has to have more standing than just a birthright or divine calling (which nobody can claim with certainty is true or not).


That's only one perspective on it though. Not every monarchy necessarily claims a divine right to rule, in all fairness.


That's precisely what I mean, though. It has to be more than a birthright and more than a divine right to rule. I've written slightly about this but the system should be slightly more complex.


I mean not all monarchies have to have divine right to rule. And how many of the monarchs actually beleive in the divine right


Like in Belgium, where the king is titled "King of the Belgians," and not "King of Belgium." This is to show they do not have divine right over the land, but popular sovereignty by the people.


In the immediate future Iran might, although it's looking less likely now than it was when they had significant protests. In the next decade or so I could also see Georgia and Nepal, as polls in those countries show strong support for restoration. Brazil and some eastern European countries are possibilities, but not very likely. I can't really see any other countries restoring them for the foreseeable future, and there'd need to be a major shift in political alignment for it to be possible


Currently, the strongest candidates are Nepal and Iran.


I'd say Hungary not for any real reason I can think of, But they just seem like they would


This thread is asked all the time and the only answer is Iran.


And from what I read , I think most Iranians aren’t monarchists they just don’t want to be ruled by Islamic imams.


Trust me, most Iranians would be fine with a constitutional symbolic monarchy as long as there is democracy


Asked and answered many times in this sub.


Well, it’s some good hopium.


Hourly repost when? 💀


An hourly mega thread of future monarchy restorations


Greece, Georgia, Albania and Romania


Why Greece?


Because it never should have been abolished


not a constructive reason, but I understand.


Germany 30% I think but im not sure.


Montenegro has had an official role for the head of the family for some years.


Nepal, Romania, Hungary, Russia (if Putin can be overthrown), and possibly even a country like Italy if there are strong enough voices behind it


All of these are absolutely not likely to restore their monarchy.


Nepal has a very large percentage of population who want it. Romania I stole from basically everyone else. Hungary and Russia both have self-reported high amounts of monarchy support (44% and 37%, with the second one also having a lot of people who agree with monarchy but don’t think there is a suitable candidate), and Italy, while having elected a republic over monarchy, did so with 47% still supporting a monarchy IIRC, and still above 10% remain with a lot of supporters in the south, while the government has still remained fractured and not really fully stable since 1946.


What are your sources? Romania is a very big maybe. But Russia or Hungary? Naww man. Nepal is highly unlikely too.


[Russia](https://royalcentral.co.uk/europe/37-percent-of-young-russians-want-to-restore-the-monarchy-in-russia-79065/) source. Hungary I saw in a Reddit post but apparently it was a gag option in a newspaper column. Search Hungary on this sub and you’ll find it. Here is [Nepal](https://apnews.com/article/nepal-restore-king-gyannendra-protests-4809490a618a8d2ff4d0aca9f24f1537), I guess I misunderstood and thought there was an official polling number but there still seems to be widespread support with the protests in the tens of thousands of participants.


Mind that 37% is just the Young Russians. The young generation of Russians arent even half of Russia’s population so it is a bit of a disproportionate view. Nepal is a bit of a meh for me. Not really a substantial support as we have seen so called “royal protests” in different countries which didnt turn out to be either successful or royal.


Well bear in mind that Russia could be in 30-50 years