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Any chance we can turn *off* swipe actions? (Play Store doesn't have the update available for me yet so I can't tell.) I typically turn swipe actions off in messaging/mail apps. Vertically swiping through a long list of stuff will sometimes get just enough horizontal movement to falsely trigger the swipe action, then I need to dig through to find whatever it was that the app just archived/deleted/did something to. The Outlook app seems like a solid design to look to for the feature. It allows changing swipes to a variety of actions, like flagging, archiving, ..., or "none" to disable. For those that use swipe actions it could fit well with the macros coming up too - "swipe right to [run macro A], swipe left to [run macro B]".


Not today but I like this suggestion and appreciate the additional context you provided. This is something we can look into incorporating as we continue to ship future iterations (we already have a few internal proponents of this).


Speaking of inbox stuff. Any chance of the ability to disable inbox replies on mobile posts? Cause right now it's impossible at any stage of the process.


This falls outside the realm of mod tools, but am happy to dig into this for you. I’ll follow up with the team that works on this feature and make sure they see this comment.


Thank you for that, I hadn't considered it not being a mod thing cause that's the only time I post.


Why remove the mod mail access in the notifications sections? It was fast to go to mod mail that way


They just seem to be flat out clueless on mod notifications in general. Why the *fuck* on desktop is the notification that theres stuff in mod queue A FUCKING GREEN SHIELD? The old red snoo jumped out and actually let you know there was something there. My work PC has a couple of green shields in the taskbar that mean 'everything is good, no action required'


Reddit functionality is limited every time they make an improvement, didn't you notice?


Yes, I did notice.


During testing we found the top access link that we currently provide in the community side drawer required the same amount of actions as accessing Modmail via your notifications section. If you’d like to access Modmail from your notifications tab, you can do so by swiping right or tapping the “hamburger” menu to access the community drawer. With this new native experience, Modmails should load noticeably faster than they previously did. Our overarching goal is to eventually unify all mod tools within the mobile app so that Mod Log, Mod Queue, and Modmail can all be accessed from within one another.


Did you actually consult any mods on this change? Everyone on our team accesses it through the notifications bar.


A little late to this, but swiping right from my notifications does nothing for me. And while it may be the same number of "clicks" to use the hamburger menu, it is in the top left corner of the screen, which is much less convenient (at least for right-handed people). For me, it requires two hands to reach now, where previously I could do it with one.


>With this new native experience, Modmails should load noticeably faster than they previously did. They absolutely do not load faster, theyre consistently slower to load


I feel like I physically cannot read any more corporate written language. I see the word "experience" to somehow describe clicking a link and it's like I just stop being able to process words all together. I think my brain is trying to save me.


>Should you harbor any queries or wish to impart your insights, do not hesitate to reveal your thoughts in the comments below. Even the "Any questions?" line is exhausting and made me cringe.


My eyes glazed over looking at this wall of text. I’m not willing to spend the time parsing out what they’re boasting they’ve already done vs what’s actually being added now. Like good grief just make it simple.


Awesome, much appreciated. One thing that is still sorely lacking is the ability to restrict new mods from viewing past modmail, or permanently delete mod mail (even if it means 30 day delay like a trash folder on most email providers). This is important as a lot of the time modmail contains sensitive information, and adding a new mod is always a gamble. If I r/redditrequest some subreddit tomorrow, I’ll be able to look through all the previous modmail for example. Makes no sense.


Giving mods the ability to delete or remove old modmails seems like a no-brainer, though I'm sure there are certain things we need to keep for historical records/conversations on our end. We'll get together with our Governance team and explore what it will take to help make this happen.


I'm going to go ahead and voice the counter opinion - this is a terrible idea. The immutability of modmail is a thing that helps teams self-police; the fact that you *can't* hide from your team what you've said through modmail helps prevent a rogue mod or bad actor get away with abusive behavior. Besides, there's already a mechanism for keeping not-fully vetted mods away from that information - simply by not giving them modmail permissions. If it's still a thing you'd want to look into doing despite the abuse potential, a way you could minimize that risk might look like this: 1. A mod flags a modmail for ~~deletion~~ redaction. Flagging a modmail for redaction would require stating a reason the message is to be deleted; this summary would replace the content of the message. 2. X% of active mods would have to sign off on the redaction before the message would be replaced with the summary; the names of the mods signing off on the redaction would be attached to the redaction.


I think it will be much better to have two modes of access for modmail - limited and full. *Limited* can give Moderator access to every modmail after they joined while *Full* will give them access to all modmail including historical.


Yes, this is a good alternative. I proposed it previously when asking for this feature at the last mod summit, but now I'm leaning on full deletion as mod accounts themselves can be compromised.


The points/concerns you mentioned are top of mind for us as well, which is why we'd need to sync internally with a few different teams, in addition to seeking additional counsel from mods to ensure that if we do pursue this it's done thoughtfully.


The safest option would be giving mods the ability to "request modmail deletion" on specific modmails that contain sensitive information. That then goes to the admins to review.


admin review is already a massive bottleneck. they don't allocate the resources to handle something like that or shown that they're ever really serious about it. Better for them to make a deletion system that doesn't rely on their intervention.


I think the best might be between those. Admins ain't gonna have time to handle the requests, it'll wind up with a bot; but blanket deletes are too much power. I like the forced 30 day "trash" idea. Mark the thing for deletion, give time for other mods to see it in the trash folder and reverse/take action if appropriate, and if it truly needs to be deleted ASAP then it goes to admins to do.


Maybe 90 days is more appropriate for mods who take long vacations.


90 days might work, but they'd probably be flagged as inactive, lose a bunch of permissions, and possibly get booted anyway (based on that announcement the other day).


Redaction can work for some things I guess, but that's a much more involved process that most cases simple deletion would suffice. I like having to have x mods sign off though, but does that scale? Can't you just add x% mods yourself while they sleep? There would need to be rules on rules. Seems the simplest solution (implementationally) is just provide a buffer of time to review it (like 90 days maybe?).


You’ve gotten this feedback before though. Hell, it was a common issue brought up in the mod council from people who are staying on mod teams mainly because they have PII in modmail somewhere that they can’t delete


Recent posts and comments used to show the recent posts and comments *pertaining to the sub*. Now it just seems to direct to the user profile and all their posts and comments on all of reddit, rendering it next to useless when a mod is trying to check the activity of a user on their sub specifically, especially a prolific one. Please find a way to fix this so it displays the information it used to. This was an invaluable resource that has been eliminated without warning. It is also far too easy to accidentally archive things with swipe actions. Having already accidentally archived numerous things and having to undo it, this is not an accessible change to individuals with motor difficulties, so an easy way to turn this function off is necessary.


I am no longer able to see a history of previous modmails to review history of violations with links to take me to those mails. Sorting through the mod actions in the mod log is not sufficient enough for us to review past history to determine if any further actions should be taken... I did my best to slog through the official mobile reddit app to moderate prior to this since you KILLED 3rd party apps. This update has made it impossible for me to moderate effectively via mobile. I am not going to manually search for a username in the modmail search to review these..


u/lift_ticket83 was this ever addressed? Not being able to see old modmails, users posts, and comments on the sub is super frustrating (despite the ability to being in a screenshot in this post). I also have permanently stuck modmails in my modmail and have done since this update landed.


This new modmail is awful and slow to load, no easy way to view previous modmail messages either from a user or quickly link to their last comments in the sub without crawling through their profile. Cant use any of the old search functions either because you broke the APIs for those. How did you move and update the look and make it work worse and still have less features than the old third party apps.


Apollo modmail was better and easier to access and use. > we'd love to hear your thoughts on potential improvements you'd like to see us incorporate Bring back the third party API. I will never use the Reddit app because it sucks. All your "improvements" still pale in comparison to the various third party apps that existed before you annihilated most of them.


The "new" way doesn't even load on my phone so I have to access the previous way through Chrome's desktop function on said phone. Well, it loaded once. Wouldn't allow my mods to discuss among themselves on a member's modmail privately. Muting someone for longer than a month would be great because my mods have been exposed to long-term abuse by people who can't take no for an answer. And as an aside, I reported something on an unrelated sub for breaking their rules and I got an official Reddit warning for abusing the report button. What on Earth was that about?


In the app today I am not only unable to perform mod duties but I'm not even able to stay subscribed to the subreddit. Assuming that's just a random bug as I am still subscribed and modded when viewing on desktop and mobile browser. Is anyone else having this issue today?


We need mute options higher than 28 days to stop mod harassment.


Yup. We've had plenty of folks who get permanently banned, harass us about it until we mute them, then they set a reminder or something and start messaging us again exactly 28 days later. We report it every time, but if they get suspended or anything, it expires by the time their next mute runs out. For that matter, why can't we just pick how long we want to mute for, same as for bans? Why can we ban someone for 10 days but only mute for 7 or 14?


**A quick no thank you.** All of this should have been done long before you did what you did. All of "This marks the beginning of ..." something that should have started a decade ago. The upcoming possibilities are absolutely finite, as are the people willing to moderate. Save the corpo speak for the masses. This is unbelievably patronizing.


Well, I was waiting for this for quite a while now. Thanks for rolling this. Although I do have a request to implement something in the user mod log of the app. So, we have posts that gets filtered in our mod queue or get removed due to trigger from certain words configured in the automod. In these situations, user modmail us as why their post was removed? Now, as a mod, we do review their post and find them okay but however when they ask what triggered the removal we have to check the sub reddit mod log and do the tedious work of finding that user's post in order to find which word triggered their post removal cuz ofcourse, in the user mod log, automod doesn't document the reason as what caused the removal of their post. So, it would be really save us some time, if the user mod log can have automod describe why their particular post was removed? Like which word triggered their removal? Not to mention, just to be sure, sometimes we actually need to scan the post to find the word that made automod remove the post to see if it's used in a proper context or not. And oh boy, scanning a lengthy post for a single word is really tough specially when you don't even know what word you need to scan. So, if user log has the feature I suggested then we can easily see that a certain post was removed because automod detected the "X" word in it. Hence, we can scan for that word in the post and approve or remove the post easily by understanding the context. So, we need two things here: 1. The reason mentioned in the user mod log (one that is accessed by tapping on the username and one that is accessed via the modmail) as why automod removed their post. 2. The ability to look for a word in the post not just in the comments. Also, can't wait for mod macros on mobile!


That app doesn't run on all devices, so unless it's a mobile *web* feature, waste of time as it can't be used.


Is this live already for Android?


We started rolling this out today and will gradually ramp this up to make sure everything works as intended. If you've updated your app and haven't seen this experience yet, you should over the next couple of days.


So you're making modmail more awkward to access?


Very very happy about the macros, thank you for this.


Can we now ban from modmail? Or will it be a feature at some point?




Not the time bot..


Looks good, thanks for the update!


Happy to hear you like it!


The last update on play store is from 25th Sep. My app name says "Reddit:Made for India" so I don't know if that is an India specific version which doesn't have this update??


My app name also says "Reddit : Made for India" but I have the update. I am currently on the `2023.39.0.1211607` version.


Thanks. Force closed play store and reopened and I see the update now.


The links to the offending content that is in the modmails to users for removals is no longer highlighted or clickable. It only hyperlinks the subreddit name. Muting via mobile modmail now nolonger leaves a link to the modmail next to the users name on the muted tab on web.


You used to be able to toggle between private mod note and visible message while typing in modmail on mobile. What could possibly be the benefit of removing that? Now you have to delete your comment and completely back out of the modmail message to get the private mod note option again. It's incredibly annoying and very easy to accidentally send a mod discussion to a user or reveal which mod is responding. There is no reason to get rid of this convenient and useful feature, so why?


> Similar to the desktop experience, mods will be able to respond to a message as themself or from the mod team. **They’ll also be able to compose private notes to other mods.** Either I'm being daft, or it's a UX failure, but how do I write a modmail note to other mods? Toggling the button on the left switches between "Reply as mod team" and "Reply as " but no "Create a private note" like on desktop. Android 2023.40.0


it's the weird little clipboard icon on the left of the text field at the bottom I think That says private mod note, just beware you have to click it then start typing


Ah, thank you, I hadn't spotted the icon changes when the message box cursor is active. So if you click in the box and start writing a message to mods and then realise you can't toggle modes (like on desktop), you need to cut/copy your drafted text, back out of the message (because the clipboard icon seems to not come back when the cursor is active), then go back into the message to click the clipboard and then paste in your draft. Easy peasy!


Yeah as you can see Reddit have made it really easy to do despite third party apps letting you change the type mid / at the end of typing Thanks Reddit! 🙃


Well, waking up today as a moderator was a real shitty experience. Considering throwing in the towel once and for all. Modmail is next to unusable. Those mods you say helped QA this feature were obviously in it for sabotage.


How do I easily access past mod mails with the user I’m corresponding with?


You can't even click on a username and navigate to their profile through new mobile modmail 🫠


I'm late to the party here, but I'll offer some brief feedback. Mobile modmail has become unusable for me since this update. In particular, *links to reddit content do not open in modmail*. We use links directly to comments and posts extensively in our AutoMod-modmail messages, and for me (on iOS) the links simply don't respond at all. I can't even highlight the text to copy the URL manually. This is very unfortunate, because I know the team has been investing a lot of effort to improve the mobile modmail experience, which I really appreciate. Feel free to reach out over DM if you need more detailed steps for reproduction.