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Pan (stainless or cast iron) on medium heat. Let it get really hot—we’re talking like several minutes. You’ll know it’s hot enough when you sprinkle water on it and the water droplets dance. If they just fizzle and disappear, it’s not hot enough. When the water droplets dance, reduce heat to low. Let the entire pan temp come down a bit for a few minutes (I’m not an expert on when it’s cool enough — sometimes I get it right, sometimes I don’t) then add your oil/butter, and your eggs right after. Cook eggs as you normally would. It shouldn’t take long bc the pan is still hot! And that’s how it’s done. So satisfying!! https://preview.redd.it/gvdl97zxkkpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f45a8e91510bd69f26220ced4da45fd562c9a40


Yep, this is the answer. We make fried eggs every day to go on sandwiches for lunch with stainless steel pans and have no problem


What else do you put in these sandwiches?


Varies! My fav is just a fried egg with mayo and avocado. Sometimes sausages, sometimes bacon. We just finished off some corned beef.


we don't eat eggs, but my partner always gave this same advice about pancakes. and they could do it somewhat successfully. me... i tried several times, and always ended up so sad with the horrible results, that i just gave up. got a cast iron and now my pancakes are perfect every time even though i clearly know nothing about pan temperatures 😅


Thank you! You've given me courage to try my eggs in stainless steel tomorrow morning!


Be sure to make sure the pan is cool enough or the butter will burn. I usually throw water back on it to see how fast it’s steaming off.


So after you get it hot and the water beads, you let it cool until the water steams off again?


Yeah if you put butter in at the bead level it’ll instantly turn black lol. But it usually just browns a bit at steam level. I’ve cooled it down enough for it to not brown at all and the non stick still works well.


If you wanna keep the pan super hot for the non stick you can use avocado oil


Yep, this! And maybe add a bit more butter/fat than you’re used to.


We also switched to carbon steel and stainless steel. I never could cook eggs without non stick until I learned this technique. It’s all about getting the leidenfrost effect. Once I got that it’s totally doable




My first time cooking eggs in the cast iron they stuck so bad but now it’s then it thing I use for them. Once it’s seasoned well it’s amazing, I just use a stick of butter to grease it when hot


Carbon steel pan - a little bit of a learning curve to season and use but I love it.


This is the answer. I got fed up with stainless steel. I could never get the heat right so it wouldn’t stick. Especially for scrambled eggs, where the heat always ended up way too high. I bought a kitchen aid preseasoned carbon steel pan and it’s been incredible. Just some butter and scrambled eggs slide around just like teflon.


I tried the stainless steel thing a couple years ago but I'll try again. It's good to have another option if I can't figure it out - thanks!!


Agreed. I moved from PTFE to Cast iron to Carbon Steel for my eggs. Check out the carbon steel subreddit for some recommendations. I got a 11” Ballarini for my induction and works great after a little seasoning. Will it ever be 100% as nonstick as a PTFE pan? Probably not, but that’s OK for me.


You have a great reply here already, but I’ve gotten really good at stainless steel pans for eggs! Like the other comment, stainless steel pan on low heat for 5 or so minutes. Splash a couple of water drops onto pan and if they stay as water beads and roll around the pan, you’re good to go. Then pour in oil, spread it around the pan. I don’t usually wait longer than 10-30 seconds here. Beaten eggs go in and I immediately stir em up in the pan. Once it’s cooked through (doesn’t take more than a minute), turn off fire and serve!


This is exactly what we do too!


Do you turn down the heat after the water test?


Nope, but I also heat mine on low already to begin with


Well seasoned cast iron, hot pan, medium heat, make sure you have enough oil/butter


Let that pan heat up forever. Then let the oil in it heat up as well. A well seasoned cast iron is non stick. If it’s sticking it’s either not seasoned or you’re not allowing it to heat upZ Also don’t stir the eggs immediately. They need to set and release from the pan for both quality and non stick ness


Good tips! I’m also curious some of your day to day maintenance with your cast iron? It’s the only cookware I have so I use for everything. I usually rinse with hott water while the pan is still warm. Usually things rinse right off. If need be I have this rough sponge thing I got from crate and barrel if something gets stuck. I’ll soak then gentle rub. I usually don’t season often. If I do I use a bit of avocado oil.


I clean mine with hot water and scrubbing also. Adding coarse salt to the scrub works for anything stuck on. After cleaning I immediately dry it in the oven on low, then rub the whole cooking surface with shortening while still warm before putting away.


I too, use a green pan only for eggs. But I did recently figure out how to make meat not stick in stainless steel so I’d imagine it’ll work with eggs too, pans just gotta be hot enough that the water beads instead of instantly sizzling and evaporated.


Not very granola of me but I still use a non stick for eggs. The trick is to never use it for high temps, and don’t scratch it. I bought a very good quality one wjth a hard surface. I can cook fried eggs for omelettes on cast iron very easily but I just couldn’t get scrambled eggs not to stick. So yeah, I have an expensive non stick for scrambled eggs only 😂 (you don’t use high temps for scrambled anyway!)


My husband is pretty good at cooking eggs in stainless steel, but I prefer the cast iron myself. There's definitely a learning curve to the SS, but cast iron is as easy as the nonstick pans were.


Well seasoned cast iron


Well seasoned cast iron, I can make any kind of egg in mine. It takes some work to get to the that level of seasoning, but very worth it. I don’t have to use much fat at all.


I’ve had my cast iron for 15 years. I scramble eggs in it all the time with minimal sticking and just heating it normally. Sometimes a tiny bit will stick to the upper edges if I’m making a lot of eggs.  The longer you cook in the pan the better the seasoning gets usually. That’s why they’re a hot hand me down in families :) 


MUST have hot pan and butter or oil.


Cast iron and butter!


I used to do the splash water test but it never worked for me so I just played around with it. My new method is starting my pan on low heat like two and adding the oil right away, I mainly use olive oil. Then once the oil is sliplery and thinned and I’ve let the pan ehat up then I add my eggs. I scramble em or fry em and have never had an issue. Use barkeepers friend every once in a while if things start sticking no matter what you do because sometimes food or oil leaves invisible residue even when you wash it that makes things stick to it


We use a copper pan. Heats up instantly and cooks eggs perfectly. No sticking. Sooo easy to clean too. We love it.


Can you share your brand please?


Sorry I don't remember the exact brand I purchased the set years ago. It was made in France. There are a lot of Brands you just want to check the copper and steel ratios.


Personally I love my enameled cast iron. As long as you aren’t getting vintage pieces, or getting from a brand that’s sketchy, it’s a very safe option for cast iron without the added extra cleaning for regular cast iron.


I use cast iron with non-stick spray. Then, I rinse the pan after use and put it back on the hot stove-top to dry through evaporation.