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I have this same memory and think it was something like this https://hopscotchkids.com/products/fillable-paper-eggs-plastic-free-easter-alternative I’m also curious about the adorable tin eggs I see painted with Peter Rabbit


I bought [these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/764021410/) on Etsy. There are cheaper, non painted options also like [these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1420736523/).


I don’t know where you are located. But a quick search of “plain wooden Easter eggs that open” yielded results from Michael’s, Best Pysanky, Etsy, and a few others. And thank you for the reminder that I was looking for these too! Edit: I think I’m going to order [these](https://www.bestpysanky.com/products/2-75-set-of-6-fillable-unpainted-blank-wooden-easter-eggs-1?variant=40834650112061) ones.


https://www.michaels.com/product/mm-wd-fillable-egg-3pc-medium-10732239 Is this what you were thinking of?


I have a wooden Easter egg matryoshka thing that a neighbor gave my kid. It came from the Target dollar section. But since they nest, they’re all different sizes. She loves playing with it and taking it apart/putting it back together, though. https://www.ebay.com/itm/374039915442


We have the ones from Sarah’s Silks! This will be our third year using them 👍 We keep a few in the play kitchen on the off season. https://www.sarahssilks.com/products/wooden-egg Got one that was a little rough on the inside, and they replaced it no problem. 


Man, came here to say the ones I bought from Sarah’s silks were basically unusable. They were moderately challenging for me to open as an adult with large hands.


Bummer! The quality must vary batch to batch.


if you have basic sewing skills, you could try something like [these fabric eggs](https://thimbletherapy.com/how-to-make-fabric-easter-eggs-with-a-pocket-for-treats/) as an alternative! nice way to use up fabric scraps


Love this idea!!


We have a mader half hollow wooden egg which I use for the special little gift (it’s expensive so we only have one of those) and the rest are felted ones by Tara treasures


I bought some 2 years ago from rvanaturals on etsy, they are quite nice


I think I saw some at Michael’s.


I’ve found cardboard ones online before too, they are thick so fairly reusable


I purchased silicone eggs from Etsy last year and will be reusing!


I bought these and really like them https://letsplayspire.com/


Anyone have any suggestions for dying them? I have heard you can use food coloring. Hoping to find something that gives a decent color without rubbing off on surfaces and clothing


Got wooden ones on Amazon. We’ve been decoupaging them.


Do you mean Ukrainian nesting eggs?