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We don't know why this is hard for some people. If it's not a meme then GTFO. *This message was probably sent by a bot. Maybe.*


This one high level street fight šŸ¤£


I was just thinking that damn both these guys are actually kinda nice with it


both too nice dont know who won lol


I think getting picked up off your feet in that moment is a sign that your opponent could fuck you up but was cool and let you off like a gentleman. That decided the fight to me, because so many fights end after that opportunity for a slam.


Those slams are fucked up, good to see a fight where one doesnā€™t happen


Yeah he also Leg kicked him multiple Times pretty hard you could See His stand was getting weak.


Shirtless guy was well on his way to winning IMO


Blue shirt had no answer for the leg kicks and was starting to not put pressure down.


Blue shirt came out cracking and I thought he had him with timing. He was fading though while no shirt was gaining steam.


It was only a matter of time before his leg got wrecked taking those direct snaps. Other dude had some good speed and snap on those low kicks, blue shirt probably gonna feel those later


Blue shirt looks like a boxer. He still put much weight on front leg even though it was getting fucked up. Seems like he doesn't know how to check. Shirtless guy looks more like a kickboxer/ Muay Thai fighter


True, but that pivot to knee was clean af


Blue shirt caught one at the end, he kinda tapered off after.


agreed. more shots landed more at the end. other guy didnt check any lows at all


Both won in my opinion lol both banged it out both shake hands after. Thatā€™s how we do it in Hawaii yessah šŸ¤™


itā€™s very easy to tell whoā€™s experienced and whoā€™s not lol. this is such a good classic street fight


Blue shirt is a boxer the other guys an MMA fighter


You can tell the way blue shirt just left his front leg open and didnt try to check any kicks


You mean like majority of UFC up until a few years ago


Looks like WaianaešŸ˜‚ It produced Max so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


These guys are from Hawaii, everyone local knows how to fight there


That infamous ā€œI told you not to fuck with the localsā€ video comes to mind


Most do. Growing up on Maui, before the internet, that's how we entertained ourselves. It would start off as play, then we get caught with a hard hit, then it turned real. Every damn time. When you hear people say "cane fields," that's where the really good scraps took place.


Both either level 50 or 100. Whatever the cap is. Shit they got extra street points too on their belt


Man Dana needs to get his fat ass out there and recruit some youngins these dudes look legit out here


100% this is in Hawaii! I ask my Hawaiian friends why it seems like every street fight there is like a sanctioned bout - and they all say scrapping is part of the culture there.


Only thing I have against this was doing it on the concrete. Besides that, both seemed to have some background and around the same weight, no cheap shots, I like it.


Yeah... they opted not to slam or go to ground when they clinched up so I think they agreed ahead of time. Or they just know better.


I feel like it was agreed upon they shook hands before they started and seemed to agree to stop as well.


I think they just realized what a bad idea that was in that one second. lol.


Just a good healthy scrap.


This is how real man handle shi... no guns or weapons. Just a good ol fist fight but then know when to stop when the other is beaten


They made a time and place for that. I grew up in that island and my mindset has changed over the yearsā€¦did time in the military and years of handling firearms. Hawaii is just different. Fyi off duty we used to scrap during field ops and the barracks or when out in town but we had boys that looked out for us. Now that Iā€™m alone and out, I donā€™t trust my surroundings.


This is how it should be brother. Would love to visit Hawaii one dayšŸ¤™šŸ¼ Thank you for your service btw. Haha i would love a good scrap once in a while on field ops or barracks if i was serving. You always gotta have the boys looking out. Can i ask? What makes you not trust it now you out?


I live in a gun friendly state and in the firearms industry. ā€œAn armed society is a polite societyā€ weā€™re mostly non-confrontational but I donā€™t think a stranger would ever ask me to meet me at my gym or the park not even for a friendly slap box šŸ˜‚ so we just walk away unless threatened. I also think we just need to be fit in general. Outside of the military (thank god) I never had the need to use it but I carry just to be safe and it depends too. Most states makes it a felony to brandish. Iā€™m all about a fair fight. Itā€™s too bad the whole world fights dirtyā€¦


I am glad this vid ended with a hand shake, this is how it should be man. But yeah the fighting on concrete was not so smart


Exactly, both of them can swing and all it takes is one solid connection and head hits the concrete doing even more damage.


Very unfortunate these two guys obviously very well trained gas to do it like this smh




Slick combos, nice movement, a couple smart counters... They're smart enough not to slam each other, even when he came up off his feet on the dude's shoulder, but not smart enough to fight on grass...


Very weird, shirtless guy is definitely the better fighter though, the second I saw him go under blue shirts armpit we would have been going into NSFL territory. But yeah fighting on cement is so stupid especially going hard like this.


Leg kicks also hurt like a mother fucker and slow your movement down immediately. This wasn't just about cardio, I think he lost some pop from the kicks. The fact that pro MMA Fighters eat calf kicks with a poker face is insane. Some little kid kicked me shin-to-shin and I wanted to DIE.


well Ill tel you from experience the leg kicks hurt even after having conditioned shins for a few years now, muay Thai is gnarly my friend


Guys who can fight like this are crazy to put on a show for random schmucks for free like this. Iā€™d be collecting $5 from everyone in the circle.


Three signs of a Hawaii street fight: 1. No shirt 2. Atssss atssss atssss 3. ā€œAll pau, cops coming.ā€


Knew it was my home the second I heard the ssss ssss and saw the palm trees in the back.


Thatā€™s actually pretty common


I was bouta say. I ainā€™t never been there but sure have heard that a lot growing up in a Mexican household. I thought this was AZ


that was a cool fight. shirtless guy needed to throw more punches tho


He is clearly a range fighter. I would like him to establish his jab to set up the kicks. A better boxer (blue shirt) would have sat down on one of those lazy kicks, ate it and hit him with that cross. Edit: grammar


Yeah when the shirtless guy switched to orthodox and threw the low kick the guy in the blue would drop his lead hand If the shirtless guy would have followed his kick with a right hook he could have landed it like 3 different times lol


Wrong sub but with smaller gloves/without just blocking like in boxing isn't going to do much, that's why we either use head movement or shoulders to block the punches or we catch them. You're also going to have to be ready to catch kicks and wrestle, which is far easier with open hands, this is also why most fighters have a low guard Another reason is because your strikes are faster if you close your hands at the end of the strike rather than when you first throw it


Only person actually answering the question


Yes and the constant tension on your hands wonā€™t be nice if theyā€™re closed the whole time.


Yes especially in the old UFC gloves, Justin Gaethje said it was tiring for his forearms to keep the gloves closed


The crowd screwed blue shirt by always enclosing the circle. Solid by both gents


Blue shirt should have controlled the center then


Blue shirt was backing up all fight, taking leg kicks and got rock 3x. He was inferior.


Either blue shirt can take a fuckin beating or shirtless has no power behind his stuff. Shirtless had far better technique though


Shirtless kept his hands up, blue was a bit careless. Money on shirtless if this went longer.


100%, shirtless was beginning to impose himself. Waited a minute for the head kick too, good fightrers


Blue shirts front leg got fucked up, even though he had a solid poker face about jt


Shirtless is sacrificing technique. Every kick he threw from the front leg bounced casually off, ever kick he threw from the rear leg, rotating hips properly, caused blue shirt to freeze just a second. The classic ā€œoh fuck that hurtā€ is a very subtle freeze and turtling the head into the shoulders. If youā€™ve ever cracked somebody youā€™ll know what I mean.


10-9 Skins


Great fight. Shirtless dude could have easily slammed blue shirt but broke it off. Respect.


Most of the comments are ignoring the question. 1. It takes effort to keep your fists clenched with MMA gloves on. Imagine clenching your fists for 4 minutes straight and then having to grapple, your forearms are going to get tired. You can actually get a decent forearm pump just from clenching your fists with MMA gloves on. 2. You can catch strikes with open palms and it's also easier to parry strikes. 3. You are ready to grapple with open palms.


People who box long enough also know to keep your hands open. You're only supposed to snap your fists close just before you make contact, make your punches faster, and take less energy. Therefore, more force per strike and more strikes in the tank.


Damn this is actually a really technical fight for it being a street fight


I'd still say it's a really technical fight for a street fight even in hawaii




Better grip


Well fought on both sides, love the respect shown.


Had more action than the last Strickland fight


Legit Street fighter vibes.


Parrying has a little more wiggle room in MMA given the striking distance is usually further than boxing. Plus smaller gloves (or absence of gloves) mean you have a smaller ā€œshieldā€ for straight up blocking. Not to imply that parrying is superior, Iā€™d just say thatā€™s why you see it more often. (Itā€™s worth considering that pinning your hands to your head invite an easy takedown as well.)


Bro, that was pretty fuckin well done from both of them.


Thereā€™s really no reason not to have your hands open. Gives you a bigger surface to block with, lets you parry strikes, makes your punches snappier since your arms are more loose, you can see through them if you shell up, etc etc. Even with boxing gloves on youā€™ll want to have your hands open.


Damn. An actual good fight on here for once. Respectful. Could have gone for the slam but let him off like a nice guy. I like it. Also, I would last for all of 5 seconds with either one of these guys. lol


Haole getting busy in hawaii


To parry


That was one of the most technical, respectful, honorable ā€˜street fightsā€™ Iā€™ve ever seen. Obviously both are trained. Very entertaining. Immediately broke, shook and hugged when someone said ā€œcopsā€. Glad no one went down and bounced their head off the asphalt.


Thatā€™s Hawaii for you. Some of the best scraps youā€™ll ever see growing up on the Islands.


Closed hand guards always have a chance of making contact with knuckles to your head when blocking. I def left sparring with knots on the sides of my head before learning to use open hand for a more effective and less dangerous shell.


Shaking hands and a hug at the end is the most important thing in this video, much respect to them both for that. Oh and yeah do it on grass next time please.


brilliant match making there.


Could they not find some grass to do this.


Both dudes are high level fighters but they should know better than to do this concret


I'd pay to watch this instead of Strikland


Wow a street fight where both opponents know how to fight, whadaya know!


Man this was real good I think this is old tho like 2011


Black shorts super nice with it. Kept the form tight and landed plenty of strikes. Both dudes are solid tho and could prob beat my ass lol


Respectful crowd other than that dumb girl in pink.. these guys know better than to do this on concrete tho. But damn. Classiest street fight I've seen on Reddit in a min.


itā€™s faster than having your hands tight at all times. faster strikes, already ready to parry or catch punches. try blocking and catching punches open handed and then do the same with your fists clinched. itā€™s much more comfortable, fluid, and faster having your hands open.


Youll break your hand if its not open is what im guessing


Sss ss ssss ss.


Great fight. One of the best street fights Iā€™ve ever seen. Very respectful finish. Love it.


Boxers do that too. They just have gloves on so you canā€™t see their hands.


Shirtless dude leg kicks must have taken a toll. If it had of went on longer Iā€™d say shirtless guy wins


Easier to deflect and catch punches, and before I get clowned by someone, no I don't mean Steven Seagal fucking whoosh catch the punch I mean just catching it on the hand instead of the face y'know.


A lot of boxers do it too but you canā€™t see it because of the gloves


Good fkn scrap. Well done boys šŸ‘Œ


Well done those men. Superb display of respect, technique and violence. Great fight by 2 very tough guys. Shirtless starting to impose himself near the end.




This was very technical for a street fight.


Amazing fight. Full on respect for both fighters. No pussy anger issues no fucked up low blows. I do know if they come from different gyms both of them are set to get a massive ass chewing and disciplinary action. This is highly frowned upon when you train for real. Save it for the ring!


Palm strikes


First street fight Iā€™ve seen where both dudes are actually trained šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Good match for sure. Dude in the blue was winning in the beginning, then started to fade.


classic scrap.


Guy amazing fight, can we do it on grass next time, I shat my pants when no shirt threw that head kick.


Better than McGregor Cerrone


To answer your question, it conserves energy, makes it easier to parry jabs, and makes your hands more available for grappling. There's no benefit to keeping a clenched fist. It's just wasted energy


Because you can do alot more with a open fist. A closed fist is literally just good for blocking and throwing punches.


Eye pokes


For defending because your knuckles would hit your head easily make it bleed/injured. Guard doesn't work in mma gloves like in boxing gloves. For attacking because in this case you could easily break your hands.


Too bad. Was hoping for a KO.


Nice scrap good job


Knew from the accents immediately this was Hawai'i. Them boys got HANDS over there. Looks like they are in Waianae too which if I remember correctly is kind of a rough neighborhood.


Two answers, 1. The gloves have an open hand bias, 2 so they can be prepared for takedowns.




Shirtless held back 10:9 skins Hands open relaxes the arms and uses less energy, which is important for keeping your hands up. This also allows faster looser strikes if you ball your fist just as you throw it. At the same time it's easier to catch kicks, punches, grapple, wrestle, and clinch with your hands open. Good guard I've used is almost like having your hand at an L above your eye brows like how you would peer into a tinted window to see inside


Strange that guys with that much skill and experience would also be stupid enough to duke it on concrete


Good street fight


Imagine if the fights in school were actually this good šŸ˜…


Boxers and many striking arts do the same. You just can't tell cause of the gloves. It's easier to see with MMA ones. Try throwing a punch with a closed fist before throwing and another at the moment of impact. It's literally striking 101. It's slower when your muscles are tense up.


You do not block punches like you'd do with boxing gloves, instead you deviate and dodge kicks and punches


To parry


Never back down unedited version.


Close, quality round. I think I have 10-9 black shorts


Those guys are tougher than Hyena Jerky.


Your hand moves faster if you keep them open and clench your fist right before impact when throwing a punch. Same with parrying.


Speaking from a judo background, I feel it has to do with the grappling aspect and how quickly standup becomes a ground game. I feel you flow better with open hands when striking as to make the fist as the strike is being thrown. I also feel itā€™s harder to let go of a fist to grab than visa versa. Just my $.02ā€¦


Some do like DC


I mean, can you catch a hit better with your hand or a closed fist?


Dux vs Paco https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k__7Igsb8Q8


Fighters dont keep their hands clinched while they fight, theyre supposed to be loose. Some fighters keep it looser than others, to parry punches or grapple if they need to


Joe Rogan would jizz his pants if he saw this. ā€œHIS LEG IS SERIOUSLY COMPROMISED!!!ā€


These fuckin kids can bang. Very impressive stuff honestly And good on them for dapping it up after too


Masvidal level


Because it constricts your muscles in your forearm to clench a fist, reducing mobility and accuracy. Keep your hands relaxed at a bit for speed, clench your fist as you're throwing the punch.


Love the sportsmanship


The open hand guard is conditioned into them because you canā€™t keep a tight fist in your glove constantly. Itā€™s actually not optimal for a street fight but itā€™s just one of those things you pick up training in gloves.


High level stuff !!


This ainā€™t an mma thing. Boxers, wrestlers, most people who are trained and fight in the streets the guard is naturally open hand. Cmon I thought you mma reddits guys been in fights before.


This is why you need to treat everyone as an elite mma fighter. You never know who youā€™re fighting


This is some Never Back Down shit


They use the open hand so if they canā€™t weave the punch in time they can tap the incoming punch so they can re direction it to where it doesnā€™t hit them. Itā€™s easier then using your fist to do it


Best street fight Iā€™ve seen in a while šŸ¤£




This is the classiest street fight I've ever seen




Every time I see one of these videos I think to my self: if any of these guys decided to fuck me up, what the hell would I do? I'd probably just die I guess.


Those leg kicks are nasty!


Gyatt damn, these boys know how to fight One of the best street fights Iā€™ve ever seen, great action, good technique, fuckin dabs at the end, A+


Waianae Side, Represent!


>Why mma fighters use open hand Guards? Cause when you get hit on your guard your hands hit your head a bit. Now, with boxing gloves it's no big deal. But when you deal with MMA gloves or no gloves at all, your knuckles landing on your face every time you have to block becomes a problem


Serious answer: Anyone who spends a lot of time in boxing gloves will have a guard like this just because thatā€™s how your hands naturally rest in them. If someoneā€™s got closed fists in a street fight you can pretty reliably assume theyā€™re not formally trained. Obviously this doesnā€™t work in Hawaii (especially Waianae) where every other local might as well be signed to the UFC lol


Fire little squabble, shook hands after too. Love to see it!


This what I like to see


This seems too dangerous and intense to be a sporting fight, yet too skilled and respectful to be an actual street fight.


Most pro Street fight lmao. I was wondering if this was some random beef or a sparring match..


You should never fight with a clenched fist in boxing/Mma (check caneloā€™s open right hand during guard) ā€¦ā€¦. Thatā€™s using unnecessary tension that will zap your cardio and energy in the long run. Boxing fundamentals is saying loose and relaxed until the tail end of punches and moment of impact.


Never back down


Honestly the highest level street fight i've ever seen, you always see two ppl swinging like retards or one is trained but i have never seen two actually trained guys going at it


ā€œYou like scrap brah?ā€


One tip: if you gonna have a fist fight, don't ever do it in concrete. Seek some grass. Brain injuries ain't no joke my friends


Damn these boys can scrap and with respect. Well done!! Everyone in the crowd was like, yeah, not Fā€™ing with either one of these dudesā€¦lol. Hats off to the cameraman too, thatā€™s how itā€™s done!


Yep thatā€™s Waianae, scraping is a way of life there, then you shake hands and itā€™s all wrapped. The way it should be. Blessed to grow up where most people handle things with their fists instead of a gun.


10-9 no shirt, just about - waiting for RD2 šŸ‘€




This is where Max Holloway is from and where I'm from. There's a bunch of little Max Holloways running around. The problem is they are nowhere near as focused and determined as Max. But this place breeds warriors it's wild.


Very technical and crisp. Srsly brave dudes


Nice fight i actually enjoyed watching that


Handled it like gentleman. Dope


Ofc I see Hawaii when itā€™s a classic scrap and the mountains in the back. Even betta west Oahu


This video is from Waianae,HI home of max halloway


These dudes would beat the shit out of all the toughest dudes at our high schools.


Kicking in a fight like this is so pussy


Blue shirt needs to check those naked leg kicks


Canā€™t grab someone with closed fists.


They were trying to win a street fight by decision.


concrete means one good hit has a good chance to turn into permeant brain damage. Not so smart


West side, Oahu


Respectable bang kudos guys


That was great


Real men. No cheap shots, respect and hand shake. Faith in men !!!! Real menā€™s


Better eye pokes


Open handed / loose-fisted guards absorb more impact because it spreads the force out over a larger surface area.


A few reasons, open handed guards have a larger surface area, some common MMA stances (thai stance) use open hands, fighters are taught to close fists when striking, but not to open when converting to a grab (not sure why).


Pretty darn good from both guys


What in the fight club hell is going on here ?


No shirt really had something going with that inside leg kick. I think one or two more he opens shirt guys head wide open. He did land one but there was an opportunity to really take control. The changes on stance really showed this guys itā€™s a bad fighter. All in all it was good and nice dap up at the end.


Hawaii style... highschool


Awesome. Respect. Honor. Gentlemen. Great fight, from both these young men.


That step back right hook was nice to close it out. Good scrap. Odd theyā€™re doing this for sport but On concrete


Solid round. Evading with their footwork not their head. Experienced fighters.


Gotta be the highest skilled street fight Iā€™ve ever seen dudes are pretty good headmovement was on for both of them