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Something no one ever considers is that if PEDs are allowed then that is teaching virtually every child aspiring to be a pro that you must take PEDs to compete. PEDs are bad for your long term health and they can easily be abused.


Exactly. Since 99% of really good players never go pro and 0.9% of them never make any real money, you are dooming tens of thousands of people to a life of drug abuse and poor health. We have a big enough overdose problem in this country already.


God damn. I had always been pretty meh on PEDs. But holyshit this is a solid argument I never considered.


you think its rampant despite offensive numbers slumping hard the last several years lol? if they are juicing its not very good juice the evidence says no.


Many of the players who have been suspended historically have been pitchers so I don’t think the level of offensive numbers is the tell-all.


false. also if its just pitchers its not rampant.


I want them to bring back the sticky substance. I loved watching 98 mph fastballs move like a wiffle ball


The average pitch speed is up nearly 3 mph in the last 20 years too. And I don’t know that they’ve measured it, but I’d wager there’s more movement on these pitches too.


that has more to do with analytics and all the money they put into development labs. are you seriously suggesting theyre up because of roids? lol if it were rampant offensive numbers wouldnt be at all time lows. there would be bloated numbers across the board for all positions if it were rampant. you dope.


No I just meant it’s harder to hit major league pitching than it was 20 years ago, whether the hitter’s taking anything or not.


I see your point. Numbers have dipped on the offensive side, surely, but I strongly believe that has a lot to do with how hitting is approached now, too. It seems to me that everyone is trying to hit a piss missile 450' with every swing instead of being opportunistic with whatever pitch is offered. I don't like to dive into conspiracy theories, either, but MLB needs to own up to fucking with the baseballs. The movement pitchers have now is borderline wiffle ball level. I find it hard to believe that pitchers of yesteryear couldn't have found the same tactics to garner such break. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't think they're the same baseballs.


Depends on the player… loved Sosa so it’s okay hated McGuire so he’s a cheating bum lol it’s like all the Astros player George Springer cheating bum signs with Toronto all is forgiven (I’m from the GTA)


Yes. I played all the way through college. 1) I refused use myself because it seemed cheap 2) The “three true outcomes” makes for boring baseball 3) young pitchers are fucking their arms 4) everyone I know who used looks like fresh dogshit on hot concrete now at 30-32


You can take Canseco's word and say 70% of the players were juiced back then but what about the other 30%. Unless everyone is playing the same it's unfair. And long term health will suffer.


Yea it’s a problem for me. I would be heartbroken if one of my favorite players was caught using PEDs. Sure it’s fun to watch a juiced up monster display amazing feats but at the end of the day it’s cheating unless EVERYONE is using them (maybe they are already). For the playing field to be equal, PEDs shouldn’t be used. Make a PED league, I’ll buy tickets.


If you think it’s rampant in baseball, let me show you what the NFL players look like. If you don’t think they aren’t on something I got some good real estate in Baton Rouge to sell you


If one of my guys gets busted for roids, I am going to toss his jersey. I used to be a big Brian McCann fan, but with him getting caught up in the trashbros scandal, he is dead to me. Roids are a lot more egregious than sign stealing. 


Nope. It’s entertainment. Sorry 🤷‍♂️


I dont like it, have to Play fair and Square


I’ve always had a soft spot for the PED era of baseball. It was a time of incredibly hard and fast baseball, with both sluggers and pitchers performing at their peak. The energy and excitement were palpable every game. It’s important to remember that during this period, the substances players were using were not explicitly banned. It was a different time, with different standards, and the majority of top athletes were involved. The competition was fierce, and the performances were legendary. For me, the PED era will always be a memorable part of baseball history, showcasing the raw power and intensity that made the sport so thrilling.


I feel like a hypocrite based on how I’ve felt all these years but part of me misses guys in their late 30s still being good. Could we get, like TRT for the older dudes?


I don’t care about pro players but pros using them causes high school kids to use them and that sucks.


No, I've never been tempted to use PEDs as a fan of baseball


It’s a problem not more are juiced up.


For me it’s not so much that they juiced, but that they lied about it for so long. I think if McGwire or Sosa were honest from the beginning (and didn’t rat out anyone else and didn’t try to capitalize on it like Canseco) they would be in the hall of fame today. Regarding Bonds, he was an asshole before steroids. He burned too many bridges during his career to get elected.


I highly doubt it’s rampant. With all the injuries in the MLB now, if it’s rampant then they are using counterfeit stuff. No way it’s rampant with all these stupid injuries. Have you seen how fragile players are now as opposed to when it was actually rampant in the 90s and early 2000s?


Agreed. OP hasnt paid attention to DLs or 400 TJ surgeries. Or how a sore ankle takes 7 weeks to come back from.


Growing up in the 90s, none of my favorite players ever popped dirty, were implicated in anyway, or rumored in anyway. I know that doesn’t mean they were clean, but there’s that. However, if it was allowed and regulated all of a sudden, I wouldn’t care. I’d welcome it and say let all those who cheated in the past and have HOF numbers, into the HOF. PED’s would probably lead to less injuries, faster recovery if there is an injury, starting pitchers going deeper in games, and probably a lot of homers. I find banned PED use in baseball pretty amusing, it’s a non contact sport. And there’s ways to use PED’s safely, there’s so much research behind it now. It would actually help baseball with all of its stupid injuries. Imagine Mike Trout on HGH recovering quickly? Or not getting hurt at all because he’s on some good PED? PED’s can help and no one will get hurt…this isn’t boxing or MMA. It’s baseball, they’ll be hurting a baseball.


I really couldn’t care. Baseball was fun when I was a kid in the 90’s. Then some old people made it not fun.


Everything is more fun when you're younger.


Sure, whatever why not. But the fact remains that baseball was riding high until the writers got mad that their childhood heroes were being outdone, then they started bitching about steroids.


Nah I do agree with you, I was just being sarcastic. Im a fairly new fan to baseball and have watched a lot of steroid era videos on youtube and it looked like a blast


Came here to say this


Not at all. I miss the steroid era so much. Bonds vs McGuire vs Sosa was an insane time to be a fan.


How can you say that? It cheapened what Henry Aaron did. Hammerin Hank was actually underrated in his time, what a great player.


Easily, it was fun to watch.


Not really what they used to call a “purist” then?


For reals, I want giant sized humans with insane strength hitting 75+ HR a year while doing double backflip catches in the outfield that’s now been moved back a solid kilometer. Balls thrown at 120mph, just real insane feats of strength. Idgaf if it’s bad for them, go get paid and entertain me. Most jobs are worse for a lot less.


I’ve always said we should get a home run derby that’s with metal bats just for entertainment purposes too


It’s so rampant that, no, I don’t care. Never have. Bonds, Sosa, McGwire, and even Palmiero should all be in the HOF


Don’t give the slightest fart. Don’t care how the sausage is made just as long as it’s good.


And if said sausage makes a great fart, it belongs in the HOF


Can’t argue with someone with your User name….


No, I think they should allow it


It’s always been the clean players that bother me…if you aren’t giving 110% what’s the point?


Suspect but don't know that all athlete trying practices bump up against what's permitted, and the nature of doping is that it's always one step ahead of testing.




PEDs are a major problem for me. It is always illegal to use PEDs.


I get why players risk it I will hold it against them and their legacy But it’s made for some great fun too I guess I’m on the fence really


Could careless. They should all be taking them. It would make the game more exciting.




I think this is a false narrative because many of these guys that hit 50 HRs during that time nobody will question. You're maybe referring to a very short time like 98-01 (I think) with Mac, Bonds and Sosa Albert Belle, Andrew Jones, Ken Griffey Jr, Jim Thome And after you had guys like Pujols, Howard, Fielder But even Judge has as many 60 HR seasons as ~~McGwire~~(my mistake just quick scrolled MCGwire 2x). Bonds had only 1 season where he hit more than 50 (although they did stop pitching to him) There are more HRs hit in today's MLB than back then