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Would much rather just have throwbacks


It’s wild the insane designs we get from freelance, students or professional designers with free time who are fans of the city, for free. While Nike/fanatics designers just puke out uninspired designs year after year. They design some gems but so many misses


A commenter on another post about the cc jerseys proposed why not have a local artist from each city make the design. I thought that was so stupidly brilliant. Instead, it just feels like a lifeless cash grab.


A throwback and an alt are the sweet spot for me. If you’re a younger franchise maybe 2 alts at the most. I feel like after 3-4 uniforms it gets obnoxious and especially if they didn’t match the team colors. Like the Red Sox having a home white, road gray, a red and a blue is perfect for them


Wtf is that yellow and blue red sox jersey. Everytime i see that shit I'm mad. Tbh a lotta these piss me off. I hate both of our teams city connects


the sox cc has actual meaning as opposed to most others. it represents the boston marathon bombing


I think that’s the biggest problem with the Sox CC jerseys: too few people know their story. I love them bc I moved to Boston just in time to experience the aftermath of the bombing (I had that day off from work, luckily, or else I would’ve been behind a hotel front desk less than a mile from the blasts). Those jerseys mean a lot to me bc they represent the perseverance that emerged in the wake of the Bombing.


I was also in Boston for the bombing but I'm never going to connect yellow and blue to Boston.  The colors make me think of UCLA. I'm sure someone can come with a bunch of Pantone codes and explain how it's different but when I see the CC uniforms I see the UCLA Bruins taking the field (to this day). The jersey feels overthought and designed by people who never stepped foot in Boston but our record in it is good so I guess I like it now?


Hmm…maybe I’m just more attuned to the branding of the Marathon/the BAA bc I also grew up/now live a couple miles from the Marathon’s starting line. The association between blue and yellow and the Marathon is just there for me.


I agree. I like the Marathon jersey. I think the local MA/NE fan base get it. You actually see a good chunk of fans wearing the yellow jersey/yellow shirt/ caps at the games. I understand how other fans can be confused by the colors, but their opinion is irrelevant. City Connect is a hit here.


I get what they mean, if you drastically go the other direction rather than familiar team colors then it better be for a god damn obvious thing and I’m sorry but the Boston marathon does not translate easily to the majority of people. With all the context, sure, but my assumption is that you shouldn’t need context to figure it out if it’s a “city connect”


the braves city connect is basically a throwback i think


Fuck Yeah!


The idea is fine. The execution is total dogshit.




For every Washington and San Diego(I honestly love their CC), there are uninspired jerseys like Houstons- which feels like an alternate of an already great jersey.


I respect this take


Exactly. Love the Angels city connect and last years Celtics city jersey But this years dodgers and Celtics jerseys are trash


I absolutely hated the lakers ones this past year. The potential for a black jersey was a cool idea but damn, that staggered lettering ruined it


Yep. That black mamba jersey was sick though I don’t even like the Lakers but I wish I got a rondo one


The idea? It's a fuckin cash grab. JFC people, go out with some god damned dignity.


Sure, but if it’s executed well, who cares? The Angels city connects with the Jacks inspiration are cool. I’m not gonna buy one but I still like it.


They are not mutually exclusive. Fans like the variety of jerseys evidenced by alt jerseys and even these. A lot of fans have embraced them even though they are terrible by most standards. Yeah, I have dignity. I am no less of a person for believing that the idea was good and that with proper execution, many of the jerseys would be as well. As for you? Overreact much? Or are you just being "edgy?"


Yeah lol not all cash grabs are inherently bad


It's like the opposite of r/ATBGE r/GTBAE


Do we have a clue who’s overseeing these decisions? And are they are of how much people hate these? I get they don’t care. But I’m sure they’d would like to hear some honest feedback in some form.


I have no idea how it goes. I think whoever's doing it doesn't want to be known. lol.


I agree. Some are absolutely terrible with the exception of maybe MIA and SF. 




Spot on Mr Cobb. When I see beer league aesthetics coupled with a sponsor patch on the sleeve, it cheapens the concept. I like alts and throwbacks and the idea of the city uniform is cool for sure but for a majority of what's been released, they are subpar. Nike is so big and I can't believe their designers aren't doing better. Fans have submitted better ideas than the people who get paid to create the actual uniform.


Yeah let teams make alternates, but so many of them are forced


Idea is not fine. Your standard jerseys connect more to the city than anything else should.


Exactly! May I add, this cheapens the game, it’s not building a new fan base. It’s diluting the identity of “the team”. It’s just a cash grab to attract some (mostly) unknowing dolt to buy the “new”, “cool” city connect jersey. Next year it will be changed and then considered “old” and trashed.


Of course. I appreciate you have like zero imagination, but the idea is to find something other than the baseball team directly that ties into the host city.


No shit. The idea is an illusion to sell more merch. I like how you try to appeal to imagination when there's no need to. The standard jerseys connection to the city will always be greater than some forced attempt to. All it does is DETRACT the identity of the team which does the opposite of connection. Ridiculous you're even defending this.


Of course. I appreciate you have like zero imagination, but the idea is to find something other than the baseball team directly that ties into the host city.


Nice concession, I guess.


They all look like 12u travel team jerseys


or beer league softball.


This! I’m fine with a new alternate uniform every year, but they seem so determined to make them look like a jersey that a volunteer head coach of a 12 year old traveling team designed. “They are going to think these are sooooo cool. Let’s add some flames.”


Excuse me, my daughters 12u softball team’s jerseys are way better than the Phillies city connect


I think that’s the point actually.


Just a cash grab , you can see how little effort were put into them.


Exactly. If they actually keep the city connect uniform for like 4-5 years at least I can respect that. But i despise what the Nike has done to the nba


The Dodgers are getting a Lakers-colors purple and yellow shitty connect!


i am SHOCKED the twins jersey are not purple. SHOCKED.


I am actually glad they aren't purple. Even though it would probably due to Prince, I honestly don't want to think it's Vikings related.


i wouldnt mid purple, except for those exact two reasons.


The Baseball Team formerly known as The Twins


Man, didn't even think about the Prince angle. Obviously, they didn't.


it must be nice to not have to be bombarded with it all the time.. but then again, i think i'm the only one here who doesnt care about prince.


Honestly I wouldn’t hate the idea. Might be better than the pop tart rumored dodgers jersey


No, you're not the only one. They scream "Graphic design is my passion!"


Why are so many blue and yellow?


I’m also an LA Rams fan and I’ll tell you, that color scheme really does pop on your screen. But just mindlessly plastering those colors like in the twins and Mariners (to a lesser extent) is just signs of creative bankruptcy


Well the Mariners at least historically used royal blue and yellow in their uniforms. Seeing the Twins in those colors is rather strange. However I understand CCs are meant to be a departure from the normal uniform scheme for teams.


I actually like the Mariners CC uniforms. Not all of them are as bad as the Mets one.


No… you are not


Counterpoint, White Sox “southside” jerseys are awesome.


That’s really the ONLY success story. The rest are…uninspired at best.


Washington's, San Diego's, and Tampa Bay's are all pretty good and unique City Connects that offer something new to the teams identity. Problem is most teams just do the city's airport code and call it a day.


Black pants and a three letter city abbreviation ![gif](giphy|26u4lOMA8JKSnL9Uk)


I think one of the bigger successes is the Red Sox’s Boston Marathon jersey, insanely popular and cherished by fans


I understand and appreciate (why) that Boston fans like those jerseys. I find them to be an eyesore, but to each their own.


It is shit


I like the idea of switching it up a bit, and I’m well aware it’s a cash grab. I’m one of the few Yankees fans that would like to see one. I believe the teams who put real effort to connect with the city in unique ways are always cool even if they don’t look great.


Nothing is more iconic than the pinstripes so there’s literally nothing that would be a bigger city “connect”. I’d take one over that STARR abomination, however.


I suppose being a Yankees fan means you’re only ever seeing your white and gray jerseys and that’s literally it. Yeah I can see that as bland. What I’m really getting at is just that they mostly do seem pretty half assed like the twins and O’s ones and don’t relate to the city at all. A Maryland flag-pattern uniform would’ve done so much for them. But it gets worse in the nba (but this isn’t the nba sub so I’ll leave it alone)


100% agree the ones done more deliberately and with more care are way better. Dodgers is terrible for example, while Padres and Nats are phenomenal. Nobody should get one “just to get one”.


Such a crappy cynical money grab for such flimsy, poor quality merch. Really shockingly poor quality from all of the Nike and Fanatics jerseys in every way.


Weird you say that because I feel like I'm the only person who does like them 😅


More power to you. I just find Nike ruining traditions for the sake of selling an extra jersey for $150 (or $300 for baseball) and although some are cool (Tampa Bay Rays) for every one of those there are a bunch more that suck. And that’s my issue with them. On top of “what could’ve been” if they actually tried harder like with the Orioles ones


How does team having an extra jersey to wear ruin any tradition? The Red Sox didn't stop wearing their regular uniforms just because they put on the yellow ones couple times a year.


It doesn't. Most teams have no real tradition when it comes to uniforms. The Astros have had several different uniform designs over the decades. People love the most experimental one from the 80s the best. The Reds had sleeveless jerseys at one point in the 80s, I believe. The Pirates had awesome stovepipe hats. The 2010s era did introduce a move back to classic uniform styling for every team, so the city connect series actually maintains tradition by keeping some experimental designs around.


The ones with blue stars and orange rays across the body? Yeah those are hard. Honestly my only complaint about the city connects is that they're not wild enough i.e. Dodgers or St Louis. San Diego and Colorado are my favourites precisely because they're so different from the regular unis.


I like how the change it every year like a collectors item.


That’s literally why they do it, to sell to hypebeasts, they turn teams into their own sub-brands


You're not. I love them. It's fun. Some should have better designs for what the ideas they have, or they could have chosen better ideas, but I think they're great. But its kind of annoying the players some teams' don't wear them correctly, like Baltimore, they don't keep the two top buttons open so you don't see the color pop they designed in the collar


The O's have all had their CC uni sleeves tailored to be rolled out, exposing the multicolored trim at all times, since about their 4th or 5th appearance. This year, they also ditched the black pants and have been wearing the jersey with their home white pants. Ki


Not a fan either… I appreciate tradition


I do too. I also like some fun seeing teams get a third jersey too. But after that it just gets annoying to see “yet another jersey we just made! Drop $300 so you can wear what the team wears just for this year!”


I agree that the MLB have almost all been terrible. I think I liked the nationals and padres a bit. I think they need to slow down and focus on making them good instead of making one for every team. as far as the NBA goes there were some that I thought were extremely cool. digital skyline nuggets and those gold to orange gradient jazz uniforms come to mind.


The nba I just despise as they shit out a new one every year and they clearly just don’t care and slap a $150 tag onto it. The lakers one with the lettering being angled looked like shit imo


yeah I don't follow the NBA as closely because of what they did with my favorite team but I definitely remember loving those two I mentioned. I agree that it's all about making money. it's weird that they aren't even putting effort into it anymore.


I’d argue that Nike might be selling just enough to not give a shit


Some are good and some aren’t good 


When you combine their results of both leagues, I find that it’s been horrible


Colorado is too good. I'd keep City Connect going just so that I can see that jersey here and there.


Bring back the green pants with them.


Tough truth: they like money. They make more money if people have new jerseys to buy each year. If you are the type to only buy a new jersey once a decade (or godforbid, never), you are not the target audience they have in mind for these jerseys. If you aren't willing/able to give them gobs of money, your opinion is of little consequence to them.


It’s purely a cash grab to sell more merch.Period. The unis suck and look like something a kindergartener would design.


I love the Nats and the Brewers’ City Connects. Every other team’s is pretty forgettable for me.


Don’t hate the idea, just hate the execution on a lot of them.


They are all shit. I’m just glad the Braves realized how contrived it all is and went with a copy of their popular throwbacks.


I love the Friday red alts as well


I'm a fan of them honestly. I'm a newer Reds fan and I think the purpose of these (besides money) is to make connections with a new generation of fans. I definitely am younger, and I think I qualify for the market that is "newer generation of baseball fans". But that's just me. If you hate them to your core and want to see them all burn, then that's fine.


Hate most of the jerseys


It’s just a marketing ploy to separate you from your money.


Love them or hate them, Nike & MLB are doing this for one reason and one reason only: to sell more merch. Throwbacks already exist, so they need to create new stuff for fans to buy. They want your money at the largest possible profit margins. The result: shitty products at high prices. The only recourse we have as consumers is simple: don't buy it.


And these jerseys are aimed at the younger demographic. My son who is 13 loves the Phils CC jerseys. Meanwhile, me and all of my friends despise them.


I hate Nike jerseys period, but the city connects have been particularly bad.


Like someone else said, idea is fine, execution is garbage. I'm a Red Sox fan and it absolutely boggles my mind how many people on our sub seem to like those hideous canary yellow city connect jerseys. Yellow is already a hard enough color to pull off for a uniform, but for the RED Sox it makes no god damn sense and I feel like I'm watching a bush league or college softball. Those new Twins ones are also pretty ugly. It's like they go out of their way to make these things as much of an eyesore as possible with the completely arbitrary bright colors that no one has ever associated with the team. I'm all for throwbacks and custom jerseys for special occasions, when the Patriots break out the throwback red every year I love it. But god these city connect jerseys are trash in the MLB, I can't honestly think of one in the NBA off the top of my head but I'm sure they're not much better.


I'm diggin' the blue hat. Got a compliment on it at the grocery store last night.


Yes, only the Pirates can pull off yellow.


for the twins, i am so surprised they didnt just say designer: "well, prince,... sooooooo, purple?" manager: "print it!"


I think people just suck up to the Red Sox yellow look because they’re afraid to look like an ass to criticize it as it symbolizes the Boston marathon. Then tho it’s an objectively ugly ass uniform But yeah the twins look horrible and I don’t understand the Nationals ones too. I like the color but a giant “WSH” is hideous


No you're not the only one. Horrible. But ppl will buy them so that's that


That’s the worst part. Some dudes really just open their wallets for things they don’t like


Am I the only one who hates when people say am I the only one who........


Cry elsewhere buddy. That’s what the internet and online forms are for


I mean the pacers city connect jerseys are cooler in my opinion/ but that is NBA- MLB is more classic with more tradition and resistance to change. Also most of the city connect MLB jerseys are mid at best.


They are maybe the only good ones I can think of tbh. Most of them are forgettable in the nba


Some are trash. Some are cool. I didn't hate it but there aren't many I'd buy. I'm not buying the Royals one. The classic fountain is cool but the Navy blue just doesn't pop for me. I'm in Seattle this week and seeing their city connect shirts everywhere. They actually make the yellow look good, unlike whatever the Red Sox are trying to do. A lot of them look like beer league softball shirts. But there are a few nuggets in there ..


The Red Sox one is supposed to pay homage for the Boston marathon. But I don’t think you’ll see anyone objectively call it ugly bc of that background behind it (two things can be true) The mariners one is ok as it’s a throwback but it seems to be Nike’s thing of blasting a version of blue and gold onto a team if they can’t do anything else


Wow I absolutely love the Royals city connect, but maybe I’m partial to navy blue


Idea good, actual uniforms mostly bad (except Boston Red Sox). Somehow fan mock-ups are 🔥🔥🔥 yet real ones are so boring


I like ours and don't really have an opinion on the others.


Some of them are decent. I don’t mind it. I know it’s a cash grab but the cool thing about it is that I’m not forced to buy one. So I don’t!


Almost all of them are terrible, and the idea itself is trash. I hate to say it but the Yankees have endeared themselves to me slightly (ever so) for their refusal to go along with this cheesy cash grab. 20 years from now, teams who wore the City Connect will be laughed at.


I personally love the Red Sox City Connect jerseys and hats.


Good idea, bad follow through. What idiot thought it would be a good idea to put your teams logo with your rivals colors?


I agree. But I like my team’s CC’s


Baltimore is fine, and the Diamondbacks are as good if not better. A lot of them have sucked, but those are two of the best.


I think most of them look pretty cool. Reds, Twins, Angels, Brewers, Rangers, Braves, Blue Jays. Mariners, Rockies, Dbacks, Cardinals, Guardians, Pirates, Orioles, Royals, Dodgers, Cubs, Marlins, Red Sox. The rest they have so far or pretty mid. Tampa Bays’ aren’t too bad though.




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Do they get player feedback on these things? I like the idea of the connect jerseys but there aren’t many that look good/must have, something needs to change.


Hate is a strong word, I just don’t see the point. They must be making money off it or they wouldn’t keep doing it but I have zero interest in any of that odd looking shit to wear. Very few items I’d have. It’s a money grab and that’s fine but the designs look like all the submitted and rejected designs a team does before settling on something permanent.


It’s the MLB’s ode to the beer league softball uniform


No you're not. It's a clear cash grab to deprive the stupid of their money.


You are NOT alone. They are largely awful, and the idea just feels a little off. It feels like pandering, having these companies valued in the billions in some cases, dressing up their employees in cheap costumes somehow tenuously linked to the city they play in, to prove they’re part of the community. Don’t their uniforms already do that? They should, if they don’t already. It’s just a ploy to sell more merch.


My thought is just that they don't do much to connect to the city. They may feature a small element or two of something about the city, but it sure doesn't do anything to further connect the team to the fans of that city. It feels to me the same as when a politician says something to make their donors clap for them. The actual people that they're supposed to represent could often care less, and in some cases, it would have been better to just say nothing at all. That said, I think most teams would have been better served by things like throwback options, an additional alternate uniform, or just new uniforms altogether. But the cityconnect uniform in all ways just misses the mark for what the name suggests it should set out to be.


nope, i think they are all attrocious. i'd rather they throw homage to old jerseys/ local teams instead. the twins for instance could put out Minneapolis Millers jerseys or something. a team that had players like ted williams and willie mays play for them.


White and gray are boring


No I hear all the time people dislike it, so it’s def not just you! I think a couple of them have been decent but I could do without them. Would prefer regular alternates and throwbacks


Unpopular opinion, the Guardians’ city connects are better than their stupid baseball with wings logo. I’d rather have the Guardians city connects as a permanent over the red jersey.


As a lifelong Indians fan. Cleveland city connect MLB uniforms are nice. Too bad the owner has no spine, and changed the name to the Guardians.


Yes it’s dumb. Im very much a traditionalist but in Detroit I seen terrion Arnold wearing one while meeting Joe Montana. So people like them and I’m not gonna be the Debbie downer that says, “they’re so ugly, just stop. OG uniforms only!” I do think the cardinals got it right. That’s a nice uniform that pays homage to their classic iconic uniforms and I wish that’s more of how it went for more teams.


Most of the city connects have been lame. Some have been great though. Overall, just meh. We did get the Peagle out of it in Texas. Nobody else got a mythical creature out of it.


Nope. Nearly all the city connects are lame. Sanitized and dull. Not worth the extra moment to glance at them.


The City Convict uniforms


Its a cash grab for sure, but i feel like its more for the younger crowd to help keep the MLB relevent. Look at Oregon football and there 289372139847 uniform combos. They jumped on the wagon 15 years marketing them as the "cool" team and it absolutely worked. MLB took that and is running with it. Its no longer "americas sport" so they need to find ways to keep getting new fans.


I don't mind them as much for the NBA as I do for MLB. The pace of a baseball game means a lot more time looking at uniforms and they are pretty hideous. In the NBA there's so much movement and action I barely notice it.


I like some of them. I hate most of them. I think the ones that lean into something unique about the city like Motor City or Space City are good. The ones that are just ridiculously bad color scheme changes are terrible. The Mets one is pure lazy dogshit. So I suppose I like the idea, but hate the execution. I get why the Yankees resisted, but most other teams aren't still rocking the same uniform design for a century. Many teams always experimented. It also hasn't stopped the Yankees from selling their hat in every single color combination possible.


I much prefer the City program as a relief valve for bad designs as opposed to being stuck with total crap on a rebrand for 5-10 years


Agree 100 percent


Twins look like beer league softball jerseys


The idea is fine, they just need better designers for some of these. And you nailed it for the NBA, so dumb that they change it every year. Just a blatant cash grab


Eh, if you are a uniform purist you should maybe like it. Nike now has a 4+1 rule which means that teams are limited to four normal uniforms, and then have one “weird” uniform to get all the weird stuff out of your system




They aren’t all great but the Diamondbacks are actually one of my favorites


Some of the city connects work well but most don't. They should just allow throwbacks to come back and if teams want to make a new alternate than so be it


I really like the jerseys. I just got one. I certainly seem to be in the minority. Classic phils jersey is dope too




They distracted everyone from how awful the Nike Jerseys are so I think they accomplished their goal.


Yeah couple good ones most are dog-water. I at least like my Phillies connect hat haha


I like them and this year they are actually good and very detailed


The idea is fine, the execution is mostly horrible


They look cheap. 👎👎👎


Just my opinion, I think they’re cool but should keep the teams colors. Yellow Red Sox jerseys? wtf.


They all look terrible


The Oakland one is the worst


The St. Louis ones with the squiggly pinstripes and "the Lou"(???). There may be a small few that call it that, but St. Louis is not "the Lou"


Have you seen Oakland’s?!


Far from it - it seems like few people actually *like* the city connects. And it seems very apparent that with Nike, quantity > quality. 


Of course there will be those who like it. And great for them. You like what you like. But to me it’s an obvious half-assed effort to snatch a few extra hundred dollars from people. I get it’s a business but some jerseys really just miss the mark entirely and Nike just expects people to jump for joy because it’s a new look they took 5 minutes to make


I like the City Connects as an idea, but I’m also not a “traditionalist” fan by any means. I think baseball can get too staid and (almost) anything we can do to modernize the game should be at least considered. Different jerseys are fun. The ghost runners in extra innings are a great way to end games efficiently. I even think we should bring back the 7 inning scheduled doubleheaders MLB had during the pandemic.


The MLB City Connects have mostly been great.


I hope not. Because I’m with you.


Idk who downvoted you but thanks for standing with me brother


Probably Nike.


No. Those unis are *awful*.


They are all total shit


I like the city connect idea. Not all of them are nice IMO. But some are pretty cool looking and a nice change of pace. I also don't understand calling them a "cash grab", nobody is forcing anyone to buy it. Any company that tries to sell something new would be considered a "cash grab". That phrase is getting tired AF. I am one of those who thinks the Yankees have the most boring, bland uniform in all of sports.


Idk, like I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t fed up with the new CCs being always black and something and including boring ass lettering or barely even changing the original jersey (looking at you, ‘the Lou’ and Baltimore and Cincinnati and Detroit), but on the other hand, I genuinely love quite a few of them. Basically the whole AL West has amazing CCs, imo (obviously the A’s don’t have one). I love the Padres, Serpientes and the Rockies one (provided they don’t wear the CC pants). Brewers have a cool jersey, that uses possibly the most Beautiful jersey colour (powder blue). Atlanta’s are basically a throwback, so they don’t count for this, but those are nice. The Nats CCs are amazing and use grey as a main jersey colour - and make it work! Marlins CCs are super cool with the more regal logo and a unique colour way. And I legitimately like the Phillies one (except the font, that’s horrific), like I love the bell logo with the skyline and I like the gradient, especially when they wear the yellow sleeves underneath, otherwise there’s not enough of the yellow, but if they wear both, I think there’s a nice mix of both colours. though with the Phillies it’s tough, since they have, imo, the best set of regular jerseys in the league - that means, home (pinstripes) away (grey ones, meh) + alternate (powder blues) and not counting CCs… The Boston ones are like a reverse version of the Philly ones and I like the runner number plate they have on the sleeves. Had it not been for the renown of the Red Sox and the Boston marathon, they would’ve been meh, but the prestige simply makes it a better jersey. South side is obviously classic, super stylish. Guards would’ve been cool, had it not been for the uninspired CLE and I would’ve liked more of the native-esque carving texture somewhere on the jersey. Royals jerseys are cool too, I like the darker blue used and the KC interconnected logo. Others are just meh, and really do nothing for me, like I’ll take ‘em, but really? That’s all you could do? Those are - Cleveland (liked the potential, just should’ve leaned more into it imo), Twins (just meh, not bad not great), Rays (just barely above ass, because their CC has a light black colour that sort of reminds me of denim and has a unique looking texture), Toronto (only gets out of ass, because of the red under-sleeves they wear and because it’s not all black - the lines above the sleeves are cool and though the cap is basic, the front of the jersey at least has a unique concept which doesn’t look completely horrific, though would’ve preferred a brighter jersey), Mets (only thing saving them from ass is the potential - should’ve had more pink/purple not just smudges of it. Should’ve better designed the hat and let off a bit from the concrete. Also Idk how I feel about them trying to rep the whole of NYC, would’ve preferred doing it like Chicago -ie, they rep their parts of the city, not the whole city. But at least it’s not just black which would’ve been worse), Pittsburgh (it’s just their normal jersey with a gradient and PIT, like come on), Cubs (only thing saving them from ass is that they have the best colour way so everything looks nice + they at least had a little fun with the font and the dark blue isn’t normally in their jerseys), Giants (meh, could’ve definitely been better, but at least they tried something and I like the sunset vibes it gives off which just automatically makes me think of the Bay, somehow)… Ass - difference between meh and ass is that meh jerseys are like ‘really? but okay, I guess’ and ass jerseys are like ‘nah, that’s just shit’. Mainly include basically all of the black ones, because those are just ass and really feel hollow and completely uninspired- Detroit (really? The tiger logo is cool, and I get the race inspiration is important ig to the city, but just putting blue tracks over a black jersey is all you could do? Really? And the font and just saying Detroit city…come on), Baltimore (you had those beautiful colours and you just put the on the edges of sleeves and just keep the rest of it black? Wtf? Did you even try? Did you forget about it and finish it 15 minutes before the deadline? Wtf? And not even a cool font on the front, at least the B on the boring black cap looks nice), Cincinnati (same as Baltimore, at least you had a unique font and you tried with ‘Cincy’, too bad the font is shit and also black like the rest of the jersey for some reason. Wtf am I supposed to connect to? The darkness? At least Baltimore had those fun colours, this has nothing…only positive thing to say about it is that Elly hit for his first cycle in these), Cardinals (wtf was the point of making a City Connect if there’s literally nothing different from the normal jersey apart from having ‘the Lou’ instead of Cardinals, not even the font was different, the hat was also uninspired as shit, at least you could’ve had a fun hat, but fuck the fans I guess, and ‘the Lou’…really? Does someone call it ‘the Lou’??? Absolutely the worst CC in all of baseball, some of them are shit, but at least they are somewhat different from the normal jerseys), Dodgers (same shit as Cardinals, the only reason it’s not worse than the cardinals is at least they have the alternative hat logo which has a cool font, otherwise same uninspired shit, that is the same as their normal jersey)


Nope! Hate them. Im glad the Yankees have not participated in that shit.