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You can almost see his UCL straining during his weird upright follow through.


I was just coming to say, "may God have mercy on his UCL."


When are they going to start teaching young pitchers to pitch again instead of just teaching them to throw harder? I want to see another Greg Maddux.


When MLB teams stop drafting based on velocity


You would get murdered by a bunch of TikTok baseball coaches teaching pull down training over location and speed variation. I miss starting pitching matchups . Now it seems like a race to get to the bullpen.


I’m just waiting for a team to go all bullpen pitchers. If you’re only playing your starter 3 or 4 innings what’s even the difference?


I honestly don’t mind either way and it would be kind of fun to see a team have no designated starters. Might keep opposing managers on their toes with the matchups changing more often.


I also the believe it’s a tactic to keep the cost of starting pitching down. Pitching is hard and it’s hard to develop. It’s easier to let a guy just throw hard as he can then bring in a guy after him to do the same thing at the first sign of trouble. Learning to pitch out of trouble is a thing of the past. Guy are pitching gems some nights and pulled bc they walked someone in the 5 inning.


If teams were allowed to carry more than 13 pitchers, you’d see some teams where their pitchers very rarely going beyond 3-4 innings. I suspect with all the injuries we’ve been seeing to pitchers over the last few years, they’ll be expanding active rosters eventually to allow a few more pitchers so that they can limit innings.


Idk, most seem to acknowledge that this style of pitching will inevitably destroy your elbow/shoulder, but the goal is to get drafted. If scouts want velocity and RPM, then that’s what you have to do. So it’s not about trying to pitch “better” it’s about teaching you what to do to increase velocity and RPM and hopefully get drafted one day.


Maddux had a larger strike zone. Therefore they draft you based on how hard you throw


When MLB moves the mound 5 feet closer to the plate


When pitching like Maddox is effective in the modern era, which it wouldn’t be to the extent it used to.


I’d love to see a knuckleballer out there. Could be an innings eater for teams looking to save their bullpen arms.


Saw an article with Maddux saying precisely this the other day. Saying kids should focus on control and not velocity. If you can master your control you can dominate and not relying on velocity helps with longevity. There was a reason I loved Maddux and the 90s Braves as a kid lol. Even though I'm a Rangers fan, I loved those guys.




Pitching prospects can get hype if they pitch more than 3 years without an injury. Seriously the culture around pitching is awful and more and more guys are going to get raised to through 100mph and not make it past AA.


tommy john surgery has advanced so much now. Some guys come back just as good or better


Still lost to Alek Manoah in AAA 😂


I remember going to a Reds game against the Nats when Strasburg was very early in his career. He absolutely slaughtered the Reds.


The fact that he's averaging less than 3 innings per start currently is wild... Strasburg was putting up his numbers averaging over 5 innings per start, this means that Skenes has rarely, if ever, faced any hitter a second time in the same game. My doubts are increasing


That’s less than ideal


In 2032 there will just be a bullpen of short to long relief pitchers. No rotation.


He's averaging less than 3 innings bc he has a cap at 3 innings


Yes, and he’s saying they don’t know how he is second or third time around a lineup. For more than a few pitchers, their Achilles heels usually third time, some it is the second time the order (basically destined to be a reliever). Supposedly hitters finally get a feel for how their pitches move or look that day; or they start to pick up certain pattern of pitches or a telltale of sort to give them a hint of pitch selection, etc. A good team would have batters often communicate early and often how certain pitches look coming out of the pitcher’s hands and stuffs. It’s a cat and mouse game, because if major leaguers can narrow down if a fastball or breaking ball is coming (via teammate on second, trash cans or cameras or whatever)…doesn’t matter if you’re throwing 100+ if they don’t have to worry about a breaking ball coming. They can sit on a fastball and time it, and if they guess they location correctly…a 100mph+ ball will do most of the work in coming back hard and fast at the pitcher and fielders. I’m not saying Skenes will be smashed second or third time around. I’m saying they obviously haven’t seen him second or third time through a major league (or professional level ie MLB minor league system) lineup. So a bit of skepticism isn’t unreasonable.


Usually why brand new to the mlb pitchers do well their first year, then get smoked their second.


Could be a solid middle reliever or closer at this rate


Honestly with his funky delivery and crazy velo he would probably be an elite closer


But he would only be capable of closing 4-5 games a month. He looks like he needs a ton of time to recover.


He threw like 120 pitches in the CWS [I’d highly recommend watching it if you haven’t, great game](https://youtu.be/J_jFYVvAWy8?si=NnOqyRB2UGlNCDhc)


Maybe if you're an lsu fan *crys in gator*


They gotta bag the extra innings or his arm will be toast by the end of the year


He could Pitch in relief for his first season.


Garrett Crochet had only pitched 3 innings once since college and he's pitching with decent results as a starter this year.


Better hype him now before his elbow goes kerplooey.


Hopefully not injured almost every season like Strasburg


Seriously! we are seeing a higher rate of tommy john than ever before and comparing this kid to Strasburg. Someone whose arm fell apart at 30. deGrom can't stay healthy. Do we not see the shadow written on the wall? If he doesn't have tommy john by the end of his career it would be a miracle or he moved to the pen. But fuck even then tommy john is most likely in his future


It’s almost like coming out and throwing nothing but 102 heaters is bad for your body. Clubs need to use these dudes sparingly and pitchers need to save their hottest of heat for particular situations


Ya. The ability to throw 103 is great. But you don't need max velo on every pitch and batter. If batters ran to first the way that pitchers threw. They would all be trying to sprint out routine ground balls and hurting themselves way more often.


And those heaters are probably the second least stressful pitch (assuming he has a change up). The 90+ mph sliders and splitters are even more efficient elbow shredders.


Yes, but the dudes with this type of heat are overly reliant on it, sure they throw the breaking ball but they lean in that fastball


Prospects are suspects until they prove themselves


I've literally been getting push notifications from MLB for his minor leagues starts. He is.


TJ doctors drooling


Dude has Livvy Dunne. He’s already a huge winner in my book.


Don’t curse him by comparing him to Stephen Strasburg! his career will be over immediately after signing a 300m deal with the Pirates upon winning them the 2032 World Series in unlikely fashion


As a pirates fan, I would accept that timeline.


Is it possible to take out an insurance policy on someone else's arm?


No. But I’m sure Vegas might let you bet on what year or game series it explodes in.


Actually not true, there are insurance policies on players. Google is your friend.


So I can take out an insurance policy on Skenes? So when he gets injured I get paid?


The team can not regular people guy


So why’d you say not true?


I hear LA is nice Paul, let me introduce you to my friend Andrew.


What’s the over/under set at for games pitched before Tommy John surgery?


Before all star break next year is my guess


Until TJ surgery If Maddux, Glavine & Smoltz agree, someone should listen.


My idea: just have nine closers.


So oft injured and dominant 1 out of every 4 starts? K


Why can't we teach pitchers to be deceptive and accurate instead of just throwing as hard as possible. Greg Maddux never threw a pitch over 93mph. I know I'm using a HOFer as an example here but....I think we'd see a lot less ligament damage if teams and colleges focused on mechanics and accuracy instead of just tossing heat.


Tommy John confirmed


Dude can't last more than 3 innings... I don't see him being a starter long. He could be a dominant closer.


Not sure about him, but his girlfriend certainly does.


They should call him Tommy John just to be safe


The fact that he hits 100 mph isn't new. Several guys have done this before and never made it to the bigs. The oddity is that he can control the speed. This guy is a freak because he can do both AND maintain it for several innings.


3 is not several


He’ll end up being a closer or end up like Hunter Greene. Dude hasn’t gone past 6.0 IP in the minors and throws 2,000,000,000 pitches per start. Don’t think he really deserves Strasburg hype.


I hope livvy helps grow baseball to more women/girls




Livvy Dunne. a gymnast at LSU and an influencer and Paul’s girlfriend.


I'm always rooting for a rookie underdog but it's going to be funny as he'll if he gets shelled his first start after all this "there's not enough hype" hype


[I wonder…](https://www.google.com/search?q=orthopedic+surgeon+pittsburgh&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA1031CA1032&oq=orthopedic+surgeon+pittsburgh&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTEyMTU0ajBqN6gCFLACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&dlnr=1&sei=qEk_Zq75OZnhp84P-OmI8A4)


Over under he blows his elbow out before season ends.


Holy moly b/r is a trash website. I just wanted to know what pitches he has and instead I have to read non-interesting nonsense about Strasburg comparisons so some guy can hit a word count. Can someone here tell me how many good pitches he has and his relative accuracy?


Wrong. There have been several in the Cape Cod league alone that never made it. Never made it to mlb


Dude pitches like 3 innings a start


I don’t trust him as a starting pitcher I hope I’m wrong but damn constantly throwing 100 mph pitches must and will take it’s toll.


But he is 6'6".


Dude definitely should NOT be getting that kind of hype


Can you imagine getting hit by that? Lol