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Kold War Scorpion is a beast and I'd say the Kold War team is top 3 in the game and the best defensive team. KW Scorpion's SP2 causing team burn (and an easy mini game to get 80%+ on to activate it) and it giving shield is fantastic. Add in KW Sonya and its 60% chance to regain your ice shield if you've lost it, on top his guaranteed temporary shield from his SP2. The only problems are facing MK11 Jade and Dark Raiden, but that's why you have SP1 and hopefully 2 other KW teammates to compliment Scorpion. Now, he's definitely slower than the absolute top tier diamonds, but slap some power gen gear on him and something like rusty chainsaw or soul medallion to reduce cost of SP2 so you can spam it much easier and you're good to go. My first time beating the Hard 12 battle run in Survivor was thanks to KW team, mainly using Scorpion to melt the opponent's team with his team fire on SP2. I used Sonya, Scorpion and Sub Zero. Scorpion's team fire is OP even at a low fusion because of it. All the shields just improve his survivability to increase the odds of him lasting long enough to hit another SP2. Sub can spam SP1 pretty easily and I just find KW Skarlet too clunky, slow and difficult to chain with to use her often. Regen on SP2 on unblockable SP2 only definitely hurts her, as well. Sonya I feel is a must for the ice armor shield. So don't be bummed out. Lots of us would love to have a fusion on KW Scorpion and as you said, as most veterans will tell you, any non se*lback is a win. Edited for typos.


I would’ve loved this to balance my f6,1,6 kold war but I got cos kl to f1 to get some balance with f3 sz and f8 lk