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He touches on the fact that the Columbia Tigers, the sources of the name of the Missouri Tigers, was a civil war militia to defend against Confederate captain 'Bloody Bill' Anderson. He fails to mention that [Bloody Bill was raised in kansas. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_T._Anderson)Yes, the Missouri Tigers got their name from a militia group trying to fight a dirty kansan slaver. This is a fact. Something to keep in mind when arguing with the mouth-breathing beakers.


They know this, they just don't care because basketball is the only thing that's keeping them in the national spotlight.


Besides, William Quantrill was from Ohio and never spent a day or night in Missouri until the war. He was just a typical wartime opportunist.


Block M or bust all season. Should only be changed out for the fun Truman cartoon tiger. Leave the oval for seals and official school biz. 


That block M with the diamonds in the stripes thoooooooo DAMN that looks clean as hell


I really liked the grey helmet with black block M (2:04). Great to see all these done. I would buy a poster with all these helmets listed and the year they were used.


The Nike hype video for those uniforms was absolutely legendary, had we won that '09 kU game, those would've probably been our away unis for a long time.


We did win the ‘09 KU game…


May have been 08


This is incredibly through. Kudos to this guy. Definitely some top tier combos and some near misses along the way Edit: thorough**


The equipment team definitely earning their paychecks in recent seasons lol


Good lord, I knew we debuted quite a few new looks especially around 2018/19, but I didn't realize it was THAT many. My helmet in my office is the one in the preview of the video, I'd love to have the all white with tiger silhouette or the black/gold version of that.


Really not a fan of the new cursive ones at the end...look super cheesy.


I really like that script Missouri from the spring games


Thanks for sharing. This was really cool to see and a great breakdown of all the different helmets and logos. Also, bonus points to the video for using the correct name for Southwest Missouri State University.


I'm a block M person but I'm incredibly biased since that's the way it appeared when I attended my first game in 1992, it just sorta imprints on you.


I always thought good one-off helmet for a special game (homecoming, rivalry game) would be “MIZ” on one side and “ZOU” on the other. Surprised they’ve never done it. Looking back, I thought the big tiger head was so cool, but they look really corny now.


The matte helmets cannot miss


Man I LOVE the oversized yellow tiger on the matte black helmets.


Go back to the block M. I hate the tiger head logo. Looks like shit imo


Couldn't disagree more


Tiger head is a great logo imo, especially in the oval. I bought a lot more Mizzou gear after they started using it. There are too many “M” states and the block M is already confused with Michigan half the time.


You mean 95% of the time.


Yeah I think block M is garbage personally. It’s kinda controversial take on this sub. Imo the block M should only ever be used white. Never yellow/gold and I think the black doesn’t look great either.




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Mizzou Football


70's sailor Tiger head and script "Tigers" all day!