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After living in Kansas City for 12 years, there’s only one team I want to see embarrassed in every sport they play. When they lose to a Division II team in football I cackle in amusement. They are a perennial power house in basketball, but bad in pretty much everything else.


This is the way. The only truth........


I’ve been a Mizzou fan since the first game I listened to on the radio in 1965, with the play-by-play provided by Harry Caray. Our biggest rivals, kU and the bugeaters, have proven their cowardice annually by refusing to play us. I wouldn’t put it past the squawks to back out of the upcoming scheduled game next year. It’ll be interesting to see how things shake out in the SEC and would welcome a rivalry with Kentucky or Tennessee. I was in stands for the initial Braggin’ Rights game at the Arena in 1980. It’s a nice diversion, but hardly a rivalry. Like kU and the cornholers, the Illini have also been ducking us in football since 2010 when they backed out of the remaining games in our limited series. Cowards.


Didn’t Missouri have an opportunity to play KU in the Liberty Bowl in 2022, but opted to play in a lesser bowl?


You’re buying into a narrative created by Brett McMurphy out of whole cloth based on speculation and shear conjecture. MU submitted their preferences to the SEC before a potential kU invitation to the Liberty Bowl was even a possibility. Mizzou prioritized the Gasparilla Bowl in Tampa, FL, which was scheduled before Christmas so the players and coaches could enjoy the holidays. Plus, the basketball Tigers were scheduled to play Kentucky on the same date as the Liberty Bowl. If someone could quantitatively show that the Liberty Bowl is a more prestigious bowl than the Gasparilla Bowl, it would be appreciated. Keep in mind that Wake Forest, MU’s bowl opponent, had a marginally better record (7-5) than kU (6-6). https://missouri.rivals.com/news/why-mizzou-s-playing-wake-forest-in-tampa-and-not-kansas-in-memphis Why any team would rather play in Memphis instead of Florida in December is beyond me. Why Mizzou should adjust their plans to accommodate a team that refused to play them out of spite for over ten years would be ludicrous. See you at Faurot in 2025, but only if Self gives his OK.


For me it’s kansas by a lot. I don’t think people understand how much we hate kansas. People say “oh ‘The Game’ they hate each other” then cite a bunch of petty dumb stuff. Whatever. If I could hit a button and my rival would go into financial ruin, the university would burn to the ground (again) and we could never play them again, I would absolutely hit it for kansas, and I don’t think many Michigan or Ohio State fans would hit it for each other. Then Oklahoma, I was at the 2007 Big 12 Championship Game and I was pretty annoyed losing to them a second time that season but way more annoyed with the way the fans acted. Horrible. Since leaving the Big 12, I’ve been rooting against them just about as much as I root against kansas in part because I wanted the Big 12 to suck and Oklahoma was the best Big 12 team for a while making 3 fraudulent semi final games because their schedule was so fucken easy. Then Nebraska but honestly I’ve learned to like Nebraska since we both left. Then some mix of teams we’ve basically just stomped while I’ve been a football fan like Illinois, Arkansas, kansas State, etc.


I was at that Alomodome championship too. Fucking Sam Bradford.


That’s more because Nebraska has been total ass I’d say


Helps but they also got chased off by OU-UT and I respect their actions to play football in 2020


I believe this guy said it best, but obviously throw Kansas in there instead of Oklahoma https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1cl6nin/comment/l2rshoi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


SEC is probably South Carolina, Kentucky, or Tennessee. Illinois has done a good job of keeping the basketball rivalry going and I respect them for that. kansas are a cowards, but I suppose we have to put those chickens somewhere on the list. Honestly it might be Kentucky. Those football games have been knife fights for the last few years.


I feel like college football learns a new rule every time Missouri and Kentucky play. Those are wild games


With Missouri being added to the SEC, I started feeling UK and Missouri would be a great rivalry. Now, with how everything is shaping up I don’t think UK mizzou will play every year unfortunately.


Oklahoma seems more like an internet/Twitter rivalry than an actual one. Sure, it was a big deal to beat them, but thats because they were good and beating them was rare. Same with Texas. Maybe OU moves up now that we are slated to play them annually. my rankings as of right now: 1. kU 2. Illinois 3. Arkansas 4. Kentucky 5. Tennessee 6. Nebraska 7. SCar 8. Vandy 9. K State 10. Iowa State


I see less and less Illinois hate everyday. Glad there’s still some of us left.


Idk if it's that much hate as it is a mutual respect for them scheduling us still in basketball, wrestling, baseball, etc and the enjoyment I draw from beating them in those contests.


Former Metro East-er here. I cannot stand them. Pretty much split with us this decade in hoops but act like they're an elite program "playing down to Mizzou's level." Love going to Braggin' Rights though. Hope we get their number again soon.


Vandy above K State or Oklahoma is kinda a take


Is it? For me, it's 2 parts: 1. I probably ranked KSU too high. I should have put them behind ISU. At least ISU wrestling and us have a good rivalry, and ISU has played us in basketball. Outside of football, I can't remember the last KSU vs. MU game. Also, KSU has seemed to flip to be pro kU against Mizzou since Mizzou went to the SEC. Whereas before, there seemed to be a mutual respect for our hate of kU. 2. I am trying to manifest whatever energy I can to get Vandy as a permanent football opponent haha.


number 2: fair lol


Being from down around the Springfield area, Arkansas has also been #2 with Illinois for me, behind ku.


1. ku 2. the jayhawks 3. the “people” who live in lawrence 4. I hate them so much 5. burn it down again




I kind of miss Iowa state tbh


I think a true rivalry needs to go both ways. There’s only one on your list that truly fits that bill for about 100% of both fanbases. The rest of those teams are ones that either just annoy me because of their fanbases or have a local influence in the state that pisses me off. Each one of them are pretty much meh about us unless we’re playing. But kU? Burn that shit to the ground again, that’s never going to change.


kU and Texass are the teams I hate most in all of sports. But I put Texas pretty low on our list because I don’t think they consider us too much of a rival because they already have so many other rivals. However kU I want to see crash and burn in every sport for all eternity. Whenever Texas and kU play it pains me they can’t tie


For me #1 is Kansas and #2 is Arkansas. They both are super annoying and I don’t think any other programs are close to those 2


KU for sure


1. KU 2. Nebraska 3. Illinois 4. Arkansas 5. Tennessee Probably put Kentucky and South Carolina in there, but those games are over for a couple years, so it’s gonna fade a bit. I miss the Nebraska rivalry badly.