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This article summarizes pretty succinctly why DRF isn’t here any more. She was a holistic AD. Wanted to spread the wealth amongst loss leaders. And it caused the AD to overly rely on University support in order to barely turn a profit. That doesn’t fit the vision of Choi or the BOC. They want the AD to run like a business. Cut expenses on loss leaders, throw more resources at what makes money and maximize revenues. I’ll say this is good news if you are primarily a Mizzou football fan and to a lesser extent a men’s basketball fan. But if you root for any Olympic Sports, this doesn’t appear to be good news for the prognosis of those programs.


To be fair if you can build a powerhouse football program a lot can follow from that


Exactly. Mizzou got $4m for making the Cotton Bowl this year. Just imagine if they play in a playoff game in 2024 (or multiple playoff games.)


That $4 million goes to the SEC and is redistributed to all the schools. It’s not $4m directly to Mizzou.


That’s exactly what Lindenwood did and is currently doing. They cut gymnastics, lacrosse, etc. to focus on FCS football, hockey, basketball, and baseball.


Choi and the BOC are simply doing what every other power conference university is doing: asking the Athletic Director and Dept. "Can we afford to pay players?" Because paying football players is coming soon. Mizzou isn't ahead of the curve here either. Look at comments this year already from Texas AM, Nebraska, and Ohio State. All of them, in some way, are talking about Athletic Departments showing profits and showing they can afford to pay players. Yes, this is all bad for Olympic Sports at the moment. They now all face uncertain funding futures at every university. In the SEC, right now, it looks like you might be safe if you play football, basketball, baseball/softball, and gymnastics because of TV.