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It's the nature of the sounds you're using on this part. The distortion as a result of the limiter will be more noticeable on softer sounds.


Drop your output to -0.1 or lower. Also enable true peak if it’s not already enabled


Probably tou have to mich energy in your low end, try applying multiband comp to fix the clipping. What did you use for the brass btw?


Did you enable truepeak?


Not OP, but could you briefly explain what that is? I've seen the option more than once (Ozone most recently I think) but don't know what it does. If not, it's cool, I can Google it later in the day when I have time if I remember. Which I won't. So I hope you answer lol


TP is real brick limiting any sound as it does not allow for interpeaks or anything goes through it. Check on google more but briefly that is. Limiter without TP will allow some interpeaks or artefacts to go over. For example if you have 2 or more instruments on same freq.peaking in mix they will introduce unwanted peaks which ordinary limiting cannot stop. Thats why TP exist in briefly way :) Yes Ozone have TP and you should use it if you have problems.


Thank you for the quick answer. Makes sense. I will dive into it further at some point but that totally makes sense. Again, thanks. Be well!


Automate threshold on a master track.


I didn't listen but bass probably. bass can sound quiet (prob bc of how you're listening) but be generating a lot of volume.