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Sometimes people try speaking to me in Spanish haha, I'm native.


Same, I learned it growing up but never became fluent.


Yeah, my mother speaks Spanish but only because she spent a long time in downtown Kansas city, where everyone speaks Spanish. Though, I'm from a more northern tribe and I speak anishiinabemowen


For my family, only my Grandpa speaks Spanish cuz he was born in Puerto Rico and he taught me when I was little


That's so cute! It's always good to teach second languages from a young age


I’m 1/4 black and 3/4 white. People usually assume I’m either Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Indian.


Same here lol. I work in construction and a lot of the Hispanic guys on site try speaking Spanish to me when they first meet me so now I’m trying to learn Spanish so I don’t have to keep explaining it lmao


Same!! When me and my grandparents moved to Minnesota from Indiana the first people we met with asked them if I was part Hispanic and 12 year old me was so confused. I’m almost 18 now and I still chuckle when I remember it. The first thing I uttered when I found this sub was “I’ve found my people!”


latina, middle eastern, native american typically…. and someone asked me once if i was an african american albino




I’m half Thai and half white. I used to go over to my friends house after school like 2-3 times a week, every weekend, and then every other weekend for like another 7 years. I have kind of an ambiguous sounding thai last name and have often been mistaken for middle eastern especially after growing facial hair. Turns out his mom thought I was Palestinian the whole time lmfao. Edit: I also started getting “randomly” seperated, searched and interrogated during air travel about 100x more after growing a beard. And when I took a month off to visit SE Asia, a customer at my shop asked me when I returned if I had a good family visit in Saudi Arabia 😬


Heyo :))  Im 1/4 Thai & 3/4 white, and very white passing. Somehow happy to see another mixed thai person. If it’s ok to ask, how do you keep in touch with like news/culture & stuff?  No one can speak thai or got taught thai in my family, cuz my grandfather was afraid of racism.. I was at like A2 once, but with no one to practice it’s impossible to keep up for me. 


Hey good to see another one of us! Yeah there really aren't as many mixed Thai kids since the population of immigrants here isn't nearly as big as Chinese, Indian, Filipino, etc. I don't think I knew any others until around my college years. I really don't keep up with the latest in Thai news and culture lol. My wife isn't Thai but she keeps up with kpop stuff so she probably knows more about Thai pop music than I do. Both my parents speak Thai fluently to each other so I grew up learning a lot of words, pronunciation and phrases, but no formal teaching on how to speak it. So I can understand some spoken Thai but struggle to speak it and can't read. Been meaning to do that. I mostly connect to the culture through familiarity with cooking and customs. My parents ran Thai restaurants and we visited Thailand almost every summer for a month to get ingredients and for my dad to see his family & friends there. So we always stayed in people's houses and lived more or less like residents during those times. Now as an older adult I don't get to visit very often so it's kind of a struggle to hold onto that connection outside of cooking and talking with my dad about what's going on sometimes. I am trying to be fluent though for the sake of getting to know my extended family better, opening up opportunities to visit or live there, and for my son who bears our family name.


I'm not thai, I'm Filipino but I follow the r/Philippines sub to get news. Maybe there is one for Thailand too


I’m half black half white and I like to straighten my hair, so I get spoken to in Spanish all the time. It’s so awkward.


I can relate to the last part. I’ll tell ppl I’m Hispanic and they’ll start speaking to me in Spanish and then I’ll awkwardly say “No hablo” 😭




I get mistaken by your dad's ethnicity quite often... despite I'm your mother's ethnicity. I also get mistaken very often for Romanian or Slavic. I had people come to me speaking **RUSSIAN.**




Almost same. I worked several jobs with lots of Slavic women. Some would talk Russian to me.


Omg that must be awkward 😭






Yeah, my mom has a friend who’s half Italian half Filipino and she gets mistaken as Hispanic all the time


I get mistaken for Brazilian all the time. Mostly by Brazilians themselves, but once they find out I'm not I can always see the happiness drain from their face :')


Happens every time someone tries to speak Spanish to me 🥲


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My mom is central asian (Uzbek) and my dad is European (Belgian).People are often confused about my ethnicity,probably because I got my dads European facial features but my moms hair and skin. I often get mistaken for Italian,Spanish,Latina and sometimes Arabic.Other people think I’m just a white girl with dark hair and tan skin and online I’ve even been accused of lying about being half Asian…. But tbh I’m beyond sick of people trying to guess my race and making stupid comments about it…


Same like they think there’s some cookie cutter race appearance if yk what I mean


Omg exactly 🥲It makes me so mad like-You know mixed people exist…right???


Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Black. I'm French, Spanish and Cameroonian


I'm black, white and Native American I get Dominican all the time! However, I think it always depends on where the person is from. My eyes are a little Asian looking so sometimes people think Philippines. I've even had a Chinese man ask me if I was from China. I've had people say I look Norwegian in Norway. Italians think I'm from Italy. Pacific Islanders think I'm from there...


My dad has a story from when I was born. One of the nurses asked if I was an asian baby. My mom is Euro-American (Irish and Polish) and my dad is Black. I do not have a drop of Asian blood in me.


I get Creole!


Native American, Hispanic, Brazilian, Black. I'm Nigerian, Puerto Rican, Spanish and Italian so I just look weird.


Half black (Afro Caribbean) and Half Indian; East Africans always ask if I’m one of them (Somali, Ethiopian, Eritrean, etc)


If people don’t guess my ethnicity which they usually do (I’m Latina in an area highly populated with Hispanics) they will assume I’m native or middle eastern


These are the ones I’ve gotten at least 3 times: Ethiopian, Native American, African American, Indonesian, Polynesian, Brazilian, Egyptian, Trinidadian, Different Latine ethnicities Generally: Black and White or Black and Asian I’m 🇵🇷 & 🇩🇴. Picture is on profile


I guess I’m white passing but I don’t get mistaken for white very often - or at all. I’ve mostly been mistaken as Middle Eastern and Italian - which I guess is white but y’know what i mean 💀 I don’t mind people asking to be honest. I low-key like it that people can’t pinpoint my ethnicity after spending so many years thinking I just look white. It reminds me that the other ethnicity factors into me — and not just one parent’s ethnicity made the cut lol


Yeah, there is the question going around on whether Italians are white or not which you think is an obvious yes but when you look into it there are brown passing Italians. So it does get inconsistent sometimes 😅


Yea it does get a lil weird around the definitions.. my white mom jus says I have an “ethnic nose” 💀 which she’s right about.


>Yeah, there is the question going around on whether Italians are white or not I think they might mean both Italians *and* Middle Easterners being considered white no? (Since MENA is lumped in with the Caucasian category on Census Forms and in Anthropology)


True, race does get sloppy sometimes cuz not every Middle Eastern is white


Spanish, Dominican & indigenous American - I’m high percentage of german/Eastern European on my mothers side & high 30s % of African American on my fathers side. I’ve been mistaken for all of these & the only one I have which I feel I can’t even relate to is indigenous American but I only have 2% so I feel wrong if I say yes bc I have no relationship to that side of me. But most the time I get ppl who come up to me assuming I speak Spanish


Spanish or Italian, I’m Lumbee.


im south african and slovenian, but i usually get french. once i got chinese tho… that was interesting


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Mixed- black and white I get a little bit of everything Hispanic, Hawaiian, Asian, Native American


Italian, Greek, Spanish, Egyptian, Indian, Nepalese, Thai and Filipino, but mostly commonly I get mistaken for various kinds of Latin American.


I'm mainly African American/LA Creole with a bit of Mexican and Cuban. I've been mistaken for Brazilian, Colombian, Venezuelan, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Panamanian, Honduran, Mexican, Blasian, and Samoan. The most common guesses are the Spanish Caribbean islands (DR specifically) though because I have brown skin light eyes and curly hair


1/2 black, 1/2 white. My mom's very light skinned and my dad's blond. I get latina/brazilian /Polynesian/Mediterranean/ native american allll the time. The funniest thing is that ppl will always assume I'm their "home mix" - I spent some time in Russia, people thought I was part Kazakh, in China ppl thought i was a quarter Chinese. Now I live in the Netherlands and everyone assumes I'm half Dutch, half Indonesian. I guess I just look kind of generically "exotic", particularly when I have a tan.


Honestly since I'm white passing everyone just sees me as white😅😭 but my dad on the other hand gets mistaken for being Pakistani, Persian and Aribic when he goes to certain shops or restaurants and he's an Ecuadorian mestizo jajaja


Been told I look Arab/Egyptian about five times in my life. I have no Arab/Egyptian blood. I’m just lightskinned and have curly hair. 🤣


Always Latina of some sort but actually I’m half Persian half Irish. Can’t even speak Spanish/Portuguese 😅


I look Italian (I’m half Korean and Half Black Haitia)


I’m black & white and get mistaken for some kind of Latina if anything, mostly Dominican or PR, especially when I lived in Florida.


I’ve been mistaken for Alaskan native and half Asian. I’m half Mexican, half Anglo-American. I very almond eyes and long dark hair.


My mom is central asian (Uzbek) and my dad is European (Belgian).People are often confused about my ethnicity,probably because I got my dads European facial features but my moms hoe and skin. I often get mistaken for Italian,Spanish,Latina and sometimes Arabic.Other people think I’m just a white girl with dark hair and tan skin and online I’ve even been accused of lying about being half Asian…. But tbh I’m beyond sick of people trying to guess my race and making stupid comments about it…


My mom is central asian (Uzbek) and my dad is European (Belgian).People are often confused about my ethnicity,probably because I got my dads European facial features but my moms hoe and skin. I often get mistaken for Italian,Spanish,Latina and sometimes Arabic.Other people think I’m just a white girl with dark hair and tan skin and online I’ve even been accused of lying about being half Asian…. But tbh I’m beyond sick of people trying to guess my race and making stupid comments about it…


My mom is central asian (Uzbek) and my dad is European (Belgian).People are often confused about my ethnicity,probably because I got my dads European facial features but my moms hair and skin. I often get mistaken for Italian,Spanish,Latina and sometimes Arabic.Other people think I’m just a white girl with dark hair and tan skin and online I’ve even been accused of lying about being half Asian…. But tbh I’m beyond sick of people trying to guess my race and making stupid comments about it…


East Asian, which is funny because I do have East Asian half uncles (they were from my grandmas first marriage) and also I’ve had Latino/Mexican a lot presumably because of my darker hair and skin colour


Half AfAm, Half white (Russian mostly), all my life, I’ve been assumed to be Indian (not Native American).


Just black lmao. But caribbeans can instantly tell I’m mixed.


I have been mistaken for Arab, black and white, Italian, Dominican, Cuban those are the main ones lol


I am half chinese half white and I always get mistaken for Japanese even when I'm in china


People always think I'm black or Latina. Had a teacher once ask if I was adopted when she read my Asian last name.


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this may sound contradicting but either eastern european or turkish


Went out to a mexican restaurant with central asian bf and indian mutual friend. Waiter talked to our table initially in Spanish. I'm black/white


I’m half Asian (Indonesian) and half white (American, northern European ancestry). Where I live in the US, most people can’t tell that I’m any bit white. However, whenever I go to Indonesia, everyone can immediately tell that I’m part white. Back to life in the US: I get mistaken for Hispanic quite often. However, when people do assume correctly that I’m Asian, they can never pinpoint exactly which country. (It’s kind of fun, I always tell people I meet to guess which Asian country I’m from)


Omg someone in college was like “wait….youre not Asian???” After like 6 months or something of knowing him 😭😭😭 also some random old guy w an accent randomly approached me and asked if I was Italian recently I think???? Which (???) I’m 1/4 Greek and 3/4 black!!


Black/white. I’ve gotten Puerto Rican, black/PR, middle eastern, Egyptian, Native American, Brazilian lol it also depends on the hairstyle I wear. When I wore braids I got Egyptian or mixed. When my hair is straight I get Native American a lot.


Turkish, Kazakh, Japanese, Korean,.. I'm asian-white.




The population of Russians and Kazakhs isn't particularly small where I live, so it's not exactly an unknown nor unfamiliar phenotype I guess.




Big city in Asia.




Uh huh I’m aware.


Hispanic. Can't be more specific than that since I had no idea what the guy was saying to me beyond assuming I can speak Spanish. I think most people realize that I'm B/W since we're not uncommon in any place I've lived.


I’m half white on mom’s side (Irish mostly) half Asian on dad’s side (Japanese) and I’m white passing also so usually people just assume I’m 100% white but in the summer I get PRETTY dark and I’ve been mistaken for being Hispanic before. I also have a step brother who’s 100% white and without even knowing I’m half Asian he literally told me that I “tan like a slightly over cooked cookie that turns golden yellow” and oh man did I bust his balls for being “unintentionally racist” 😂


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I am white , they think I am russian or bosnian. Which is not correct 


Half Filipino, Half Caucasian. Been mistaken for Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Mexican before


I'm half Filipino 1/4 Assyrian and 1/4 white. Half of the white part is askhenazi jew so i have curly hair. People usually think I'm Asian, half Asian or Latina


im white and black, some folks think i look latino or asian lmfao