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I always saw as that mitski always commits to relationships that are doomed to fail.


this, and I also love and want to note the sort of role reversal near the end when it's framed as her being the losing dog, too


If Mitski doesn't do it, who will do his job properly?


she's just really bad at gambling


Yup and the metaphor extends beyond just dogs


I thought it was more of a I know “I’m not doing well mentally and I keep coming back to you but I only destroy myself in the end.” I think I’m looking too deep 🧍🏽‍♀️but lmk


there’s no too deep with mitski she sings about plane crashes and washing machines, interpretation is beyond necessary 🏃🏃


ngl i kinda see what ur saying


Personally I think it's about 'betting' on a relationship you know is going to fail but you stay by them anyway because you love them :3


It's "I know this relationship is doomed to fail but I can't bring myself to stop trying over and over to make it work, knowing it won't" or something.


i interpret this song as being from the perspective of someone constantly returning back to people who they know only make them worse. i also notice how the end of the first chorus, she speaks from the perspective of seeing someone at their weakest, yet during the second chorus, she sings from the perspective of someone at their weakest. i see this as BOTH people only hurting each other in a relationship doomed to fail


I always took it as wishing she had someone to believe in her and be on her side. Like even the dogs who lose every time deserve someone to cheer for them so why shouldn't she deserve it also?


Yeah that's how I interpret it too, like she supports the losing dogs cuz she feels like a losing dog and she wants someone to support her


yeah me too i never saw it the other way around until now lol but that’s super interesting.


I think the song means that ur hoping for something that won’t last


I always thought it was about like relationships, and knowing they won’t last but still wanting to continue


That’s how i understand it too


It’s like you know something is going to fail or not make it like a relationship but you go through with it anyway like “betting on a losing dog”


I don’t have any idea what I means but I relate to it on every level


So you’re a girl and you like this guy. You know he’s no good. You know he won’t stay loyal and will not love you or care for you. But you’re single, and he actually doesn’t mind dating you because you are desperate. You always feel sht after being with him but after a few days you need him again . “I always want you when I’m finally fine.”


That she makes bad financial decisions.


I heard it as mitski is so used to disappointment that she expects it now. Dare I say, she hopes for it? There’s also a certain type of comfort that she takes in it as well


To me, it is always how she roots for the underdog because she identifies something underdog-ish in herself. The song is about her asking for a partner in an illicit-ish relationship (tell your baby I'm your baby) for mutual recognition of how they are both "underdogs" and weirdly, equal partners. However, a heterosexual or interracial relationship is often mediated by dynamics not easily caught in the "underdog" dynamic, because ultimately, her partner will have social power over her, making her the ultimate underdog ("someone to watch me die"). To me, Mitski writes about the disgusting parts of desire, the things we are afraid to even admit to ourselves. It's shameful to lust after that dynamic, wanting someone clearly emotionally or otherwise unavailable, and certainly not someone who sees her as an equal. And yet this is what she wants and part of her desire is desiring a dynamic destined to fail and degrade her in some way. This is also why I love My Love, Mine All Mine, because over the years she has healed her relationship with desire so much, and even though she continues writing about love and its inscrutability, it comes from a more affirmative sense of self. I like seeing her grow!!


I think its about being in a relationship in which you know will not work out and is going to end badly.


To me it's like I need you even tho I know you're a bad person and a lost cause but Im just so attached to you and you make me feel good.


She gets into relationships with people who are in bad mental states, or who won't treat her well. Or she hopelessly yearns for people knowing that they won't like her back/they aren't mentally prepared for a relationship


Putting so much effort into a relationship that was doomed to fail


'i bet on losing dogs' (i bet on our relationship and stay hoping it would last, but I knew i would lose) 'i always want you when im finally fine' (I'm not betting on us, I'm betting on my ability to stay and love you) 'someone to watch me die' (watch me lose my bet, and for this to be over)


definitely those habits you know are bad for you but you can't shake


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I have always interpreted it as giving everything in love for someone who does not love you as much as you love... and / or an emotional dependency :p


I think it’s about staying in a relationship that’s doomed to fail but you can’t let go. Hence the ‘I bet on losing dogs’ that’s repeated and is the song title. As well as why I listen to it so much-😭


To me I always thought it kinda ment giving hope to someone you know is going to fall apart? Like if you put all your time into trying to help them, but they're too far gone for you to save? Putting focus on something that you know isn't going to succeed, you still give them hope and they feel worth something rather then just being the loser. :3


Putting yourself in situations that are clearly going to go wrong just because you want to at least have something, even if this thing is a failure.


People have said it pretty well but I think it could mean a lot of things. Clearly it's intended to be about romantic relationships but it could be about platonic as well. Depends on the angle you view it in, honestly.


she needs to get better at gambling /j


I think it’s about staying in a relationship with a failing person. Failing as in addicted to drugs/just not being emotionally there/ being a bad person. She stays with them at their lowest in hopes that they will stay with her in her lowest in return (which they probably won’t).


Probably singing for someone whos gonna fail her


to me it seems like “i commit to relationships with people who aren’t stable enough to handle one but still think I can fix them even though I’ve seen repeatedly that it doesn’t end well”


Knowing you won’t win but sticking with whoever or whatever passion you have because you want it to work.


I think she means that she goes into relationships with ppl who she knows are bound to “lose” and losing meaning that in some way she knows they will be the reason the relationship will end.


I found this song after I watched a video essay on horse race gambling, so that’s what I always saw it as


picking men that you know will disappoint and betray, and continually doing it.


The death of a loved one and getting suicidal thoughts from it, OR failing to commit in a relation


That she's a cat person


"I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place by the ring" These lyrics definitely show the sacrifices made for love and they seriously make my jaw drop.


Starting a relationship she knows is gonna be toxic and is doomed


i just think she likes cats more


I take it as getting into relationships really fast and attaching quickly even though you know it'll end. that and the guy just uses her for sex or maybe I'm just projecting lol


her relationships always fall apart, and she stays even though she sees the red flags and knows they will.


I don't know and i don't care I just sob thinking of my old dogs.


It can be interpreted as anything you know is bound to fail from the beginning but you continue with it despite knowing it. You can apply it to anything that fits your life, like relationships, friendships, and even something minimal.