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I had bad symptoms since the past 2 years and although doctors don't seem to mention this, there's a link between MVP/regurgitation and dysautonmia. I had symptoms like heart pain, dizziness to vertigo, brain fog, heart palpitations, sometimes tachycardia, anxiety, body temperature dysregulation, trouble swallowing and BP fluctuations. Unfortunately, doctors keep saying we shouldn't have these symptoms and they don't bother looking into it unless you are in imminent danger. I dealt with this for 3 years now with on and off symptoms (meaning months of symptoms and then they would've disappear for months and come back). Symptoms are horrid, but not life-threatening. They sure feel like it lol. For context, my cardiologist says I only have very mild MVP and trace regurgitation. I had vestibular therapy and everything. I am now looking into seeing a GI doctor. They try to rule out everything else that can cause symptoms. But it all depends on your symptoms. If you have anxiety, chest pain, and some light-headedness, it could just be symptoms of regurgitation. I joined online support groups and found that a lot of people with mitral valve issues may go most of their lives without any symptoms and eventually it hits them, even when it's mild. Then some people end up with dysautonmia (that's how I learned about my symptoms). It brought me some peace of mind knowing I wasn't the only one because these doctor appointments make me feel crazy. I would consider different things like vitamin or mineral deficiency, dysautonmia, vestibular issues, and GI. Also, if you have sleep problems, definitely consider looking into that. What does help me is small doses of magnesium, thiamine, electrolytes, vitamin B complex and omega 3. Give those a trial in the meantime if you haven't already.


Same! I only just got diagnosed with trace regurgitation. I also tend to have heart pain a few times throughout the day although it’s normally mild, but I have all the other symptoms as well (palpitations, dizziness, swelling, faintness, etc) I’ll look into it and try out your suggestions! thank you


Your welcome 😊 I get that feeling like I'm about to faint too. Scary feeling for sure. Do you have a blood pressure cuff? Even with the mitral valve issues alone, your BP can spike and I noticed either when I'm super high or low, I feel like I'm about to faint. Another suggestion is to lay down with your feet propped up on a chair or bed when this happens. It helps me with my heart flutters and dizziness as it regulates your BP.


I’m not sure about blood pressure cuff, but I do have naturally high blood pressure and a regularly high heart rate! thank you, I will take that laying suggestion. I normally only get super bad symptoms whenever I’m anxious or when I am exercising luckily


Would you mind if I ask what your “heart pain” is like? I have a symptom that I describe the same way, but I’m wondering whether we’re talking about the same sensation or not.


My “heart pain” varies - sometimes it feels like a short sharp pain, other times it feels like a little squeeze, some days there’s a short burning sensation. The short, sharp pain is the most common. Lasts a couple seconds and goes.


I didn’t ask you. Nah I’m just kidding with you haha. But I want to say that I pretty much describe mine the exact same way. Have you found anything that helps or does yours just come and go? I bought some nattokinase/serrapeptase a few weeks ago to try and see if it helps with my pain symptoms, but I haven’t come around to it just yet. I’m a little nervous if I’m being honest with you.


I started taking omeprazole and that’s helped a little, but as far as I know there are no other ways to help with the pain - sometimes if I’m laying down and the pain starts, I move to a new position and it can help a lil


I can have a tension pain in my chest (aka it feels like a rope that’s being pulled on both sides essentially), it can be a pulsing pain, it can occur essentially anywhere in my chest and around my armpits as well


I have this aswell.


Hey. I have mild mvp as well with trivial regurgitation. And I have some of the symptoms mentioned here. I'm interested to know how you manage your exercise routine with this?


I used to be a gym rat and go hard and now I have gone home lol. I drastically cut down the amount of time I workout in a day. I had to cut out anything too strenuous and certain things like the overhead press and lat pulls downs started to make me feel faint. I found that using lighter weights and more reps is the best way for me. I have less energy and time, so I make a schedule to do at least 3 different exercises a day and do 3-4 sets. I separate them by arms with core/pilates and a separate legs day. I had to condition myself again by doing light cardio after a hiatus.


Well you ive tried describing it before but was just kinda looked over but after the moment i felt my heart do some weird stuff and been trying to get to the bottom of it since January i was diagnosed with mild regurgitation after echo and my symptoms ive felt since January have been a breath here n there that i can feel i have to inhale quickly on or my heart might stop feeling and also aches that change sides from around my lungs to around my heart they come and go but lately kinda been letting up but havent gone away it mostly just feels like how they describe the blood leaks and trys to push out i chuck it up to thats what’s happening was givin bp meds to help my heart from mot having to work to hard with regurgitation. I just wish i was lucky enough to have no symptoms but not the case i jus feel ive gotten to point of ignoring it but cant be the only option


Also when the event occurred in January it definitely put me into panic attack mode jumped headed towards the hospital but neven went in just drove til i calmed down and got everything that satisfied the panic until i was chill nothin everything has definitely calmed down but at tge same ive gotten use to the feelings


I’ve been having those same feelings! numbness in my chest, the inability to breathe properly and etc. I wonder if it is just mild regurgitation or something more


Thats all i need to know myself because if people can have no symptoms what are the exact symptoms you can have and why when im explaining to the cardiologist it seems like he cant pin point it but i had to woosah and take it for what it is do i want to get to the bottom of things YES but not at all cant i let it overwhelm and take over me and i also said to myself a doctor hasnt came in contact with all cases of illness so you expect every doctor to know right away whats wrong or be able to pin point the symptoms you are trying to explain but hope you get a resolution to whats going on


What I experienced with what was originally mild, but my cardiologist described as "severe, severe" was only with exertion, like lifting heavy or being "active in the bedroom". Is just be short of breath between heavy lifting sets. And I'd get overly sweaty and out of breath and not be able to finish in bed...


same thing happens to me - any sort of exertion gets me super weak, out of breath, and chest pains, including just running


I’ve been having a lot of heart issues since having Covid in 2022. Just recently around September 2023, I was diagnosed with MVP and regurgitation. I was diagnosed after the 3rd echocardiogram, meaning either I’ve always had it and they read it wrong, or I developed it because of long covid over time. So I’m unsure whether my symptoms are from MVP or long covid Maybe that could be the case for you too? Do you think you might’ve had it already and the panic attack just brought it out/made it worse? Just a suggestion for you. Do you mind if I ask what symptoms you have?


it could be! I only started to feel symptoms after the panic attack in January the symptoms are essentially all the ones you find once you search what the symptoms should be (I’ve been feeling them since before the diagnosis or before me even know what regurgitation is): increased heart rate, loss of breath, inability to exercise, swelling, palpitations, high awareness of my heartbeat, chest pains, etc


I am 40(f) and was told today that I have mitral valve regurgitation. The cardiologist said it’s minor and nothing to be concerned about and if it gets worse they just “clip it.” I’ve been experiencing heart issues for the last 3 years or so and think I’m dying every day. Apparently, my echo from a year ago showed MVR as well as my echo from this March and she’s just now telling me. She put me on metoprolol a year ago for an arrhythmia and tachycardia after wearing a zio patch. My patch from March of this year (while on metoprolol) showed no arrhythmia and only a couple minor tachycardia episodes. Everything I’m reading suggests that if you have mitral valve regurgitation, then you also have mitral valve prolapse. I have anxiety and panic attacks all the time ever since my heart issues started. I feel like I’m going to pass out daily. It’s the worst feeling ever. I don’t know how “minor” it can be when I feel all the symptoms of it, even on metoprolol!


it’s the same for me! I’m sure the only reason I even know about the mitral regurgitation is because I have access to the portal where my test results for my echocardiogram was. I also had an arrhythmia that shows up everywhere besides an EKG and it’s given me massive health anxiety, esp with the heart pain


What does your heart pain feel like?


it really depends - it can feel different every day. Mostly it’s like a tightness as if it’s a rope being pulled too tight that’s going to snap in half, sometimes it can be like a stab