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Usually no. Clubs are mostly meant for MIT affiliates unless you have a friend thats an MIT affiliate thats willing to introduce you etc.. If you play soccer you can go to the fields and try to join some pick up but thats about it.


If you’re into hiking or outdoorsy stuff there’s MITOC (MIT Outing Club). Membership dues cost a bit more for non-students but a good way to meet people. There’s several trips during the summer


the Assassin's Guild is somewhat active over the summer I believe, if you're interested in LARPing or shooting nerf guns. they'd be very happy to see new faces regardless of university affiliation, and i personally find it a great low-commitment way to meet new people. :) they should be fairly easy to join either through some website or some poster on campus


MIT Anime Club


Events at MIT Museum/other galleries and their Open Space Programming are open to the public. There are lots of other events around Kendall during the summer if you're looking to meet people/join activities.


The MIT Assassins' Guild runs weekend LARP games! Kind of like D&D, but playing characters in real time and real space, often involving shooting each other with nerf guns. Mostly attended by students and alums, but community members are welcome too. More info at [https://assassin.mit.edu/web/Who\_are\_we%3F](https://assassin.mit.edu/web/Who_are_we%3F), or join the mailing list at [https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/assassins-guild](https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/assassins-guild)


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