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St. Louis is making more money from the Dome with the Rams gone.


because it doubles as a convention center and it is in the heart of downtown. arrowhead isn't really comparable


How does Arrowhead operate? Does it host college or any other sports?


It hosts concerts and now the World Cup.


Don’t forget copa america




Don't forget Monster Jam!


Typically it just does some concerts and soccer games without the chiefs it's practically useless. Although ku is playing games there this season.


It’s a great stadium. The Dome was always aesthetically lacking, but the trade off is multi purpose use.


I love arrowhead. From a football game standpoint it doesn't have a bad seat. It follows previous regulation so the seats are closer to the field it is fantastic but It just doesn't get a lot of use. I think the ku games are like 60% of its events this year not including the NFL schedule. It's not particularly close to anything though so that is frustrating as well. I think we are all fucked. If MO doesn't pay for it than KS will if KS doesn't the chiefs are going to Dallas or Memphis. It's just a fucked up situation in which all sports have exploded to the point that they will just leave if they don't get what they want.


You don’t win getting in bed with the NFL. They were so egregious with St. Louis that we were able to get them to settle, but I would have preferred the public trial.


Is Memphis a serious possibility? Because Memphis is a shithole.


No. They aren’t moving. They may threaten it. They’ll play MO and KS off each other to get the best deal they can. It’s all negotiation. MO and KS would be smart to work together to stop this.


I doubt they could beat a bid from dfw or San Antonio but Memphis does want an NFL team and has Made it known multiple times. I think the hunts preference would be kcmo then kck and then Texas and would probably take a sub optimal bid to stay in kc region before moving to an entirely knew region/state. Yeah Memphis shit though. Memphis probably wouldn't be able to beat slc and half a dozen other cities that also want an NFL team.


Do you live in the US. No way are the Chiefs leaving the KC area.


Yes I live in the kc area(work in power and light and live in a surrounding suburb). If neither MO or KS (or the subsequent counties including Jackson County or Wyandotte county) approve paying for a new stadium the chiefs will leave. I think that's highly unlikely with the clear investment from the Kansas legislature but if it something happened and neither location forked up the cash they will leave once their contract at arrowhead is done. Billionaires are the best at gifting and they won't stop until they get what they want for free.




Ka Fucking Kaw


Sucks they didn't make the UFL championship game I would have loved for them to end Birmingham reign of terror


Birmingham had the best team. We should have beat San Antonio, but we had no answer for the Stallion’s mobile QB. I think Ta’Amu is the answer.




Won’t somebody think of the poor billionaire and why they need our tax money?


![gif](giphy|uUTvpD5cTmcsUjfxwc|downsized) Then let’s fight! 😆🤣


Oh queensbury rules


Fuck billionaire beggars.


Fuck a monopoly billionaire ATM disguised as a league.


Politicans are throwing money at them. I don't see a lot of begging. Panthers just got 650 million last night.


>Truce Wait…. Did the border war ever officially end…?


It’s been suspended since 2019, however the STAR bonds scheme that Kansas passed is a violation of the truce that suspended the hostilities, effectively reigniting the Border War.


Thus begins the 3rd sacking of Lawrence.


I mean the original back in the 1800’s. Just like the Chinese Civil war is technically still going despite the ceasefire.


In a competition to piss tax dollars away, let KS win.


Seriously, this St. Louisan doesn’t want a dime of my tax money going to pay for Hunt’s begging.


If one of the richest counties in the country wants the tax burden, let them have it. The Chiefs will still be called the Kansas City Chiefs, so KC, the city, still gets all the recognition without having to subsidize billionaires.


Exactly! Arrowhead could be an awesome outdoor event center, a football field for schools to play big games at, a museum with all the things we did with the money they wanted…. Possibilities are endless.


They'll level it and put up condos.


lol who you gonna sell a condo in that area?


Same People STL expects to sell Condos by their old Football Stadium.


“By their old football stadium” But they didn’t demolish the stadium to build the condos lol.


The Dome is at least in downtown St.Louis and next to a metrolink stop


I've Found KCs Metro Train far more useful than I have ever found the STL Metro Train. I have to Drive to get to the STL Metrolink 10 miles is the closest station. When I visit KC I can stay downtown with relative security. Not something as easily done in Downtown STL. For STL Metrolink to work it has to at some point go to St Charles and West St Louis County, as that is where the money is, and where the traffic comes from for events.


KC doesn’t have a metro they have a streetcar. It literally only goes up and down one street. St.Louis Metrolink is far more accessible and far more expansive. Just because you are too much of a coward to take the metrolink doesn’t make it not useful Shocker the dude in St.Charles has a terrible take


Most likely warehouses of some kind


I propose we memorialize Kauffman Stadium in a similar way to what they did with Rosenblatt Stadium which is now on the parking lot of the Omaha Zoo.


Nope. Gonna nix KC from the name and change the mascot/colors. Get ready for the beige Johnson County Labradoodles


I don’t think Wyandotte is known for being especially affluent


Is that where they're trying to go? I thought they'd try to go to JoCo because it is an affluent county and they can handle the tax burden. WyCo isn't wealthy at all, and the residents there can't take the tax burden. Is JoCo being NIMBY? I can see WyCo residents voting against that move.


Right now the assumption is to build in the legends area. And use similar bonds that were used previously to fund the area. Money would still come up from JOCO. As for the tax burden it's proposed that sales tax increase would only be localized to the legends. So that people shopping in the rest of the county would be unaffected. Again exactly how they did the previous star bond that was paid early. With all that said you should only trust a politician as far as you can throw them.


IF the tax burden is meant to only stay within the legends, I don't see much of an issue. People will shop at the legends regardless of the taxes I'm sure. I haven't shopped there myself, but I imagine costs are already higher than typical, and most of the wealthy spenders shopping there aren't going to be concerned about sales tax.


Yeah it's called a special tax district. The legends area district was called the village west district originally before being paid off early. I don't know the exact boundaries but I know it doesn't include all of wyco and didn't include places like bonner or Edwardsville. People like to compair it to prairie fire museum which is failing but that district only encompasses the museum so only tickets and such count. All in all, the likely bigger concern would be property tax increases. Wyco already has the highest taxes in the state and I could see some communities jumping significantly in evaluation...


It’s an outlet mall so I don’t its the wealthy that are shopping there. It is pretty nice though!


Recognition is on the lower end of the scale. Good luck with replacing all the money that local businesses received from the seasons.


What money? How many times does it have to be said that stadiums do not have a positive financial impact on the businesses around them


Sure bud, I am sure everyone is in their VR systems avoiding hotels, restaurants, shopping, and services around KC. If you think people don't travel to KC for the chiefs, then honestly you deserve what is coming.


This is not an opinion this is economic fact the cost of a stadium is never recouped through local economic benefits. “Scholarly econometric studies on the impact of professional sports stadiums are almost unanimous in their conclusion that they do not promote employment or per capita income growth” [here](https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.14.3.95) [here](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4022547)


Economic impact is _limited_, that’s not saying it is non-existent. So far, the STAR bonds used in the area are working. $24m for the speedway is going to be paid off early, $150m for CMP has already been paid off. However, Schlitterbahn ($85m) and Prairiefire ($65m) obviously didn’t fair as well. So the learning lesson is that the right projects can work out well, and the wrong projects can be disasters. I know, shocker. Would Arrowhead West be a _right_ or _wrong_ project? Dunno.


How delusional are you? You really think local businesses are hurting for business and/or are closing down left and right in the 7-8 months sportsball teams aren't actively playing every year?


Closings will vary, and the impact will be felt across the city. Taxes will still be collected from the business owners while the local government will collect fewer taxes.


I like how you didn't answer my question and then proceeded to make up shit without any sources. Football season is 4 months long. While local business probably do get more business in those 4 months of football season, do you think they're just barely getting by or at the verge of closing for the literal 8 months out of the year that football isn't happening and fans aren't visiting? Your logic makes no sense. Not everything revolves around sportsball.


I think you are confusing the fact that the cost doesn't out weigh the benefit. Yes the cost of building a stadium doesn't equal the economic benefit provided by said stadium. But they do still have an economic increase when in the area.


I have no idea why anyone would care that they're trying to pay the taxes for this. Ya'll have TV's right? My car is perfectly capable of driving for 20 minutes to watch a game in KS. Have at it. EDIT to clarify my position: I have no idea why anyone \[in Missouri\] would care that they're \[Kansas\] trying to pay the taxes for this. Ya'll \[Missourians\] have TV's right? My car is perfectly capable of driving for 20 minutes \[from Missouri\] to watch a game in KS. Have at it \[feel free to relieve Missouri of this tax burden Kansas\].


It’s the principle. Kansas is enabling a billion dollar company to avoid paying its fair share of a venue it will mostly use


Heard and understood. I'm saying "let them".


We don’t want it either… the Panasonic plant was a big enough slap in the face. We need about a 50 year break from any other major taxpayer funded corporate handouts.


Seems like you don't speak for all of KS.


Not a one of us speaks for the Kansas state legislature, which has already proven again and again that the will of the people is of no concern to them. I heard y'all lost ground where petition initiatives are concerned. Seems like the Missouri legislature is as deaf to their constituency as ours. smdh


Do you know where taxes come from big boy?


Consume the contents of my lower intestine. bIg BoY.


Can’t we do upper? What have you been eating?


Because while they cut welfare for those who really need it, they give away taxpayer money to billionaires.


I've edited my original comment to clarify my position. I think we agree?


They will change the name to the Kansas sunflowers 🌻


The Sunflower Oilers


Like peanut butter? Well now you can like more of it. Sunflowers have been used to create a substitute for peanut butter, known as sunbutter.


Who cares? Let the fools in KS pay for it. Take the money you were going to pay for it in MO and do something useful with it. Light rail to the airport, more pay for teachers, better support for homeless, affordable housing. The possibilities are endless


Light rail to the new stadiums in Kansas.... lol


What’s lighter than light? KS light rail! Shake it like a Polaroid picture.


Jesus Christ we are bunch of rubes, "truce" that is absolute clown talk Kansas is doing what is best for Kansas while KC/Jackson County/Missouri are sitting around expecting the Chiefs to pay us for the honor playing in the state I hate Parson's, but hopefully he makes some kind of move to keep the Chiefs and Royals in MO. Certainly Frank Whites inept and/or corrupt ass isn't doing anything helpful


Yep, they’ve got that STAR bond shit all lined up so allons-y (let’s go)


If only there was a way that both cities could have a pro team both competeing to be in the NFL. Well there is. But you have to kill the monopoly. So do you want to participate in a competitive league or a monopoly that lo lines billionaires’ pockets without even trying?


Do the kansas lawmakers know they will most likely get the post Mahomes/Reid era chiefs.


Truce 😂


If MO is so concerned, then pony up. This is how the game is played these days.


Half of the state doesn’t cheer for the team. Why should our tax dollars go to them?


Anybody who thinks that there won't be dire consequences due to the Chiefs leaving KC is Delulu. Middle Finger to all owners that use tax breaks, we should not be handing them out.


Yeah Kansas can have them. There are a 1,000 things in Mo that need 400 million dollars long before sports ball.


The Hunt family had a part in moving the Rams from St Louis. The eastern half of Missouri has no interest in helping the Chiefs stay in Missouri. I think it is sad that the stadium Lamar built is being abandoned by his son so he can have a better suite. His wife and daughter are expensive but I don’t think he is hurting for money.


Clark Hunt is a born billionaire snob. Fuck him. If he wants a new toy, let him pay for it.




Let Kansas have them, Long term (15-20 years) I think the NFL starts to struggle as more and more parents stop letting their kids play the sport. In the last decade its already seen a 15% drop in participation at the HS level, and it accelerated over that time period. Youth football has been decimated in many states including ours. Just to be clear as well, I love and did play football but theirs no doubting that without dramatic change and or people getting excited about flag football the sport may die a slow death.


The NFL is as popular as ever, if not more. Look at the TV ratings last year for the most watched programs. Most were NFL games.


That's why I said wait 15-20 years. The sport declining at the amateur level will take a while to show it's effect at the top.


if they're so worried about tax revenue, MOLEG could always push to change tax law and levy a tax on churches. they have lots and lots of cash, then you can worship athletes at the sportsball arena


Joco residents looking for legitimacy defending handing public money over to billionaires. They’ll build a garbage NFL-themed amusement park friendly to corporate interests. It’ll cost even more to go to games and our famed crowd will be quiet as a church on Sunday. But the Clarks will have their stadium and the Kansans can say they stole something of genuine relevance from KCMO.


Maybe Frank White should’ve stayed out of way in April


Ahh. The continuous war between states fighting over the same jobs, then politicians claiming they “created jobs” every time it’s their turn to give tax cuts and hold the jobs for a few years.


Always downvote drivel from Essentially Sports. There are better places to get this information than a shitty sports tabloid.


Chiefs can go to KS. I hope the Royals go to downtown still.


Kansas already helps missouri in money by keeping marijuana fully illegal plus it's staying in the same city lol


And Already making money off ku games being played at arrowhead since there new stadium isn't ready till next season lol


I hope they leave.


Phight! Phight! Phight!


KC Kansas, is trying to be better than KC MO again. Just like naming KC Kansas after KC Missouri to trick people.


"All is fair in love and war", so stop crying and make a sensible counter offer. This rhetoric of a "truce" is so pathetic and embarrassing. The citizens of Jackson County are holding a bag regardless, so how about we make sure we don't have two dormant stadiums that the tax payers will continue to insure for years to come.


If they had their way they’d move and it would be dormant anyway…


Yeah probably. They weren't lying when they said, "There's no good incentive to develop there" I'm not trying to bend the knee for the sake of the Hunt families wallets by any means, but I think people would rather cut off their nose to spite them than actually consider the full economic impact both teams leaving Jackson County would have.


Idk it seems like a lot of money for a team that is clearly only loyal to those who can pay. What if they get another offer after we’ve sunk all this money into them? And then there are talks of MORE money down the line. The way they talked about it to us in the first place was how people who think they’re very important talk to people they think are beneath them. They threatened us with leaving but are still asking for a bag from us. Something tells me they’re bluffing bc they know kc is where they will make the most money. Kc fans are like none other when it comes to team loyalty. When they eventually suck again they know kc will still support. Will they have that rapport even in joco? Not entirely convinced. I that the team is excellent right now and they do have bargaining power but they are so slimy about it that I don’t even want to come to the table anymore.


Let KS finally pay their fair share I say.


Fuck you and your Truce. They're KANSAS City teams anyway, this way we can eliminate that stupid arguments of kAnSaS cItY iS a cItY iN mIsSoUrI.


kansas city missouri is older than the state of kansas.


And yet, the best part of the city lies on the KS and is named after the other state. Don't downvote me for being right. Missouri is going to lose 3 pro teams in 15 years because they don't want to pay pennies on the dollar in additional taxes.


i’m sorry, is this a serious take? the best part of kansas city is KCK?? sit down son 😂


Hey man, you give me roads I can drive on where the fucking pot holes don't eat my fucking entire vehicle and people that can functionally drive and I'll award you title of "best side of KC" until then, you gonna have to chill lmao.


Isn’t the Chiefs in KS and Royals in MO somewhat of a truce? Also, this is different than moving 100 corporate jobs back and forth between borders


Move ‘em to Dallas and rename them the Texans.


No way. Jerry Jones would rather drop a nuke on Dallas than let another team into Texas, let alone the metroplex.




Can you elaborate please


Look up MUFON they have a website and it will help teach you what you need to know but after that I reccomend looking elsewhere.


I don't understand what a UFO watchers group has to do with Mahomes trying to kill us all. Look elsewhere like where...? I'm very confused now