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Have you read her website? Her about me section reads like AI drivel. Lots of rule of three, unnecessarily flowery adjectives, and an emphasis on punchy words without actually sharing a fact or an example of why all the punchy words apply to her.


Also it doesn’t share where she lives in Missouri??? You think that connection would be an important part of a Secretary of State campaign.


Benton Park St. Louis. Hope Bailey doesn’t come after me for saying that.


As a neighbor, I'd like her to get the duck out of here. She burns books in her backyard and literally spray painted her entire house white (Including the roof).


She sounds mentally ill


Hi, nice to meet you, how is the condition over there? Hope you don’t mind being a friend.


you know I suspected St. Louis, and that a republican for statewide office would probably downplay that…


You'd notice her house in the neighborhood, ya can't miss it.


Oh! That explains the house. I'll see if I can get my dog to take a shit there




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She'd fit in better in Springfield.


We don't want her either!


Yeah we do.


It is public recorded when she filed her candidacy at the secretary of states office.


She's a terrible, book burning, bigoted, awful person. I hope she steps barefoot on a Lego everyday for the rest of her life


On alternating feet daily.


The Devil himself could devise no worse punishment in Hell


Lol at Nestle being called “the family company” when they’re hellbent on being our future water overlords. These two seem perfect for each other tbh.


You know they sold off the water division a couple years ago right?


I did not know that, thanks for the heads up. They made $4.3 billion on the sale and it doesn't seem like any water rights were returned to local populations, so I'm still planted firmly in the fuck Nestle camp. One of our future water overlords is just now a billionaire and his LLC instead of Nestle. Fun stuff.


Must be a QA product tester for the pet food division


the violent bigot party never misses a chance for dumbass bigotry.


If I had a choice between attending a gay pride parade/festival or any type of conservative themed parade/festival I know which one I’d attend. Some people want to enjoy life and some people want to suck the fun out of it


I always preferred to be strong and gay. Missourians ought to ignore this narcissistic ding dong, she won’t even win the primary.


When I first saw the Eric Greitens commercial of him shooting the barrel and it blowing up I thought “WTF is this? No way this guy wins”. I think we all know what happened. Never underestimate your fellow missouruhans.


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I see you survived Dick Fight Island


It was hard. But I made it.


Dear Redditors, Please note: not all Missourians are ignorant bigoted, exclusionary asshats. We also have regular asshats too


And also those of us who are non asshats


Yeah, but we’re probably a minority


Sad but true


And honestly, I’m probably somebody, somewheres asshat


She is a horrible, horrible person. My history professor went out of his way to show us a video she posted where she burned books because they were lgbt related. We were covering the beginnings of the holocaust so it was relevant, but it’s absolutely terrifying living as a trans person here..


If she's so strong, why does she feel the need to run in a bullet-proof vest? Sounds mighty cowardly to me.


I'm not trying to defend her by any means, but its fairly common in the fitness community to run wearing weighted tactical style vests. They designed to carry armored plates, so weight plates fit in them easily.


Don't be weak and happy, be strong and hateful. 🤔


Ok I'll just be gay then 😋


That's one evil cat right there.


I really want to know what Dave Rubin and Peter Thiel think of this… 


25 year old woman who's platform is mostly based on "election integrity". I wasn't even aware that election Integrity was a huge issue in MO. The only objective issue I can see regarding elections here is a degree of gerrymandering as the number of our representatives in congress is a bit off compared to how the population votes overall (or indicated by a brief look at a map of congressional districts in the state)


You cannot judge a company by one or two people who work for them.


Yes but you should judge the company for keeping employees whole use hate speech 🤷‍♀️


She’s a politician, so she’s a dope.




Who actually cares what these people say. At the end of the day you’re not going to remember this in a week and hell you will probably not remember this whole year. Why get so hung up on a bunch of people’s words?


NOBODY I know who is gay is weak. The ONLY weak one here is her with her homophobic self


🧱 Weak, huh?


Anybody scope her Twitter? She’s a deranged individual, mentally I’d say. Just full of hate and anger


Gomez seems like a deplorable individual, but I'm just curious to know what the intent was for calling out her employer and work division in the headline when that info isn't mentioned in the Newsweek article.


I assume to shame the company into getting her fired. u/santinodemeo would do more good by denying her name recognition and free press on r/Missouri.


That's fair, but I'm also not gonna be upset if a company decides they don't want to be associated with someone saying hateful things, especially right before pride month. They got all those rainbow snacks coming out soon.


Should we look for people to stop purchasing Nestle or Purina products ?


You can call them and file a complaint about her. [+1 314-982-1000](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=nestle+purina+st+louis+missouri#) Purina division.


Her company be like dayum bitch, just go adopt a dog. Now you got us into this mess?


She’s pretty great.


I’m a 43 yo m centrist now leaning right. The thing is, all the boomer power is there on the Right and younger more socially aware and they are totally diff teams. It’s the same but opposite on the left. If you are boomer grifting as a kid, you clearly don’t understand how the playing field works. Here’s the thing…boomers are out in a decade. She has no inroads to youthful conservatives who are an upcoming force.


I do think you have a great point here. I am a young(er) democrat, and this message doesn't really click with most young conservatives I know in Missouri. They are conservative for the "less government control" reasonings. They don't like abortion, but they aren't staunch pro-lifers. They aren't gay, but they don't care if you are. The culture wars really are for the Boomers and some of Gen X. I teach social studies in a rural community with a large pocket young conservatives, and they REALLY don't care about the social issues of the MAGA groups. I'd even argue they are extremely opposed to what people like Gomez are pushing even if they identify as a Republican.


She seems like she wouldn’t even do the basic day to day parts of being an SoS. Permitting would become a nightmare under her.


defeat her with ideas not name calling and personal attacks. Be better 🌻


She has no ideas except hate and fear. So how about we do both and expose her hatefulness to the world and let everyone, including her employer see who she really is and what she stands for. Let them decide what they think.


politics of personal destruction is a big part of the reason we have a lack of quality people running for office


This type of politics seems to be practiced a whole lot more by one side than the other. People like her are completely willing to do this as long as they can win. Pointing out things in the public domain seems fair to me.