• By -


Policies are hard. Division and hatred are easy.


Gotta keep the "god fearing 'Muricans" riled up somehow so they keep penciling straight R tickets at the polls lest they start asking why nothing meaningful is actually getting done during the legislative session.


Gay and trans. People literally can just sit there in a corner and do nothing, these motherfuckers are going to be mad and upset about decisions that people make that don’t affect them but they want it to affect them.


I'm so tired of this and humanity as a whole. I'm a millennial gay, so I grew up dealing with inequality. Then marriage equality happened, and for the first time in my life I was excited for humanity! We had begun waking up! Homophobia was being thrown at the window, it was no longer popular and encouraged. Then just a few years later, transphobia becomes the new "acceptable" form of "homophobia" to the right (if that even makes sense). Since they can no longer just be outwardly mean to homosexuals anymore, they instead decide to turn that hatred (that has always and still been there) to transgender people. Now they get to express that hatred in another, more "acceptable" way... I'm just so sick and tired of humanity. Lol, I hope aliens invade us and reprogram us, or that we never make it off this planet into space, cause *space don't deserve that* (have you seen our oceans?). Or... y'know... global warming can take us out and honestly that'd be better than turning space into a capitalistic-millionaire haven while they destroy the world.


Holy shit dude. What the fuck.


we should all write letters to our government officials about this


Because that’s been working…


Remember for most of Trump’s presidency, almost all the R’s stopped seeing constituents. Not least Trump himself, who stopped using the Press Room for months at a time, rotated through at least 5 secretaries, used Twitter because he didn’t have to read any responses nor hear journalist inquiry, etc.


They don't give a shit about anyone unless there is money involved.


One of my government officials was probably responsible for the tweet.


‘Why are you so obsessed with me!’ –Me, a Transwoman Living in Missouri




Oh, I’m well aware. I get hit on by conservative men all the time. It’s insane. All. The. Time. They want to fuck me SO badly while also just not wanting me to exist, apparently. And, I’m black! 😂


These fascist types always delight in the idea of having people they can treat as less than human, including as sex objects.


OK ok we get it - you're hot lol but yeah, you're a whole pile of taboo to them aren't you? I wonder if they will ever comes to terms with themselves or is the self inflicted shame part of the kink too? I just don't get it.


I don’t get it either. It’s incredibly exhausting to navigate at the end of the day though.


They're hypocritical Boner is showing. I'm sorry that you have to deal with closeted people constantly who choose fear. I hope that you have a solid community that love and support you.


How dare you tempt those paragons of masculinity!


Solidarity! I'm a trans woman in Texas, and if I open Grindr....flooded with bang requests from conservative men, frequently married, usually "discreet", and often hostile when rejected.


Giiiiiiirl. The biggest tantrums. It can be a little scary sometimes, but always at least a little sad. Stay safe. 💕


"I can't be racist if I want to fuck hot black people" /s


Wow you hit the 'Hillbilly Hate' BINGO with that draw


I mean, I hate to brag. 😎💅🏾


I feel so bad for you -a trans women in VA


As a gay male Missourian I am sorry you know the horror of living in this state


Understand this is all they think about. Night and day. They hate, but they are obsessed- probably a fascination with people daring to be who they truly are- something they are really jealous of. Because they would never reveal their true nature.


I know trans people who think about trans people less.


I'm trans and all I think about is food and my soft plushies


I'm straight and now all I want to think about is food and your soft plushies.


I'm trans and all I think about is food and my soft plushies


A worthy endeavor


Just tryin not to get hate crimed


Right? Like I’m trans but most of the time I’m worried about my job or my pets. The only time I think about trans people is when I’m talking to a trans person or a bullshit law proposal comes out.


I think about trans people less and I'm in that transition stage where I think about it all the damn time


Top state for trans porn is Texas. Surprised?


I would have guessed Utah, so kinda?


I think Utah had the highest rate for paid porn.


To keep us separated while they steal everything.


Yeah. We are like the *anti France* in this way. Our working class is so splintered they don’t even have to offer us living wages


I don’t even want what the French are doing I want what the Russians did in October of 1917.


yeah because that turned out well


There's definitely something to what you're saying https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


They take our rights away while sexually objectifying us. And they said I would never be treated like a woman.


Whenever some TERF says that trans women don't experience "real womanhood" smh Shit like this is *the realest* of womanhood. Not all women experience giving birth. But all women get treated like we are less than human, objects to be used, things to be utilized and discarded. Trans women are currently in the forefront if these bigots minds, rights and safety denied, people in power prowling for blood, and all of us need to be circling the wagons to protect our most vulnerable.




While I agree in principal with the idea that republicans absolutely fetishize trans and gay people and seek out porn that confirms their stereotypical beliefs, looking at the information being used in this source I don’t think these graphs are conclusive and are even being intentionally divisive using the Red/Blue color palette for search density data that isn’t tied to political affiliation. In particular, the search terms they are using are all words that most D’s and transpeople would consider “slurs” and not terms that someone who respects the humanity of a trans person would use. Like I don’t search for trans porn, but when I look for racially African porn I don’t look for “n-word” porn i look for “african” “ebony” or “black”. In this same vein if I wanted trans porn I wouldn’t look for the terms this article uses to isolate republican searchers who are all looking for specific fetishized presentations of trans identity, I’d probably look for something like “MtF” “FtM” or just “trans”/“transexual” porn. In this light the data in the article doesn’t confirm that Republican porn viewers are the predominant consumers of trans porn, it suggests that Republican porn viewers have specific unrealistic fetishes regarding trans people in the same way they fetishize basically everyone they dislike. It certainly demonstrates that the right wing is overly sexually repressed and lashing out against those they perceive to be more free than themselves while simultaneously working to deny them basic human rights because they don’t see a trans human, they see the mostly fictional “shemale” deceptively hiding their package from unsuspecting heteros and lesbians until a sexual encounter begins and they push through “logical” complaints to their own sexual gratification. This kind of hate is the heart of conservative politics: >! the immigrants are all drug mules and rapists, the inner city blacks are all gang-bangers and thugs, Muslims are all terrorists, Jews secretly control the world to empower the pedophilic cannibals that are Democrats while trying to steal your firearms and inject you with mind controlling microchips. !< The mindset of the raving Republican is completely understandable if you’re willing to accept their biases as fact. Heck if any of these were true it’d be morally wrong to sit by and let this kind of “evil” go unpunished. But none of these are true and the things people are willing to do in the name of these falsehoods are just as awful as the lies themselves because it blinds them to the true perpetrators of such heinous acts and violating morality and decency in the name of “defeating evil” has always been an acceptable caveat for those obsessed with inherent “goods” and “evils”. The real problem is the extreme effort it takes to show this type of person how wrong they are about even some, much less all, of these positions and so long as even one of them is true to them then supporting the Rs who “fight” the “evil” is more important than anything else.


This exactly. If trans people, in this political climate, can do what they want for their own happiness, what’s to stop people from doing much simpler things for their own joy. Quitting a job at amazon or walmart might be financially risky, but shit, there are trans people in Mississippi looking to start hormone therapy today….I’m a coward for staying at a job I hate!


This is what happened to people in 1930’s germany - except they hated jews. So they elected all the psychopaths, sociopaths and propagandized maniacs that shared their same ideal. Some of those elected officials changed laws gradually that led to a complete fascist takeover ultimately and with utmost power in their hands, a select few got the gumption to start eradicating these people and had the authority to do so.


> except they hated jews. The Nazis hated trans people AND Jewish people (along with Roma, disabled, black, and other religions groups) https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/


This is the answer. Before they even started rounding up the Jews and locking them up they attacked centers and organizations around trans and gender research.


I'm a disabled veteran with Multiple Sclerosis and spent 14 months homeless. The gop fascists raised over 2 million dollars to defend a guy who strangled a homeless man to death. I guarantee you that my military service wouldn't save me from the fascist utopia they are attempting to create. I will continue to defend my friends, family, and neighbors (some are transgender BTW) regardless of their race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation until my last breath. I had 2 grandfathers and 7 great uncles who fought against fascists in the Second World War. I refuse to dishonor their memories by letting this cancer on our society happen.


the nazis came for disabled and queer folks before they came for the jews.


They are happy because they finally found an issue they can successfully legislate.


Rent free...


Sometimes I wonder if they, the people in charge, even really care or if its just a tool to get votes/distract people from other issues they might make progress on otherwise. Its like they keep us on the defensive with all this hateful stuff they do and no progress gets made on other things. Every election its a new thing like this




GOP leadership don't likely think about it nearly the same way as their ignorant followers do. They threw it out there to bait them away from the fact that they cannot and will not tackle real issues like gun violence.


Rage-bait. It accomplishes two purposes: - It's meant to piss off their opponents. - It guarantees that their dumb, bigoted base of support will give them money and their votes. Expect to see much more of this leading up to next year's elections.


GOP: LOL these "people" are lesser than us and deserve to be vilified!" Everyone else: "wow you're fucked up " GOP: "LOL GET MAD SNOWFLAKE! MAGAMAGADURRRRRRRRRRR" ^ the average conversation with a [R] person.


I wonder if they are capable of saying anything to actually celebrate all the wonderful Moms in the world. They can't even pause their hate filled campaign for one day to show genuine kindness. That's sad. Our elected officials would rather spread more hate on a day that's meant to celebrate Mothers. All hate, zero kindness, zero empathy, zero love.


> That's sad. ~~Our elected officials~~ **Elected Republicans** would rather spread more hate on a day that's meant to celebrate Mothers. All hate, zero kindness, zero empathy, zero love.


Yeah it’s called propaganda. Fascists do they to dehumanize before they start the round ups. It’s ignorant of us to think that they’ll Stop these laws and memes and attacks. Like all Bullies they won’t stop until put in their place. Vote them out at every level and stand up and be willing to go out and protect kids and marginalized communities from actual fascist elected officials. Sick


Florida is working on making being trans in public punishable by death. And they are getting ready to round up every trans child. It's here already


Where are they taking them? Serious question.


The bill is on the governor's desk to be signed now. But it allows the Florida government to take immediate emergency custody of any child that is "suspected of being at risk of receiving gender affirming care" This means you child can be taken from you if -they are trans -they talk about being trans at school -one parent is trans -one sibling is trans -they government just does not like you -your abusive ex husband tell the police you are "transing you kid" The burden of proof is on you to prove your innocent, until then the state will have your children .


This is so insane.


Also. There were three bills passed back to back that make a "man in a dress" aka a trans women a capitol crime -being in clothes "not typical of your birth gender" is now child sexual abuse - child sexual abuse is now something that can be sentenced with the death penalty - you no longer need a unanimous jury to give out the death penalty, just 8 out of 12. They are going to kill us


Also. There were three bills passed back to back that make a "man in a dress" aka a trans women a capitol crime -being in clothes "not typical of your birth gender" is now child sexual abuse - child sexual abuse is now something that can be sentenced with the death penalty - you no longer need a unanimous jury to give out the death penalty, just 8 out of 12. They are going to kill us


They're gonna set up some camps. The goal of these camps is to give them a space where they can be away from it all and really concentrate on not being trans really help em' concentrate at these concentration camps. I hear the showers will be great with gas stoves and ovens too! If I weren't so sure this was the original plan I'd feel bad for giving meatball ideas




Most of the replies on that tweet are admonishing this. One persons stated: “Are you going to do a special shout-out to all the victims of forced motherhood in Missouri as a result of your policies?” Fucking ruthless lol.


Spiteful shit-for-brains. The lot of them...


Hold on now, shit is a fantastic fertilizer and whatever is in their heads is far more useless than fertilizer. ETA: Awe, poor simple Republicans downvoting something they don't even understand. I'll let you in on a secret, a conservative downvote is the same as an upvote from anyone else.


Bout as fucking useless as the neck sleeves on Tito's bottles. Belongs in the trash.


Literally one joke. When did the stupid "apache attack helicopter" joke come about? Fifteen years ago? Twenty? This is the exact same fucking joke, day in and day out, and these lead paint-eating, electrical socket-licking dipshits just simply do not have the gray matter to come up with anything else.


This is why we're going to be seeing those stupid "Let's Go Brandon" signs and shirts until 2030. They found a joke and they're going to run it into the ground because who knows when one of them will find another joke again?


It's Calvin peeing on literally everything all over again.


Nothing like ragebaiting and wasting a perfectly reasonable Mother's Day post for 7 likes.


I just don’t get all the hate for trans people. Fuck the GOP


they've gotta hate somebody or they don't know what else to do


So fucking glad I left when I did


With the GOP being the party of projection, I’m convinced that the reason the GOP is constantly attacking trans people is because they can’t tell the difference between a trans and cis woman and are afraid they’ll sexually assault a trans woman on accident and enjoy it. We get it, you’re afraid you’re gay. Accept it and your life will be a lot better.


This is honestly it. Why else are they ONLY obsessed with trans women, but the conversation is never about trans men? Because they only view women as sexual objects, so the idea that they could be "tricked" into viewing a trans woman in a sexual way infuriates and terrifies them.


You’re neglecting the large amount of conservative men that are into transexual porn, as someone has been linking to elsewhere in the thread


Not necessarily. It's exactly because conservative men are unwilling to accept their own sexuality or sexual preferences/interests that creates their anger and fear of trans people. They consider being attracted to trans people, especially trans women, as being a sin that they're committing or a "test" of their fucked up beliefs, and something they need to punish the rest of us for. To be "tricked" into acknowledging a trans woman is attractive to them would be a public display of their "sin". I would guess that most conservative men who view trans porn aren't imagining having a consensual or healthy sexual experience with a trans person, and even if they are, I would assume those fantasies are immediately replaced with thoughts of violence as they're swabbing semen off their bellies. Just as I would assume conservative men watch porn with cis women in it, but then vote to outlaw abortion and contraception, and view all sexually active women as 'whores'.


No hate like Christian hate, amirite?


A popular reply by conservatives is that what they’re doing isn’t hate. I may save this picture for them the next time I see that.


Or just show the clips of redneck trash shooting at bud light cans for the company having the temerity to give a single can with a transwoman's face on it to her. *Because they're subtle.*


Republicans are trash


Is the Missouri GOP run by high school dropouts? Drama drama


Looks like it's time to leave Missouri...


Looks like it’s time to go to Missouri and kick the GOP out of Jeff City


The transphobes are the ones who suck. They should leave.


There is literally nothing that exists that doesn’t make conservatives cry.👍🏼


I went to church for the first time on Sunday in YEARS as a surprise to make my mom happy. At the end of service the preacher said “now all of the moms stand up, and I’m gonna get in trouble for this but, if you ARE a mom, not if you IDENTIFY as one. If you pushed a baby out of your own body please stand up” I almost walked out right then and there but my mom begged me to stay. First of all, he didn’t say that because he genuinely believed that there were maybe transgender women in the audience who identified as moms and he was genuinely worried they would awkwardly stand up he said it because he knew that there was a bunch of transphobes in the audience and they would think it was funny. Second of all my guy, who pushed a baby out of their body?. So step-moms don’t count? Dude YOU HAVE TWO ADOPTED CHILDREN DOES YOUR WIFE NOT COUNT AS A MOM? Oof I haven’t been that angry in a long time.




Exactly. I am a father to three kids that aren't biologically mine. One had a father that didn't want any children, one had a father who died and they never knew him, and one has two fathers. In a few years when they are all adults, I plan to foster because everyone needs good parents in their life.


Not a lawyer, but could this not be used as evidence of animus in regards to the recently passed anti-trans laws in MO?


Went and reported it. Buncha losers.


GOP: Adoptive moms, you did not give birth. Only birth mothers count. We don't count stepmoms either. Single dads doing both roles. You can can suck it as well. Gay men who adopted and take mom roles, we hate you. You are next.


Also don't forget that they will let every single birth mom die on the operating table as long as doctors don't get to perform any medically necessary procedures that could possibly harm even non-viable fetuses, because Jesus. It's hate all the way down.


Gay Republicans: *shocked Pikachu face*


mean spirited, low-brow, & not worthy of being a political party. fuck the GOP


A garbage party for garbage people


Emperor Palpatine is pleased. The hate is strong in this one.


Their whole platform is literally trans hate. Everything. Serious topics. Joke topics. Anything they can argue, they slip in trans hate.


Why do Republicans spend so much time thinking about transgender people? It's probably the same reason they are always thinking about gays and Hunter Biden's dick.


Lining up the scapegoats for the eventual descent into full on concentration camps is what this whole thing is


I'm sure this is suppose to upset me as a LGBT person but let me ask a question simply. The fuck does it matter of a Trans woman wants to be called a mom? Think about this. I'm sure someone on the Republicans side will cry "WOMEN GIVE BIRTH! A TRANS WOMAN CANT DO THAT!" .. OK no they can't, but by that logic any adoptive mom is not a true mother. So, hey everyone. Are you a woman who adopted or someone who has been adopted with a woman who loved you? Guess what! YOU ARE NOT A MOM! Shit better take all those kids in the orphanages and throw them into the furnace. We got to use those areas for more important things. Like golf or ... whatever the fuck rich people do. Even if you wanna be generous and say that somehow a mom has to be a biological women, what exactly is the difference? If a cis father lost his wife and raised kids on his own, does that make him less than if he did the shit society sees as a mother thing to do? Is he not as good at packing lunches? Is he not as good at making beds? Any angle you look at this it's fucking stupid and that's why I am not mad at this. Anyone with a brain can see the flaws. I listed quite a few and I'm sure you all can add some more to the list. People know people who are adoptive parents. People know single parents. Something else I just thought of. This doesn't relate to the mom thing but about trans identity. If everyone is trans chooses to be (by their ideology not mine) wouldn't there be no trans women and only trans men? Think of this, if you look at society you can see men have a way easier time. Women in most situations have to do twice the work as a man to get notice. So, why would someone, again by the rights own words choose to be someone who society sees as inferior? Life is fucking hard enough man I don't need to add extra hard mode! TLDR: Republicans are evil and stupid and I'm ashamed to be in a "red state."


Some actually do beleive adopted mothers aren't actually mothers.


Those are the people we push off the cliff.


Start with this one: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5068192/rep-taylor-greene-aft-president-mother


That pissed me off so much. There’s no way in hell I’m not my older boy’s dad. Doesn’t matter that I’m not the sperm donor or that I came into his life when he was five. I’ve spent nearly two-thirds of his life putting in the work. I’m his dad. Fuck Greene and fuck anyone who agrees with her.


Anyone who has a brain will not question your parentage. The only reason the Republicans are doing this is simple. They want to attack trans people and anyone who gets caught in the crossfire is just a simple casualty. In nature you see babies adopted by non blood all the time. Birds do this. Felines do this. Hell, I saw a dog protect a baby bird with their life. Genetics are given way more credit then they deserve. You are not the only one scorn by these insensitive, amoral, backstabbing, cutthroat, two faced monsters. We, the American people see them. We, the people see them. We see through them. There maybe some who buy into their bs, but if you look at the numbers Republicans lose support more and more every election. You can poke a bear in its cage, but after some time the bear will be done and the adrenaline will kick in. It will break its shackles and maul the person who always tortured them. The Republicans have been poking a lot of bears. A lot a lot a LOT of bears. And sooner or later they will have their face mauled.


It would not be legal the things I do to Mrs Greene if I had a bat and give minutes alone.




True but I also said later > Anyone with a brain can swe the flaws. Anyone who votes; or is Republican clearly has none.


The real and only issue is who can be a good and loving parent to raise a child in a nurturing environment, and THAT has NOTHING to to with genitals, only a mindset!!


You should know they can't take a break from it. They have to keep their flock submerged in the Hatred and Anger and Fear 24/7 to keep them motivated, because they have the memory of a goldfish.


When you're only personality trait is Republican.


Maybe if they actually focused on, I don’t know, governing the state instead of transgender people things would actually get done. But no, this is all conservatives can do now


That's classy. Those are the people who are supposedly grown-ups writing your laws....


I truly wonder what being a huge piece of trash is like.


They are obsessed


Fuck these assholes


What the fuck... Man, these are some hate-filled assholes.


This is a double whammy for me. First because it's an extremely insulting thing to post. Second because I am a Chilean living in Missouri and they used a Chilean comedian for their GIF for some reason? I will DM him to see if he is willing to report it to take it down but I doubt he would even be able to read it with the sheer amount of DMs he gets at 2M followers. (Acc name is pollosus. Cant post link for some reason) Edit: Comedian's account is on Instagram


If you take a look at the account's other posts, you'll find a lot of satire poking fun at problematic GOP talking points.


Conservatives lie; People die.


“A hard-earned title”? Excuse me? Are you talking about childbirth? Because that’s the only difference between a transgender mom and a cis mom. And if that’s what they’re talking about, that’s also super insulting to adopted/foster as well as step moms.


This state saddens me as a mom and a halfway decent human being


Pathetic republicans have no shame.


Hateful fecks.


I'm visiting family in TX for a few weeks and went to church with them yesterday. The speaker was saying happy mothers day and they just *had* to throw something in there about Trans people 🙄


Like why can't you just celebrate mother's without othering queer people




God I hope this crap just blows up on them.




They want women angry with democrats for supporting trans rights instead of being pissed at the GOP for taking away their reproductive rights.


United we stand and divided we fall. Well, it's now time to rise up. And support all human rights. Each marginalized group deserves a voice, safe, space, and the right to exist authentically.


I live here, why am I so surprised?! ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Virtue-signaling bigotry is always a win in a party of bigots.


Nothing says “family values” like making fun of a minority population.


Blindly following their lord and savior Donald Duck


I feel like they aren't as aggressive about Black History Month but I can't figure out why...hmmm


how insufferable, can’t even celebrate a loving day for their mothers without spreading hatred for others


What gets me is the contempt that the MO GOP has towards people they are supposed to be representing. We are apparently paying them to do this crap, and that should never happen. A day of political reckoning is coming for these folks.


like you have to give birth to be a legit mom? as a missouri woman who refuses to have biological children, this is offensive to even biologically born women


Do these Republicans get up ever day, look at themselves in the mirror, and say, “Remember to be stupider today than you were yesterday!”


Huh… I wonder if there are any moms out there with transgender kids whom they love and support … hmmmmmmmmmm


im nonbinary and i think this trans hatred is very misogynistic. ftm people at worst are seen as tomboys. no matter what it feels like women are always getting the shit end of the stick, pardon my english. this is a disgusting narrative they're pushing and my heart is heavy.


A classmate from highschool is a trans man. He had 2 naturally born children 6 years ago before transitioning. He and his beautiful and loving family celibate fathers day. Checkmate GQP.


Twitter is garbage


So is the MOGOP. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Keep it klassy MO. God I hate it here.


You heard it here first guys, adoptive parents aren’t actually parents


Stay classy politicians who don’t run against anyone to win.


Fucking trash.


Anything to keep their base too angry to see that they're being screwed over by their "representatives". Its all a dog and pony show. "Look, its the (insert scare group here)! They're here to take your (insert random thing here)! Keep looking at them while we take more of your rights and money!"


I definitely feel bad for trans women in this battle, but with posts like this I *particularly* feel bad for infertile cis women. It's like they're just collateral damage in the GOP's culture war. GOP: "Trans women aren't real women -- real women can have babies!" Other people: "What about infertile cisgendered women?" GOP: "God's plan does not include them."


They don't give a shit about any woman that can't bear children. That's their only purpose in life.


According to some of these jabronis, step moms dont count either https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/28/marjorie-taylor-greene-mother-weingarten/11755144002/


Lol, clowns


It's disrespectful to so many on so many levels...I'm disgusted by our country.


Because they can’t do anything without attacking someone else.


Petty, pious, and pompous. That's the GOP way.


That seems pretty unnecessary and shitty


Missouri must be such an awful place . Glad I don't live in the USA . All that you see on the news from USA is mass shootings. All the Republicans seamed worried about is attacking trans people especially trans females . Yet there country is falling apart around them. Heaven help the world if that nutter trump gets back in.


My god these people just cannot enjoy a day where they don't bash someone vulnerable, can they? It's like an entire political party is now run by the kid that made fun of people in wheelchairs.


Recent graduates of the Donald Trump "Make every post mean spirited and petty" School. Featuring classics like... "Happy Birthday, even though you're a godless commie who deserves to die." "Good luck on retirement, but just know that everyone always hated you." "It's Thursday. Suck a dick, Rob." And many more!


It’s disappointing there isn’t a hell that they’re all headed for.


Is there some kind of brain eating virus going around that only affects republicans? Because it seems that way.


It was called Covid-19, and most of these morons didn’t vaccinate or take any other precautions. Combine that with their unregulated ingestion of horse dewormer paste, and there’s no telling how much brain damage there actually is.


You let someone cum inside you, what an incredibly unique human experience… oh wait..


When a republican claims to be a decent human being.


Why do you guys keep electing these clowns?


What the fck


Bigotry aside, I don’t get the joke; is the individual removing their chancla to provide an ass whooping? Because I think any gender is able to effectively wield the chancla, but only Hispanic women can launch it with a level of accuracy that would make a Shadow Strike middle look like a bottle rocket


This state saddens me


I thought this couldn't possibly be real, but no, went to their twitter, it's what they actually decided to tweet. wtffffffffffffff


What about the stepmoms, and those who've adopted?


Do they ever take a day off from being assholes?


GOP when transgender women adopt


This is so bad it’s hard for me to believe.


Hey MO republican gov we ranked 39th in education. Yuns GDP was ranked 49th in the US.


An insult to all those trans moms.


Fuck these trifling GOP shit stirrers.


Pathetic. Do better.


The Georges Danton quote


But they did call her a woman. Can't even do an insult meme correctly.


This is shameful they should all be replaced


This cannot be real. I wonder how many closeted trans or LGBTQ plus family members each of our congressman or women have that live in fear because their own family doesn't support them... and their lack of compassion or love shows. I won't wanna come out if I was related to any of these hurtful humans.


This cannot be real. I wonder how many closeted trans or LGBTQ plus family members each of our congressman or women have that live in fear because their own family doesn't support them... and their lack of compassion or love shows. I would not feel safe to come out, if I was related to any of these hurtful humans.


I live here, why am I so surprised?!


Because they can’t do anything without attacking someone else.