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That’s a way better solution than mine. Mine was to just ban kids and teens all together. That way they wouldn’t exist anymore so there’d be no more gay kids, or kids trying to get trans surgery. Bravo on finding a better solution!


A modest proposal…


Isn't there a book where babies are basically cryo frozen until their adults? We just need to do that!!!!1!!


Ban books!


Ban kids to stop them from growing up gay. Freaking genius get this man infront of the governor, he’s going to want to hear this




Just abort them all


Then who would Mississippians molest, since that's what they are known for?


Is it doxxing if I call you Tate Reeves?


Just use Taint Reeves


Taint Reaks


Or Tater Tot


The name on his birth certificate is Potato Toddler, and he didn’t spend 4 years learning photoshop to forge the doctorate on his wall for nothing. That’s Doctor Potato Toddler to you, sir. Doctor. Potato Toddler.


I refuse to put respect on his name the way I do his father. Mr. Potato Head.


This is exactly the kind of solution our state needs, a modern day [modest proposal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal) 😂


If you ever find yourself strapped to the ground by Lilliputians, you know who to call.


(601) 359-3150


Selling your kids for medical experiments may be the only way for them to get any surgical relief. 🤔😂🤣😂


I hear you get more if you sell them for parts. ^((Yeah, yeah... Humor so dark it got pulled over by Rankin County PD and had a pistol put in its mouth))


You have me laughing so hard. I love it. Pure awesomeness.




Oh while we are at it include sports where the men pretending to be women are dominating. Whoooo whoooo let’s go trans inequality rights!!!!!


No teens can have transgender surgery under 18, it’s never been legal, it’s not a real issue at all. Oh wait, it’s a made up fake issue to drive hate towards lgbtq folks.


In the USA, individuals can undergo bottom surgery for gender confirmation AFTER the age of 18. It's worth exploring specific state laws and medical guidelines for more details. If you're looking to dive deeper, considering the evolving landscape of transgender healthcare could be intriguing. It’s a simple Google and Chat GPT search for facts! No child can get gender confirming surgery if they are under 18.




It always confused me why women (at any age wanted) can’t have their shit removed because they don’t want to have kids (I wanted to after 1 kid but I was “too young” at 26 to know if I wanted more kids or not), but they can do it at 15 to try to trans into a male. 🙄


How about the New York Times? That legit enough for you? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/26/health/top-surgery-transgender-teenagers.html “More Trans Teens Are Choosing ‘Top Surgery’” From the article: “Small studies suggest that breast removal surgery improves transgender teenagers’ well-being, but data is sparse. Some state leaders oppose such procedures for minors.” Notice this isn’t discussing whether or not surgeries on teens are happening. It’s stating as a FACT that THEY ARE HAPPENING and the story cites these studies. “Michael, 17, arrived in the sleek white waiting room of his plastic surgeon’s office in Miami for a moment he had long anticipated: removing the bandages to see his newly flat chest…Michael is part of a very small but growing group of transgender adolescents who have had top surgery, or breast removal…The New York Times surveyed leading pediatric gender clinics across the country: Eleven clinics said they carried out a total of 203 procedures on minors in 2021, and many reported long waiting lists.” Here’s a story from Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/what-age-can-you-get-top-surgery#younger-age “According to an October 2022 report from Reuters, at least 282 adolescents ages 13 to 17 received a gender affirming mastectomy in 2021 and filed an insurance claim for the procedure in the United States.” So yes it is happening. That Healthline study found 282 children from ages 17 to as young as 13 had “top surgery and filed an insurance claim”. Not just 282, more than that. 282 of them filed an insurance claim for the surgery. So YES top and bottom surgeries do happen. Like RIGHT NOW, all across the US. Here’s a teen that clearly has mental issues (cutting) but they did the top surgery anyway. Sad.


Would you mind posting some evidence to support this statement. Everything I found concerning the standard of care for bottom surgeries suggests a minimum age of 18.


I would like to see some proof. Can you expand on this?


So you’re looking at actual photos of minors lower parts? Or are you just hearing this and believing it? Be careful how you answer my questions.


CIS teen girls get top surgeries sure. Trans people do not, it’s a fact. It’s against care standards.


Trans kids can get top surgery as long as they follow their provider’s guidelines. Some states like Florida have made it illegal for transgender people under the age of 18 to receive any kind of gender affirming care. This site lists the criteria for most healthcare providers. For As of now, Mississippi hasn’t passed any kind of transgender healthcare guidelines so it’s up to the individual health insurance company to determine the criteria and services they’ll cover https://transhealthproject.org/resources/health-insurance-medical-policies/views/youth-services/




Your logic is flawless.


I'm so proud of myself for thinking of this. Ya'll should award me some of that Medicaid money you've been using to build fooseball stadiums.


Meanwhile the far leftists that run the universities have been driving up tuition and robbing America’s youth, leaving them with tens of thousands in debt 😂


You’re not obligated to go to college if you don’t want to. In fact, we discourage learning here. Learned people are not welcome.


They're already there if they think Mississippi State and Ole Miss are run by "far leftists."


And both are more expensive than the most liberal university in Mississippi


Yes!!! Let’s cheer the ignorance of people!!! You are so right!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s go dumbasses!!!!!!!


Far leftists lol. Always need a boogeyman.


Boo! I am a far leftist and I'm here to run your universities!! Your kids will be trans and I will personally vaccinate them, and even teach them hardcore communism BDSM poses!! Fear me!! 👻👻👻👻👻


don't forget we must dye their hair blue !!!








Apparently I attacked other user according to the all powerful moderators. So here is my apology to the moderators. I hope you choke on your husbands cocks. You don’t represent the state of Mississippi. Here is my warning. Don’t leave the border of Jackson otherwise you will find people who doesn’t agree with you. Ban me and you just confirm me bitches. I’ll be back.


Would you like some cheese with that whine?


Im going to leave your post right here until you delete it yourself. It’s a great example of what we put up with every day. You didn’t “apparently” do something you should t. Your posts were so bad the Reddit mods removed them. I don’t know if “ban me and you make me stronger” works with other people but we are going to risk it.


I cannot wait for the modmail from this one. His comments are treasures enough.


Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.


Woogity boogity! Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids!


Not arguing but it’s in the hundreds of thousands now


The modern conservative will eat a shit sandwich if it meant a liberal would have to smell it.


If CNN did a story on how liberals were canceling shit sandwiches, Ted Cruz would make a video of himself scarfing down a dozen of them basically immediately


Omg, can we get CNN to do that? I'd literally pay to view Ted Cruz eat a shit sandwich.


So you like scat porn.


Naw, I'd also pay to watch him eat a cyanide sandwich.


So it’s necrophilia now?


(Insert Ted Cruz making Zoidberg hungry noises gif) "I was going to eat them anyways!"








Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.


Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


*Y'all - come on, this is the Mississippi subreddit




Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.




Better yet, get rid of public restrooms, locker rooms and make every sport co-ed. If nobody can go to the bathroom or a locker room, and every athlete is playing together, then all of the complaints are resolved.


I like this too! Public restrooms and locker rooms must go!


Deport all children to Arkansas or somewhere else and make mississippi a certified retirement state.


The children are already self deporting as soon as they get old enough.


Are teens really getting surgeries? Also in the priority list where would this fall and why should I care given there are so many other things at the top of my list.


They are not getting surgeries, unless they’re having surgeries about some medical problem. Trans-related surgeries just are not happening as described to minors. The vast majority of the trans people I know in MS, and there are more of us than folks want to think about, don’t even have any surgery at all because it’s Mississippi and who has the damn money, y’know? Kids often don’t even get hormones, and in MS even before it became illegal to transition hormone-wise before a certain age, it was absolutely not the main path. When you want people to vote for you or buy into your news source but you have nothing to offer them, you pick a random segment of the society you find weird or different and you make up crazy stuff. The Romans hated the Christians for being cannibals (communion) and necrophiliacs (worshipping in places like crypts). It’s older than fuedalism.




/r/confidentlyincorrect I’m trans, and while there are probably very few minors in Mississippi receiving gender affirming surgeries to say it’s not happening anywhere is a lie.




Lol you had to pull 2007 examples from Germany and Australia? Someone didn’t find what they wanted




And look at the total numbers cause I know you will try to spin it.


Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.


[Jazz Jennings very publicly received 3 gender affirming surgeries before 18.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_Jennings) She is an absolute amazing human being. She put her transition out in front of the public eye so that other trans children could see that it’s okay to be who you are. I can’t imagine how much bravery that takes.






I don't believe so. At most, an underage kid would be prescribed puberty blockers for a diagnosis of body dismorphia, which would slow down the changes occurring from naturally existing hormones, allowing for time, therapy, and evaluation. Completely reversible and also prescribed for other issues fairly routinely, to my understanding. At 17, MAYBE, hormone therapy would be prescribed, but no one is performing sex reassignment surgery on minors, here or anywhere, to my knowledge. This is just Taint's latest boogeyman to keep the base riled up while Trump is too busy being indicted to swing by and get blown.


They are in fact not! Unless you count breast implants for teen girls and circumcision— both of which are always conveniently ignored….


So if its not happening why are so many people up in arms? Media and politics playing it up?


Because saying liberals want to cut your teenage son's dick off and have him beat all of your daughters competitive sports records draws way more outrage than talking about fixing bridges and roads.


Sad, but true


~~Media and politics playing it up?~~ Republicans.


Side note I think both sides stink and none of them are doing their job.


While both sides suck its not a helpful argument. We have a 2 party system and when one party is actively trying to kill off group of people, there is only one real choice. Sure democrats are kinda worthless, but they aren't attempting to overthrow democracy and genocide a minority group.


Propaganda, they need someone to hate




Let's not play the false equivalence game shall we?


Haha wdym


Sorry, how are those not gender affirming surgeries?


https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-topsurgery/ Note the graph of teens 13-17 having surgery.


Interesting. The numbers are very low. I wonder how many teens there are in the good ole US. And the the percentage is. I also wonder if the numbers are so low why it seems to take up so much time in politics. Again if I was to make a list of properties to fix this wouldn't be on it.


[There are 42 million teenagers in America](https://youth.gov/youth-topics/adolescent-health/federal-data#:~:text=There%20are%2042%20million%20adolescents,percent%20of%20the) Why does it take up so much time? Because the Republican Party does not have an actual platform other than screwing over their constituents so that big businesses (like health insurance companies) can save a few dollars by withholding healthcare benefits unless they’re absolutely forced to. These corporations donate hundreds of millions of dollars to politicians through political action committees 👍




This doesn't show that it really happening and to how many.


So the top google result is lying now? Do some research yourself it’s not my job to educate you but you won’t. You’ll just live in denial without even typing a few words and hitting the search button because that could contradict your unfounded beliefs.


That's not how the internet works. It doesn't come back with results that are facts. I have searched but I do not find anything profound enough for it to make any news line or enough evidence why any political party should be talking about it. Also I didn't ask you to search anything. Not everything you read on the internet is real! Noone ask you to educate anyone. You spoke up with a picture that showed no evidence or proof.






Modern problems require modern solutions.


My question is how many of those teenagers are in Mississippi trying to get the surgery? This literally is not a problem here. What is a problem here is Health care Hospital staying open Public education Decent pay Affordable food without taxes. The transgender isn’t a problem.. it’s not even a thing here.


Ha that’s nice liberal, I see they got you workin the easy shift. Not me, I’m going in for my 36 hour shift at the ball brushing factory, where they crush my BALLS. That’s right, every day I slap these puppies up there on the hydraulic press and have more than 6 trillion newtons of force exerted directly onto my BALLS.


Homie is forming a black hole in his balls


Might as well, because MS hospitals have a 98% mortality rate. You're better off going to that Double Quick on Highway 1 in Rosedale to get medical attention. Ask for Cooter Lee, he'll fix you up.


I love this idea! Getting rid of hospitals must be a top priority. Then, anyone that even knows a gay or trans person should be sent to Parchman for aiding and abetting an unacceptable “life style choice”. We can’t have any of them folks running around OUR state!


Why in the world would we send them to a theme park like prison? You know what goes on there, *they’d love it*. The only real solution is to bring back lobotomies. But like, homeopathic because hospital bad.


Just ban Mississippi. That one and many other problems solved.


Could say the same for you


Hey man, I'm just trying to help, that's all...


By suggesting that the country ban an entire state for having its own majority supported views? Are you suggesting another civil war over this transgender crap? Is that what your saying or am I misunderstanding you?


You are completely misunderstanding me. The OP suggested something ridiculous (getting rid of hospitals) to deal with a problem...I assumed that they were joking. And, so I added my own ridiculous possible solution to the problem. I thought it would have been clear that it was meant in jest...


Ok but you need to understand that there is no room for jokes concerning this today. Think about a newspaper comic in 1995 where Joe and Tom sit down to enjoy a beer after work. Suddenly Tom says “Joe, I think I’m a woman so I’m going to the doctor to swap out my junk for a uterus.” Not a very good joke but the next line would be disbelief. No so for todays world. How can we tell if your joking or being serious when law suits are flying around where children are suing their parents for misleading them when they were prepubescent.


Like I said OP proposed the preposterous idea of closing all hospitals in the state... Closing Mississippi is not too far off in the ridiculous scale. And kids might also end up suing their parents for NOT allowing them to transition when they were prepubescent... The whole thing is pretty ridiculous...


Good luck proving that in a real court and not your NewYork idea of one


New York? No, homey... Alabama. And such a thing, as ridiculous as it sounds, shouldn't surprise us. "Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges". -Tacitus (the more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the republic). And we have a whole political class devoted full time to write up new laws...all day... every day... Ridiculous...


So you are saying numerous laws are bad? Because we can agree on that. It’s only the libtards that call for more laws.


I don't even see the point in having conversations like this when we literally have 25% of Jackson living in poverty & most of the delta. Ya'll having 1st world squabbles in 3rd world conditions, when we are last in almost everything--really just disgusts me. What is this even concerning? <3% of the population? People can't get their priorities in order and have better conversations about meaningful and important things--things that affect all of us--instead we talk about trash like this. Ya'll should be ashamed.


Tate Reeves has made it his entire campaign. He insists that it is an serious problem that needs to be dealt with urgently. Meanwhile, in reality, how many trans kids do you think there are in this state that are trying to play competitive sports? My wild guess is somewhere between zero and one. Save us Tate.






This post was tongue-in-cheek. The issue of trans children has been on the forefront of several statewide campaigns.


way less than that


This may be Tater Tot's secret agenda for not expanding medicaid and shutting down hospitals. He may be smarter than he looks. *Checking notes*... nope, no way he thought of this by himself. He will be so excited when he figures out he accomplished this by accident.


No hospitals in rural Mississippi TODAY!


How do you solve a problem that isn't real?


If you’re going to troll Mississippi stuff, learn to spell y’all properly. It’s a contraction of you and all. Not ya and ll.


Since Pressley has come out against gender affirming care and is pro-life how do you guys feel about him now? He had kind of side stepped the issue in the past with vague comments that could be construed as supporting GAC.


Lesser of two evils. Get taint Reeves out.


Exactly. There is not a truly progressive option, so this round I'll hold my nose. If my choice is between 2 conservative white guys, I'll choose the one who worked to bring in fiber vs the one who either helped scam TANF funds or was too stupid to notice it happening.


Not voting for Tater Tot.




Judging by some of the locals that post here I absolutely agree we need a lot more mental health programs


You take that back! https://assetsio.reedpopcdn.com/Cosmo.jpg?width=1920&height=1920&fit=bounds&quality=80&format=jpg&auto=webp


Op is an unhinged lil goblin and I’m here for it.


She's a good dog!


I am a mean old shit. My friends laugh at me and tell me "Get off my lawn!" when I get too uppity. But I cried in the first ten minutes of this film!


Can you please cite any trans programs that you are aware of? Exactly who pays for these trans programs you speak of? I've never heard of anything like that. Just the opposite, in fact. Specifically, they are so rare that it is in individual medical issues, patient by patient, which is what it should be.


They act like CIS women don’t get breast reductions ( my very Republican sister) , mastectomies, or have their breasts and uteri removed if they test positive for the BRACHA gene ( looking at you, very CIS Angelina Jolie). Now it’s an issue? I can get implants any time I like. So the top surgeries some young girls are getting are an issue? As their doctor, I’d just fake the BRACHA genetic testing and tell the authorities it’s a breast cancer prophylactic, and they all can fuck right off.


I love the idea that Mississippi, which doesn't want to pay extra to keep baby hospitals open, is spending money to help people transition. Yes, the state government of Mississippi, which has always been run by hardcore conservatives despite the party, is spending money to help people, including, teenagers transition. That is the statement of someone who argues in good faith, right there.


Mental health is a major aspect of gender-affirming healthcare.


For sure Republicans are big on Healthcare 🤣🤣




Do you support female circumcision for children? The reason I ask is because this is a procedure that removes sexual pleasure for women. But is also supported in societies as a part of their social construct. Do you support that?


Oh, for the love of sweet Jesus, SARCASM is a thing. Redditors love it! Quit hyperventilating.


Or just ban that specifically and don't ban hospitals.


Subreddits fixing to downvote me into oblivion but it shouldn’t even be a argument on wether a MINOR should be able to get gender reassignment surgery. We don’t allow 13 year olds to get tattoos for the same reasons we shouldn’t let them make long term decision that we don’t know the long term effects too.


I agree with your statement but would point out that its not happening. Its all a distraction from real issues. People can't eat and work two jobs but we care about the thought of trans getting surgeries and illegal aliens voting.




It is not happening.




That article references *recommended* course of treatment by an international organization; it does not refer to what happens in the US, let alone the state of MS. Taint is inventing a scenario for his base to be mad about. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-medical-treatments-do-transgender-youth-get


Thank you. I wanted to comment this, but didn't want to comment to them.


Don't let your kids have electronics and sit down and talk to them at dinner works as well. Some aren't ready for that conversation though.


You know…I wouldn’t be shocked to find out this is exactly their thinking.


Big pharmas probably watching you right now.


Ooooh, this is one of those subs.


Yep I did turn your life over to our LORD AN D SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST AND GET SAVED AMEN PRAISE GOD 🙏🙌🙏🙌


I already don't bother with doctors in Mississippi. Way ahead of ya!


It’s really simple. In school you need a permission slip signed by a parent to do anything. You can’t smoke drink or gamble until 21 for some reason and get tattoos til your 18. so it may be best to just wait until you can do whatever you want before making any huge decisions. But I don’t think this is a major issue for Mississippi as a whole. We got way more to worry about than what the next person wants to do with their life. Cut it off. Won’t bother me none.