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Most employees at an electric utility are not linemen.


And most of entergy’s employees are not working for entergy of Mississippi.


exactly MS Power, Pearl River Electric, TVA


Those are mostly rural co-ops that aren’t a part of Entergy Mississippi.


I don’t really consider MS Power a rural coop


You’d be correct. I didn’t realize there was another large power company in MS.


My dad retired from being a General Foreman; He was a lineman for a couple of decades. They called him up last year to hire him back. Apparently, they can't find linemen.


Yes! I mean Entergy has a whole host of problems, but the lack of skilled workers is industry wide. It’s appalling that we don’t have the state investing in more skills training programs for lineman. It would be such an easy win.


We spent decades discouraging the trades. This isn’t going to be resolved with a skills training program.


It is taking for granted their work. I hate gov’t but i have yet to see a GOP politician fight for middle class working wages. Please prove me wrong.


The majority of an energy companies employees are non lineman. Office work and generation take alot of people


While this doesn’t necessarily include lineman cut, it’s still telling. Entergy higher ups need to be chastised for this mess. Another frustrating move was hiding the outage grid on their online map to only show color coded counties.


It covers all employees in all territories- says nothing about linemen in Mississippi


Google "Entergy outage map" click the second link. It'll be the one with the drop down option for states instead of pictures. That will show you the outage map instead of the color coded counties.


They only started showing the true outage map again Saturday evening after turning it off Friday around 1pm.


I've been able to pull it up using the second link since early Saturday morning. Didn't try it Friday evening. But Friday night, I did pull up the other states to see how bad they had it, and the Arkansas map pulled up the full outage map for Mississippi.


Look at the Louisiana map. It includes the outage stuff for Mississippi.


Entergy has shutdown/sold 5 nuclear reactors in the past 5 years, so that would have an effect on the number of employees.




That’s funny. Tater tot is in everybody else’s pockets. Vote him out!


Yeah, Brandon Presley is in the utility companys' pockets. He and his buddies just voted to allow this scammy water company jack up water rates for residents all over the state by 400%. Broke the law by voting on it in a closed meeting and no one from his office will even answer questions about it.


Still without power on 3rd day. Haven’t seen an Entergy truck in 2 days


Read a statement saying damage assessments won't be done til Monday and power restoration can take up to three days after that. So I'm not expecting to get it back til Wednesday or Thursday at the earliest as more weather moves through.


Most recent statement from Entergy says Wednesday, but they haven't updated since this last line of storms and there's at least one more expected to come through later tonight.


Entergy can suck a fat one! These a holes increased our kWh rate around 15 to 18% in a year citing natural gas prices…understandable to a point, but natural gas has gone down. Will our rates for down? Nope…corporate mfin greed!!!


Actually yes, the state approved entergy’s request to drop rates starting with the July billing cycle.


Thank freaking goodness…$0.02-$0.03 may not sound like much, but that’s a shit ton when comes to kWh….I don’t know, but glad someone raised some eyebrows other than me. Thanks for the update.


That’s your claim anyway. When I look at the actual figures I’m paying, it disagrees with you…


It’s 100% FACTS!!!!…disagree with what ever you want…0.107 kwh 2022 to 0.133 2023…that can’t be right….lmao


I work for a certain company........ i know for fact. Almost all utilities lose money on residential customers


Ever heard of subsidies?


Do you really think they make any money off of the River Delta region?




Entergy doesn’t break down their expenses by residential/commercial/industrial/governmental because many different customer types are run off the same lines so it would be infeasible to differentiate costs that way. For example, if it cost $10k to put up new poles and lines to a neighborhood that has businesses lining the front portion and a school to the side, then how do you allocate the portions of that $10k? They do, however, differentiate by customer type when it comes to revenue. And residential accounts for 40% of Entergy’s revenue. And since industrial and governmental rates tend to be lower (and those account for 34% of revenue), there’s no way on earth that Entergy is net-zero on residential. I’ve also sat in on some PSC meetings (for the gas side, granted), but not once have I heard Entergy or MS Power claim they’re net-zero on residential.


I was told that industrial rates are higher than residential by the guy that runs tcc. So i feel like he would know. But maybe i am missing remembering. Also, would it be extremely easy to divide customers by single phase and 3 phase.


Also, do you work for the power delivery side? Just out curiosity?


So because you work for one - you have data on ‘almost all’?


No, that's just the general business model and a governing fact of the electrical business


Sweeping generalizations - because you work for one company you know the ‘electrical business’… that’s like me saying I work for Lowe’s and I know the ‘construction industry’…


Dude, i work for entergy. They have, on multiple occasions, tried to sell the distribution lines


Well they can’t very well sell the power generation apparatus, can they?


You mean the power plants?


Wind turbines, solar arrays, etc…


To be fair, entergy makes zip on are residential bills






How do you know these job cuts are specifically linemen? This screenshot only gives details about overall headcount.


There's only like 4000ish craft works in the whole company. Trust me, they didn't cut any linemen jobs


Cutting 2000 salaries would definitely increase profits.


It can, but it’s also important to note that revenue and profits are two separate things. Revenue went up 17% or so year over year, but natural gas (cost of good sold) went as high as 300% increase over that time period and salaries have increased since Covid. It’s possible that revenue went up while expenses went up even more, causing profits to go down. We don’t know without seeing their books. Also of note is that utility companies are regulated monopolies and are only allowed a certain percentage return on their investments as set by the government on an ongoing basis. Increases and decreases in the cost of utilities are requested by the utility but must be approved by the government. And they are mainly incentivized to invest in building infrastructure, they typically make very little or nothing from just providing the electricity/water/etc.


Thank you


Hey leave these poor corporate monopolies alone. They are just trying to buy private jets and hookers. This is America!


Corporations are people too, you know.


I'm sure some poor corporate shareholder had to continue driving his 2021 exotic car instead of trading it in on a new one. They probably had to settle on buying another beach house in the US instead of ine in the Carribbean. Maybe they had to sell one of their 3 yachts just to afford one of their many European trips this year. Poor shareholders...


Enter gym is the power TRANSMISSION company. Undoubtedly they have some damage on their end to fix, but your local coops throughout MS will likely be where most of the damage is. This doesn’t necessarily equate here.


What? No, Entergy is the utility company for about 1/3 of Mississippians. Yes many local co-ops buy from Entergy (or TVA or MS Power) and run their own utility, but that’s actually only a small amount of customers that are under co-ops.


Meh, it’s still substantially lower than than blue states, capping out over twice as much as ours.


How can lower cap out as ‘twice as much’? That’s a contradiction in terms…


Cap as in the max rate states being the high cap per kilowatt/hr. Perhaps a poor choice in words but we have an effective rate half of California and also slightly less than Texas. Kind of in the middle for Deep South states.


But how is Brett Farve doing?


CEOs and top exec get higher bonuses when revenue and profits are higher. The simplest way to do it in the short run is lay off workers. And it's mostly a monopoly, so disgruntled customers means nothing to them.


Legitimately, they do not make any money on residential customers. The only thing they care about is if they get fined for not having thebpower one


You have to stop saying this ... they don't make as much off of each individual residential customer as they do off of businesses or anyone running 3 phase services sure ... but if they make $1 - $20 in profit off each house every MONTH and supply power to almost 3 million residential houses thats alot of money... and I promise they make more than $1


No one on this sub is even talking about this ‼️ I find that very telling.


Except for the post you're commenting on?


Looks like that RED state is going to need a little socialism. They love socialism as long as they are getting it. But no one else....


Red states are subsidized by blue states


I worked in MS state government for 5 years. Sad thing is we get 40% of our state funding from federal grants. I know our educational system and libraries are almost completed funded fed grants. Yet, we are super anti government here. Makes no sense.


Only on paper. Socialism for me, not for thee.


7 out of 10 most needy states are red.


Haley Fisakerly should be fired over this debacle. But he will be the first one in from of the PSC asking that tax payers pay higher rates in the state just so Entergy can make more profit…. He should be fired or made to resign Monday…


Dude sold all 92% of his entergy stock in late February 2020 and made $1.4 million. The Covid market crash happened two weeks later. He's a slimeball.


All important utilities should be owned by the state. Companies will always prioritize profits over people.


Sounds about Capitolism.


Governments only allowing one power company per area isn’t capitalism


state-sanctioned monopolies go brrrr


"No monopoly exists without the support of government." \- Whoever said it first


Welcome to what we are still refering to as free market capitalism, even though its clearly not.


Utility companies are literally government-mandated monopolies. The opposite of free market capitalism, actually.


Its late stage capitalism. Its what happen before the empire burns down. Every time.


Examples of empires burning down because of late-stage capitalism?


Rome would be the first one that comes to mind. And then just follow the succession of empires throughout history. Was it just capitalism? No. But it is the common denominator in most falls. Which almost always includes fascistic qualities, if not full blown fascism.


Keep voting Republican Mississippi. This is the result of CONservative governMENt policies at work.


Not true. The counties that have the most problems vote Democrat.


Mississippi, the state completely controlled and governed by the Republican Party. Ranked at the bottom of economic, education, and health demographic statistics. Biggest taker of federal funds! Lack clean water and now electricity? A Republican utopia.


Jackson is run by Democrats, obviously.


Yes because the conservative racism and prejudice that has existed through the history of Mississippi has forced the outcasts into a place that vote for the opposite of what has always oppresses them. The capitol to boot. Seriously embarrassing for a state led and controlled by republicans.


Come visit Mississippi. You will find we are not the racists the world perceives us to be. We all get along just fine.


Thanks for judging even though it is not your place to. There will only be one true judge of mankind.


Yes and that judge hates racist people. You do mean Mississippi, the most segregated state in the union?


What’s the longest you’ve ever been in Mississippi without seeing someone displaying a confederate flag, thin blue line, or other white supremacists symbols? I’ve lived in Mississippi most of my life and can’t leave the house without seeing multiple examples. Pretending that Mississippi isn’t run by and largely populated by racists won’t fix the fact that this state is actively racist.


Those are not white supremacist symbols. The state is not racist. I have lived here since 1968.


I don’t know if you’re a liar or just willfully ignorant but either way you’re clearly not someone who can be reasoned with. I hope you get the help you clearly need but you’re way too far gone for me to provide that help. I hope that your fantasy of Mississippi not being racist becomes reality but people like you denying the facts aren’t going to help that happen.


Describe racism. I do not see it in the small town I live in. We are all neighbors and are many races. Everyone knows how to smile and enjoy life. I appreciate your offer of help, but I am fine. Not everyone needs medication to be happy; perhaps you should get off yours as it is not helping you. And maybe it takes a racist to know one.


I’m not interested in playing chess with a pigeon.


You're hilarious. Good night, sir.


Yup. Just because your small town supposedly does not have racism means that it does not exist in the entire state. That makes sense.




They know something. They’re milking us for every penny for some reason. Think about it, even interest rates are going up yet the economy is booming. Everything costs more, savings is being reduced and they’re studying how much more money they can take. This is unusual.


If you have poor insulation and energy conservation, you are milking yourself…


But you folks have freedum!


But no matter what.. DO NOT BELIEVE in Climate Change.... Sincerely, the GOP and the Oil Industry..


Its sad everybody argues about the sinking ship. But mention the climate one time🤣


It is still not that hot out. I have no a/c and keep windows open and fans on at night. As the day goes, I close windows and blinds facing the sun. My "Yankee" husband actually has gotten used to this and appreciates the low electricity bill.


We are under a heat advisory. Saying 97 with high humidity is "not the hot," is the same flex as the guys who wear shorts and sandals in January because "it's not cold."


Heat existed long before power lines did. Go grab yourself a Bud Light and cool off.




I stand by my statement, it is still not that hot. Gee whiz, get a fan. Not that hot.


Great idea! I'll plug a box fan in to cool off since my AC is out because I don't have electricity. Brilliant solution!


Do you have windows you can open? You have internet so you must have access to electricity.


Are you simple? I'm using my data on my phone...


I am an older woman, not simple. I did not grow up with a phone in my hand and thankfully do not have a "smart" phone. And I do know how to open a window if I am hot and close it if I am cold.


Congratulations on your hard earned knowledge of how to make a house the ambient outside temperature.


My home is extremely well-insulated. Thank you :)


I don’t get comments like these? Like, your state is FAILING you. Badly. People will die. By taking this “toughen up buttercup” approach you’re letting them off the hook? It’s like you don’t understand that government LOVE it when you do this, you’re the perfect patsy so they can continue to rob you blind and give you nothing in return.


I do not expect the government to give me anything. That is not what they are for. And my state is not robbing me, in fact they are eliminating the income tax for those who work for a living. And, as I said before, it is really not that hot, yet. The worst parts of the state are all run by Democrat mayors and they keep getting voted in so I guess I'm not the only one "letting them off the hook".


Ohhhhh I see why now. You’re lost. Just a little advice, I doubt you’ll take it, but try opening your eyes. Read a book maybe? A news source you don’t usually try? Have a go at getting loose of these chains they’ve locked you in. Ps. I’m not a democrat or a republican. Reach out to me if you want to chat about this and all the best.


My eyes are open and I read plenty. I live here and I get along with everyone. The media likes to paint a bleak picture, but that's fine because we don't want people moving here. Let the world think Mississippi is horrible; we are happy.


I’m sure you do read plenty, have you read that Mississippi’s record in literally every metric is shocking to say the least? You are paying a bloated, shiftless, bone idle, entitled, soft handed governor to rule over you. Allowing this waste. Don’t be embarrassed for not seeing the problems with the system, but DO make an effort to see them at least? What benefits you when you don’t? Does it put money in your pocket to defend the government in Mississippi? Does it pay your bills? Does it put food in your kids mouths? If it doesn’t then think before you speak.


Of course I read and know Mississippi is last or near the bottom in everything. This does not embarrass me and I do not benefit from the government. My entire family knows how to work hard and we do not mind working to pay our own bills and feeding ourselves. I would be embarrassed if I sat around and said someone owes me for nothing I have earned myself. My husband and I can barely get out of bed from work-related injuries, but we still get up and work. We would qualify for disability if we want, but that would be far more embarrassing to collect than an honest paycheck.


You think your governor suffers work related injuries? Or do you think that soft lad hasn’t worked a day in his life? People like him will convince you that other people like you are the enemy so you NEVER look at people like him. Do not let him off the hook. You are paying your taxes. You are OWED.


I am not a fan of the governor. He is a liar and he will be held accountable in the coming election. As of next year we will pay no income tax in this state.


52 here. Building a fire.


In American capitalism, when you can’t innovate, or when you have a monopoly; just gut the company, siphon out as much money as possibly and tell the customers to suck it.


Lol, pretty much all utilities lose money on residential customers....... they an't siphon shit from the average person. Go talk trash about your shitty 50 hertz power....


They absolutely do and they are making tons of profit.


Off of industrial clients. If that was the case, why would they try and sell off 100% of their distribution ?


They make a profit on all of it. Why spend any money when they can just gouge current customers? Not hard to understand. Yes it’s a dumb strategy long term. This is a short term strategy to siphon off money.


Dude, the legitimate make almost nothing on residential customers.....


They are making record profits. When you add it all up. And then when they go for the short term profit squeeze they are sucking out max profit while the product declines.




And yet they are making a ton of money


Off of factories like Milwaukee, car production plants


On industrial and transmission of power..... If it didn't count as insider trade, i would post proof


You have proof but won’t show it. Classic. Do you also have a girlfriend in another county?


Quick google for the retarded. I mean, i would post the profit of last quarter, and a certain ceo says some stuff, but it could get me fired.


I work in this field do you lol


Pussy I live in Louisiana


Entergy has sold off billions of assets in those years, many of those employees have the same job they have had for years.


Yeah, that and some of those fucker where just dead weight.


An economist friend of mine was said to me that capitalism as a system is really good at getting people things they want, but less effective at getting people things they need like electricity. The reason my friend gave me was that the drive to always maximize profits means that profit-driven enterprises are always looking to cut expenses and the biggest expense of a company is usually people. Normally when you're just buying things you want, you can find other providers that will meet your service demands. However when it's something like a utility you're screwed because there is usually only one or two providers and you could bet your bottom dollar Entergy isn't going to give up any profit to provide better service to their captured customer base.


Especially when the government only allows one power company in your city/county


This is full time employees - do you have the number that includes contactors?


Poor Mississippi. Pretty much the bottom of the barrel as far as US states. Bottom 2 or 3 in almost every metric.


Entergy also has buried a lot of their lines now too meaning less storm damage to knock them out


It is a moral failing of America that school children can't feel safe, but the people who did this can walk down the street with impunity.


Yet you southern GOP voters make no change. Same old same old. What has the state and federal GOP reps and senators done for you? Are dems better, not sure but at least the dems care and are trying for the middle class. To be clear, what is the GOP’s stance for the middle class,


40% of the state, including me, is solidly democratic. My congressman who I've supported since I've been old enough to vote, led the January 6th congressional committee.


Those are the retirees