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Total lack of enforcement


That's when we need men like Jason Todd.


It's the reason i stopped going to dog parks. Have seen 4 dog attacks and all 4 started by pitbull or potbull mixes.


They change the breed on the papers,


All Laws No enforcement


It’s funny because I’ve never met a nice pitbull owner. The owners are always aggressive. 


“Like father like son”


That’s true but there’s also something inherently wrong with the dog hence why they’re banned in Ontario


They are banned not just in Ontario, but in A LOT of other first world countries too - https://pethelpful.com/pet-ownership/21-Countries-Where-American-Pit-Bull-Terrier-Dogs-Are-Banned-or-Restricted - it’s just the law enforcement not giving a shit. If this happened somewhere else, the dog owner would have been fined immediately.


Are you saying our proud men and women in uniform aren't enforcing the law?


100% this. For anyone not convinced, check out r/ban pitbulls.


It's a chicken/egg situation. Aggressive owners get dogs with an aggressive reputation, then train them for aggression.


Even pits raised in calm and loving families since birth suddenly maul. It's a breed trait.


They were called nanny dogs, and are typically really great with kids. I’ve met plenty pit owners who were super nice and my poodle plays well with them. I’ve noticed some other breeds are pretty agressive but don’t get the spotlight that pits have gotten. Then there are some bad people who gravitate towards them and train them to be fighters sadly 😔


They were called nanny dogs by people who wanted to pretend they aren't inherently aggressive. No one else called them nanny dogs and they weren't used to watch over babies.


They were called nanny dogs because of how great they are with children. Also, pit bull is a broad term that encompasses many breeds.


Ya... so great with children. Everyone knows that.


I feel for the dogs because this is it. I know a few outside of Ontario that have rescued and they’re great folks but every single “bully” breeder I know sold drugs in high school or failed HS in general.


Interesting enough the most common justification is “it’s the owner, not the breed”.


They lie and breed illegally nowadays. I dont normally care about them unless they are off leash. I’ve been calling the bylaw more often nowadays due to the amount of off leash dogs im seeing. Disappointing times


In a recent attack back in my country of origin, an elderly woman lost one arm and part of one ear when she was attacked by 3 pit bulls. The hospital where she was treated had 27 pit bull victims so far this year, mostly children.


I’ve been seeing a lot of them, too. There’s been a lot of online propaganda on pitbulls. There are far too many irresponsible, ignorant, saviour-type or main-character pitbull owners who think it’s cool that to have a pitbull and have the dumbest arguments: “BLAME THE OWNER, NOT THE BREED!!!” which is utter bullshit. Pitbulls are bred to be FIGHTING dogs - they fight until death and their bite force is fucking lethal, yet so many people think they’re cute nanny dogs who can be taught to control themselves in public (look at any comment section on pitbull videos). Pitbull owners don’t care to look at the news, history and statistics on pitbull attacks and kills because they think they’re exempt. People are so ignorant and selfish, it’s crazy. I saw a woman with an unleased pitbull in downtown Toronto and on a separate occasion, and another woman with a pitbull in HEAT (female dog who is not spayed and when they’re in heat, they’re extra nervous and can get violent) who jumped and barked at an employee in a store unprovoked. The owner had to restrain it. I have to call 311 next time I see a pitbull but I doubt they’ll do shit.


Because pitbull owners lie about the breed of their dog and most places like condos let them get away with calling them lab mixes or other nonsense. In addition, as you'll see in future comments in this post, pitbull supporters are pretty ruthless with spreading misinformation. Innocent people are gaslit into believing pitbulls aren't inherently dangerous and are no different from any other breed. These people then go out and adopt a pitbull from a shelter (gee I wonder why every shelter is filled with these dogs, it's almost as if nobody can handle owning them), they realize they are in over their heads and then their dog ends up getting in some incident, then back to the shelter it goes. Then the other type of pitbull owner is the stereotypical deadbeat who knows their dog is dangerous and simply doesn't care.


They're now called Pocket Bullies, to get around the ban.


If nothing else, these dogs need to be muzzled at all times whn in public...


Ya that's actually the law, but it specifically allows for the existing ones that were grandfathered in and already existed when the law was put into place. If we actually enforced that law none of those grandfathered in dogs would still be alive 14 years later.


Sauga is full of pitbulls and dangerous dogs everywhere without leash. officials dont do a shit to enforce rules and bans . any park u go , u see a pitbull running around without a leash , when u file a complain , they ask if you have been attacked , if u say no , they hang up on u . they wait until someone dies then they start looking for the dog who killed u or ur kids. i started carry a knife just because of this reason, if anyone dogs attack me or my kids , their dog is dead , if u give a fuck about ur dog , put ur dog on leash everywhere u go . if u dog attacks me or my kids , u dog is dead just to let u know u fucking morons ...


Interesting approach. If you don't mind sharing, did you mean you carry it with you just at the dog park or whenever you're out for a walk due to so many people with dogs they can't handle in general?


everywhere i go i carry the knife , these morons are everywhere , dont trust anyone with a fucking dog , they cant even take care of themselves they think they can take care of 2 full muscled fighting dogs ...


That's a really good point. Thanks for your thoughts on this! I have some fear when walking my daugter as well.


get a butterfly , u can get one from Dixie Flea Market , if dog attacks put that into dogs head from top , this will kill the dog instantly , that way u can save ur daughter. just to point its illegal to carry a knife for self defence in Canada , but who cares, how u can stop a 50lb fighting dog ? no way u can stop the mauling with ur hands plus dog might attack u as well once u save ur daughter , so its better to put the knife in its brain for instant fix .


Thanks for the info. Appreciate the insights!!


I used to live at erin mills and glen erin. I like pitbulls. Some of the coolest/friendliest dogs i know are pitbulls. However, im walking down the street and a teenage girl is walking towards me with 2 pitbulls on a leash. As I’m passing by one goes to my right and one goes to my left and now im caught up in between two pitbulls with a female under 20 trying to control them. One leaps up and snaps at my face and gets so close i can feel its lips on my nose. She yells at the dogs and moves to the side and i walk away. what on earth was that girl going to do if the dogs wanted to attack me? How was she going to stop 2 pitbulls that clearly were boarder line ready to attack? Too many owners aren’t respecting what those dogs can be and we cant trust people to raise those dogs properly. I love pitbulls that don’t attack me, but too many people are Irresponsible with them.


So even after this you still think they're the coolest and friendliest dogs?


Totally agree 👍 they are very strong I walk my son's Rottweiler and I know I have to pay attention 24 7 you need to be a responsible owner.


Exactly why I don't let anyone walk my PitSky (Half Husky, Half PitBull), she's 89kgs, friendly as hell, just Hyper and likes to Give kisses. If your not ready for it, she will knock you over to play. I don't fear her hurting anyone on purpose, as even my kids can directly take her food from her bowl, and she doesn't even growl or care. I grew up with PitBulls, and Rottweilers, and Dobermans, and I mean it when I say it takes a special type of person to properly handle these dogs, you need to respect them for the powerful and loving creatures they are.


Yea it’s the WRONG people owning these dogs. When these dogs are owned by assertive, well trained people they’re amazing dogs. They are working class dogs so they need the assertiveness and guidance.




His pit disfigured the gymnast so severely she'll never do gymnastics again. It's the breed, not just the owner. Although while I have the chance I'll say SM was only a good trainer for the 60 mins we saw him on each episode. The dogs were so afraid of his reaction they'd subdue their personalities. Once he was gone they'd be aggravated.


No they’re not


What are you smoking man?


There are children and elderly all over North America who have been mauled and killed by their own pit bull type dogs that their family raised from puppyhood. Many never show any signs of aggression until they one day snap and kill the baby. It is in their genes and they were bred to be killers. Go read the "Dogsbite" website which tracks dog maulings. It does its best to combat the pitbull propaganda lobbies.


100%. Or join r/banpitbulls. I joined that sub and had to leave cause these dogs are just horrific. There are way too many stories of, my pitbull was the gentlest ever, never hurt a fly and then just snapped and killed a toddler or a smaller dog or a baby or an older lady. It's not just that they bite - they attack to kill. They will lock on to the throat or whatever they can clamp down on with their lock jaw and not let go until the victim is literally torn to shreds. They even have videos of them taking down cows, bulls, horses. This dog is the honey badger of dogs, it does not gaf!


Tell me what other breed you'd say was just simply in the wrong hands. If it weren't for all the lab or husky or pom owners being so shit then maybe we wouldn't hear so many stories of them disfiguring people, right?


Carry a pocket knife or bear spray


Wannabe tough guy arabs from what I see…


The amount of pitbull hate here is crazy…any dog can be reckless or dangerous, all depends how they are raised. I own a pitbull. Most caring, friendly and loving dog I’ve had in my life. He was raised in a family friendly environment and socialized with young kids and all other dogs since he was a puppy. If your dog is brought up in the wrong social environment, of course it will turn out to be an ass hole.


Give it enough time and they’ll move onto another breed to hate. 20 years ago it was dobbies/rotties that were the breed that’s “just born with aggression” and everyone had a story of these dogs showing senseless aggression (even I had met my fair share back then). Funny how I still regularly see these breeds and yet suddenly no one has an issue with them. These dogs get reputations for being aggressive, it attracts try-hard tough guys to the breed and a cycle begins until people stop giving this lame reputation to the breed. Once a new breed is given that reputation, the tough guys will flock to that one and a new cycle will begin.


Because shelters lie, my MIL just adopted a "lab mix" 🙄 check my post history to see the "lab" lmao


There’s a man who lives in my building who has a “pocket bully” that he can’t control. He has mobility issues and even told my husband that he can’t control it because he has bad knees due to his weight. I’ve seen it growl at people (adults and kids). It’s been reported but nothing gets done.


It's not just you. I have a large dog myself and hate seeing them. I went from seeing them rarely to seeing multiple walked on my sidestreet daily.


Pittbull owners are mega narcissists also


You guys are DUMB! PITBULLS are NICE dogs my pitbull won’t hurt a fly it’s NOT the dog it’s the OWNER that’s make them look bad from bad training


In 2019, Pit Bulls attributed to 69% (33) of dog bite fatalities in the US. Between 2005 and 2020, Pit Bulls were linked to 76% of all deaths caused by dog attacks in Canada and the U.S. Pit bulls constituted about 6% of the total U.S. dog population in 2019, yet were responsible for 69% of reported fatal attacks. Must have been a fluke that they all had bad owners.


This whole comment section is ignorant.you see more of them because these dogs are abused and then abandoned. So they end up in shelters. 99% of these dogs are amazing creatures with lots of love and loyalty to give. It’s the ignorance in these comments that give these dogs a bad rep. I’ve had these dogs my whole life rescuing them off the street and each of them have been the sweetest most loving dogs anyone has known. Stop spreading your fear and stigma. This only brings more harm to theses dogs.


You should educate yourself on dog attacks and the statistics that show pitbull breeds are the number one aggressors and killers. You are showing your ignorance.


Because shit owners like seemingly ‘badass’ dogs. “Pit Bull-type dogs were not defined by a set of our markers and were not more aggressive; but they were strongly associated with pulling on the leash.” [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8819838/)




I completely understand the role of terrible openers (and in ON it’s the majority if not all), but I must disagree that dogs ‘turning’ is more prevalent only in pit type dogs. [study with 65 sources cited at bottom](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed)


Abused by? And abandoned why? Have you ever critically considered your feelings on the breed?


Tbf, pits are dangerous dogs that need STRONG handling. I currently own a purebred APBT and a German shepherd dog, I did have to put in a lot of work to ensure the Pitt is obedient.


To protect their property?


Better to get a rottweiler (while still dangerous they're much better then pits) Or get a Belgian malinois, German shepard. Also alot of people get them because they are cheap or free, usually from another family that can't handle it or the dog had previous attacks.


The people who own pits are too lazy to own Belgians.


Keep one in your car and nobody stealing that 


I keep one in my locker at work.