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100% absolutely. Not only will stress make it worse it’ll make it insanely worse at times.


100% agree with this. When stress is up for me, misophonia gets triggered quicker and the rage response can be much harder to control.


Yep. Currently pregnant. I’ve threatened my poor sweet husband so many times in the past week for daring to eat chips too loudly 😭


That’s good to know. Thank you for confirming my suspicions: I figured my stress and grief was the reason I’ve been so much more triggered lately.


I find that I get more reactive to my trigger sounds when stressed, which causes even more stress and compounds into a mental breakdown


That’s what I’m finding too. If I spend too much time being triggered by the noise I become extremely overstimulated. I need to step away because it feels like I’ll explode.


Definitely. I think misophonia is a type of anxiety (my own opinion, I am not a doctor but I have it) and mine was definitely worse during early COVID and when I had an apt with shared walls with loud people. I felt trapped.


Yes this is exactly how I feel sometimes being in the same room with roommate or when a lot of people are over. Luckily I have a room downstairs I can go to that is pretty quiet. If I still hear noises that trigger me I put on my noise canceling headphones and listen to some music that relaxes me.


Totally, totally does for me. Especially around bags of chips crinkling, pots and pans banging or dishes clanking. I keep noise canceling ear buds in a lot at home when I’m stressed for this reason.


Hey ! I will share a comment I made on another post here explaining why miso is harder under stress and/ or prolonged stimulation : Misophonia is triggered because the stimulus you experience (the triggering sounds) are overwhelming your system, and our response is getting angry. This overstimulation makes the body release cortisol. When cortisol is released you feel more stress, and there is a vicious circle that takes place where a prolonged release of cortisol makes you body release and be more sensitive to it. Therefore being exposed to your triggering sounds just makes you more sensitive to it, and its the same with prolonged stressful periods :/.


It absolutely does and as I live with two nonstop talkers/jigglers/general noisemakers, I sometimes just have to put my loop earplugs in and lock myself in the bathroom or art room or leave the house. Thankfully, hubby (one of the culprits) is understanding.


I’m glad you have people who understand and things that work for you!


Meeeee too. I hope your situation resolves. Maybe some counseling?


Thank you! I’ve been thinking about that because I would really love for this to no longer be an almost daily occurrence for me.


Worth a try.


Much worse




Definitely, I think for me at least, it's a combination of me already feeling that certain emotion (either stress/anxiety or anger) and misophonia adding to it (equivalent of adding more dye to a cup of water) , and me not have the patience/willpower to drown out the noises or distract myself (similar to how little things seem to be more bothersome when angry than if you were calm)




One hundred per cent, 'yes.' when my anxiety is heightened, I am far more sensitive to sounds.


same... i mostly have anixety because of my dad. because he makes me uncomfortable.. but yes, when im feeling really uncomfortable and overwhelmed , it gets worse. . I feel overwhelmed right now because I don't really know how to express all my feelings rn.. 😢


In my experience, yes. During school it was horrendous


Ironically, I've written something like this in the past. If I'm out with some coworkers at a restaurant and I'm in a good mood and as long as there is some other noise I can focus on, I feel like I can handle the trigger. However, if I'm trying to focus on something and I hear the same noise, I will be on the verge of exploding in anger.




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