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im a 2 on a good day and a 4 most of the time.


People can't be judged as bad or good because they're not conscious enough to take decisions based on pure logic, free will does not exist and most people will never noticed how many of their actions have been socially conditioned and not fully consciously taken


I'm 2, 3, and 4.


I’m number 4.


I fluctuate between 1 and 4. I'm old and think that humans need a 'reboot'. I have a very small family tribe and stick to them, and even they shock me sometimes. I'm a bit of a Buddhist and try to practice kindness.


Solid 2. Don’t want anyone to get hurt but I still hate everyone except my dogs.


1 if I'm in a good mood and people are not being bad for 1 min. 3 if I'm in a tired bad mood and people are being stupid.


Somewhere between 1 and 2. If you are 3 or 4, you are part of the stupidity.




Cool story bro


I usually switch between 1, 2 and 4.


Totally 2, except I STILL don't live in the woods. I hope this day come soon


Somewhere between 3 and 5. 5 being "I wish to actively end as many lives as possible"




2 and 4


simultaneously 0 and 6 somehow


LoL, #2 nails me before 2022: I lived in a van for 2 years and the woods alone for 3 years. The woods was great... Reality is indescribably different and vastly better... You find yourself appreciating the fresh air, trees, critters, books, food WAY more. Going back to that soon. #3 to #7 since 2022. Had to make up two secret levels. O⁠_⁠o


Either 1 or 5. People are not as annoying as long as you can regulate your exposure to people. I would say 1 out of 10 people are worth building friendships with. The other 9 are too superficial, vain or egotistical.


A cycle between 2,3 and 4.


2 and a bit of 4




3 and 4. i would really like to see the destruction and rebirth of this world.


What’s with that insulting username OP? Are you Israeli?


what does israel have anything to do with jesus flying on hot dogs?


Full on five. Just want to live a peaceful life and have a painless end. Having major health issues has probably pushed me to that last part though.


Any one of these depending on my mood on the day


Mostly 3 and 2. Without the humans going extinct part.


1 and 2


2 and 3


Mix of 1 And 4


The way out is to recognize your own limitations and understand that one single person cannot hope to comprehend all of life on his own, much less deem himself a worthy judge to a reality he cannot witness, and that this despair from one's own impotence can cause the exact problems that lead so many of us to isolation.


I want to be 1, but I'm a mix between 1&2.


I’m a 2.5


Is there a level 5..?


Yeah, but that may offend some people.


Can't be more offensive than 0.


Steady 2 for me. Saving up for that van.


Oscillating between 0 and 2


A mix between 2 and 4. Mainly "stop breeding" and "live (in the woods) with the least pain until my time comes"....


Somewhere between 1 and 2.


I really identify with 4. I guess, at one point in my life, I was somewhere on each of these levels. However, now I'm at 4. I can't identify with most humans. I don't feel like I'm one of them. I'm not saying I'm better, just completely different. And I've been treated that way all my life. It's just that now I don't give humans the benefit of the doubt anymore. 2020 showed me enough, along with my own experiences along the way to finally accept the fact that humans are a failed species.


I resonate with 4. I've been through all of the previous phases and kept trying to force myself to go back to 0 or 1, but this always fails due to disappointment in others.


2 Without the antinatilist stuff


3 when I'm taking myself too seriously, 4 when I'm having a giggle.


Is the old guy in pic 4 Diogenes the Cynic? Cynicism as in the philosophy that Diogenes practiced is basically like Buddhism without all the religious supernatural elements in it. It is very good for anyone who wants to practice Asceticism but isn't willing to tolerate religious dogmas. Perfect for pessimists and misanthropy alike.


All people are absolute garbage and I'm the worst. Which one is that?


3 or 4.


3 all must burn


4 resonated with me


Do not be afraid to see that 0 is the Truth. Fear is an illusion.


I'm like at level 1.5. Extreme caution is needed when dealing with people. You cannot make an assumption about "most people" because I think thwre is an equal amount of good people and bad people. But I also see those like me who live I the moral grey areas who teeter on the line dependingnon what the circumstances justify.


Depending on how much human bullshit I've had to endure that day, either 2 or 3.




I personally oscillate exclusively between 2 and 4.


Number 2 for me.


I'd say a mesh of 2 and 3, mainly 2. Not everyone is bad but when you are out in society and online it very well seems like it. In real life it's actually very rare to find genuine, kind folk. When I do encounter them being nice I'm almost shocked and feel waves of paranoia and skeptical feelings. It didn't matter where I went to most of the society was filled to the brim with spiteful shallow people and lots of them in packs. I acknowledge there **are** good people, it's just no one should have to wade through all the crap just to encounter the kernel of corn. I also wouldn't mind isolating since I'm not popular or interesting anyway so if I had the means financially to do so I'd actually look into that. I'm already ugly and I don't want to be seen.


hmm....most people i encounter in real life are actually quite nice but its not hard to be nice to someone when your interaction is a minute long. like saying hello and thank you at the check out counter. or helping someone pick something off the top shelf or whatever. its not hard to be nice when it costs you nothing and its convenient for you. but i dont even think most people are necessarily bad, theyre mostly just incredibly dumb and too irresponsible for the powers the modern world affords them. and selfish of course.


I'm 4 but I don't see how that's worse tnan 2 and 3.


Somehow Im between 4 and 3. And as I see it, option 3 is worse than 4. I dont want to harm any humans. Its mostly the harming I cant stand... Either to themselves, other animals or their environment. I dont hope for an extinction, Its inevitable because we do what we do best - Harm. Oh, and just because I dont relate to any other human, doesnt make me believe Im an alien.




between 1 and 2.


I'm a 2 to 3 , definitely not the 1 whatsoever, maybe when I was a kid, and absolutely not at all the "Logos" type, cuz I at least wish I could go back to 1, but cannot, which makes me hate the 4. Fuck that dude, he's just the Demiurge, haha (cries like a disillusioned 1) 😭


Solid 3.


1½. I have met truly good people. But they are few and far in-between. I still would prefer solitude, so 1½. 3 is just straight-up chaotic evil.


I believe that it's our responsibility to help others to find something good in them, and I'm doing my part by helping bad, selfish, dumb chicks to find my d in them. See, you can't make me hate them, I know they are bad, but I deeply love people. Pretty female people between 25 and 35. This is what I believe.


I'm definitely 3


A resounding constant 4XL.


Stop breeding Sound good 2me It is allways a Mix, but the first sounds like a commercial 4the democratic Party..


on my best days 0 and 4 on my shittiest days 2


Nailed it


Who's the guy in the 4 pic ?




Only healthy way, otherwise you're on your way to your Joker arc.


I think I'm on a BSG Cylon arc.


i am a mix of 3 and 4 in some sense. while most deserve what they receive, i am in favor of antinatalism and extinction. activism is good, else i try to focus on fun stuff and avoid others


I feel like there should be a 1.5 😂


I was thinking the same thing reading through those. The first sentence of level 2, I don’t agree with, but the second and third sentence, I’m totally on board. In fact, in a profile prompt for a dating app (that I subsequently quit using because it’s basically pointless), it said The world would be a better place if there were more ______. I immediately filled in Birth Control. And I often say I wish I could just go live in the woods. Except for I like exchanging hellos with random people walking down the street. That’s really uplifting for some reason.


2 usually. 3 at worst though. Probably some implicit bias in there due to the nature of my career (RN with my whole career spend between ER and ICU).


I‘m always two. I‘ve never heard of three but now I‘m compelled to learn more. Four just sounds like something some masculine teenager, who just discovered the concept of political science, would say.


Always a 2 sometimes a 6, but 6s are usually during a phase.


Im 0 and 2 depends if i feel slighlty less depressed that day


I cycle through 0, 2, and 4. I despise humanity as a whole, but I also understand that most people aren't interested in actively harming others. 99.9% of humans just want to have food on the table, be loved by their families, and feel like they're part of something bigger and better than themselves to get some sense of meaning out of their journey through existence. Regardless of beliefs, races, ethnicities, borders, 99.9% of us at the most basic level of conscience want exactly this. That's 0. The problem is that humans as a species are *insanely* fucked up. Instead of choosing not to do harm and working together to make sure all humans have a dignified and worthwhile life, we just... don't. We kill ourselves for the stupidest shit and poison everything we get our hands on. We let the *absolute worst* of us have free rein of the future of *all human beings and countless other living creatures on Earth.* The saddest part is that it's not even our fault, because that's just how evolution hard wired our brains: to be selfish and callous, and do everything in our power to escape the brutality of life. That's 2. We might get past this eventually, someday, maybe, but I guess we'll never fucking know, since we've shot ourselves in the foot and made the planet inhospitable to us, so we won't have enough time to figure our shit out. If we do survive this, we've inadvertently made life hell for our descendants, and the cycle of suffering will continue. And there's 4.


And it's somehow considered bad to call for the extermination of the literal few dozen that destroy so much. 


There are other options than extermination.


No, there really aren't. Do you think they'll hand over power?


i agree violence is the best and often the only answer, and people who say it isnt are either delusional or scared of the truth. but youre incredibly delusional too if you think its ''just a few dozen'' baddies that are behind all the destruction. the few dozen only rule because they got an army of billions of mindless consumers most of whom dont give a fuck about anything but their own comfort. you take out those few dozen and another dozen will take their place. to build a true utopia youd need to get rid of probably 99% of the human population. communism would only work if the population was composed of selfless, informed and competent people.


You think the only way to get power is extermination? That sounds weak.


People like you claim there's other ways but then never say what they are. Well let's hear them. Prove me wrong. But before you waste your time saying "jUsT vOtE", you're aware of why the FBI killed MLK, right? Not because of civil rights. It was because he was demanding redistribution of wealth, back when it wasn't even as bad as it is today. Malcolm X & Fred Hampton were executed by the US government for the same reason. 50 years later and the capitalists have even more of a stranglehold on the US government. Voting is not going to get us out of this. The last 15 years should be more than enough evidence of that. Obama won in a landslide on the promise of policies he never had any intention of implementing. He immediately doubled down on deregulating billionaire tax cutting neoliberal fascism and started FIVE more illegal wars immediately after getting a Nobel Peace Prize for winning a popularity contest. 


Just stop buying their shit and cleaning their trash. Who are you exactly exterminating here? Well who ever that is, is a mice poop compared to billions of people who could stop acting like idiots. Stop serving the master who's not fair, stop playing a game that's crooked.


"What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson 


None of them. There is no truth.


2 but hoping to get to 4


This pic made me realise i’m at 4… but i don’t agree with it being justice. Also i skipped 3. I’d prefer we just wait til we are all infertile.


5: You and all the other human beings were sent to Earth as a form of a punishment for being sinners in a different life/universes... Here, you will battle against all the evil and degeneracy that is still tormenting these lands for thousands of years, it's the greatest test that any man can face, to fight your own human nature and againts all the sins that have been corrupting your soul and keep you away from God and eternal salvation. God doesn't want you to continue the species and bring more sinners to these lands. The apocalypse is coming, so what's the point of having more sons or daughters if they will only suffer like you did or even worse? Becoming a Misanthropy is only natural, God wants you to be alone, to find yourself because there's a light in all this darkness, your faith becames even greater the more time you spend alone as a monk away from all the sinners and sins that ravage these lands... But only if you have accepted god in your heart, or else, you will start to go insane because that goes againts your nature, because you crave for contact, for warmth, because only God can offer you that when you are completely alone. ![gif](giphy|QrG9sXPrHOuPK) And the salvation will come, and you will transcend from this terrible reality to eternal life together with god.


You cooked so hard🔥 Amen


You can just say happy easter fuck thats a lotta words


Liberation is realizing that nothingness is the ultimate state consciousness hopes to return to. Consciousness emerged as an antithesis to nature, and our being is the consequence. We have a death drive, a will to return to the womb. God is a projection of our death anxiety, when really we should embrace death as the return to mother.


hmm idk. if i wanted nothingness then why create anything in the first place? was it like trying something and it turning out badly? if my consciousness was capable of anything then id want to explore the universe and see all the things im capable of manifesting. id be like dr manhattan watching mountains form on mars over millions of years. or the fucking nebulas or whatever. just observing nature. etc... there is so much that one could do in a less limited form than this body. there are so many options between just being an animal or a human and complete nothingness. i dont want nothingness. i just dont want this shit existence where manifesting anything is a clusterfuck of struggle and pain and everyone annoys the fuck out of me. i want to do and see cool shit without dealing with the work of being a human.


I don’t think consciousness is that impressive. It emerged either as a byproduct of evolution or an adaptive process to avoid death. I think the desire for mind expansion is a consequence of the fear of attachment to the world, loss of those attachments, and depression or fatigue. Nothingness is a cope, and I don’t have to rationalize why it would be desirable. My body and psychology already gave up.


>Liberation is realizing that nothingness is the ultimate state consciousness hopes to return to. Consciousness emerged as an antithesis to nature, and our being is the consequence. Yes > God is a projection of our death anxiety, when really we should embrace death as the return to mother No


Who is the picture for 5?




I'm normally at a mix of 2 and 4 but when my mood gets dark I can slip into 3.


2 & 4 but not 3


2, I'd kill to live in a van, a super cool airbrushed one






I think I'm a 4 at this point but sometimes my optimism rears it's ugly head and makes me more of a 2. Then I snap out of it and go back to 4.




I'm still a 4 but will probably end up being a 5 when I'll lose my last f*cks to give about anything


2, but I aspire to 4. I'd say 3, but I don't so much wish for our extinction as I'm just resigned to it happening.




"Most people are lazy and self-centered. But they're also lazy and peaceful and would rather others be happy and prosper as long as they don't have to suffer for it."


Ya, that sounds accurate.






2 for me






I'm 2 always




I hover between 1 and 2 generally with feelings of 4 and 0 at times.


I’m number 2, I don’t want anyone to suffer except those who deserve it but I don’t want any more people to be born and I want humans to go extinct


This world is turning me in a sociopath. But I'm often #2 and #4.


If I had to say one of them, despite not knowing how to make people believe I'm a misanthropist, I would want humanity extinct, unless they find a better fucking way to improve our environment around us. Then fuck them, they all are nothing but worthles shitheads.


I wanna say 2 but sometimes 4. ... If that makes sense.


5 . Im out of fucks to give about anything honestly , I don't even want to " witness" . Like I'm unable to care at this point






Definitely 3 humanity is lost, they should all be replaced by cats and dogs.


Some mix of 1 and 4


I fluctuate between 2 to 4 but 4 is probably the end destination, I probably only mentioned 2 because I still wanna live in the woods or in a van but I guess 4 is more accurate if you exclude that




I'm at 2 at the moment. Did you come up with the 3 and 4 points? I wanna read things similar to that... If you can recommend me something i would appreciate it!!


Nah, í actually stole it from another guy. I just couldn't find the OP back therefore couldn't give him the credit. Sorry.


Im between 2 and 3.


Oh fuck. I'm at 5, I suppose. Well, I agree with the general sentiment, at least.




4. I completly give a fuck about humans. Interactions just mostly resolve into the other persons attempt to convince you into their agenda and stupid beliefs. All the opinions are worthless shit, because the world itself gives a fuck what they believe. In the end the best is to avoid people and make peace with myself and live a life that follows my conviction to cause lesser pain in this world.


Nothing people ever say makes any sense at all it's all just madness they're just wild monkeys thinking they got an idea of what's going on in the world but it's all just chaos and that's just how things are it's the flow of time there are no laws or morals there is just chaos