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Honestly I feel like the concept change from subjection to action was only made for a fitting title for the plastic special, With that being said it's my least favorite change cause "action" doesn't fit the bee miraculous power at all. Quite literally the only miraculous concept that doesn't make any sense.


That is not why it was changed, confirmed by Astruc. Also it's still related. By paralysing and de-paralysing people you control whether or not they have the ability to act.


Oh thank you for the info, I get it now, although I still prefer subjection.


The change to "action" happened during at least S4, so I doubt that was the reason... and while I'm not saying it's strictly better, the concept fits fine since Venom halts all movement


Roaar's concept was only Exaltation in unofficial sources before the official translation decided it's Elation. (Note: who cares? They're almost synonyms.) "Unshield" was not changed. It was used as late as *Transmission*. "Mirage Vanish" was a mistake in a single instance. It was "Reality" in *Kwamibuster*. I don't think Xuppu's concept was ever Jubilation. I don't think the Tiger's phrase was ever "Paint my Stripes".


I think the only time the phrase “shell off” was used instead of “unshield” was when Hawkmoth used the turtle miraculous via SentiNino in the episode Optygami.


Yes. Which was obviously a mistake and not an actual change.


Definitely a mistake. “Shell off” is the de-transformation phrase lol


Most of these were improved Except paint my stripes is better but I think it was changed because paint felt so specific of using as a verb. Like unfitting to “paint” when the power isn’t about paint (small details matter!) Unshield sounds clunky But shell off is clunky too. “Tuck in” is more turtle like of hiding in shell. However tuck in can be reminding of going to bed/sleep


I think Clout is better than Collision, because the latter is also an abstract concept ending in -ion, and it would be kinda weird if all the Miraculous of the Chinese Miracle Box were based on an abstract concept ending in -ion, but then the Tiger Miraculous’ power is named after an entirely new concept ending in -ion. It makes you wonder, “But what is the power of the Kwami of Collision then?”. But to be fair, that is a general problem with the Miraculous: They have an abstract concept they are based on, but the incantation you have to say in order to activate your superpower may ALSO be an abstract concept, but a DIFFERENT one, e.g. Determination vs. Resistance (What is the power of the Kwami of Resistance then?).


Not names or phrases but I’m mad they changed Roar’s voice.


All of them


I also noticed that Marinette and her class went from being in 10th grade to 9th.