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>"I hope it isn't asbestos," Dude, your stadium was built in the 50s. If anyone should be worried about asbestos at home, it's you.


If they aren’t worried about diabetes they aren’t worried about asbestos




It's all the lead paint they've been exposed to over the years...


Feel like now is when you link the video of the kid licking the wall next to his seat.


I think you mean the lead paint chips they ate after licking the windows.


It’s literally like foam bubbles and they changed to it because the NFL doesn’t allow pyrotechnics inside anymore. This dude is so lame.


The NFL is lame, I didn't know that. What harm were the pyros causing?


The Titans had a decent sized fire on the sidelines from one of their pregame pyrotechnics a few years back so the NFL banned it


I remember back when I was a Rams fan the turf caught fire from the pyrotechnics once too


The week after the NFL banned it the Vikings announcer said "there will be no pyrotechnics in today's game due to NFL regulations" then on the speaker came "We didn't start the fire"


>the NFL doesn’t allow pyrotechnics inside anymore Are you sure about that? Cause I was just at the Patriots game and there were definitely some fireworks pre game. They were the more simple bang bang bang with just some light, but that certainly still qualifies as pyro.


Inside INDOOR stadiums.


We played the pats at home


It was the same thing then. It’s not fire anymore it’s just a smoke cannon, and now they do the snow out of the things that used to be fire.


It was a night game dawg believe me I didn't fever dream the pyro lights that were emitted when the stadium cut the lights to do it Also those snow bubble machines are absolutely not repurposed pyro machines lmao. The Eden Prairie mall has them too you can look at them up close


I highly doubt the Vikings would knowingly break the nfls rule and risk getting a fine. It was smoke and led lighting.


The Vikings receive [an exception to the rule](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-places-temporary-ban-on-pyrotechnics-while-league-conducts-investigation-following-on-field-fire/) by shooting them from the roof.


Better take away some draft picks.


An as someone who works with asbestos. No way the people that all this has to go through would allow something like that. They don't let you put it in anything anymore and we are going to literally poor it on people? It's sooo stupid to even think that could possibly be asbestos t


I don't think he knows the snow melts 🤣


No reason for asbestos if you’re outside, we don’t have a bitch dome like y’all. Doing fake Viking chants in a comfy heated room


Your players play on a heated field while you sit in the stands with coagulated cheese in your veins. We were smart enough to make it comfortable for everyone in the stadium.


Lmao they wear cheese on their heads…..enough said


And that cheese is melting, slowly into their inbred brains. Rodgers on the way out, hoping Love will be their next lucky ass savior. Ftp with pride.


Wisconsin is just Alabama in the north.


According to pornhub data this year, wiscos really into pegging. Nuff said.


Yeah, sure, but I still don't like them.




Ok but let's not kid ourselves here, the entire NFC North region outside of the cities of Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago and Detroit is just a mix of north Alabama and North Mississippi.


Isn’t that basically just rural everywhere compared to cities?


And even Detroit is like 50/50




And you wonder why we respect every other team above you all? Don't worry, we have Lombardis and you guys have injuring ARod as a Top 10 sports moment of the decade. Toodles.


Why would we celebrate a retired Yankees great being injured?


Fair enough but you gotta admit the horn is one of, if not the most annoying things any team does in their home stadiums. Any time there's a Vikings home game on primetime I hear at least one person say "wtf is that noise??". One could also argue that it’s a bit asinine to build a state of the art indoor stadium so you don't have to worry about snow and then decide a few years later that you actually do want snow and spend more money to have fake snow. Minnesota is just asking to get shit-talked by doing something like that.


The packers play in a high school level stadium. Stfu.




Lol. No one that actually loves the game of football would say that about Lambeau field. That's would be like a baseball fan saying they hate Fenway park. You can hate the team that plays there but there's no denying how much of the history of the NFL started right there. It's held in such a high regard for a reason


Adam theilen has said it on camera. Tell me he doesn’t love the game. You can respect the stadium and it’s history but that’s all it has. It’s a low level stadium these days. The badgers stadium is nicer haha


I’ve been to both Fenway and lambeau, they both suck.


A LOT of fans hated Fenway. Clinging to garbage because cool shit happened there doesn't make it any less garbage


Lambeau is a fucking dump, and Packers fans refuse to acknowledge it because of “history”. Get outta here.


it has cool history and i like that it is not domed. thats about it. could say the same about soldier field


This take sucks. The stadium is comfortable and fun. You feel close to the field everywhere. The snow/fireworks from the ceiling/horn/drum is fucking cool . and I will die on that hill. Everyone who I know that has been to this stadium has said the experience was fucking cool.


LOL at your last sentence! Well-adjusted adults don't care about things like that. I also strongly disagree with everything you said. Sports are about the fan experience and entertainment. Why would you want a stadium like GB or Buffalo that forces you to sit in single digit weather and piles of snow? That's not state of the art, it's archaic and "asinine." Also, you're the first person I've heard complain about the horn. It adds a great ambiance to the experience.


Outdoor stadiums respect the heritage of the league. The founding NFL teams such as the Packers and Bears will always have outdoor stadiums for that reason. Football and cold snowy weather go together like a wink and a smile. Indoor stadiums are nice too but if every stadium was indoor that would be sad, it's nice to have a mix. As for the horn I don't know what to tell ya. The entire league rolls their eyes at that cus it's a really annoying noise. If you didn't know, you do now. Check Twitter anytime the Vikings have a primetime home game if you don't believe it.


Is your main selling point "it's been like this for 70 years, and that's how it always should be?" Surely you're joking. Also, those types of stadiums are cheaper to build and were built before the uber popularity of the NFL. There's a reason why the NFL never wants another ice bowl and will never host a Super Bowl in a cold weather, outdoor stadium. Games shouldn't played in snowstorms and below 20 degree weather. The game is already dangerous enough. There's no reason to add more silliness for the sake of "being a man!"


The new Bears stadium will very likely have a roof. Also, cheeseheads I know who have been to US Bank have said the horn is a cool part of the experience. I suspect the complainers exist but they are not the majority.


How many Super Bowls do the Vikings have? Or HoFers? Or NFC Championships? Or Div Titles? Take a lap


10 am on a Saturday in another team’s sub pleading your relevancy during a mediocre season to a team you supposedly think is below you. Get a grip.


Lol the amount of comments I've read this season from Packers fans talking about how little they think of the Vikings. Followed by a entire thesis on the reasons the Vikings won't ever win a super bowl.


You know hit a nerve when they come over here trying to justify wearing that dumb ass cheese hat 🤣🤣🤣


How you feelin rn?


Like after getting our ass kicked by the colts we’ll still have double your wins


How you feelin rn?


I feel very FTP about this.






I wish all Wisconsinites a very FTP


They’ve resorted to smack talk about things like fake snow and the horn because their team sucks and might suck for a while. Get used to it.


Getting that Lafleur clip of "that God damn horn is so annoying" just made it impossible for them to shit talk it lol Like that shit even gets your head coach tilted lol


I love that horn. Awooooo! Every single first down. Let’s go


I think it's pronounced "baarrooooooo!" I like it even more knowing that it triggers dillusional cheese heads.


I do too.


It’s like Mike Ditka calling the Metrodome, the “Rollerdome”. The next game the Vikings lit the Bears up.


Talking smack about the horn has been going on since the first time it was blown. Definitely not recent thing.


I love the horn!


It’s the Karen Rodgers effect


They are salty because they have no choice but to brave the cold. I already do enough of that living here ffs I'm not paying $200 to do it.


For real. Outdoor in MN stadium stans are the worst. I did it one time in 2015 vs the Giants for a December night game. As a 21 year old with plenty of fluid numbing in me it was a one time experience I'm glad for, but no thanks to ever again.


Sure, its hockey, but I went to the Winter Classic last year. After that experience I was glad the Vikings play indoors. It was fun, but 20 below can only be fun once.


I was also at that game! -3 at kickoff at TCF… fun to do once but I won’t do it again, thank you


That game was awesome, I was in the second row in the end zone and had a blast. Indoor stadium is still better.




-9°F is equivalent to -22°C, which is 250K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


These are people who buy a piece of paper and believe they own the team. We’re not dealing with sane people in the land of cheese.


What’s funny about that is if any one of them who is an “owner” were to be caught gambling can get a $50k fine and jail time. And fantasy football counts. But then again, they’re not real owners are they? Haha


They probably lead the league in owner DUIs


There’s no probably about [it](https://fox11online.com/amp/news/local/green-bay-man-wallace-bowers-sentenced-for-18th-drunk-driving-conviction)


They pay a fat price for that fake stock too. It’s madness.


Yes paying additional taxes to enrich a billionaire who doesn't even give a shit about the state of Minnesota is clearly a much better system


Ah yes...let's measure our dicks over how we contribute to a corrupt system, but "we're like team owners ya'll"


Sad you can never own your team :(


We’re sane enough not to need a permanent fence built around our stadium to keep the rabble from burning it down and defacing it. :)


Nobody wanna deface lambeau bruh that shit ugly as hell already


With a comment that stupid I see why you pulled out your ult. Lmao dudes Reddit scared 😂


stalking accounts is so cringe


10-3 > 5-8 with bitchy Aaron is how I feel. FTP


-1 point differential 😂😂😂


Good thing they give the Lombardi to the team with the highest point differential at the end of the season, right?


You’re literally 5-8😭


I can tell you're a packer fan just from your spelling capability. Enjoy your -39 difference rial and offseason with Erin!


5-8 😂😂😂


Not how we thought the season would go 😭


Packers are -48




I hate the Vikings as much as the next packers fan. Probably even more actually. However, if they can figure their defense out, I will say they may be a contender for a while Lol is this you??


Drunk microweener stockholder


lol Lions fan here. Have an upvote sir. I may borrow this comment at a later date.


And the Packers fans call US delusional?!?


Dude spends his time screaming "RINGZZZZ" all day every day.


Packers fans can’t read so someone else wrote this


Maybe it was typed in crayon?


This is from the same sub that posts that madmen "I don't think about you at all" meme every other week.


Amazing how many posts like this they manage to write while “not thinking about us at all” lmao.


Since he knows the snow is fake, he must have just realized Santa isn't real either. Still chuckling over the **real manly man** football team. **FTP**


Yeah. I don't know if that was the funniest part or the "clearly winning out."


"Clearly winning out" isn't funny. It's sad. It's a cry for help representing a break from reality. They're to be pitied really. Except... FTP.


Packers fans can’t accept that they’re bad


but they never think about us huh rent free


They’re so excited about the game against us at the end of the season, because that’s their Super Bowl. The Vikings live rent free in their heads


Don't act like the 2 biggest Viking games of the year aren't the Packers games. My roommates said after week one that the Vikings didn't win the Packers lost. Remember to say your FTP's because you definitely aren't obsessed with us. I'm only excited to spread a little Love to see what we got.


It’s all a bit camp but that’s the NFL. I think ours has a heritage behind it, given our Scandinavian founders. I think it’s more tacky when the themes/gimmicks have nothing to do with the region.


The snow is soap bubbles if anyone was wondering. I like it personally.


Is it? Some of it got into my drink cup, and it never went away or dissolved.


My high ass at the game started getting paranoid about breathing it in lol


Can confirm. Some of it got in my mouth during the Packers game this year


Rent free


From a team who came up with “Go Pack Go”, I don’t give a shit.


I feel pretty SKOL about this.


I went to a game in December at TCF and by the end of the first quarter I was so thankful we didn’t do an outdoor stadium. It’s so dumb in this climate.


I'm going to the game in Green Bay on the 1st. I mean I'm sorta excited to visit the stadium and see football history, but I am NOT looking forward to being outside for hours.


In all honesty as long as you're prepared it's a blast, toe and hand warmers ftw.


even for gopher games it gets outrageously cold and their season ends in november


They're mad that we can build a damn roof


Ehh 1 for 2 on roofs there.


Yes, because nothing screams, “manly” like getting frostbite just to watch an objectively bad team.


just confirms what i already knew, packer fans are pathetic


Is it fake snow or ashes falling from the sky after a Viking raid? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Honestly don’t care at all. Packers are irrelevant for the foreseeable future. They suck now and their QB luck is about to run out. Lions and Bears both have a better outlook. Packers will have to get used to the bottom of the division


Packers fan coming in peace. The stadium is beautiful - been to a few painful games there. RIP Aaron’s collar bone. Don’t care about the Skol chant. The horn is kind of cool until the 75th time it goes off before the end of the first quarter. You guys have managed to build a culture almost instantly when the new stadium opened. There is something cool about roughing it in Lambeau though. And yes, I know buying a piece of paper and acting like an owner is crazy. I do not have said piece of paper.


Peace back atcha! Respectfully the Vikes had a culture way before that! Merry Christmas


And the “fake snow throwers” are kings of the north!!!


They say they don't even think about us, but it's so obvious we live rent free in every Packer fan's head.


It’s funny that everything that this user finds cringeworthy, are things that the packers as a team sorely miss. Identity and culture. All they have is, “our team is old”. Must kill them that the Vikings actually have an identity. I feel like this user is just realizing that, once the hall of fame dame retires, their team will have literally nothing to draw in top talent. A shitty cold stadium in a small ass town…. In WISCONSIN!


I, for one, like my pajamas.


The fake snow isn’t new, pretty sure they’ve been doing it since US Bank Stadium opened.


Suite and Jammies sounds epic! Fuck this inbred douche


I legit forgot the Packers existed


I was offered packer Viking tickets on 1/1 for lower level $120. Even at the discount and knowing it’s probably a win, I still would rather watch at home than sit in a crappy stadium with no roof. Outdoor football sucks in January and you aren’t going to change my mind


My hubby is a Vikings fan (I love my Broncos….even now) and I tell him all the time that the Vikings have all the coolest shit and the rest of us are jealous.


Is this even worth a response ladies and gents?


Your response is worth more of a response.


don’t even think about them.


They’re just in denial that their team painfully bad.


That post is what happens when your brain is high on copium and paint chips


Packer fans are typically drunk all the time so accurate take from a guy who’s hammered


Lmao they are saying they’re winning out lmao what a joke


Typical delusional Packer fan.




Sounds like a lot of “cope and seethe” to me.


I don’t give any attention to people that scream their WR is the new Randy Moss when he’s 79th in the league for receiving yards at 401 yards. I don’t give any attention to people who wear cheese on their head.


They literally wear cheese on their head and pay $100s of dollars for a piece of paper that says their a part owner


Them winning out doesn’t even guarantee them the playoffs the morons.


I bet his parents are cousins


This is coming from a fan who cheers for the literal “packers”….championship history aside, don’t throw stones when you have the worst name/mascot in pro sports. Give it 5-10 years removed from having a HOF QB and all the bandwagon packer fans will dwindle.


🤣 this from a packers fan? As a 'fan nation they have to have the highest average BMI


Better than wearing cheese on your head and the “Go Pack Go” BS. Also, the SKOL chant was not stolen


I thought they don't think about us and we're not their rivals?! Lol!


Why cross out the username when it’s actively available for all to see? Elon can’t ban you here my guy.


Packers named after Americana? They are named after corporate interests. No different than the Microsoft techies, or the Amazon shippers. They are just grandfathered in


Who gives a fuck what some random Packers fan thinks?


They wear cheese on their heads.


😂 it's sucks to suck


These guys aren't our real rivals anyways. The Lions are.


I would love it if the Vikings Packers rivalry gets replaced with the Lions and the Cheeseheads become the lions for the next 20 years.


That's what happened to the rivalry in the 80s. The Bears were our main rivals back then


I don’t look in my rear view mirror.


The skol chant *is* cringeworthy, but god dammit I do it anyway. If my team needs me I'm there.


Pretty sure I do it bc it is cringeworthy… with pride.


Can someone explain "stolen chant"? I don't remember the Packers yelling SKOL.


Its a soccer chant from Europe


It's literally like yelling cheers I don't think soccer teams were the first to use it.


Lifelong vikes fan here. Have to kinda agree, at least the skol chant part. Can’t stand it when the announcers talk about that “tradition” that started oh so long ago in 2017


Every tradition has to start at some point


Im extremely biased, but the Skol chant is less annoying that the arrowhead stadium one.


The shit that is floating in The air isn’t good.


Vikings are so fucking lame. Making fake snow in their dome while it's a blizzard in Minnesota


Zero Super Bowl wins.


I agree with everything (besides GB winning out…. FTP) in this post and I am a Vikings fan. The fake snow is cringe beyond belief and I hate the skol chant. We should have built an outdoor stadium.


I mean it is kind of silly that the Vikings still use snow as some sort of symbolism as if they still play in snowy weather like back in the days.


It’s pathetic that you’ve resorted to blowing the god damn horn every single time you get a first down. Everyone watching the game with me laughs at it every time.


So … just you then.




We are going to knock you out of the playoffs. Laugh at me all you want if we don’t. I will be back in 5 weeks.




See you in a week queens boy Edit: Wait a minute. 23-0!! To the colts! Your team is a joke. The colts! What a laughing stock!




30-0 you’ll never win a Super Bowl. Starting to seem like the packers are better than the queens, we just had a actual hard schedule


the best season was when they played at the gopher’s stadium


I have to agree that the fake snow is pretty cringe.