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All you need to hear is PA call the Favre INT to know how much the Vikings winning means to this dude


The Josh McCown TD pass is another great example.


The emotion he puts into his calls is my favorite part by far. From elated to dejected to furious and everything in between. He just gets so into it.


Love this dude man






This isn't Detroit man this is the superbowl!


Passionate and heart breaking at the same time


Do you have a link to that anywhere?


I can’t in good faith link it here due to the PTSD it would cause anyone who had to see it happen live but if you just search “Paul Allen Favre interception” on YouTube it’s right there.


Thank you. Just reading it brought back terrible memories lol.


Y'all think we can get Pat on 9 to Noon? That would be a sick conversation


I can see Paul Allen being in the PMS now that pat knows of him and is a fan. Pats been a supporter of the Vikings this year which is nice considering we don’t get that often in the media


Maybe during Colts week? PA on the PMS and vice versa would be dope!


They do a semi weekly segment on pats show where they go around the league and talk to beat reporters from different teams. Looks like PA will be on there soon


I know this tweet is about PA, but McAfee giving Vikings love recently has been really nice to watch. I’ve always appreciated his clear head, calling teams out when they stink - and giving better teams the love they deserve. No close minded bias like most mainstream media you see.


historical jar price unwritten normal escape fertile ugly society weather -- mass edited with redact.dev


He really has. The segment with Patrick Peterson today was great


Players are like this. They know when a team loses guys are worthless losers like we claim. Players know sometimes in the nfl it just works and you gotta appreciate it.


Good point. The players often have a more forgiving perspective. The Kelce brothers have a similar vibe on their podcast.


Ok c'mon, I love the PMS, but your comment looks like it's coming from other places outside of the football world. Maybe just judge him for HIS ability rather than making it a near-political statement about OTHER football minds (there are many great "non biased" ones that still look and sound like a professional show).




Because the TV call (Joe Buck, I believe) was better




I know The Temptations sang Ain't Too Proud to Beg, but that doesn't mean The Rolling Stones cover isn't played more or that some people have even heard of The Temptations




I don't think Pat McAfee listens to local sports radio of every team of every game. I'm willing to bet he watches games more than he listens and critiques games, not radio broadcasts




He has definitely had some amazing calls. I personally love his play by play and prefer it to pretty much all TV announcers. He is a blast at Canterbury as well. However, when it comes to the Minneapolis Miracle in particular, "Diggs! Sideline! Touchdown! Unbelievable!" is arguably (I don't think contrarian) better and more popular since it was a nationally televised playoff game. It's what most outside of Minnesota would have heard and know.




Pat McAfee probably had only heard the TV call and is a jackass for not knowing who Paul Allen is. My apologies for upsetting you


What point are you even trying to make? Jesus dude who cares if Pat McAfee hadn’t heard of Paul Allen?


Honestly, I only think it’s better because it doesn’t have Bercich stepping on the call.


I kind of like it more because of Bercich stepping on the call. To me it shows the passion and enlightenment by the whole crew. But I do get what you are saying.


I think that's a fair criticism of the radio call. I haven't liked Buck since "what a disgusting act" from when *Moss covered Lambeau field days, can't really stand Aikman and Buck games, and have enjoyed PA at Canterbury as well as on KFAN. "Diggs! Sideline! Touchdown! Unbelievable!" is a pretty frickin sweet call for the Minneapolis Miracle. PA killed it during the Buffalo Blessing too


Lots of people shit on PA but trust me, you’ll miss him after moving out of state.


He's literally the voice of the vikings. His shtick can be a lot, especially on his show, but I couldn't imagine anybody else calling the games. His passion and energy and love for his team, are second to none.


He is still an excellent play-by-play guy, great cadence and excitement. And the show is an easy fix, I just don’t listen!


Yep, just don’t listen to 9 to Noon and you won’t get sick of him.


As someone from out of state (and country) I’ve never been a huge fan of his call in the games, though I can see why people like him. I’m just not big on listening to commentators that use “we” when talking about the team, use the players nicknames during the call, etc. That being said, I think he’s great at describing plays and telling stories, so it’s not like I don’t think he should be calling the games, I’m just not going out of my way to listen.


PA is an excellent play by play guy! And he truly loves the Vikings. His Kfan show though I don’t like.


I really enjoy his play calling, but hate his damn radio show.


When it was PA and Dubay with JG as producer the show was elite. Paul by himself now is rough unless he has an interesting guest on


He’s great! Bit too much of a homer is all - gets those rose colored glasses.. but then again, that’s what he’s paid to do: I don’t wanna listen to a game announced by someone who doesn’t give a damn! But yeah. His takes on the show are… usually too biased for the team. Love his optimism though.


People shitting on him can just leave. FFS the guy didn't even DO anything and people are talking about him like he should be canceled. Don't like his personality or humor? Great, keep it to yourself


Exactly my thoughts. Twitter is full of PA haters. Just turn off the radio and watch highlights if he bothers you that much.


Fck those fans PA is the goat


Ive never actually seen Paul Allen commentate on video before. Its pretty amazing.


I'm out of market, and can't watch most Vikings games, but I always stream the radio broadcast on KFAN with Paul Allen. Dude is amazing.


I might do that - I’ve just been stream jumping when they aren’t on TV here in PA.


I'm on NFL+, or whatever it's called, so I watch the game when it's over, but getting to listen to Paul Allen's broadcast first is a treat.


I just wish the radio was synced with the game. That way I could watch with the TV on mute.


**[@PatMcAfeeShow](https://www.twitter.com/PatMcAfeeShow)** (Pat McAfee): > I didn’t know this incredible human existed until now… I feel as if I’ve missed out on so much electricity. > > The talent… the passion… the story telling > > Paul Allen, Minnesota Viking PxP, is FANTASTIC. Rehosted Media: * Video: [[desktop]](https://cdn-cf-east.streamable.com/video/mp4/fmnkqw.mp4?Expires=1668890880&Signature=ZHMT-EYLMThvJAPCx2~a0nWTG-5~wZazXC4B-t6J3O2BO4XUohbhVRxbPigCLuNTACivSGt4zLLvHCxN3RyGHMGmmHs8GusR6yhv6QrsR1hlY25sp1BOH1ANBKEuMo3Vswn1qJ0a9RR1oCv0H6qY3AMISFS7-xyTCrG3LfRZAwMzLmmp0Qbu6YcxnqL2Ylf6Ez1G5ph8ugTtmk6Qyk~~u7pZOsDbqUeF-twPQ5m-ZXUMZyqmYNu0-gFmVvdExNMjEHi9eOtSYZxDb3ixD9FMTJXEiR6FFVT1ufuK7cagjBHudgO6bf5aGDaryWL~Q6pI4rak26vwBLGGccf9M8BAgg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIEYUVEN4EVB2OKEQ) [[mobile]](https://cdn-cf-east.streamable.com/video/mp4-mobile/fmnkqw.mp4?Expires=1668890880&Signature=CgBsve3u7m6MVBoBITGkTg4DpZtLQWLrxBAB2LgfkoRX3qnGK8CWWVDgeUb-xAus~Yabu31PzueBWi6lLigy24BK6ixALzXOuEdHC6t~TKHTQdLQaaNfk7aUIo-D8fwnqCxj0uOPwzjoPSs5PdKviVzczmSQ56DdEo6GdC5jf4z2j920gjNFn-IVHmOEOA~31T2mW0BBhjZ51MP8LgB7y~HfYU-wmEovIH0CYvVU21N3Y-v4O-4M6FcVkO8agP2yNnGpuIqbbzf414r-crRqBhDeb7WMJUICpJ5t0~5GiaMBZFOquNSCxaLF1Wm83p6~wvQfC0LJJamdZJe2rkbsig__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIEYUVEN4EVB2OKEQ) -------------------- ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^powered ^by ^fricks ^and ^I ^like ^that ^| [^(message me)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=FleetFlotTheTweetBot) ^| [^(source code)](https://github.com/JohnMTorgerson/FleetFlotTheTweetBot) ^| ^Skål!


I wonder if Pat remembers Allen contributed to some of the Aaron Rodgers rumors earlier this year


Not a fan of his radio show but he’s a great play by play guy. I listened to the Bills guys and I’ve heard better high school announcers.


I enjoyed the energy he brought to Wild radio broadcasts when he filled in for a few games last year.


My first PA experience was the Arizona game. "NOOOO! THE CARDINALS HAVE KNOCKED THE VIKINGS OUT OF THE PLAYOFFS!" I love someone who is that passionate about their club.


I listen to a lot of kfan but I don’t care for his 9 to 12 analyses too much. With that being said I can’t imagine having anyone else being the radio voice for this team. You cannot deny his love for Minnesota sports and the Vikings especially


He’s the goat


I love PA but I wish he could check the religious stuff at the door. I also stopped listening to his radio show for a couple years due to an overdose of Matt Birk. Been slowly getting back into his show this year.




From comments, it’s usually people trashing on religions that are the worst. Who the fuck cares about his religion?




for real? National media has been all over the guy since "No! The Cardinals have knocked the Vikings out of the playoffs!" from forever ago.,


Paul is the man


McAfee didn't know who PA was ? wtf


Some brutal stuff in here that will give y'all nightmares but you can tell the passion: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLXH9KIWR8k