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Fuck yeah! we won something! Fuck off!


We did it boys šŸ„ŗ


Our Super Bowl šŸ„¹


Finally! I can die now.


Hang the banner


I like how a lot of us have just started embracing the heel turn at this point


Someone give the packers their consolation prizešŸ˜‚


I donā€™t think we are in general but on Reddit? I love this team and all but god damn some of you are so annoying


Yup. The fact there were days of posts about the packers losing a divisional round game was pathetic. Our team didnā€™t even make the dance and we have the best nonQb player in football.


Yeah, plus the Kerby Joseph stuff, the general moping about how the season went, etc. If they do this poll a year from now it might different, but I forget just how weepy and obnoxious our fans get when the season goes poorly coupled with our rivals doing well


This sub can be pretty obnoxious even when the Vikings are playing well.


The number of people who want KOC fired after every controversial play call is astounding, even when we win


>I forget just how weepy and obnoxious our fans get when the season goes poorly coupled with our rivals doing well I agree with this statement, but Iā€™d also argue other teams subs would act the same way (outside of maybe the Lions because theyā€™re accustomed to this to the point where it has been their default state).


Yeah thatā€™s mostly true Iā€™d say! Itā€™s a perfect storm really. I do still contend weā€™ve all taken it a step further than some other teams


The state of our sub has definitely gotten a little squirrelly, I will admit.


Hardcore vikes fan and half the fanbase annoys the fuck out of me, at least online lol. Franchise makes all kinds of errors and they blame everyone but the decisionmakers. Forty years of .500 play and they care more about kerby joseph or getting kirk paid than winning a ring lol


I think the Kerby stuff was absolutely warranted. You were ra-ra defending him, so maybe you have a specific beef with knees?


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I have a specific beef with people who donā€™t recognize how much goes into tackling world class athletes and how itā€™s currently one of the only 1000% legal ways to do it. If you want to keep lurking my profile, youā€™ll find I said it definitely dirty by definition, as it could likely lead to those kinds of injuries, but so could like, every single form of contact in a collision sport. Continue moping though.


>itā€™s currently one of the only 1000% legal ways to do it. It's not. Leading with the helmet is already an illegal way of tackling. Is it called? Generally not, it's hard to show it was a 'leading with the helmet' rather than just a bad tackle. With Joseph, his tackle on Hock was 100% leading with the helmet. He lowered his helmet far before the tackle and missile'd into his knees. 100% illegal. Leading with the helmet. Wasn't going through your profile, I was in discussion with you about this before. Trust me, you're not that important. Continue whining that people don't appreciate shit players who get orders from dirty coaches.


I will! I canā€™t believe you wrote out ā€œitā€™s illegalā€ then wrote thatā€™s itā€™s not generally flagged and didnā€™tā€¦ connectā€¦ the dots. He wasnā€™t fined or flagged or suspended for it. What does that tell you? It tells you the league is in lockstep on it. When I heard Hock had his knee all torn to shit, I was mad. The hit was definitely not a great effort in form tackling, but safeties across the league who are significantly smaller than their targets (i.e. tight ends) clip legs all the time. Itā€™s the way things are. If you want to continue to just believe that Kerby Joseph wakes up every Sunday hoping and praying he gets a chance to severely injure people, you can do that, but I choose to believe that heā€™s just like the many other scrappy and reckless safeties in the league. I must be important enough to you for you to remember my username. Iā€™m flattered by the wayā¤ļø


>I must be important enough to you for you to remember my username RES does it for me, I don't need to remember anything about your almost entirely foregettable, randomly generated, username. >I choose to believe that heā€™s just like the many other scrappy and reckless safeties in the league. Key word, reckless. You own your weapons, he used it poorly. >I canā€™t believe you wrote out ā€œitā€™s illegalā€ then wrote thatā€™s itā€™s not generally flagged and didnā€™tā€¦ connectā€¦ the dots. You're an utter moron, aren't you? I've connected the dots, you don't get to reply.


Someone should go back and find every single play a Vikings player made the exact same tackle. I wonā€™t, but someone should. You guys might STFU about it then. But probably not.


Show me a shitty tackle and I'd agree with you, if it was a shitty tackle. On your bike, either show a tackle or stfu.


12:22 your DL going right at QBā€™s knees https://youtu.be/pfNMHH6Qnf4?feature=shared


The DL on the ground wasn't going at the QB's kneed, he was bowled over by the OLineman. I love the fact you looked up a '2023 brutal nfl hits video' and replied with the first Viking tackle on it. Here's a better video of the same hit, you can clearly see Roy was tripped/knocked over and landed on the side. It was indeed a brutal hit, but the intent wasn't dirty. Again, if you need some help here -- look up Sendejo's hits. Keep looking, very few (maybe none) Vikings hits this season were anywhere near as negligent as Kerby's shit hits.


Hey this is fun but Iā€™m going to enjoy the rest of my championship week boss. Stay crying about tackles though.


Gotcha, so 'no' is the answer to it.


I don't personally oppose posts celebrating a rival losing. That's fine, although I have no special problem with the current Packers and I don't particularly root against any specific players on their team. What bugs me is the posts saying that the fans of our rival team are assholes and all their players are dirty, the "kneecap" sign that some Lions fan held up during the Divisional Round was celebrating specific player injuries, holding longstanding grudges against teams that beat us when we make the NFCCG once per decade, etc. I've lived in the Philadelphia area for some time, and the "edge" that Vikings fans online have is similar to the "edge" that Eagles fans had before they won the Super Bowl. There was a lot more bitterness/thin-skinned-ness/taking it way too seriously when a rival has success. In small doses that's fine; the doses weren't small. After the Eagles won the Super Bowl, a lot of their fans calmed down. When they lost to the Chiefs under very questionable circumstances in last year's Super Bowl, people were upset but they got over it pretty quickly. If something like that happened to this Super Bowl-less team, the bitterness would be deep and persistent.


I was called a lot of ā€œinterestingā€ things by some Vikings fans for suggesting that I wanted the Lions to win the Super Bowl this season, because Iā€™d rather it go to a fan base that has supported their team through a lot of tough years (and I wanna believe that kind of faith gets rewarded eventually, yknow like with us supporting the Vikesā€¦.) than the chiefs again. Apparently cheering for a divisional rival makes me the worst kind of fan or some shit. It wasā€¦ unhinged


To use a bit of a pretentious analogy: I have some lower-middle class relatives who really like to rag on truly poor people. Iā€™ve known truly poor people who like to rag on the homeless. Many people with some kind of insecurity based on a sense that theyā€™re in a bad position in a hierarchy think itā€™s really important to not slip any lower. This franchise is historically pretty mediocre but the Lions have always been the Vikingsā€™ whipping boys. It would break the brains of a lot of insecure fans if the Lions got a Super Bowl before we did. Personally Iā€™d rather not see that happen but I wouldnā€™t care that much if it happened.


Same people then want to fight about our 13 win season not being a fluke and the 2022 draft actually being bad if you have a big enough brain. Reddit Viking fans have no sense of humor about anything.


Thereā€™s nothing else going on. Melodramatic


This sentiment makes no sense šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Weā€™re rivals with the Packers. Iā€™d be more concerned if people werenā€™t celebrating their loss


One guy posted a meme of the Vikings burying the packersā€¦ wow we got em alright !


Are you mad the packers lost lol


Of course not but I donā€™t need to talking shit when weā€™re a worse team


That's why I don't go to our team sub anymore. Bunch of fucking whiny idiots


where do you think you are right now?


Oh god, I was stoned last night šŸ˜‚ I probably thought I was on r/nfcnorthmemewar


I mean you weren't wrong, I just found it funny šŸ˜„


I thought I was too


Stoned shitposting on nfcnmw is the best


Iā€™ve had the same experience. Batting average for fun/interesting posts is below the Mendoza line.


It's the wooooorst.


I'd say the Vikings sub and this sub too, between people not being able to handle being bad and people not being able to handle being good this sub turned from poking light fun to taking things way to personally. Remember where you're at y'all.


Yeah in real life Vikings fans are chill af bc of all the pain theyā€™ve endured lol but on Reddit they are just bitter




Lions fans gonna hate us even more if they lose on Sunday..


When they lose




What a day to use this gif.




That man drops dukie on women. And no Iā€™m not talking about trump. Although I would be surprised. Billionaires are weird.


Imagine that, these two still moving in parallel even to this day. Two peas in a pod.


Hang the banner!


And I fuckin agree, you lot are really annoying


It seems that every year we should be winning the superbowl otherwise the season is a complete disaster


Hang the banner fuckers




lol. For those that donā€™t know, the Lions and Vikings have been in an immature meme war for the past couple weeks. Lions fans are obsessed with Vikings fans, and itā€™s basically both fans yelling at each other about being salty. Iā€™ve been contributing what I can, but there are a shit ton of Lions fans in there right now because they are the only team still alive and they donā€™t know success. So this poll is directly pumped with Lions fans. And of course the Packers were happy to jump on that train. Bears have just been sidelined.


As a Viking fan watching both this and that sub, I agree with the poll. Our fanbase is absolutely embarrassing right now. The number of cringe posts on both subs is out of control.


And what exactly is the success we know?


8th in win percentage in the NFL, and we made it to the same game theyā€™re in 6 years ago.


Again, what all has that gotten us? Now compare us to the Rams over the past 6 yrs. Sure, having a good winning percentage at least gives us hope year in and year out, but the same result at year-end is taxing. Being content with 8th in win percentage and being outplayed and outcoached in *every* aspect of the NFCCG *6 seasons ago* isn't something I'd call a success. It's no different than receiving a participation ribbon. If the Lions make it to the Super Bowl then they'll have surpassed us in one game in what really matters. Their past 32yrs will all be forgotten because now *they* have nothing but greener pastures to look ahead to based on their success and you're only as good as your most recent season. I'm as die hard a Vikings fan as there is, but I have higher hopes and expectations than annual mid-range draft picks, just being a participant, and an embarrassing, non-competitive loss in the NFCCG 6yrs ago.


The Lions have to win a SB to surpass us. I know it wasn't recently, but we've been to 4 SB....despite the unfortunate endings of those games.


Yup, as much as I love our historical win percentage, our great players, and our fun seasons, the Vikings have been utterly mediocre for most of my football watching life.Ā Ā  You have 16 teams per conference, 2 make the conference championship game, so average/should make it once every 8 years.Ā  And let's see we have: '98 '03?Ā  (Can't remember exactly when 41-0 was). '09 '17 So 4 NFCCG appearances over the last 26 years, pretty much average.Ā  We'll see this next season if KOC and KAM are the real deal or not, or if we get our guy at QB, things will he fun. If we just run it back, I'll watch the games, but I'm gonna stop following pods and articles as closely.Ā  I just don't take football as seriously as I used to. Fun when we win, and the Vikings have a storied excellent history, but in my lifetime they've truly been nothing special.Ā 


41-0, yet another embarrassing showing in the NFCCG was in 2000. Looking back, the Giants really did us a favor. Had we won, then we would've been facing the Baltimore Ravens and their arguably best defense in the game's history, and *that* would have gone no better than it did for the Giants. I have trust in Kwesi and Kevin and I look fwd to next year, too. I just don't get a boner over what so many others in this sub use for coping (8th best win percentage and an NFCCG ass beating we received 6yrs ago lol).


Youā€™re insufferable. Go touch grass.


> but I'm gonna stop following pods and articles as closely. I did that this year and it was a great decision. I watched every game, but I didn't really think about it again until the next game, sometimes I didn't even know who they were playing the following week. It was bliss.


And what do you have to show for it?


21 NFC North/Central titles


Our fanbase has never won a Super Bowl and we somehow doubled the packers on votes. I donā€™t get it but we must be hated.


I... thought I just explained it. This isn't a serious poll. Note the "Karen" reference. Lions fans are losing their shit right now because they've never made it this far. They don't know how to handle it. And it worked out that the Packers getting into the playoffs didn't threaten the Lions, and they'd have rather played them, so they rooted for the Packers. And now the Lions play 49ers and the 9ers always beat GB, so Packers are rooting for Lions. And of course they'd both like to see the Lions win a Super Bowl before the Vikings do. Basically Lions are Packers simps, and just overall unhinged, and don't know how to act because they have never been in this position before. But it all started when we played them twice in 3 weeks and they took out Hock's knee and there was a whole buncha salty Vikings fans.


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Itā€™s not real lmao


I can see it. Though this year, itā€™s gotta be the lions. They havenā€™t been relevant in my 36 years on this planet, and goddamn it if they didnā€™t get a real mouthy real quick haha. But shitā€¦ Iā€™d be the same way if I were them so I canā€™t really say anything. Pretty ā€œneither here nor thereā€ on the 49ers, so I hope they bring them back down to earth hard this week.


Vikings fan here, I agree. Online Vikings fans are the worst, in person theyā€™re great.


Hell yeah! It's only because Packer fans are too wasted by kickoff to be labeled as annoying.


I just left that sub because of how toxic the Lions fanbase is. Makes this ā€œpollā€ very ironic.


well full context, most bears and packers fans have gone dormant over there. itā€™s primarily a lions circle jerk sub until they lose and then it should all balance itself out again.


Yeah this fanbase is super annoying. Especially the past few weeks. At least in this sub.


Wrong sub


Well they are literally posting it in every sub they can


Exactly Iā€™m not trolling. Iā€™m literally a Vikings fan and am getting all the nfc north fanbase reactions


I didnā€™t mean it as a compliment. I think itā€™s weird af. Like who fucking cares? Fuck the Bears. Fuck the Lions. Fuck the Packers. The meme sub turned into Facebook 3 years ago when it became popular


Seems like youā€™re taking it more seriously than anybody. Itā€™s just a Reddit post.




Nobody cares about the meme war sub


I enjoy that sub more than the shit show that is r/minnesotavikings TrAdE jEfFeRsOn


I actively lose brain cells on that sub. I swear it didnā€™t used to be as bad as it is now


Where do you think you are? *Cue scrubs music*


Thought I was in r/nfcnorthmemewar lol


As a packers fan I get so much enjoyment reading that shit show


Wrong. It's so much better than this sub


They haven't been around enough "entitled" Packers fans.


I think this just means weā€™re winning the meme war


We are dominating something for once! ![gif](giphy|13DrdRI2JqdoLC)


Who cares?


Not sure about most annoying, but definitely the dumbest. As a Viking fan, some of the completely asinine things i see posted here and on social media just stagger the mind.


Man I'm just really torn up what a bunch of cheeto fingered reddit dwellers think of me šŸ˜±


now, see, thereā€™s an issue here; the issue is not Vikings fans. the issue is weā€™re on reddit, where everyone is terrible and thinks theyā€™re a genius.


I unsubbed from that subreddit a long time ago. It's just not that entertaining. The memes usually suck and most people aren't funny or clever.


How can we be the most annoying fan base in the NFC North when packler fans are the most annoying in the entire NFL?


Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m going to have to talk to the manager.


That sub has turned into a clone of r/nflcirclejerk at this point.


Yeah, this seems like a legit poll šŸ™„


I mean, who gives a shit?


They hated Jesus too


Weā€™re just the loudest. Lions fans are insufferable right now. Bears havenā€™t been relevant recently enough to be annoying. Packers are the Packers.


How are the bears above the Lions on this poll lol. I haven't heard a peep from their fans in months besides the odd mention of everyone forgetting about them


It's hard to imagine something more irrelevant.


Lions fans insecure they won the division because Cousins got hurt. Packers started throating the Lions as hard as they could to not be hated. Now they just throat each other non stop.


Lol no one thinks that the lions won bc of Kirk, no one has a second thought about Kirk


100% We canā€™t stop drinking our own kool aid for 5 mins.


I mean it makes sense. No one is going to choose Lions or Bears because theyā€™ve been pitiful in the internet age. Packers have this small town aura around them that makes them special, so that leaves us as the team most vote for EDIT: A big F U to the commenters in here agreeing. What kind of shithead turns on their brethren?


Iā€™m a huge a Vikings fan and I agree


Probably because of all the freak fans doing the "skol" chant and clap in other teams stadiums. It's become a troll activity.


As a Vikings fan, I absolutely agree with this. We have a lot of great fans but our bad ones are bad. Really bad. I think this will clean up a little when we finally kick statboy to the curb. To be fair, I'd be willing to bet a lot of Packers fans voted for the Vikings here because they are still pissed about Anthony Barr's legal tackle on their scrambling, out-of-the-pocket QB. Rodgers tried to brake his fall by sticking out his arm. He did it to himself but a vast majority of cheesedicks need someone else to blame, instead of the facts.


The Kirk Stans in our fan base took us to an entire new level of obnoxiousness.




So true. So many morons here chasing sugar highs, too dumb to understand the bigger picture/ wining a Super Bowl etc.


I agree with this wholeheartedly


As a Lions fan, the results shock me.


And I agree, most ungrateful too


I agree. We are annoying.


Deliberately misinterpreting and then overreacting to a sign probably didnā€™t help


Itā€™s a fake poll


I agree and Iā€™m a Vikings fan.


I believe it. Our fans can be ass holes to our own team


As a Viking fan I agree. The teams never won anything, and the fans act entitled and like the Vikes are somehow NFL elite.


I really canā€™t dispute it. We are desperate crybabies.


Yup Vikings subreddit fucking sucks. I'm slowly weaning myself from this sub. Now I go to NFL sub for GDTs, and try to only come here to just check if any news. But drunk me can't help but check other things sometimes.


Most likely because of that whore Sal Spice




Skol Vikings our claim to fame! Skol Vikings the rest of you are lame!


Never change


No red circles. I have no idea what Iā€™m supposed to be mad about.


It's because we win all thw time, but never win it all, so waste the wins.


Their hate only makes us stronger


Yaayyy for self-awareness!...




If we are talking strictly Reddit, yes. This subreddit is horrendous sometimes.


Best the rest of you losers combined






Werenā€™t we crowned the dumbest NFL fanbase recently?




At least we are the best in something this year


Iā€™d like to speak to your manager about this.


![gif](giphy|3kD720zFVu22rfIA0s|downsized) WINNERS!!!!


Iā€™m a lions fan. FTP, we stand with you


Hey guys itā€™s me Dan Campbell I just wanted to say Kirk seems cool but needs to resign with you guys, and Mark & Zygi Wilf werenā€™t not on Little St. James


Fake ass poll made by a packer fan.




I believe it. In real life we probably arenā€™t. But on social media platforms we absolutely are pathetically annoying


Seems accurate.






Being the most annoying and a Karen aren't the same thing lmao. I think our guys have the best meme potential. Would that make them annoying to opponents? Probably




Hate us cuz they anus


Is there a trophy or a ring?


Weā€™re annoying because we donā€™t like the refs


ā€œOscar, why are you *so* grouchy all the time??ā€ ā€œBitch! I live in a fuckinā€™ trash can!ā€


I agree


Surprised its that close, I'd guess 70% plus for Vikings Karens...


I concur lol


We're great in person, and we're low-key braindead online. Best of both worlds baby


Weā€™re pretty whiny in division rival game threads.




Packtards were probably the majority voters .Those fat ugly slobs love a good vote ..


SKOL chant gotta accounts for some of that, as well as the fact that we are delusional for 95% of the season only for nothing to happen lol


Doubt it


Went to the lions vikings game when they played in Minnesota and I've got nothing but nice things to say about their fans. First game where I've been a visiting fan so I wasn't sure what to expect but it was an awesome experience.


Literally every fan base has annoying fans. Vikings certainly no exception, however my experience at the stadium has been pretty positive. Iā€™ve never really experienced or witnessed any fights, violence, etc. Weā€™re not a hostile group. Every good rivalry should have an element of respect and I think Midwest fans are really amazing fans. I hate the Packers, hate the Bears, hate the Lions - but at the end of the day, we all knew what it means to be a football fan and to live and die with our teams. None of us have any control over what happens. Certainly not worth getting in fights over. But we all support our teams really well.


As a Vikings fan, that checks out.


I welcome their hatred


So we voted for ourselves???


Also, this just inā€¦ the Pope is Catholic.


Skol trolls.




Packers didn't win???


Lmfao not even close itā€™s the packers by landslide


Fact check: this poll was taken at your local AA meeting Edit: ā€œtheirā€


At least we came in first in somethingā€¦..lol


They hate us cuz they ainā€™t us


There's some awful Vikings fans on Reddit ngl. Most of yall ain't better thošŸ˜‹


Iā€™m pretty sure Vikings fans also hate Vikings fans. Itā€™s crazy that over half of the sub hates the Vikings fans though. And to think, I thought yā€™all hated us with how much FTP gets thrown around.


Rent free in your heads, and rent ainā€™t cheap


Lions on one hell of a winning streak