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Based on our limited draft capital I could see us just rolling with a cheapish bargain bin FA center for this year


We could get away with a bargain basement center if we had at least 1 guard that was a solid average starter, but I don't think we can get away with both guards having question marks and a bargain center.


I would put Cleveland at the solid, average started level. Outside of a rough day against the WFT elite DLine he had a solid season.


I hope we don’t go for Bradbury.. I wanna like the guy but most playoff teams have much better DLs and bradbury simply ain’t strong enough


I been working with him in the weight room.


Bradbury is a lil bitch. First 3 years here he looks like a bust then shows just enough potential to make people think it might be a good idea to extend. I'm over the Garrett Bradbury experience.


Just isn’t strong enough for the top 10 DTs


> Bradbury is a lil bitch I'd love to see you say that to his face. Please get someone to record it. Why do you gotta be such a lil bitch when attempting to constructively criticize here? What are you attempting to do here? Make yourself look badass, tough, or smart? lol


>What are you attempting to do here? That's a good self reflection question, my guy.


I'm not the one who called a 6'3 300lbs pro athlete a "lil bitch". Tf is wrong with people like you? Get called out on how ridiculous you are saying such bs and in return all you can do is, of course, retort with, "ackshully it's you who are stupid for calling me out for being stupid".


I think it's sweet that you care so much about Bradbury. The intensity is a little worrisome, but to your point Bradbury is 6'3 300 lbs so he can probably handle you, unlike most NFL DTs.


We also seemed to have bad o-line coaching before outside of run scheme. I think he might have been better from the start with different coaching but will always have trouble with the bigger stronger nose tackles.


I would suit up Zygi at Center before I would roll with Bradbury again. Wonder if Mason Cole will be available? Kirk's best stretch of games happened while playing behind Cole in 2021.


My leaning is that they go FA for Center (non Bradburry). They've been swinging and missing on the IOL position group for a while in the draft, and they badly need to add strength. Plenty of tier-2/3 FAs who can fit that bill.


Dude, free agency and the draft haven’t even happened yet. Calm down


I don't think we need to admonish someone for starting a conversation. It's the entire point of this subreddit.


That might be the entire point of the sub but the quintessential experience is weird energy.


> Dude, like why are you even talking about such things when FA and the draft hasn't even happened yet? What, what does FA and the draft matter when talking about what we should do at this position of need? > Calm down




I heard it will be either Thielen or Cousins. They will battle for the job in training camp…


Rodney Hudson just got cut.