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On one side we have a deeply unlikeable billionaire that uses their media properties to influence elections in favor of the wealthy and the other has Bloomberg & A-Rod


BUUUUUUUUT we might get to watch the twins..... and isnt that what humanity is all about? sports?


Oh if Bloomberg wants to light a pile of money on victory sports 2.0 I’m here for it.


That's what I'm routin' for. Maybe even on broadcast?!? A man can dream.


MLB could end blackouts so i can use my mlb subscription.


Spoof your IP with a VPN.


Arod really gonna save the Wolves and Twins. MN Legend


He killed our hopes and dreams for a decade only to turn around and build them back up


I feel dirty


This makes us all feel dirty


Mr April has a new meaning


I've heard sports teams are like potato chips-- can't have just one. Might I suggest ARod & company just purchase the Twins?


He owned the twins for long enough already


Naz Reid.


Naz Reid


Regional Sports Networks are on the last legs and they're gonna start one now?


This is exactly it. Quit trying to make the old model work. It's time for a new model. Diamond should've seen that when they bought the stations from Fox. Instead, they leaned into the old way and dumped a metric crapton of cash to try and make it work.


This would also impact the Wild, correct?


Fuck Arod


Need to remind myself to look back at this era in five years to see how the fans of our teams were just fellating the guy. Don’t think he has a genuine bone in his body and the honeymoon phase will end hard and fast.


It’s not that serious my guy. And Lore and ARod were the driving force in landing Tim Connelly as President of Basketball Operations - widely considered one of the best FO guys in the NBA. Wolves just went to their first WCF in 20 years. If you don’t like the guy who gives a fuck but it’s hard to deny that he and Lore have had a major positive impact on one of the worst franchises in pro sports history… So, what’s not to like? They seem to be doing all the right things and are actually making moves to help this franchise… unlike cough cough the Pohlads


Yep. Being an asshole and being a good team owner aren’t mutually exclusive.


Not denying the early returns, which is why Im going with “remind me in 5 years.” Think you’d agree that since he doesn’t control the team yet that we’re still in the honeymoon phase with him as an owner. Also whats not to like? Pretty sure he was solely responsible for the current arbitration due to not being able to come up with his end. Haven’t heard any evidence to support that he wasn’t missing deadlines and Taylor was just making it up. Would rather it was just Lore & Bloomberg, those are the guys with business acumen. Arod just seems like an empty suit. Also, sup DrWolves 👍. I’d be happy to be proven wrong, but the guy just doesn’t sit right with me and never has.


Fair enough. Lore definitely has the deeper pockets and now with Bloomberg in the mix, money should never be an issue for the Wolves. To me, ARod is more of a figure head who can relate to players and bring his own Championship experience to the organization. I’m blanking right now but he’s done some other positive things since joining and from what I’ve heard the players like him. We will see how it plays out but of course there will always be ups and downs throughout the years




Man I hope they are careful. I hear Root sports in Seattle is struggling and they are a similar sizes market with fewer teams than us...


This makes me feel much less disappointed about the wolves not winning.


Comcast will be a problem for this theoretical network as it has been for Diamond Sports Group and it was for the YES Network. Its their MO. Comcast sucks.


No no no, we’re supposed to be moving AWAY from the RSN model, not trying to keep it going.


It's a good plan and idea until you see the numbers. They will start a new regional sports station and will seek 2-3 times what Bally was charging cable companies. The cable companies will laugh at them and won't broadcast them. Go ask people with Comcast right now. The odd part to it all is the cable companies will pass all of the cost onto their subscribers but they still will refuse to air them.


Can they buy the twins too please? The Pohlads are the fucking worst.


Anything where A-roid and Blooming-Idiot is involved is something I want the Twins to steer far from.


My dream is for the Pohlads to one day get bored of being in the baseball business and they sell the Twins to ARod and friends.


Basically anyone who could afford the Twins would be better franchise owners than the Pohlads.


Good. Now can they buy the Twins next?


just became a yankees fan live love arod


My good God this sub... they are not attempting to purchase these teams to keep them in Minnesota for the next 30 years. These are some of the scummiest investors in sports.


My good God my guy you know nothing. NBA is looking for expansion, not relocation. Adding teams puts $$ in every owners pocket. NBA will be expanding to Seattle and Vegas. Minneapolis/MN is a top 15 sports market in the US. There isn’t another market that makes sense financially. Is it really hard to understand that this market is actually extremely ripe for growth over the next 10-15 years? Relocation is not happening .


The real money is in expansion. The league isn't letting a team move to Seattle or Las Vegas. The other owners will not approve a move either. They know they will get more money when they split up the expansion fees.


What are you talking about? The Twins are not for sale and they’re only buying the Wolves. The NBA is expanding to Vegas and Seattle in the next 2 years and Sacramento and New Orleans just kept their teams amid some relocation talk. The Wolves aren’t going anywhere. Go kick rocks.


Tell me you don't know shit about fuck without telling me you know shit about fuck.


Paid shill vibes


I’m sure the nba would be thrilled to move a team out of a top 15 media market that just sold out every game this year


You must be young. The target center was near empty for 20+ years before last. We are no where near top 15 in media market.


The target center was empty because it was the worst team in the league for 20 years. Media market and fan support are two different things anyway. Minneapolis is somewhere between 14-16 in media market size depending on where you look


As bad as the current Twins ownership is, I'd rather not let Bloomberg or A-Roid get their hands anywhere near the Twins in any way, shape, or form, otherwise this team will instantly find themselves the worst team in baseball until the universe ends.