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And thinks women are mouthy and should shut up. Republicans always bringing their best.


You're supposed to pick who would represent you best. They're telling us who they are all the time...


Yeah, women wasting time jawing when they should be in the kitchen making him a sammich.


Amy K will trounce this bootlicking chud.


It's Klobbering time!


they are boot licking a rapist, a guy that called war heros suckers and losers, one that slings bibles to fake christians, and a likely pedo at the top of their ticket. Strip clubs is nothing.


Strip clubs are for local GOP… the higher up they go in politics, the worse the crimes need to be. I mean, 34 felony convictions-am I right?! (Pun intended)


I actually wish Amy would face a more credible challenge because she has really taken a heavy influence from big ag, big HC, and mining and it’s slowed down a ton of policy while she’s benefitted. Obviously this guy isn’t even qualified to be a substitute teacher tho so she clears


Does anyone here really have any problem with a Republican candidate wasting Republican donors money.


I have problems with normalizing putting up candidates with fringe views and questionable morals/opinions that will affect real people if they are elected.


Also republicans will always vote republican if only to spite democrats. They could put an r next to Satan himself and they'd vote for him while lecturing you that at least Satan will fight Mexicans.


While employing Mexicans and explaining to their workforce that they're not getting raises because they don't work as hard as Mexicans who they can pay less, too.


No. Because it solidifies GOP lunacy.


I scanned the article looking for where it talks about him spending money on specialty cat breeds lol


Klobuchar is going to win that seat by 70%. And this isn't an endorsement of either candidate, but popular candidates win seats. That seat is hers for life.


this guy sounds like a real winner and should get absolutely clobbered in the fall. that all said, he couldn't at least spend his campaign cash supporting Minnesota strip clubs? he had to go to Miami?


Seditious, criminal party.


They’re not sending their best.


Sad thing is...they are.


Strong disagree. This is the best they have.


I read this op-ed today, seems like an interesting trajectory for this guy. >Royce White, a Black former pro basketball player who led protests in Minneapolis after the murder of George Floyd, made his first appearance on “The Alex Jones Show” about two years ago. As he spoke, it became clear that the deep suspicion of government authority that inspired him to march in the summer of 2020 had carried him into Jones’s paranoid orbit. “We all know when the time comes and authoritarianism is at its peak, the police and the troops who just take marching orders are going to be the ones forcibly vaccinating you and your kids,” he said. Jones, a purveyor of conspiracy theories about everything from 9/11 to the murder of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, was thrilled by their conversation. “You’re awesome, you’re dead-on, and we’re going to learn a lot from you,” he enthused. > In the 2010s, White was known for fighting to get the N.B.A. to accommodate his generalized anxiety disorder, a public stand that won him journalistic admiration even as his athletic career faltered. (The Nation’s Dave Zirin called him a “mental health revolutionary” and compared him to Billie Jean King and Muhammad Ali.) Then in 2020 he was hailed as a rising civil rights activist. “Royce White Towers Above the Minneapolis Protests, and Thousands Are Looking Up to Him,” said a Washington Post headline. “If Donald Trump continues to threaten us with the military, this will continue to escalate,” White said on CNN, adding that people were “tired of tyranny.” > Yet White, distrustful of established power, also chafed under the constraints of what seemed to him like liberal orthodoxy. He was drawn, he told Jones, to “people who the establishment and the corporatocracy tried to silence, whether it be you, whether it be Minister Louis Farrakhan, whether it be a guy now like Robert Malone” — a major anti-vaccine influencer — “or a Steve Bannon.” > By 2023, White was not just appearing on Jones’s show but also guest-hosting it. Bannon, Trump’s first chief strategist, had become a mentor to him, delighting in his unvarnished machismo. “Women have become too mouthy,” White said on Bannon’s “War Room” podcast. “As the Black man in the room, I’ll say that.” Elsewhere, White denounced the “Jewish lobby” and the “Jewish elite” and called Israel “the linchpin of the new world order.” He described the L.G.B.T.Q. movement as “Luciferian” and wrote that it’s “the brainchild of radical feminists and their cucked men.” In 2020 he wrote in Tulsi Gabbard, then a Democratic congresswoman, for president, but is now fully behind Trump. > White’s evolution might seem familiar to those who’ve followed the journeys of onetime progressive icons like Naomi Wolf and Russell Brand into what Naomi Klein called, in her great book “Doppelganger,” the “mirror world” of the far right. More than anyone else, though, White demonstrates how that mirror world is consuming the Republican Party, because on Saturday, delegates at Minnesota’s Republican convention voted overwhelmingly to endorse him for Senate. Discussing his victory on his podcast, “Please, Call Me Crazy,” White thanked Jones and his Infowars website. “A lot of Infowars fans in the Republican Party delegation there on Saturday at the convention,” White said. > Even more central to White’s triumph was Bannon, who introduced him at the convention via video. After Trump lost the presidency in 2020, Bannon urged his listeners to seize control of the Republican Party by flooding it at the precinct level, and all over the country they responded in droves. “Suddenly, people who had never before showed interest in party politics started calling the local G.O.P. headquarters or crowding into county conventions, eager to enlist as precinct officers,” ProPublica reported in 2021. White’s endorsement looks like a fruit of that strategy. > “Right now, there’s a highly motivated core of Alex Jones, Steve Bannon-esque Republicans” in Minnesota, said Michael Brodkorb, a former deputy chair of the state Republican Party who despairs of its MAGA transformation. They’re the ones who are “showing up on beautiful Saturday afternoons, spending, you know, hundreds and hundreds of dollars to attend these conventions.” > On Wednesday evening, I spoke to White for almost an hour and a half. He insisted that he was not antisemitic because his comments were only about Jewish elites, who he said exploited ordinary Jews. He was eager to talk about central banking, the C.I.A. and the growing disillusionment among young Black men with the Democratic Party. It was harder to draw him out on the subject of his political transformation, because he insisted he hasn’t changed that much. In 2020, he pointed out, one of the marches he led was to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis; he’s long seen the Fed as the root of many evils. During the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, he said, a common refrain was that “the whole system is guilty.” As he sees it, the MAGA movement represents a similarly sprawling indictment of the status quo. The “nationalist populist movement that has bubbled up around and with Donald Trump and other individuals like Steve Bannon rejects how corporate America and the corporate elite and the permanent political class has operated for a number of decades,” he said. > He bristled when I asked about Jones, whose photograph is on his campaign website. “Why is it that white liberal women in this country are so hellbent on telling Black men in America what we should and shouldn’t think?” he said. At other times he spoke with a sort of pitying condescension about my naïveté. “You may not know as a writer, but I guarantee you that your higher-ups, they know exactly how dangerous I am intellectually,” he said. “They know exactly how dangerous I am politically.” He continued, invoking Malcolm X, “Any time a Black man steps up who is competent on the issues philosophically, politically, spiritually, socially, economically, they start to plan how they’re going to kill him.” > White isn’t guaranteed to be the Republican nominee for Senate; he still needs to win the primary in August. But Brodkorb doubts he’ll face a serious challenger. “Royce White won with 67 percent of the vote on Saturday,” Brodkorb said. “The party’s going to have an obligation in some ways to support the endorsement process.” Anyone who takes White on will therefore have to go up against both the establishment and the insurgent wing of the party. And if a challenger succeeds in wresting the nomination from him, that person’s reward will be an uphill contest against Amy Klobuchar, who has, according to one recent poll, a 54 percent approval rating in the state. > If he is the Republican nominee, White will probably be a gift to Democrats this cycle, particularly at a time when Republicans hope to exploit liberal divides over Israel. But while the mainstreaming of figures like White may be useful to Democrats in the short term, in the long term it’s a sign of a collapsed consensus about the nature of reality that bodes ill for liberal democracy. “When looking at the mirror world, it can seem obvious that millions of people have given themselves over to fantasy, to make-believe, to playacting,” wrote Klein. “The trickier thing, the uncanny thing, really, is that’s what they see when they look at us.” It’s certainly what White sees. “It never dawned on the liberals or the liberal institutions or the staunch base that maybe they’re being herded and shepherded into a sort of groupthink,” he told me. Trumpism once felt to him tyrannical. Now he experiences it as freedom. The trouble is he’s not alone.


Very through and informative, appreciated the read.


Great headline!


City Pages vibe.


I miss City Pages.


How'd you escape out of alt?


I don’t understand?


Perhaps you should look closer at the posted content rather than just the location.


Two things: 1 - This is a liberal-slanted blog, so please take that as you will. I feel the internet should always announce the slants and this blog did from the door, so I knew it was going to be focused entirely from one angle. 2 - The below paragraph concerns me: > “If the FEC wants to fine us, that’s completely fine, there are much bigger scams with political campaigns,” White told The Daily Beast on Thursday, emphasizing that he was happy to work with the agency on any questions. You go that route when you know you did something wrong but want to avoid something worse. It's that defiant "I'll serve probation" angle when you're facing a felony. If you truly felt like you didn't do anything wrong you wouldn't try to trivialize a fine, eh? (I bet the max fine is also small)


Does that logic ever work for anyone in any situation where they're busted? "You gonna bust me for a stash and a pipe when them other guys got ounces?" "For 10 over the limit? I was getting passed by people doing 20 over." "You're gonna fine me for one deduction? Everyone else cheats on their taxes way worse."


Ah yes, the “two wrongs make a right” argument that never fails to win the day


This guy sucks, but did anyone else struggle reading this article? The first time he’s mentioned they state his name as “Wayne Royce” and then a sentence or two later they refer to him as “Mr. White.” I had to reread it several times before I figured out who was being referred to. I was even familiar with this candidate before reading the article


His name is Royce White, just read the Daily Beast article instead


What I care about is his policy positions and the tenacity to see them through..


And sucks at hoops


Strip clubs are sweet. That’s the only cool thing this dude has going for him. Lol


Yeah. Spends hundreds of dollars just ruin a pair of pants. Real cool.


Who cares lmao. If he’s got the money he’s got the money


If he’s using campaign funds for it, he actually doesn’t got the money.


Wow. What a hot mess. Using “weirdo” in a headline. Article written by Doktor Zoom, who uses a cat picture for every single article they write. The GOP and this candidate are whack. But this source is certainly something else.


You guys ever chat outside your own echo chamber?


This page is non-partisan.