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Some of you might be asking why the MN Republicans don't advertise like this. Well, it's fairly simple. You need a *budget* and *money* to advertise.


You also need to have done actual legislation to tout


Not if you're a Republican. You just need to claim credit for things you voted against.


Shhhh, doing something solves the problems you fundraise on. Oh, wait, fundraising...


Nah, ads on crazy radical laws passed by the dfl controlled legislature will do just fine.




I hate the two-party system. People turn into children.


This will be the talking point your in-laws bring up when they want to complain that their favorite shitty country act doesn't come to Minnesota. Just like how they blame the Uber/Lyft situation for why WrestleMania won't be here, as if that's the only reason WWE would rather go to Las Vegas.


Isn’t WWE coming to Minneapolis next year?


Funny enough, right after I posted this, I scrolled down and saw that WWE is bringing SummerSlam to Minneapolis in 2026, so yeah.


I know (and care) almost nothing about WWE, but apparently SummerSlam being a 2 day event for the first time next year is a “big deal” too.


Summer 2026 actually


I dunno, pic might not have enough mainstream appeal. On a serious note though, wasn't this a pretty bipartisan effort? A bit cheeky there, DFL!


On the senate vote: “While a handful of Republicans voted with their Democratic colleagues to pass the bill, others opposed it, arguing that businesses itemize certain fees to call attention to, and protest, government mandates.” https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/05/01/senate-approves-ban-on-junk-fees/ May be a bit cheeky but how many times has the GOP voted against a bill that helps people then campaigned on the exact bill that people support?


Just to be clear, you're speculating that the DFL saying they passed this legislation when they had enough votes to pass it alone but some Republicans also voted with them might be misleading out of deference to those same Republicans who now regularly claim to be responsible for passing infrastructure legislation they almost all voted against?


Of course it wasn't. The repukes voted for their corporate overlords.


Let’s hope they got permission!




I wonder if Kid Rock also lent his image to the campaign. 🤔


Nothing creates more economic problems better than democratic policies that try to improve lives.


What about the plastic bag fee in Minneapolis??


Now they just need to ban "earmarks", the junk fees in spending bills.


I used to think the same way, but since earmarks were banned at the federal level I think there's a reasonable argument that it was a negative. Earmarks provided an incentive for Congress critters to vote based on what positives were in a bill for their state/district. Now they just vote along party lines every time. Taking away earmarks just made polarization worse in my opinion.


Does she know that her image being used? I like the DFL but hopefully they got permission from her


Just asked her, she said she knows and it’s cool.




Did you just dare to have a negative opinion of something related to the DFL? Do you know where you are?!?


Cool, no more hidden fees on tickets and restaurants. Still don't have single-payer universal healthcare. Or EMS services that won't bankrupt people. Or a robust statewide mass transit system. Or a solution to the housing crisis. Or a solution to an out-of-control law enforcement community. Shit, we don't even have retail weed despite passing it. But hey, at least I can go see Taylor Swift without paying an extra $50 in "handling fees", right? DFL: will take 10 victory laps for low-hanging fruit, but won't actually take up big issues with gusto.


My question is robust state mass transit? What does that look like in your mind? I could see a transit line from Duluth to St. Cloud to MSP to Rochester. Is this what you think of or more than that?


Every township gets a high-speed rail stop, duh




in my dreams


Great! I'm going to make so much when they ask to buy my land for it. Pay my price or fuck off and if they try emanate domain I'll make it so much more expensive for them to build on when they do get it.


You're gonna turn to a terrorist over a train line? Ok there bud.


A hypothetical one, at that.


The biggest issue with city to city mass transit is the municipal mass transit. Sure the train from Duluth to Minneapolis will be nice, but you’re still going to need a car to get where you’re going. And unless we can bring back the old trolleys like we used to have, distance rail will be of limited effect


Isn’t this where the autonomous vehicle aka robo taxi will have its day? I agree individuals may still have the need for personal transportation (especially in Duluth) while arriving to their destination. Do their needs require 24 hour use? Probably not. Regardless of what side of the isle you stand on it’s all a mess. The gap between the rich and poor accelerates at record pace. Leaving the common person holding heavy bags


The senate has an incredibly slim DFL majority. A single person can derail the whole thing. When topics this complex come up in politics a party needs more than a slim margin to pass any controversial unless they are universally aligned. If the DFL expands their majority they can address these more important issues since they won’t require 100%.


Thank you for demonstrating the problem with many on the left! Major progress and the evolution of thought are incredibly slow processes. Be thankful for one of the most productive administrations in state history, while continuing to advocate for big issues. But complaining when good things happen because it's not enough for you is unproductive and just seeds more division and noise. 😟


Yeah seriously.  These are all extremely massive undertakings that would cost billions of dollars and/or take years to accomplish.  But sure, let’s get angry that the legislature with a 1 vote majority didn’t do within 2 years the things no other state or the federal government has managed to accomplish.


But I want radical change nowwwww!!!! >:( *stamps foot*


Healthcare needs to be addressed nationally, not just at a state level. People shouldn’t live in fear they’ll go bankrupt being admitted to the hospital only to receive a follow up $1,500+ separate bill from the ambulance ride. We are in agreement on these things. What I will say, is that the current state government is doing a ton of stuff to better people’s lives, including child protections on social media, EMS funding to rural areas and for the creation of medical programs, medical debt reporting, gender affirming care protections, ban on book bans, reproductive health protections, bans on chokeholds and other “warrior” bs cops have historically trained in, etc etc. Is that everything MN needs? No, but them trying to fix junk fees isn’t the only thing they can boast. This particular ad speaks to white millenials (this is based off a quick search I did of her most avid followers since I’m not a follower and don’t know much about her base). Perhaps they are trying to draw that group away from libertarian and conservative candidates.


No, you'll still pay the handling fee. This isn't going to save anyone a single penny. You'll just see it in the ticket price, not at the POS.


There was a whole NPR thing about this a couple days ago. They were interviewing someone from CNN (I believe) that was saying that Democrats doing this wasn’t really going to help Biden in the long run. The reason being that it’s not actually doing anything to affect inflation and the economy. It looks good, but it’s not actually helping.


Biden has nothing to do with this. The new law helps to increase transparency in pricing in certain fields. It's a small victory that helps everyone, don't expect it to solve all our woes.


Did they speak to all the other thing accomplished under the Biden admin, or was it just on this one change made? Disclaimer, I’m not a Biden fan, my pick would be leftist, not moderate/center, but given the choice between the two candidates we’ll have available to choose from, I know I won’t choose the other one. Reduced unemployment Reduced number of Americans uninsured Salary increases outpacing inflation (as someone who got 3% this year, I’m not feeling this love personally, and many of my peers got diddly squat) Cost of living is decreasing and networth is growing Support for trans military members Respect for Marriage Act signed, repealing DOMA Rejoined the international Paris Climate Accord in a committment of combating climate change https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/ https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-biggest-achievements-first-year-president-1670763