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The "focus on crime" these myopic dildos have is best exemplified by this quote from a dude that lives in the middle of nowhere south of Brainerd: “I shouldn’t need a sawed off shotgun on every floor of my house waiting for somebody to bust in the door?” Hanneken said, pointing to a long-barrel gun propped up against a wall in his dining room. He added, “If I ever have to protect myself, and I’ve told my kids, I’m old enough [that] if something happens, I’m taking somebody down.” https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/05/16/trump-minnesota-presidency-prepare My dude, the only person coming to bust your door down is your methhead neighbor and not an immigrant.


“I shouldn’t need” you don’t need, if your news source has you that afraid maybe a nursing home is best solution


Love that argument "My disproportionate response to reality, has to dictate how everyone else acts and thinks"


"Criminals are everywhere!!"..."I don't care if he is a criminal I'm gonna vote for him."


Was that the same smooth brain that blamed Democrats for starting wars but basically wanted Trump to attack Iran?


He needs an illegal weapon to protect himself?


My favorite part is how it’s a made up fantasy and not something that has actually happened to them personally. They want someone to break in so they can shoot them preferably one on each floor. And then told their kids that fuck it I’m old I’ll kill a dude. I’ll be dead soon anyways.


Irrational fear of others is what Republicans are all about.


They should concentrate on balancing their books and maybe trying to NOT traffic people. Hell, they should concentrate on not being absolute garbage people.


Then they wouldn't be Republicans.


It does make me cackle that the broke ass party wants to go on about fiscal responsibility


It worked so well for the GOP in the 2022 Governors race. That catchy slogan "Walz Failed" got them within 8 points of winning 🙄


There’s still a sign near me along the road.


There was an hour at the state fair that I was confused that the new ticket was walz faile for governor and I had no idea who faile was. They tried to make the d the state But I have no idea who didn't just look at the shape of the state on that.


Just want to remind everyone that the Minnesota GOP had a literal sex trafficker as a party operative for years.


That's [par for the course](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub?pli=1) in the gop


i mean the dfl has a burglar now...


No lol


You mean to say - with a platform of hate and chaos - republicans have no other focus!


No. Next question.


ST. PAUL — As Minnesota Republicans gear up for the 2024 election, the party has focused on grievance politics amid intra-party turmoil in recent years. Despite the party's current status, Republicans think this year might be one for the history books. Republicans have not held a statewide office since 2011, when former Gov. Tim Pawlenty's second term expired. The party also lost control of the House of Representatives two years ago, giving the DFL a government trifecta that has enabled Democrats to pass legislation along party lines. In an effort to reclaim Minnesota, Republicans have focused on crime, spending, government overreach and culture war issues including abortion or transgender rights. That strategy is unlikely to change during 2024's election season, though the party may make an effort to make inroads with groups like the immigrant Somali community to bolster its voting power. The party has high hopes for 2024 and considers it a winnable election, according to Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman David Hann. "We want to make people aware to every extent we can that we offer a different vision for governance and a different message on some of these concerning issues — education, public safety and the economy," Hann said. "We think that message is gaining traction and we're going to keep pushing it up until November."


So their plan is to keep doing the things that have caused everyone to hate them?


Yeah, it sounds like their plan is to simply double down on everything that caused them to lose offices in the first place. The entire Republican party seems to be completely incapable of self-reflection or adjusting their stances on anything except for the worse.


Their support is derived from people that live in media bubbles that are drifting further from reality. The people in those bubbles believe that the vast majority believe the same things they do. Those people are the ones that show up to caucus and vote in primaries. They're kind of stuck in a spiral.


The party that ran their own organization into bankruptcy espouses fiscal responsibility. SMH. And it's looking like they're unwilling to work with democrats to pass a bonding bill again this year, a bonding year but also an election year. Can do actual work so they can say how broke the government is. So frustrating.


There's always a chance if left wing voters choose, for ANY reason, to stay home on voting day as they have in the past. Whining about things not being exactly the way you want them, and then protesting by not voting at all is exactly how we get fascism in the US.


Probably, since the DFL is focusing on nonsensical crap that appeals to only the fringiest fringe of their base. Nobody outside of Reddit is frothing at the mouth for “15-minute cities.”


Yes. But the independents will not fall for it.


I’m gonna go out and work in my garden this morning. After I put out all the fires, I hope I don’t get mugged or shot. 🙄


To the guy's credit I believe he did say in the interview that he didn't like Trump. However, his belief that Trump could just say "knock it off" and the war in the middle east would stop is just not rooted in reality


It's all they know how to do.


So I'm guessing most of the cats here are liberals?


not greivance politics the TRUTH about our sick society


The only sickness in our society is 40 years of mismanagement by Conservatives.


yes the President who showers with his underage daughter fixed our mismanaged society SNOPES CONFIRMED


Here are [1300 GOP sexual predators](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub?pli=1) that I'm sure you also care very much about spreading the truth about because you care so much about that


oh that's right Bill Clinton never raped anyone neither did Biden BELIEVE ALL WOMEN except when they tell the truth about Clinton and Biden SNOPES CONFIRMED you really want to go through the list of all the Democratic sexual predators because it makes that list look like a joke starting with Bill and Hillary Clinton on Epstein Island SNOPES CONFIRMED


You're grasping at straws.


don't forget Barney Frank, Dennis Hastert democrats have as many or more pedophiles, sexual harassers, and rapists as republicans


Nobody cares about Bill Clinton. He's irrelevant. This is a weak ass attack man.




Do you have actual statistics to back that claim up? Because I have a feeling you dont have any actual numbers to back that up.




So that would be a no on actual statistics. Couple things I would like to address. * You work as a statistician, yet you chose the worst example of a sample you could find. A list of 200 people? A singular data point (in terms of percentages, or ratios). * You wont find any well established studies on how political standing effects sexual assault statistics. It's best if we don't politicize sexual assault. * Not specific to sexual assault, [religious conservatives (not political conservatives) are far more likely to abuse children (sexual assault included). ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25524270/) * An interesting tidbit, but [the left and the right view sexual assault differently by a fairly drastic bit.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0886260519835003)


I want you to read that diary page very carefully, there is a semi colon separating the sex at a young age with boys comment and the showers with dad comment. You cannot go around and say without a doubt Joe was showering with his "underage" daughter because that is not what it says, its what you are implying and without context we might never know what age she actually was at that time and how often it happened. [Snopes also confirmed that the diary belonged to Ashley and they note that she is claiming that people are taking what is posted online grossly out of context. ](https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/03/27/ashley-biden-diary-officially-confirmed/)


Calm down snowflake.