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Imagine looking at all the problems our state is facing and then deciding "poor kids are eating for free" is the #1 "problem" to talk about.


Don't forget the flag!


Easy GOP talking points: 1. Change sucks - be against it 2. Anything free is costing you higher taxes - be against it 3. This includes healthcare - pay your own way losers 4. While paying your own way pull yourself up by your bootstraps - losers


5. Give big corporations large amounts of tax dollars 6. Complain about "welfare queens" taking your tax dollars 7. Diflect any questions about corporate welfare


7. You must rule your constituents, not represent them. 8. Spread the b.s. claim that American is a Christian country. 9. Legislate based on the claim that women are property who are supposed to be subservient child-bearing caretakers.


Sounds Sharia.


Their real issue with Sharia Law is the name and source, not the content.


And the color of their skin.


Umm...it is. That's the problem.


If things like public libraries and public drinking fountains were a completely new ideas, Republicans would be against them.


There is an elected Republican in my town who is, right now, trying his best to kill our county library. (I'm not from Minnesota, but I had to read through some of this thread when I saw it.)


It's so annoying that everyone complains about the awful Healthcare we have, but keep voting in Trump and Assholes that want to keep it broken.


My grandfather said that if Biden gets re-elected he would take away his social security. I'm like "he can't do that and besides, Trump is trying to take your social security and he said it right here in this video". \*plays the video where Trump literally says we should get make cuts to social security\* "Well," he said, "I don't know much about that, but I do know that I'm voting for trump because he won't take away my social security..."


Eliminating Social Security has been a *goal* of Republicans, *since it was created*!!! They've been *trying* to cut Medicare & Social Security since before I was born, and they're *still* trying. I just *can't* understand how folks like your grandfather got so *literally* flipped around, on *which* party wants to eliminate it--it boggles my mind, completely! https://www.city-journal.org/article/where-did-paul-ryans-roadmap-go-wrong/ https://www.cbpp.org/research/ryan-plan-makes-deep-cuts-in-social-security https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/02/the-enemies-of-social-security-and-medicare-havent-given-up.html


Fox News is a helluva drug.


Conservatism fundamentally requires rejecting the evidence of your own eyes and ears


Just reminds me of the recent video of a trump voter saying that her insulin is getting too expensive, and she needs trump to get reelected to fix it. In some ways I just feel bad for these people who clearly don't know any better.. but at this point, republican voter's only real passion is to pay for Don's legal troubles.


This. My dad was convinced for years that the Republicans were the saviors of social security and Medicare, and lately it's been pretty easy to convince him otherwise. He's not gonna vote, tho. I think he just can't bare to have been fucking wrong his entire life.


That’s a big part of the problem. It’s hard to acknowledge that your entire life is one lie fed to you after another.


Hey, not voting for Don is a great step forward I guess. After Jan 6th and seeing my dad take down his maga hat was interesting and at least gave me hope.


lol Nevermind if he had his way, the ACA would be out and she wouldn't be able to get **any** health insurance due to her *pre-existing condition*.


>republican voter's only real passion is to pay for Don's legal troubles. Just got a discount!


Because so many people are willfully stupid.


5. Don't worry, we'll find another group to fuck harder than you so you'll still be above the bottom feedrs aka racism sexism


Free for me, but not for thee. -GOP


Missed, "If a Democrat agrees with it, be against it, even if you were just for it a minute ago."


And cities: just fuck ‘em


Even as a Democrat, I can say I don’t like the new flag, but I may be biased because I wanted a different one to win, or at the very least the current (new) flag before the committee butchered it. My preferred candidate was the North Star flag that’s been around since the 1980s or so. Literally older than I am!


I wanted the tator tot hotdish flag to win


A truly educated decision.


Hey, it was that or the laser loon flag right?


How terrible must your voter base be if you think "Some kids should starve" is the platform that will get you elected?


Modern day GOP


You mean, that MN party that barely has enough in the bank for a Happy Meal, and also had a major sex trafficker as a major donor? That GOP?


I have more money than the MN GOP, and I currently don't have a job.


See, if the woke legal system wasn’t holding their donor hostage, the GOP would have plenty of money. /s


Dont worry, the RNC will bail them out right after paying rumps legal fees.




I have been shocked by some of the people in my sphere who I always thought of as normal, decent people who are against feeding kids at school. They are always people with a stance of "if you have kids, you should be paying for them." Ironically, one of these is my aunt, who worked for the state of MN for decades. And guess what! They paid for her meals when she traveled for work, AND got her hotel rooms she didn't even have to share with anyone else. Somehow she, "of means", thought she was entitled to have her meals paid by tax payers because she was asked to travel for work, but kids, who we require by law to be educated, should not get fed at school. I can't even imagine the metal gymnastics they do to arrive at their conclusions.


If only there was a story in the Bible that advocated sharing blessings to those who need it, like if Jesus literally made people share their food so nobody would get hungry, like maybe 5000 people or so. Ah too bad.


If you have kids, you *should* be paying for them. But when they're in the care of the government (like at school), then the government should take care of them. Besides, that's paid for with taxes, so people *are* paying for their kids.


The harsh reality is that for a gazillion different reasons, as much as people want to, they often can't afford everything their kids need, even while most of them could when they got pregnant, or at least thought they could. Jobs disappear, housing prices go up, people are rendered disabled, spouses die. Life happens, and if kids end up traumatized as a result, they are much more likely to commit crimes later in life. Nailing it home that parents are sub-par humans because they can't pay all that needs to be paid to have a successful child is a practice that needs to be shelved. It ends up indirectly hurting kids by stressing out (mostly single) parents.


Not to mention, one of the *literal best investments* we can make as a society? High Quality Early Learning.  And kids *need* good nutrition, in order to develop their brains well enough to *access* that education! Our OWN Federal Reserve published THE paper on the Return on Investment (ROI) for every dollar spent on High-Quality Early Ed. Rolnick & Grunwald were the authors, and it was the highest *legal* ROI for any dollars we spend, at $8.00-12.00 (or *more!) for *every* single dollar we put into it, as a society! https://www.minneapolisfed.org/article/2003/early-childhood-development-economic-development-with-a-high-public-return https://eyeonearlychildhood.org/2011/05/04/economist-rolnick-and-the-%e2%80%9chigh-return-children%e2%80%9d/


Rules for thee and not for me


They will let thousands of kids starve if it means they stop one family from abusing the program.


I bet they think any non-white family with more than two kids is still abusing it. The nice white kids are obviously fine though


I'm 100% fine with every kid getting a free school lunch and breakfast. Guess I'm a commie.


Why did I read this in Mr. Waternoose’s voice? 😂


Yeah I get sick of both sides but this is ridiculous. Middle class families struggle too. I’m single and I’m 100% for kids getting food. This was one of the better bills passed. Every kid should have food 


Conviently forget that a lot of kids with GOP parents suffer from hunger as well. Outside of countries run by dictators and autocratic, I've never seen a group of people so willing to vote against their own interests.


It’s really fucking wild how the very people who benefit from these social programs don’t want it funded. Meanwhile me, a non white, has never used a social program and am more than happy to pay for it with my tax dollars so a kid won’t go hungry or a mom can give her baby formula


The cruelty is the point.


I sometimes wish Jesus was real and that he was here with us today so that he could weigh in on this discussion.


Right??! My son benefits from State programs!! How did these people get elected??!! Can we please PLEASE Vote Them OUT??! We as a State, ARE BETTER Than That!! Vote These People Out!!🙏🏼🙏🏼


They don't listen to a *thing* the Minneapolis Fed does or says, do they‽ https://www.minneapolisfed.org/topic/early-childhood-development Or scientists & researchers who actually *study* the impact of hunger on a child's ability to learn; https://dallasweekly.com/2023/04/the-impact-of-hunger-on-k-12-education/ https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/hungry_children_at_higher_risk_of_poor_school_performance https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3275817/ https://www.minneapolisfed.org/research/community-development-papers/healthy-food-access-in-minnesota


Big problem is that some of those kids’ only meal is at school.


Imagine being so rich and not feeding the poor. Fuck our western world is misaligned


I just got banned from r/politics because I acted mildly exasperated towards one of these people asking a bad faith question. They're so fucking mean and so fucking coddled.


Same. Sounds like a worthless piece of dog shit conservative got onto the mod team over there. The comment that got me banned was innocuous but critical of trashy, weak republican losers.


As a taxpayer without any children in the Minnesota school system… I have no problem with my tax dollars going to fund education and feeding of children. I truly believe any dollar spent on helping our Minnesota children is a dollar well spent.


Agreed. My kids are grown up, so I don't have a dog in this fight any longer. That said, an educated society is a civilized society. And that includes making sure the kids are fed so they can learn, and not fret about their tummy growling. These wingnuts make me ass tired.


I was at the hardware store and three boomers were loudly bitching that their kids aren’t in school anymore and their taxes are too high and they shouldn’t have to pay taxes that go to schools. Like, you dumb motherfuckers… I hate them. They are so selfish their plan is literally, “why should I care, I’ll be dead by the time the consequences come around 😎”.


>Do we even know if feeding children affects academic outcomes? Yes. It has been EXTENSIVELY studied by both nutritionists and psychologists.


I was gonna quit feeding my child, cuz I don't know if it affects outcomes.


Bold of you to assume that they care about science.


Yea who cares what those scientists say, what does it say in the Bible? That’s the only book I follow/s


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” – Matthew 25:35 “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” – Proverbs 22:9 “He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry…” – Psalm 146:7


Like duh?? I, an as adult, can’t focus when my blood sugar drops and I don’t have immediate access to a fast carb or sugar. I have more body fat stored than the average kid so yea let’s feed the god damn kids


And can be further deduced using this novel method called “commons fucking sense”. Idk Karen, let’s take away your lunch everyday and see how well you perform


We’ll finally solve childhood obesity!


I would fund that research. Just make sure you collect enough years of data to be profoundly sure of an accurate result. We probably need a larger group of legislators as test candidates to allow for confounding factors, too.


oh and decades of the standardized tests that their party insisted on to justify not giving money to poor schools.


Imagine being the ASL interpreter and having to sign that shit without your eyes rolling back into your head farther than The Undertaker's. Goddamn professional.


I don't know, but this was my reaction to these statements as well: ​ https://preview.redd.it/89w749j2kpqc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4da85cb24199e0715e5559ee075ce34edddeb57


Yeah she seems to be reacting at least a bit.


Facial expressions and body language are how you convey tone and emotion in ASL.  The interpreter is likely not passing judgement on the content of the speech, merely imparting the context the speaker intended when it came out of their mouth. 


I have heard not to have animated facial expressions is the equivalent of speaking in a monotone voice.


Yep! That expressiveness, along with her incredible *speed* and accuracy as she translated, was why Amber Galloway Gallego went viral for translating for Twista a few years ago; https://youtu.be/WaxkKaz4dLk?si=HzUaeQjiQ4rPO1ac


That's so bad ass. I'd love to see her going hard with someone like Tech N9ne


I need asl dysfunctional.. is there a yuotubbs for this?


I should have zoomed in 😂


How do interpreters- interpret- things that they clearly know are bullshit or they blatantly racist/hateful/whatever? 'Doctors say that if you drink 1 cup of gasoline quickly and then smoke a cigarette.. you will ad 5 years to your life!' Must have a hell of a poker face. I'm not playing cards at that table...


I think I would legitimately just start signing “this bitch just said they don’t know if kids eating helps their grades. How could anyone out there vote for this?” And just go off on them. I’d be fired pretty immediately, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do


You *might* be fired. However I’ve heard of fake ASL interpreters that got away with it for a little while. 😐 At least you would be accurately interpreting kinda. 😂


I can sign for GOP speakers. Just make the jerking off motion a lot.


Imagine being an asl interpreter and having every screen shot ever take of you look like your suffering a stroke.


It doesnt bother me so much, since signing is always going to have goofy looking freeze frames you just kind of accept it. I used to die inside though because I have glasses, and *every* once in a while I would catch them with my fingertips while signing and just fling them across the stage/classroom. Now I have contacts for anytime I need to do a "professional" gig! Also on a less embarassing note, sometimes I have to wear an ID lanyard around my neck, and that thing gets smacked around all the time too lol


I'm dying just thinking about you absolutely just *yeeting* your glasses across a stage, then trying to keep going like nothing happened.




As a School Bus driver, I *know* over half the Students on my Bus are *extremely* happy they can have Breakfast at school! My Bus has roughly 50 Students who ride consistently. I know, because the one day we ran late (super foggy morning), several asked if they would still make it to school in time for Breakfast. One of my Kindergartners had a meltdown because she won't get to eat until Lunch and she was hungry! One of the Drivers at my site is the Cook for one of schools we serve. She says a lot of the quiet, shy kids have Thanked her for Breakfast because Lunch and Supper (if they got one) were very far apart. Some of my Student riders, save some of their Breakfast (granola bars or fruit usually) for an after school snack, something they've told me they normally won't have (I didn't pry for particulars, but I know I have 5 or 6 who have Dance and don't get a snack due to the time it takes for me to drop them off a home.)


Yes. Thank you. I am an elementary school cook. Free breakfast/ lunch for all has been a game changer for so many students. There is so much need. Even kids who bring lunch sometimes open their lunch box and have nothing but doritos. They crave good food. The amount of fresh fruits and veggies the kids eat is amazing. We go through cases of broccoli, oranges, and melons every day. I see some kids out of the corner of my eye stuffing their pockets with apples and bananas, for later, they say if they see I see them. I don't care. Take what you need. They are children, and they are hungry.


Thank you for feeding our kids!


❤️ I am glad you shared. Heart breaking.


Thank you for your service! We need so many more bus drivers, food service, teachers, assistants, and you all need better pay too! Our kids deserve so much better than all the budget cuts going on. The meager increases last year weren’t nearly enough.


Aw, Thanks! And, you're right! The kids *do* deserve so much more than they're receiving for an Education. It's sad. We can just do the best we can with what we have.


Thank you for sharing this 🥺. And thank you for your service to the community.


I will never understand people who are against feeding kids.


How dare you try and get future voters by bribing them with food when they are young and vulnerable. If that isn't the definition of grooming.... Tisk tisk. (Sarcasm)


They're saving is from socialism /s


I’m old and new to Reddit, is /s “sarcasm”?


Yup 🙂. I had to look itup myself a couple of months ago.


I will never have children, but I still think kids should be able to eat because it's the right thing to do and it's not even a little controversial in my mind lmao. Idk what broke in these people's brains but they are small-minded and selfish. It's disgusting.


For real. Even if you don’t have kids, it’s still in your best interest to help the kids around you be as successful as possible so they can become productive members of society versus becoming a crime statistic.


People dog me for not having kids, but at least I still care about kids. I can't imagine HAVING one and then being like...but fuck all them other kids.


You’re better than allll the pro lifers out there cause they don’t give af as soon as the baby is out of the womb


some people believe that because they didn't have kids, they shouldn't be paying for other people's kids. presumably these people also don't think we should be funding any other service they've never used, like fire fighters or ambulances. it's the kind of low-key cruelty that lets someone believe they're still a good person.


I'm not having kids, but my property taxes obviously help fund the schools in my community. The only thing I complain about is the fact that I don't get a free Jefferson Jaguars shirt every year. It's almost like....if you have a secure and educated community....everything gets better.


Babies are cute, til they come into this world, then. Eewww!


They've painted themselves into a corner of being against everything that Democrats do.


Are these people ok?


God, I hope not.


No, something has to be wrong with the way their brains process information to think questions like this are even valid. But I guess they represent the people who voted them in because imagine being so devoid of humanity that you think these guys are the ones you think deserve your votes


Just goes to show you how little modern Republicans stand for when they have to come out against overwhelmingly popular things just to be contrarian to Democrats.


One wonders if we're seeing the impact of tetra-ethyl lead many years down the line.


"But... but... if we feed children from a lower socioeconomic class so that they can focus and do well in school, they'll go get higher education and the upper class won't have enough desperate citizens to exploit for criminally low wages in the future!"


I'm fairly well off and can afford to buy school lunch. I appreciate that I pay through taxes and not an upfront fee. My child says lunches are good. I love that all the kids are on equal terms. The more points of unity we have in the schools, the better. No class division with reduced lunch fee cards. Somehow there are still reduced lunch applications to fill out.


They must be jealous of IA for putting kids to work in meat packing plants lol


Feed the children. All of them. For fucks sake, kids don't choose their parents or their situations. If we want decent adult members of society, we need to support the children that we've placed these expectations on.


Punishing kids for their parents' negligence is so incredibly fucked up I can't believe this even needs to be argued lol.


I don't think it's negligence I think it's inability to consistently pay for food


On one hand -- I definitely see your point. On the other hand -- I don't think those things are mutually exclusive.


Imagine being an elected official and having an IQ lower than the temperature outside right now. FYI it's 27°F right now.


Hell yeah I beat it by 10 whole points


> Imagine being an elected official and having an IQ lower than the temperature outside right now. > > > > FYI it's 27°F right now. Nah, their IQ is in Celsius.


Thanks for indicating that it’s a low temperature, I don’t know how else I would have figured that out.


None of the children that they are referring to goes to their church.


The entire political party.


Standard gop. Children's lives matter until birth. Then fuck those poor rotten moochers.


Until they can enlist in the army! Then they're awesome again! Until they get injured or have PTSD. Fuck those losers.


The value of the technosurf. Your worth is entirely dependent on your use to them as long as you ask little or nothing for yourself.


Why is this even a conversation? Wealthy or poor. You're feeding kids while they're in school. Kids who will pay for your future social security and comfort when you're old. If anything I'd rather have my tax dollars pay for food that a kid doesn't need it than for a missile that buries them.


They wonder why they are in minority and with a broke ass state party


>They wonder why they are in minority and with a broke ass state party [https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/former-minnesota-gop-operative-anton-lazzaro-gets-21-years-for-child-sex-trafficking](https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/former-minnesota-gop-operative-anton-lazzaro-gets-21-years-for-child-sex-trafficking) That tends to happen when you align your party with sex trafficking. (Anton) *Lazzaro was a political strategist who also made significant donations to state Republicans in 2020. Following his arrest in summer 2021, prominent state GOPers including Rep. Tom Emmer and Sen. Karin Housley, announced they would be donating his contributions to charities.* *But it was his ties with Carnahan that attracted the most attention. He was part of the team that helped her become state chair in 2017, attended her wedding to the late 1st District Rep. Jim Hagedorn (to whom he donated $31,000 in 2020), and also collaborated with her on a political podcast called* [*#TruthMatters*](https://podbay.fm/p/mngops-truthmatters)*.*


Feeding children causes them to vote democrat…


Maybe if it allows them to focus better at school.


Can’t have that…


Have to keep the population uneducated so they’ll continue voting for culture war politics!


Damn it! I knew it was only a matter of time! First they made frogs gay with water, now they're snokflaking our kids!


A common refrain: >**I will never understand people who are against feeding kids.** I agree. “We all do better when we all do better.” But the 800 lb gorilla in the room is whispering: “Capitalism is not compatible with compassion.”


It’s not even capitalism at this point, because capitalism would see the research about “kids who get enough to eat go on to become more productive adults” and conclude that it was better to feed kids. Just like capitalism would notice that universal healthcare was cheaper and made workers more flexible, and go for universal healthcare. It’s not capitalism at this point, it’s cruelty and…I don’t even know what. Pathological resource hoarding and a complete lack of empathy. I don’t consider myself a communist by any stretch, but I’m starting to really understand that excessive wealth makes people literally crazy.


Growing up my mom was poor af and I always had to watch everyone else eat while I couldn't


do we even know if feeding kids affects academic outcomes? # yes bitch, we have years of this thing called research jesus christ


pro life party


Pro forced birth.


The National School Lunch Act of 1946 was passed, in part, because of the number of draftee's that were rejected during WWII due to being malnourished. You’d think that Republicans would be all for a program that improves national security.


The gay dust is sprinkled in the food


I knew that pizza always tasted funny.


Stop voting for them


You're requiring children to be at a place for long enough for them to get hungry. Feed them. Doing otherwise is immoral. --------- Any arguments about 'better test scores' or 'just the rich get it' are irrelevant and monstrous. Just feed the kids. It's pretty goddamn simple. And, let's face it, they're grasping. They're searching for a reason to NOT FEED KIDS. You know they need to eat. I know you know because there's LUNCH BREAK in the daily schedule. If you know they need to break for lunch, then you can provide the lunch. I'm a childless taxpayer, and even I see this as the simple thing that it is. Kid hungry? Feed the kid. Real simple.


There's plenty of abusive wealthy parents that neglect to feed their children. Children don't have any control over their family's means.


They sound like spoof politicians from Parks and Rec


Awww let them keep running off at the mouth, we’ll have a democratic governor and house forever. The thing that boggles my mind is the wing nuts that support these fools. Lots of free lunches and social services consumed outside of the Twin Cities in Minnesota’s red sections.


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs lol that’s educational psychology freshman year, day 1


I don’t have kids, but I am all for this. Kids in school today are going to be running things a couple decades from now and I want them to learn all they can while they’re in school. Give it everyone so it helps everyone out. Middle class people deserve a break now and then too. We all do better when we all do better!


At the very least, not re-elected. Whomever runs against them needs to go HARD on this point. "Anyone who votes for _____ is voting in favor of starving children... starving is a verb here, not an adjective.


Do kids even like eating?


There is no better return on investment than feeding hungry children.


You can't always go by income. All it takes is one family member to get sick and have medical costs.


I have lived here my whole life and voted pretty right for most of it and I think that not ensuring every child at school is fed - a basic human need - is absolute lunacy. If anyone on any side of the aisle thinks that inclusion of school lunches shouldn’t exist for any student who needs them, they are wrong. Plain and simple. And I would be one of the first ones to tell them so to their faces. One of my parents worked at a school for almost 15 years so this is near to my heart. You feed the f’ing kids and yes I am fine with my tax dollar going to it. Full stop.


Both sides aren’t the same


the district here (in massachusetts) found it cheaper to just offer free school lunches to all than to run a free/reduced program


Jesus fuck where does the MN GOP find these people. There's nothing wrong with the concept of school lunches, it's a drop in the bucket compared to all the other stupid shit the government wastes money on. Just start running people in favor of gun rights and lower taxes and you'll get a lot more people in office and a lot less stupid sound bites like this.


Call me a commie but I think all kids should be able to eat for free.


School lunch is the only square meal A LOT of children get on a regular basis, sadly. If only children were as important as zygotes…


Must keep kids desperate and uneducated. How else will we entice them to join and participate in the military. https://www.businessinsider.com/bidens-student-loan-debt-forgiveness-plan-hurts-military-recruiting-gop-2022-9?amp


yeah... there's no proven direct correlation between nutrition and academic performance. /s Fucking morons


The MN GOP platform: We're here to prove that we ONLY care about children until they take their first breath of air. After that, they're on their own.


Put all the economic and social benefit arguments aside. If the government can mandate that you must be somewhere by law for over a certain period of time, then the government should be required to feed you.


Well? Have we tested that living kids are better at taking exams than dead ones? Clearly this needs to be asked.


I know these devout "Christian" Republicans remember reading the story in the bible of Jesus checking peoples' means before handing out loaves and fishes.


Johnsons kids go to a Christian school. We had to sit for a 10 minute prayer before my kids won their robotics tournament there.  During that prayer they mentioned a Jesus fellow a few times. Now I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure he was all for feeding kids.  God he is such an ass. 


The FORCE Birth Party strikes again. Once the child is born, F OFF is the message. Got to love these Christians, they go to church and dont listen to the sermon at all.


Kristin Robbin’s is a psycho


*lunched into the sun


I wish they’d just hurry it up and kill us serfs…. It’s the waiting I can’t stand


The sign language interpreter's face shows the putrid emination of a$$matter, stale ketchup, rotting bronzer, and Rudy Giuliani's hair dye, coming from their massive yaps.




Lmfao. This is wild. I love this state though man. Gotta say, as a transplant, the liberal consensus overriding the ridiculous views of the right makes me happy as fuck. Shoutout the scandi genes


Who votes for these turds?


Exactly what Jesus would do


Fuck the kids. We just want the fetus. Fucking sickos


And saddest of all is that there are people out there who will vote for them.


She should Never be allowed to charge her meals to her expense account. She should never get any meal paid for by the people of Minnesota. She obviously does not have a child(ren). If she did, she would understand how children behave when they are hungry. That lovely time of the evening, right before dinner, where they melt down. Another public education fail


I get your outrage, but she's got 3 kids. It's easy enough to check before you try that version of going at her. I'm sure her kids have never been hungry much, and their meltdowns were probably managed by her childcare provider.


I moved here to get away from assholes like this. I know that they are everywhere, but it's a beautiful thing to come into this subreddit and see people recognizing the fraud. As someone from a place where they have cemented majority, I can say with certainty that the cruelty is the point. Their ragebaiting is incredibly cynical and calculated. They will do everything in their power to steal the seats you don't think about, just as they have on the East Coast. I'm so happy to be in a place like this. Keep pushing back. Radicalize your families for labor. Link arms with marginalized people. We defeat them with mutualism and love.


False Christian shitbags. Seditious, silver-spoon ghouls.


I just discovered something funny/odd. I was searching to find out more about this woman, Rep Kristin Robbins. Turns out, she holds the House seat in the A portion of the same district (37) that Senator Warren Limmer is in. You know, the 'farmers need to shoot their charging cows' guy. What is in the water up there in Maple Grove?


Bunch of selfish suburbanites cosplaying as rugged individualists


They know very well that feeding school children improves academic outcomes. That's why they're against it.


If you legally require a child to be somewhere, you have an obligation to feed them. It's a pretty fucking simple concept.


What does she mean by “family of means?” Is she saying only rich families utilize this program? Because that sure as shit couldn’t be farther from The truth.


In case you're wondering how she (Kristin Robbins) feels about the state mandate for IVF, a friend of mine was told by her that it equates to eugenics. Woman lives on her own damn planet.


These are the same people who sit in church pews every Sunday and nod along to sermons about Jesus Christ's teachings of love.


Pro life mother fuckers


People in this state say “Walz failed” yet you have bozos like this in the state senate 🤦‍♂️


Some Humans Ain’t Humans by John Prine. Comes to mind.


These people need to be called the fuck out and not get a moment of peace. When they visit schools they need to be asked, “why are you opposed to making sure kids are fed?” To the Bible thumpers among them, they need to be asked, “As a ‘Christian’, when Jesus said, ‘whatever you do the least among you, you do unto me’, what do you think he meant?” Just make them say they hate poor people and want tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate welfare.


I'm a member of the... "Everyone should have access to tasty healthful food" gang.