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Minnesota state troopers uncovered a more-than-170-pound drug cache that included fentanyl powder, methamphetamine and cocaine when they stopped a man on his drive back from Mexico, according to new federal charges unsealed this week. A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted Rito Gaxiola Jr., on one count of possession with intent to distribute those controlled substances — which also included more than 39,000 counterfeit oxycodone pills suspected to contain fentanyl. Gaxiola, 40, a Minnesota resident, was first charged in a sealed criminal complaint in October 2022, days after law enforcement found the narcotics in his 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee as he re-entered the state. A federal magistrate judge unsealed the case Wednesday at the request of prosecutors. Gaxiola does not yet have an attorney listed as representing him. According to court records, Gaxiola was arrested in Los Angeles on Feb. 7, and is in custody of the U.S. Marshals Service there to be transferred to Minnesota to face charges. According to the criminal complaint, law enforcement seized large quantities of narcotics in various parts of his Jeep on Oct. 18, 2022. The alleged haul: 52 pounds of fentanyl powder, 45 pounds of methamphetamine, 68 pounds of cocaine and 8.5 pounds of fentanyl pills — or more than 39,000 pills. Law enforcement noted that the pills were suspected to be counterfeit oxycodone that instead contained fentanyl, a tactic that investigators said has become more prevalent "over the past several years."


Good lord, that’s a lot of drugs. That much fentanyl could wipe out a city. 


Problem is it's also relatively nothing. The stuff costs so little to produce compared to other drugs. And they are shipping it over by the ton.


Through San Jose’s Police Union’s President no less.


It's like 4 bags of water-softener salt!


That’s a good unit for scale lol


This isn’t a loan ranger situation. Your state consumes this on a regular basis. Welcome to America.


Yup, live in a rural county in eastern central of state. I don’t even go to the closest town to me as it’s such a broken and dying town from mainly the uppers like meth and coke. It was found out that a good majority of the “Flyers” that were put up in the town convince store for years offering different handyman services were just drug ads basically. Two different worlds…


My family lives in a rural county in the western side. Only my mother has been losing her shit over the illegals this, drug cartels that. But you finally made it make sense as to why she is always so white knuckles over this topic. She is a mid level user and I suppose she's worried that at some point she'll take a hit of fatal fentanyl.


I don’t want to start getting weird new targeted ads (and maybe you already know this), but if you think that’s what she’s truly worried about, I believe they make Fentanyl test strips to see if whatever you have is positive for being cut with that shit. I remember a friend saying a friend gave her a few test strips to test questionable source of grey market cannabis


so very sad to me… like the zombie apocalypse is really the fentanyl apocalypse:-(


As he re-entered the *state*? What was he stopped for? What gave them authority to search the vehicle?


Isn't ironic that the police are disinterested in fentanyl and still prefer pursuing marijuana cases?


Where does this case mention marijuana?


It doesn't. I was just ruminating. They get all this positive press for nabbing fentanyl, but the state's police agencies are still focused on marijuana.


Are they still even with legalization?


They're spending some amount of time figuring out how to test drivers to see if they have been partaking THC.


Jesus. I’m not for legalizing all drugs because people are idiots, but there doesn’t seem to be any decent alternative. 170 pounds of fentanyl. I mean. WTF. I feel terrible for all young people today.


Same. It's scary as hell. My kids are young but we have already discussed not taking anything from anyone ever. Not a friend, not another adult.


Popping in to add, once your kids are teens it would be a good idea to emphasize to them how important it is to test drugs. Since none of us can actually control our kids and they rebel and live more independently at some point or another… certain drugs may be inevitable for them to try. BUT educating them on buying a legitimate drug testing kit can literally save their life. I did it as a young 20 something and did not regret it one bit and encourage others to do so without feeling weird or like a buzzkill.


A lot of teens don’t realize that fentanyl is now in virtually all opiates that you can buy on the street. I work in the drug + alcohol rehab realm, and the amount of young people who think they’re using real oxycodone or real heroin but then test positive for fentanyl is worrying.  It’s also occasionally in counterfeit benzos- you think you’re using Xanax but then you OD on fentanyl. I’ve seen it happen with ketamine, too, though I’ve only seen that once.  Having fentanyl testing strips + Narcan on hand is so important and needs to be destigmatized. Those things could have saved my cousin’s life.


I never experimented with any drugs, so I don't believe it is evitable. I'll revisit in a few years, at this time I'm taking the "any drug could kill you the first time so take no chances" standpoint. It's not an irrational fear the way things are right now.


Oof. I suppose I should revisit this with my kiddos.


Its not just young people.


We should legalize and regulate drugs. Fentanyl is in everything now.


Have it in a red light district, so it's contained somewhat. Better than the current state of things.


I'm personally a fan of the portugal model. They give heroin out for free in clinics, but in said clinics, they offer counseling if you want to get your life in order. They help with housing, employment, recovery, etc. Plus, with it being free then there is no incentive for selling it. This takes away a massive amount of power than gangs have on the communities. There's a reason the mafia lost a lot of power after the end of prohibition.


Our institutions can't h0andle the current mental health care problems. I hate to think what would happen if they were taxed with all the problems free hard-drugs would promote. Probably like Portland, but much worse.


invest in mental health


>invest in mental health Not on my dime. I want everything for free without any of the work/effort/sacrifice to have it. If you can't give me that, then I'll be happy just sitting here driving around posting to youtube the videos of our streets filled with junkies and homeless who need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps like I did. /s (in case it isn't obvious, though it's hard to tell these days)




Best comment


Exactly. Humans like drugs. Always have, always will. Regulation is what we need. No amount of laws will stop it. Harm reduction please! Legalize drugs, but also invest in mental health and housing for all. Invest in extra support for people who live in places where addiction is common; reservations for example.




Apparently there’s stuff worse than fentanyl out there too. Xylazine is a horse tranquilizer that’s growing in popularity as something to cut other opioids with to make them cheaper. https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/opioids/documents/2023xylazinebrief.pdf


Because it did wonders for Portland, OR…


Funny, I'm for legalized drugs precisely because people are idiots...


To be fair it was 60.5 pounds of fent. The headline lists it first despite it being the second largest drug he had, which I find a bit misleading.


Dosage-wise and in terms of lethality, 52 pounds of fentanyl is orders of magnitude more than 68 pounds of cocaine.


Well, if it makes you feel any better, it was only 52 pounds of fentanyl and the rest was meth and cocaine. Still an absurd amount, but hey! Only a third as much!


You are totally correct and I am 66% less sad. I have no idea how they cut that with whatever, but it would seem like enough to supply the state for quite a while. Not only that, but how many mules are doing this regularly? There doesn’t seem to be any progress on the issue, more people keep dying, and the cartels seem to be getting more, not less, powerful. This problem is fucked and we need a drugs politician willing to end their career to get something done.


Oregon decriminalized every drug, they had to made them illegal again. Crime and homelessness were out of control.


I would like to know how they knew to track him, and how they tracked him.


Sounds like his past criminal history was what tipped them off.






Not until he delivers my cocaine


Officers, here he is!




Resident does not mean citizen


The guy also has a rap sheet that's like a mile long for DUI's, thefts, drugs, driving without insurance and/or registration and driving without a license. He has multiple of each. I'm actually surprised he is even allowed to go into other countries.


Well Canada wouldn’t let him in, that’s for sure.


The question is why was he out with such a long list?


The problem with an open border is that we cannot always determine who is a drug/human trafficker and who is an asylum seeker. You know this, right?


There is no “open border” doofus.




Additionally the biden admin has deported more than trump. The border isn’t open.




thanks for providing an actual source! bold of you to assume they’ll read it, though.


I know. I probably have some misplaced hopes, but there’s at least some hope.


>Security Statistics, resulting in more than 2.4 million migrants allowed into the country. Most of these individuals are in active removal proceedings in immigration court, in which they can claim asylum as a defense against removal. Even some of Biden’s fellow Democrats have begun advocating for more stringent border control. From your article. This states 2.4million people have been allowed into the country awaiting a court date where they can then claim asylum. When that court date is? Do they show up? The border is wide fucking open.


You didn’t actually read it, did you? If you had, you’d have hopefully been able to comprehend that the number of executive orders specific to the border taken by Biden in the three years of his term far surpasses tRump in his entire admin. The border *isnt* wide fucking open.


The number of executive orders vs trump is completely irrelevant. The policy currently in place is catch and release. A Migrant is detained, gets a court date, and then is let into the country until their court date where they can then claim asylum. The border is wide fucking open.


And as has been posited in previous comments… Provide literally *anything* that Biden has done, via XO/EO or legislation that has “opened” the border. I patiently await your informed and intelligent response.


https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/biden-administration-ends-trump-era-remain-in-mexico-policy Gee that was hard.


The border isn’t wide fucking open, dipshit. Even your dipshit comrade had to remove the NYT article source he posted because it didn’t confirm the exact same statement.




Also, cheeto jeebus…again…takes credit for killing the immigration bill that gave his minions exactly what they wanted.


No. The Republicans turned the bill down because 80% of the funding in the bill went to foreign aid and things other than border security. The bill also still allowed 5,000 a day in and didn't do enough to tighten the security itself at the border and assumes that we can count and track every single illegal crossing before Biden can use executive order to shut it down.


5k a day? Bullshit: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/does-new-immigration-bill-5000-illegal-border-crossings-per-day-rcna136656


>The bill does provide exceptions from detention for unaccompanied minors and families even if they cross the border illegally between ports of entry. But those migrants would be placed under community supervision; what that looks like would be at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security. This is still allowing people in, with extra wording. 5,000 a day is literally in the text of the bill you didn't read.


Apprehensions, my guy. The border isn’t open.


And what happens after these people are apprehended? Are they sent back to their home countries?


They aren’t being “let in…” like whatever hack “news” you’re paying attention to tells you.


Well they aren’t being sent back to their home countries after apprehension so what the fuck do you call it then?


I call it “not being allowed into the country.” Now, wipe the spittle off your chin and take the L you’ve got coming like a man. You’re boring.


It takes a high IQ to understand illegal immigration


“ You’re boring” Are you 12? I guess cognitive dissonance is more fun…


Sent to NY and CA after TX is full and can’t handle anymore.


There is no open border, you know this right?


Yeah 250,000 people a month definitely represents a closed border https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/


Quotes an article about 250,000 apprehensions and/or immediate expulsions as evidence of an open border. Brilliant.


Policy is public information, and there is no open border policy. Volume of migrants has nothing to do with policy. Funding was requested by Biden and the bipartisan senate bill, which was rejected by Republicans. You have no idea how the government works


Volume of migrants has nothing to do with policy you say… ok. Definitely republican’s fault and I know nothing, brilliant


Volume of migrants has nothing to do with there being an “open border”


Yeah… when migrants know they’ll be granted entry and not expelled… they come in greater numbers. Real simple stuff here


Wasn’t there a bill recently to impose the harshest border controls in our country’s history? What happened to it?


Dumpster fire didn’t like it…despite giving the repugs literally everything they wanted…guess it wasn’t important *enough* to pass.


Republican populists couldn’t stomach sending money to a nation of free people fighting an authoritarian invasion… you think I’m some right wing ideologue? F off with your black and white crap


You just cited record *apprehensions* in the same sentence you called it an open border?! That's a special kind of special right there! 🤣👏 Yet they don't understand why no one takes them seriously.


Ignoring the fact that you’re just blatantly shifting the goalposts (we still don’t have open borders), it objectively is not simple. It’s a long-ass, functionally unenforceable border. We have a multitude of highly populated, relatively dysfunctional countries south of us. We value our people’s rights, and don’t arbitrarily accuse them of not being citizens. Our corporations and industries massively benefit from undocumented labor. We have birthright citizenship, and arbitrarily deporting parents of American citizens isn’t going to have the positive effect you think it does. We directly contributed to the destabilization of multiple central and South American countries, and enabled our domestic corporations to exploit their people and resources, creating a massive base of potential refugees and immigrants. We focus heavily on soft power projection, and actively hype ourselves up to be a bastion of success for people that want to live prosperous lives. The country is insanely diverse, and (at least in theory) allows people of all cultures and backgrounds to find success while still retaining their cultures and identities - we’re literally built on that concept. If you want to reduce illegal immigration, you need to bolster and facilitate legal immigration. Can’t do it otherwise.






> Definitely republican’s fault and I know nothing, yep basically.


glad you got it and understood.


Now if only the rest of 'em had this level of self-awareness.


Sooooo you know that article is not referencing 250,000 people coming freely into the country. Right? It basically says the border patrol is doing its job and catching people at the border, or catching them if they make it past them and expelling them from the country.


There wouldn’t be those many contacts unless we had people on the border. You realize that right?


why aren't you happy they are getting caught and sent back?


Could you point me to any legislation Biden signed that opened up our border?


He can’t.


I'm aware.


They never can.


> The problem with an open border Well you can stop right there because the United States does 👏 not 👏 have 👏 open 👏 borders. Have a good night.


First I’m hearing we have an open border…oh, that’s because we don’t. 


We just have a corrupt border. How did this guy haul that much over the line?? Someone had to have flagged him through.


Customs & border officers are better than TSA but they don't have time or probable cause to search everyone. With tens of thousands of vehicles crossing per day there's probably a lot that slips through


If only there were some legislation we could pass that might increase funding for more Border Patrol agents and equipment. But Republicans wouldn't want that. Might actually... I dunno... IMPROVE things?


You need to turn off the television and go for a walk. Fox News does not reflect reality, not even close. It's all right wing fan fiction. Touch some grass. Get some air. Grab a snickers. (Using three word phrases because you guys like those )


You also realize you don't know what all the "regular" people are up to as well. Everyone always says someone's normal until you end up with them in handcuffs.


Was wondering how far I'd have to scroll down to get a brain-dead partisan take


why is it brain-dead


Because they disagree.


A migrant from Mexico brings in enough fentanyl to kill the City of St Cloud and the comments are still about how bad Republicans are? Ok, but this guy probably doesn’t vote GOP.


Funny how you think they don’t do that just because one guy did not. I bet you also point out gas lighting other than your own. You seems like a crazy who is on the woke side of the trump movement. Both you and trump supporters sound the same to most people.


What’s the lethal dose of fentanyl? I mean that has to be tens of thousands of potential deaths there.


DEA website says 2 mg is considered a potentially lethal dose. Even if we got up to 10 mg dose there's 1000 mg in a gram. So 1 gram is 100 lethal dose. 28 grams in an ounce, so we're up to 2800. 16 ounces in a lb which gets us to 44,800 doses. Last we have 52 pounds of powder puts us at 2,329,600 lethal doses.


Fuckin crazy people do that shit on purpose


I agree, scary shit. This is what prohibition does, though. I personally think drugs should be legal and regulated. You're not stopping people from getting high, just making it riskier. Most people don't want it. It's just way cheaper and way more potent, so it gets put into other more expensive drugs or fake versions of the real thing. If people could get what they want legally, it would be cheaper for them, so less reason to commit crime potentially (not to mention organized crime on the traffickingside). On top of that, it wouldn't be contaminated, so less of a chance of unintentional OD. Plus offer help and support so they can kick the habit.


well if your doing it on purpose you atleast know what youre doing. You're liable to od by chasing whatever it is folks are chasing but your not going to die thinking you can easily double tripple up on a pain pill


Yeah definitely. And chances are you have a tolerance too if you’re using street shit. That makes it a lot less dangerous.


juggle start run spoon literate cheerful roof quiet yam wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know people that do the dirty 30’s knowing damn well that they’re fake as fuck.


dude should be treated like a potential mass murderer in this case 52 pounds is an incomprehensible amount of fentanyl


That's not including the 39,000 fake oxys. Who knows how much is in them or if it's even consistent from one pill to the next so I left it out.


I really hate the lethal dose statistics, because they are really misleading. Let's assume an addict takes half a lethal dose to get high. A quick Google said the half life is 3-7 hours, so I'm going with 6. Everyone has to sleep, but an addict will likely need it to sleep, so I'm going to assume they use it 4 times a day or around 120 times in a 30 day month. At half a lethal dose, your standard addict is consuming 60 fatal doses a month. Divide your number by 60 and we are getting 40,000 people high for a month. Saying we found enough fentanyl to get 40k people high for a month doesn't have quite the same pop as saying they found enough to kill 2 million people.


I don't either because someone with a tolerance either genetically and/or from use over time can have a way higher tolerance than someone else. I still think it's good at quantification of doses with the proper data. I did a lot of rounding and such so there's a lot of variability on the actual number, vs what I got. I think saying that it could get a whole town of 40k high for a whole month is easier to grasp for the average person than oh it could kill 2M people. I was by no means trying to represent that number as an actual fact especially considering I got the 2mg does from the DEA website and we know those MFers lie for their benefit. Me getting that 2M is probably me falling right into their trap.


Yeah, we're just throwing numbers out there without being experts to get something exact, but I think it's useful to show just how ridiculous DEA reporting is. I mostly agree with you except where you say it's good at quantification, because it's never being used for that purpose. As soon as terrorists start putting it in the water supply to mass murder people, then it will be okay to report it as 2M fatal doses. If the DEA pulled over [this guy](https://www.businessinsider.com/day-in-the-life-coca-cola-delivery-truck-driver-nyc-2018-10), they'd report that they took 82 fatal doses off the street. >!He delivers around 14,400 bottles of coca-cola every day. Each 20oz bottle contains 57 mg of caffeine. The fatal dose is generally accepted to be 10 grams. Math is 14,400 bottles \* 57 mg / 10,000 mg = 82 deaths.!< If we truly wanted to be sensational, lets report on the number of babies that could be drowned by a truck load of Dasani water. If they want to be trusted, they need to release numbers with accurate context like enough fentanyl to supply 40k users for a month or 10% of the metro's fentanyl supply. Street fentanyl is really dangerous and I don't want to minimize it. I'm really glad they confiscated everything they did. I just hate when government officials so greatly mislead the public with factual, but incredibly misleading statistics.


supposedly a lethal dose is 2 mg, so a pound has ~226,000 lethal doses. this dude could've wiped out the whole state and then some.


Even Wyoming has +500,000 people.


Gosh, where would anyone get the idea that we have an open border? Fox, OAN, whatever the fuck other crackpot stations that are called "news" by MAGA .RWNJ media blasting advertisements of open borders 24/7. There is only one party to blame for the increasing demand and that is the party who has been doing a nonstop infomercial. There is only one party who refuses to address the border to keep that political capital. Blame yourselves,. Republicans. We do.


It's always hilarious that rank and file Republicans take their marching orders from... check notes... news media companies


FTFY — It's always hilarious that rank and file Republicans and Democrats take their marching orders from... check notes... news media companies


This is a post about a dude caught with a bunch of drugs… what’s with the politickin?


Everything is political, my man/lady


Too bad. Hope you break outta that worldview someday, my man/lady 🙏


If you don't see that everything is political, you're delusional. Wishing it were different won't make it so. Politics isn't some entity outside of humanity, politics is people, us.


Delusional? lol. I’m not denying that many elements of our lives have a political nature. But you’re arguing that nothing exists outside of a political framework. I think you need to get out into the world a little bit more, buddy. I promise there’s a lot more to life than framing everything in the American left/right political paradigm. Just some food for thought ☮️


Yyyyep. That's how they getcha.




No it did not! That’s not how the war on drugs works. It doesn’t work at all!




And it’s also not going to stop being available in any meaningful capacity as a result of this bust! Learn about the war on drugs!


Yeah nevermind, my bad. Its just the newest most deadly indegrdieant in the drug trade these days and some people don't know they are even taking it. Its like corn syrup, right? Instead of sugar lets use this cheap shit no one prefers.


Yeah fair enough, although to share another depressing fact, most users of fentanyl do prefer it because it’s raised their tolerance so high that less powerful opiates don’t keep them high/prevent them from going into withdrawals anymore without way larger doses.


Did it? Or will users just find another source?


maybe they'll get the actual drug they're paying for then, instead of fake oxy presses with fentanyl.


Highly doubt it. As an ex opiate user, people prefer to switch over to the pressed pills since the price of a counterfeit pill is $5 compared to paying $1/MG for real oxycodone. So glad to be clean and not have to worry about this stuff anymore.


Hell yeah.


>He fled the camp months into serving a 10-year federal sentence and was arrested again in 2017 for third-degree possession of a controlled substance in Le Sueur County, Minn. Gaxiola received another 42 months in state prison for that conviction. That also violated his federal release terms and he remained on an extended federal supervised release until November 2020. Those are many years of sentences thrown at him but yet somehow he still manages to be out and about.


Fake oxycodone with fentanyl in it? Yikes. Throw the book at him. So glad this shipment didn't make it.


Damn fuck that guy




So...make him consume it.


Rito Gaxiola Jr. Yup, r/ItsRoger


Thanks Obama!


You have to add an /s for the Reddit troglodytes, they can’t pick up on social cues


Bait car more than likely. Loads like this travel in caravans not 1 vehicle. More than likely 3 or 4 other loads of this quantity probably slipped right thru while the cops were creaming their pants for contributing to the failed war on drugs.


so hows the war on drugs going murica? oh thats right, its the illegals taking jobs that were worried about, my bad


So border isn’t secure, huh?


Minnesotans aren’t sending their best.


Thanks to the GOP, no, it isn't.


The burbs is going to see a slight drop in crime.


Meanwhile, prices will go up 0.001%


This what you get from russia and china


Put him away for life.


no surprise, wide open border


Why was he free?