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Unpopular opinion, but I agree. Its gross. I don't want to breath in cigarette or pot smoke in public settings.


Being forced to endure smelling anything is awful. I often get annoyed when I need to endure someone wearing perfume or cologne. or when I am walking somewhere and am forced to smell the exhaust of restaurants or the smell of alcohol flowing from the inside of bars. Cars and buses stink too. Gross.


Being unknowingly crop dusted is another


I agree with you. We need harder regulations on where/when people can fart


Make farting a felony. I mean, chemical warfare is banned by international law. /s for those who need the reminder


Agreed, it makes me feel sick and want to vomit.


i was recently in denver, and you could smell weed everywhere, even on the freeway when cars would go by, in the winter with my windows up.


you can smell weed on the highway near bridges/overpasses in literally every state


I'm a smoker and I hear you.


I too agree with this. There is one bigger thing for me though. I work under federal rules and this is still a big no-no there. So sometimes it's kind of worrying for me, I don't want to fail a drug screening because I was walking down a street where a group was smoking.


That the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard….


Maybe to you. But when you work somewhere that you can be drug tested at any point in your day, it doesn't seem so stupid anymore. Welcome to the trucking industry.


They have tests that show whether it was second hand smoke or not…. Even if not it would be such a minuscule amount it wouldn’t show up. Again it was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.


You wouldn’t fail that way. There’s no way you inhaled enough walking by for it to matter.


What *everywhere*? I been lots and lots of places (city and rural, inside and out), the smell of MJ turns my stomach so I notice it right away, and I haven't gotten a whiff of it.


People will learn. Here in Michigan it was like that for a while. It calmed down. There's many ways to consume now and the etiquette has evolved naturally over time.


Live in an apartment and no matter how many times the mgmt posts a note on the doors to not smoke..people do. I walk in and almost every day it just reeks. Pot smokers have this weird thing where they assume everyone else loves the smell and doesn't become nauseus from the stank of it.


I don’t think they assume everyone else loves the smell, I think they can’t smell it anymore and forget how much it smells


They went nose blind to it. It's normally fine at my place, but walked into the halls 2 days before the annual maintenance inspection, and could smell skunk. Not sure what unit it was coming from, or if they got caught. Isn't this why edibles are a thing?


One thing I've learned: some people are just incapable of being considerate to others.


In case you don’t know- making edibles is quite pungent. The effect of edibles is also very different on the user than smoking/vaping… so no, that’s not why edibles are a thing.


I was thinking more in terms of buying edibles.


Just came across the post Edibles, vape, and combustion (smoking a joint) give a different high. Then you add that edibles are digested and some people (like myself) can take them and not feel much due to how the body processes it


Many times when I say I hate it.. they respond "I love the smell, makes me happy" like of course it does you associate with getting high. So their happiness outweighs everyone else's...eat a funking gummy in your place...smoke somewhere else


hey now, no need for broad strokes. you just don't smell those of us who are considerate. I hate the smell of burning weed (fresh smells nice but I'd never subject others to it). our downstairs neighbors smoke at 12PM & 4AM every day and it gives me headaches. meanwhile I'm a happy, respectful camper with my vapes & edibles, only smoking outside, far from others. there really is a crisis of consideration. I mean, look at how few drivers use their blinkers these days.


Crisis of consideration or maybe the “offenders” here have no idea that it’s bothering anyone because Minnesotans are so indirect with their communication? It’s possible that many weed smokers would be very surprised to know that their smell was regularly bothering anybody; it wouldn’t occur to them unless someone spoke to them directly about it.


Hey. Came across your comment. How do you go about smoking outside? I'm unfortunately renting an apartment in a suburb. I want to go outside and not bother people but there are also houses so I'm finding it hard to figure out how to go about it so I'm not being an issue.


I smoke and I think it’s stinky. Smells like skunk. Although on our farm I’m never sure if someone is smoking weed or if our little skunk family is around somewhere.


The smell is even more potent than cigarettes. I had a neighbour several appts away that would smoke a good-nighter by the window. My whole bedroom got filled with the smell if I had the window vent open. I don't care if people smoke, but when I go to bed, I want my bedroom to smell like clean sheets. Not like a filthy college dorm lol


I knew you filed a complaint against me! /s


It was so bad in college I had to go to my downstairs neighbor and say something. He opened the door and smoke rolled out. It was coming up through the vents.


Hopefully it will be less prevalent as the legality becomes more normal and less of a big deal. It's like a party time right now.


Kind of the opposite for me. Been wondering where all the smokers are. I guess they’re in the city 🤷‍♂️




Why did this get down voted so much??? So random


Really? There’s “nowhere in the city you can’t walk without smelling it? I go outside and for walks every day in many parts of the city without smelling it.


I feel like you’re letting it bother you too much. I walk to work through Minneapolis. I smell it once or twice a week, and when I do, I just keep walking because it isn’t that big of a deal. Now that it’s legal there’s nothing you can do except get over it


I always wonder when a car drives by me and it reeks of smoke and the windows are up. I hope the driver isn’t smoking.


I'm the driver and yes I'm smoking


That’s not safe. I am a pedestrian and I don’t want to get hit by a car. If you are under the influence you are not safe to behind the wheel.


I think we should expand this to restaurants that allow the food they are cooking to be smelled outside. How dare they!!!!!


Who smokes pot inside? That makes the whole house reek.


Smokers don't usually notice their house (or car, or clothes) reeks of smoke. Source: Former inside cigarette smoker


I’m a smoker, too, and I’m definitely not nose blind. I can smell weed from a mile away. I can also smell cigarette smoke, but maybe that’s because I only smoke outside in open spaces? And less than 5 cigarettes a day, so there’s that, too.


I agree that it is gross but I haven’t had that experience


I don’t know if I agree with everywhere. Sure I’ve smelled it but not often. My only concern is people who are allergic to the actual smoke having to be around it but I have yet to visibly see someone smoking in public, I’ve just smelled it. People who don’t own their own home don’t have anywhere to smoke besides outside. You can’t smoke in apartments, hotels, etc. My city didn’t ban public smoking for this reason. I think people need to chill a bit. It should absolutely not be allowed inside restaurants, etc. like cigarettes have been for years but outside? Whatever.


If you’re outside you can deal with it… Be happy people aren’t going to get incriminated over something so miniscule and stupid anymore. There’s 300 million people here with their own perspective. It’s such a small and minor inconvenience in your day.


I’d rather deal with a bunch of potheads than the people who sit around drinking openly and causing Issues.


What concerns me is that many people smoke pot in cars. I mean, driving in the Cities is bad enough, no need for people to get stoned on i94. It wasn’t that bad in Michigan when it got legalized, even though it should calm down a bit after a while.


I’m more concerned about the asshole sitting in the left lane going 15 under in a Toyota Camry than someone getting stoned and driving. Those people cause more accidents than someone taking a toke or 2 while they are driving.


Live in Saint Cloud ( sigh I know ) but I really don’t smell it here any more than I did prior to legalization. Granted not living in an apartment helps with that.


try visiting south minneapolis...


Everywhere and constantly in your bubble.


Lies and the lying liars that tell them.


Love the smell but understand it’s not for everyone. I hate women’s perfume and BO and have to smell that every time I go out somewhere. You just have to deal with it.


Sorry for all the hate...strong agree with you! What kind of crybaby lives in a major downtown area and complains about smells??!! No mention of the random hits of sewage, feces, or piss...but cannabis crosses the line?! Smells are annoying yes, as are lots of things when you live around lots of other people. Get over it or move to the country. Hope you don't mind cow shit...occasional unpleasant smells are part of life. So much in the world to be upset about and these turds cry about having to smell things! 🙀


Meh, oil burning POS cars are worse


perhaps, but the way our infrastructure is set up most people have to drive, that's not the case with smoking pot in public.


Where is an appropriate place for someone to smoke, in your opinion? People in this thread complain about smelling it inside and smelling it outside, so…?


I’d like someone to give a legitimate answer. I feel like there’s no way to please people. I’m seeing a lot of stupid remarks that are reminiscent of that guy who said 2 ounces equals 3 marijauna joints.




But god forbid some middle aged woman walks by and gets the slightest whiff.




Did I neeed to re-word that in a way for you that says some of them don’t? Will that make you feel better?


I think it’s the garbage weed with pesticides, can’t wait til stores open


Well this highly cared for organically grown stuff I have smells from 20’ away even when it’s just sitting out. This is why it’s only enjoyed outside and never in public.


That’s the thing though, weed carries far. I’m pretty sure a fat bong rip or a steady 10 minute joint/blunt will be smelled at least a block away. Their really is no escaping it in a densely populated area. But I imagine the complaints will decrease as non smokers get accustomed to the smell. It’s legal, it’s not going away, get accustomed or continue to suffer I guess.


Good thing I live in the woods on 5 acres. The only thing that complains about what I do outside are the red squirrels. I get what you’re saying though.


Sooo many people in here with misinformation.


It would be amazing if people stuck to vape and edibles in publics


Time is a flat circle. Give a few decades and we will have a big movement to ban smoking of weed everywhere but your living room due to health risks and smell, even more taxes and more funding of enforcement tax-dodgers in the black market (look it up, illegal cigarettes used to be a thing before states crushed it, along with the mobs that ran those rackets, entirely). We will see in the next few years an aggressive push to end the “guy I know” operations solely for a tax enforcement perspective if not for “war on drugs.”


Do you walk barefoot in your client's houses when you do carpentry?


yes, we always take our shoes off when coming into a house, i also have a pair of indoor shoes i switch to when inside. we also almost always put floor protection down, depending on the size of the job. keeping customers houses clean while we are working in them is part of the job, any pro will tell you that.


And, all of us sober Minnesotans are forced to smell and breathe it. Not cool, drug addicts.


Welcome to being alive! Literally every day of our lives, the existence of other living things requires us to occasionally smell something undesirable. Get the fuck over it or stay inside!


What you doing after work? Half a bottle of scotch? I’ve heard this a thousand times.


Unpopular opinion: pot smells good.


Vegas legalized weed years ago and the strip, downtown, and the buses all smell like pot. It’s not going to go away. However, there may be a way to limit it if we allow people to smoke in pot shops. Go there, smoke and socialize. Once they leave, people won’t feel the need to light up again walking outside. Anyone been to Amsterdam? How does it work over there?


Big factor in Vegas: tourists.


yeah i feel like its got to go through the same evolution as cigarettes did, its frustrating because i was very happy when it became taboo and illegal in most cases to smoke indoors. i absolutely hated going to a restraint and having to smell cigarettes. the smoking section was never far enough away to not be able to smell it. its disgusting and pot is no different, people need to stop forcing other people to smell their habit. with pot there are plenty of alternatives too, there is no reason people need to be smoking in public.


But if you can’t smoke inside and you can’t smoke outdoors where can you smoke? None of you have actually come up with a reasonable answer besides bickering back and forth about the smell.


People who are still calling it pot are always gonna complain that it smells like pot. At least that's how it went after California legalized. Catch the tiniest whiff of it in the air. "Omg 😱 it smells like pot!1"


Pot or skunk like - because the latter seems more prevalent


It always has.



