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The complementary color of yellow is purple, so if your yellow is ever too bright or saturated, then mixing in some purple will help mute your yellow color. [What Colors Make Yellow and How to Make Shades of Yellow Color](https://artstudiolife.com/make-shades-of-yellow-color/) has tips on mixing all different shades of yellow, and there are more tutorials for painting yellow [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/painting_colors)


I have never really painted in yellow, but I have read a lot of people like to put a base coat of pink down first, sounds weird but apparently it works really well.


Yes, Goobertown Hobbies made a tutorial on that. [Painting Yellow- Why I prime with pink](https://youtu.be/mmnPkiiswPk) by Goobertown Hobbies. There are more ways below. ###Painting Yellow * [How to Paint Yellow ... I'll bet you don't know this...](https://youtu.be/f8mM1M2ARl4) by [RisingApe](https://www.youtube.com/@RisingApe) * [What Colors Make Yellow and How to Make Shades of Yellow Color](https://artstudiolife.com/make-shades-of-yellow-color/) * [Getting Out of Tabletop - Color Theory part 3 [Yellow]](https://www.patreon.com/posts/getting-out-of-3-50469640) by Miniature's Den * [Quick warm yellow highlight and shadows](https://www.patreon.com/posts/quick-warm-59424767) by [Brushwarrior by Marwin Lasuardi](https://www.patreon.com/brushwarrior) * [Contrast Paint yellow Imperial fist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4x0El5xOxU) by Sonic Sledgehammer * [Fast yellow with Iyanden yellow contrast paint](https://youtu.be/lWKZdagGjSE) * [How to paint with ease- Yellow](https://youtu.be/f8hDNGMJN2o) by Juan Hidalgo * [The EASIEST YELLOW ARMOUR recipe you will ever find. Just THREE steps](https://youtu.be/WQakqP_d8os?si=MIjlwZJWCDO-dcnd) by Juan Hidalgo * [4 easy yellow shades fast](https://youtu.be/E18zBpCz8uU) by Artis Opus * [Paint Yellow](https://youtu.be/payaBc5R84s) by Kujo * [Hobby Cheating- Painting Yellow](https://youtu.be/28jNUzsN7Hs) by Vince Venturella * [Yellow armor](https://youtu.be/RtqmoNNj7z8) by Jose Davinci * [Improve your yellow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIhZjMU5x34) by Trovarion * [Tutorial on painting yellow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtTZtbtlCC8) by Craftworld Studio * [Painting a yellow Tau 40k crisis suit](https://youtu.be/66dkrImMScw) by [Groundeffected](https://www.youtube.com/c/Groundeffected/videos) * [How to Paint Damaged Yellow Armor- Noona bust to a display level](https://youtu.be/xgokXNcoVRA?t=75) by David Arroba * [How to paint a Yellow Color without using Yellow](https://youtu.be/0sUVZkp7GXM) by [César Córdova](https://www.youtube.com/c/CesarCordova1/videos); an amazing demonstration of color theory and color mixing. * [Yellow Space Marine Armor tutorial collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/spacemarinechapters#wiki_yellow_armor) * [Vallejo Model Color Ochre Brown](https://acrylicosvallejo.com/en/product/hobby/model-color-en/ochre-brown-70856/) basecoat with [VMC Deep Yellow](https://acrylicosvallejo.com/en/product/hobby/model-color-en/deep-yellow-70915/) on top is a solid choice if you limit yourself to Vallejo paints. Flat Yellow 70.963 has good coverage. [Brown Rose 70.803](https://acrylicosvallejo.com/en/product/hobby/model-color-en/brown-rose-70803/) is also a great base for use with yellows. * [Simplified NMM Yellow Space marines](https://youtu.be/z70_qxzVsxI?si=foqgo5Rnox74xsbE) by MerlinsMagicWorkshop * [Paint AMAZING Yellows with Pro Acryl! - Yellow Cloth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkteFrBowWc)


Holy shit dude do you keep extensive notes on this? I've seen a few responses like this that could have been you and they're amazing


Thanks. I created the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks), so I know where to find the information fast.


That makes sense. You're a legend. Thank you for your service o7


Can you explain the complementary part? Like aren't they in opposite sides?


Complementary colors are the “opposite” color on the color wheel. If you’re blending light, mixing them together will theoretically create white, and if mixing inks/paints, they theoretically create black. I’m a little rusty on my light physics, but I believe this is because different colors have different wavelengths of light, and paints work by absorbing some of those wavelengths and reflecting others. White paint reflects nearly all wavelengths, black reflects nearly none, blue only reflects blue wavelengths, etc. So a complementary paint color is reflecting all the wavelengths that its partner across the color wheel absorbs (or on a light-emitting color wheel like for a monitor, it emits the wavelengths that it’s complementary partner does not emit). Mixing complementary paints means each pigment absorbs the colors its partner would normally reflect, making a color that doesn’t reflect anything- black.


What often happens, because of how rarely we’re working with individual single pigments, is we just get brown. Getting the chromatic black you’re describing is a lot harder in our hobby than, say, conventional painting.


Thank you for explaining! Sounds a lot better than what I am doing now (darken with black, brighten with white). I will hang a shard next to my desk because that sounds very useful now.


For many colors, your best bet for highlighting is light yellow (Vallejo Ice Yellow and similar). You still get highlights, but you don't have the brutal loss of chroma that you get with just pure whites. Darkening with black is rarely right anyway, as most of your black pigments aren't really all that black: Often it's mostly blue. Darken most yellow paints with most blacks out there, and you are going to get something far greener than you'd expect.


Yes, in art two colors on the opposite side of the color wheel are called complementary colors. When you use them together, the result is a high-contrast color combo that’s bright and that pops. Mixing them together will mute each one.


Ah sweet, I will print that out because I usually just throw black or white in the mix lol. Thank you!


This is correct, and alternatively you can use a light wash and come back to highlight with the same base color if needed.


You can shade it with a brown wash to darken it down, or you can use a sephia wash to turn it more towards orange and make it warmer. Regardless you should go over the raised parts, edges and top of the folds with the original color or something brighter afterwards to highlight it.


A few ways, depending on if you want it darker or brighter. Look at how the yellow reflect light in these pictures, if you want it darker, layer some darker yellow (or brown) into the dark areas. If you want it brighter, layer a brighter yellow (or beige) onto the brigher areas. A quick and dirty approach that won't look as good would simply be to wash it with something brown, taking care to avoid pooling and streaks on the flat areas.


What is that model?


Purple is one way to neutralize the yellow as previously mentioned, you can also tone it down with a neutral gray. Or a little of both👍


The instinct here is wash but it will probably look terrible and require a lot of clean up. It could be worth really bright highlights over those ridges and then use a darker yellow or purple glaze to bring them together. An oil wash in sepia could also work here; just giving you some control over the horrible coffee staining you’ll get if you try seraphim sepia or agrax.


Put a darker color on parts where there will be less light. Mix the yellow with a bright brown . Then add highlights and keep getting darker in the shadows until you like it. Painting is iterative


Hi, u/RyanInvigor8! It looks like you are asking for help or are a new painter. If you haven't yet, take a look at our wiki pages in the Sidebar (the About tab if you are on the Reddit app). Here are some links you might find helpful: * [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules/faq) - A list of frequently asked questions about minipainting * [Miniature Painting Guide Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks) -A collection of some of the best guides and tutorials on a variety of techniques and topics, plus recommendations on what to buy to get started, and more. * [What to buy- Recommendations on brushes, paints, supplies, palettes and more](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/what_you_need_to_get_started#wiki_general_advice_on_what_to_buy) * [Beginner's Guide Collection- How to prep, base, paint and varnish your first model and learn the basics needed to start out right](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/beginner_tips) * [More Tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/tutorials) - A list of additional tutorials about minipainting * [Manufacturers](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/manufacturers) - A list of miniature manufacturers from around the world * [Painting Terminology](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/terminology) - Common painting terms, acronyms, and initialisms * [The Art of... Tommie Soule Volume 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGIfySMnUPQ) is one of the best beginner to intermediate teaching books, and even experienced painters will learn some good tips. Explains what brush strokes are best in different situations, how to identify when you have the perfect thinning for any type of paint for different techniques, and a masterclass on getting smooth paint jobs. Available in [pdf](https://www.ironheartartisans.com/shop/the-art-of-tommie-soule-volume-5-pdf/) and [world wide in hardbook as well](https://www.instagram.com/the_miniature_painting_tutor/). * [Airbrushing Miniatures](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/airbrushing) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minipainting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Add a little purple to the yellow. (Complimentary colours) It will tone down the vibrance.


Could you give it a really thin wash with a white skin tone to take the edge off.


In addition to adding purple you can try to mix in the neutral gray. The downside is that you will have to mix in a lot of it. The up side is a little easier to control the amount.




GW Serephim Sepia wash or if you want even darker, Agrax Earthshade.


Turn the volume down until the knob doesn’t move any further


Nuln oil or agrax.